Hello Manager


"Shotaro? What are you doing standing here?" Taeil asked the Youngest staff standing far away staring at the Soulless Photographer sitting on the chair.

"Ah S-Sunbae!!" Shotaro jumped up scared at the sudden voice. Taeil chuckled at his clumsiness.

"Why are standing here? I asked you to give the concept book to Director Chen right?" Taeil asked pointing at the book Shotaro was holding.

"Ah?'s just Director looks a bit..." Shotaro laughed nervous pointing at the Director.

"Wae...what happened?Taeil looked closely at the Photographer who suddenly looked like he had lost the world.

"Did... something happen?" Taeil asked confused and a little worried. Shotaro shook his head shrugging.

"He was fine in the morning before I met you...but suddenly he became like this?"The maknae said pouting confused.

Sighing Taeil decided to ask the depressed Photographer itself.

"Director Chen?" Taeil called Chen who was lost in thoughts.

"Huh? Ah's you.." Chen smiled his smile not reaching his eyes.

"Is everything okay? You don't look so good." Taeil asked worried.

"Yes yes Everything is fine....for now...haha" Chen said smiling bitter looking up.

"I don't quite understand sir...Are you really okay??" Taeil was now sure something was wrong with his boss. Sighing Taeil looked at shotaro who stood nervously.

"Did you say something to hum before you came to me?" Taeil asked whispering to Shotaro.

"I only told him about our schedule today...Ah! His expression did change after hearing it..." Shotaro said thinking a bit.

"Schedule? Kai and D.O album shoot only...." Just then it striked the assistant director.


Shotaro looked up confused. "Did you find out the reason sunbae??" He asked hopefully eyes twinkling

"Did you forget what happened last time?" Taeil asked smiling.

"Huh?...ohhh." Realising shotaro covered his Mouth.

"Why today? It's Friday... I was looking forward to this day...those two will-" Both the staffs looked at the Director who was almost close to tears.

"Director Kim...It's no use if you sit like this..." Taeil tried to bring Chen back to his original form.

"Should we just cancel the shoot?" Chen asked quickly holding the assistant director's hand with desperate eye.

"You know we can't do that... not when most of the things are ready..." Taeil said looking around at the staffs who were getting the set ready.

"But still-"

"Director Chen..." Taeil called sweetly sending a shiver down Chen's spine.

"If you cancel the shoot, it's me whose going to have the bigger load...So Can we get going?"

Chen gulped, looking at his assistant. Even though Chen is the Boss, Taeil can be quite scary when it's regarding work.

"Haha Yes yes...I was just joking." Chen quickly laughed trying to calm the almost furious assistant.

"Ah is that the concept photos? Let me have a look!" Chen quickly picked the file from Shotaro and looked through them.

Sighing Taeil picked up his phone getting messages that they were almost ready. Excusing himself, Taeil went on to take care of the rest.

"Don't worry we will do our best to make this work." Shotaro tried to cheer Chen up, determined to make it work. Chuckling Chen ruffled the maknae's hair.

Soon everyone were ready for the shoot, only the models were needed to arrive.

Chen noticed his two Bestfriends coming with their idols. Chen felt a sudden chill around him.

"Hey Dae!" Baekhyun called out walking towards them. Chanyeol too gave a short wave to him. Praying hard that the shoot go well, Chen greeted the them.

"Good morning Chen!" D.O and Kai greeted excited.

"Ah Good morning! How are you both?" Chen asked smiling happy to see both of them in better condition. He was quite worried after the Sasaeng incident.

"We're fine. I hope we are not late..." Kyungsoo said glancing at his watch.

"Eyy No No...You guys are right on time." Chen said winking playfully. Chen noticed Baekhyun and Chanyeol were awfully quite which made Chen quite uneasy.

Will the shoot be alright?

"You guys can go and get ready. I'll ask the staffs to guide you there." Chen quickly called one of his staff and asked them to show the artists to their green room to get ready.

"Ah okay then, see you later hyung." Kai said as D.O and Kai followed the staff.

"Then we'll get going too..." Baekhyun said as turned towards them.

"You two. Stay here." Jongdae said stern stopping his Bestfriends.

"What is it?" Chanyeol asked confused. Jongdae looked at them seriously.

"'s Friday." Jongdae said taking a deep breath.

"Yeah it is. Did I say it's Saturday?" Baekhyun asked sarcastic rolling his eyes. Chanyeol tried not to snicker. It's always fun teasing Jongdae.

Jongdae glared back annoyed.

"Listen you little- *Sigh* Look...i need you two to promise me something?"

"Ah What is it?" Chanyeol asked impatient.

"Promise me you won't ruin the shoot today and That means! Don't you dare fight today!" Jongdae deadpanned folding his arms.

"Why would we ruin the shoot??" Baekhyun asked quite offended.

"When have we ever ruined your shoot?" Chanyeol asked clearly denying the truth.

Jongdae let out a dry laugh. "Yah...Are you kidding me?" Jongdae asked suddenly serious making both the managers take a step back instinctively.

"4 years back during JM Ent's 5th Anniversary photoshoot. You broke two of my lights. And the 3 years ago, During summer shoot for JM idols both of you broke my Exclusive camera while trying to choke each other. And last year!!-" Jongdae stopped midway trying to calm himself.

"Last year- Trying to stop you two...You two tore my limited edition GC jacket which I waited for almost A year to buy." Jongdae said choking, his emotions resurfacing.

Though Jongdae acted dramatic Both the managers looked away guilty.

"So both of you better not do any funny business or else I am gonna ban you both from entering my set!!" Jongdae warned taking a deep breath.

"Okay fine! We won't do anything...." Baekhyun said mumbling looking away.

"Yeah...Don't worry. You won't even know we are here!" Chanyeol said grinning trying to change Jongdae's mood.

"If you understand than it's okay... I'll be watching you two..." Jongdae said folding his arms leaning closer to us.

The staffs started calling Jongdae to start the shoot. Jongdae walked away as he did the 'I have my eyes on you' gesture.

"Aish...What does he think of me?" Baekhyun mumbled folding his arms.

"Pft-" Chanyeol tried not to laugh.

"Yah...Why are you laughing?" Baekhyun asked glaring at the the taller.

"Boya...Are you starting a fight so soon?" Chanyeol asked teasing slightly bending down.

"Am I the one starting it?" Baekhyun asked rolling his eyes.

Chanyeol shrugged in response, standing back up straight.

He's doing this purpose isn't he?!

Baekhyun thought clenching his fist.

"Did you get home safe yesterday?"

The Sudden question caught Baekhyun off gaurd, loosening his hands.

"Am I a kid or what? Ofcourse I reached home safe..." Baekhyun said folding his arms, mumbling the last part softly.

"Yeah not a kid. That's why you drank something from a stranger and almost ended up at some- Mot- mmph!" Baekhyun quickly shut the tallers mouth with his hand.

"Shut. up." Baekhyun whispered, glaring at the taller. Somehow Chanyeol was having a lot of fun teasing the latter.

*Thump Thump*'s here again.

Chanyeol could once again feel his heart beating faster. Still not understanding this weird feeling whenever he's around Baekhyun.

Baekhyun quickly noticed the staffs were now staring at them and he was also too close to the taller. Baekhyun quickly removed his hand and stepped back.

"And stop talking to me. Someone might start thinking we are friends." Baekhyun said shuddering at the thought.

"I'd rather jump of a clif than hear rumours like that." Chanyeol said with same expression as Baekhyun.

Baekhyun couldn't agree more.

"Then it's better if we don't see each other....then I am going to see Jongin." Baekhyun said clearing his throat and walked away.

Chanyeol saw Baekhyun's disappearing figure. Chanyeol had strange feeling to follow him. Chanyeol quickly shook his head at the absurd thought.

Chanyeol decided to distract his mind with arranging D.O's schedule.

Soon the shoot started, and D.O and Kai Started their Duo shoot. Chanyeol could see both the Idols having fun with thier shoot. And Jongdae too was very much satisfied with the results.

Chanyeol was relieved to see both the Idols back to their original selves. Though still a little pissed at the stunt they pulled two days ago.

Chanyeol decided to take few pictures for some spoilers for the fans. Just as he was taking the pictures, His eyes fell on the manager, who was fixing Kai's hair.

Chanyeol took a closer look at Baekhyun through his phone, who had his eyebrows scrunched in concentration. And how Baekhyun's lips were pressed into a thin line while adjusting the idol's hair.

Hearing one of Kai's ridiculous joke, Baekhyun started laughing, his eyes turning into cresents. And unconscious smile played on the taller's lips watching the latter.

"Okay! Then you guys can take a 20 min break and have your outfits changed for the next shoot!" Jongdae said smiling. Chanyeol quickly snapped back to reality.

Chanyeol quickly shoved his phone into his pockets and went to his Idol to check on him.

"You good?" Chanyeol asked handing Kyungsoo an energy drink.

"Yeah! Doing photoshoot with someone is a lot more fun than doing it alone!" Kyungsoo said excited, his lips making his famous Heart smile.

Chanyeol chuckled at Kyungsoo's excitement.

"Well if this Album does well, I am sure this Duo group would do more albums like this.." Chanyeol said smiling. He knew how much Kyungsoo and Kai had worked on this album.

"D.O-shi!" Kyungsoo looked back at the staff who were calling him.

"Oh! I got to go!" Kyungsoo said quickly handing me the drink and rushing to the staff. Chanyeol let out a huge breath and looked around.

He noticed Baekhyun was no where to be seen.

Where did he go? Did...he go somewhere?

Chanyeol thought looking around. Somewhat it made Chanyeol worry.


Why do I care where he went!

Still his eyes wandered around as went he get to get a drink for himself. Shaking his head Chanyeol quickly went to grab a bottle of water to clear his head.

"Ah Manager Park!" Chanyeol looked up to see one of Jongdae's staff.

Was it Shotaro..?

"Ah yes?"

"D.O-shi wanted to give his phone to you. He had forgotten to give it you earlier..." He said smiling sweet. Chanyeol felt like he looked at a little chick.

"Ah Thanks." Chanyeol said returning the smile.

"Hehe it's no problem! I am just doing my -" Shotaro was quickly interrupted by ring of his phone. Shotaro quickly excused himself.

"Ah yes- Huh?? But we informed you two days before itself...- O-Okay then I'll check quickly and call you back." Shotaro spoke quickly nervous.

"Is everything okay?" Chanyeol asked worried.

"I don't know....seems like the props we ordered were a little mixed up...." Shotaro said quite panicking.

"It's okay...I am sure we have some time. You should go and check it out." Chanyeol said calmly, trying to calm the nervous staff.

Chanyeol remembered Jongdae talking about his maknae staff who was a bit clumsy, but had a great eye for Photography.

"Ahh I need to give this to Director Chen too." Shotaro said clutching onto a magazine.

"You can give it me. I was gonna meet him anyway." Chanyeol said assuring. "Really? That would be a great help!" Shotaro thanked his eyes gleaming. Shotaro quickly handed the magazine and rushed off.

Seeing Shotaro, it reminded Chanyeol of the time when he first started as an manager.

Chuckling, Chanyeol looked around for his bestfriend. He decided looked at the magazine in his hand to wait till Jongdae comes.

Chanyeol looked at the model on the cover of the magazine, who looked oddly familiar.

Do I know him...?

He read the headline.



Exclusive interview.

Oh well...he's definitely not a model.

Chanyeol thought as he read the headline. For some reason the man looked really familiar to him.

"Oi Chanyeol!" Jongdae popped behind the manager, Making him jump in surprise. Chanyeol gave a short glare at the photographer, who simply smiled innocently.

"Where the hell did you go?" Chanyeol asked annoyed trying to calm his soft heart.

"Yah...I am a human too. The nature called me." Jongdae said winking. Chanyeol rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Oh yeah...I wanted to ask you. Why did ask about Baekhyun last time?" Jongdae asked recalling the time Chanyeol asked about Baekhyun's childhood.

The sudden mention of Baekhyun's name made Chanyeol's heart skip a beat.

"It's nothing! I - I was just Curious...." Chanyeol said looking away.

"When were you ever curious about Baekhyun?" Jongdae asked suspicious.

"I am saying the truth!" Chanyeol said exasperated. Jongdae still looked suspicious.

"Anyway...I wanted to ask you something too..." Chanyeol said softly.

Since he actually doesn't have much friends, Chanyeol decided to clear his head through Jongdae.

"You see...I have a friend..." Chanyeol said rubbing the back of his nape with his free hand. Jongdae nodded to continue.

"And he's been feeling a little weird..."

"You've been feeling a little weird?" Jongdae asked confused.

"Not me Idiot! M-My Friend!" Chanyeol said defensively. Jongdae rolled his at the obvious lie. Being friends with him for almost 12 years, It's very easy to tell when Chanyeol is lying.

"Okay okay! Your friend... What happened to him?" Jongdae asked folding his arms. Chanyeol let out a deep breath and spoke.

"So...there is someone who's been bothering him. And...they aren't particular on good terms with each other...but..." Chanyeol trailed off looking down, thinking what Baekhyun made him feel.

"Hmm Go on..." Jongdae asked quite curious.

"Nowadays...that person has been on his mind a lot. He... Sort of...worries? about that person... And sometimes he just wants to tease that person a lot... His heart does some weird stuffs...? He keeps wanting to see that person but not exactly wanting to see that person...and he just feels weird when he around that person ..." Chanyeol rambled clearly not making much sense. But somehow Jongdae could get the jist of it.

"*Sigh*What exactly is wrong with him..." Chanyeol said looking down.

"Hmm..." Jongdae hummed thinking hard closing his eyes. Chanyeol looked at his friend who was in a deep thought.

"This could mean only one thing..." Jongdae said seriously looking at Chanyeol.

"You know?" Chanyeol asked widening his eyes.

"Do you- I mean your friend feels like his heart beating fast when he sees that person?" Jongdae asked thinking. Surprised Chanyeol nodded his head.

"Then it's confirmed..." Jongdae said taking a deep breath. He looked Chanyeol in the eye and spoke.

" that person!" Jongdae said his face completely serious.

"Oh..WHAT!! NO I DONT- I MEAN THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME!!" Chanyeol rambled completely flustered. Jongdae noticed how the taller's cheeks were turning red.

Me? Liking Baekhyun?? No way...!!

" this some cliche romance fanfiction, where the main lead is so dense he can't be clear of his feelings? It's so obvious..." Jongdae asked rolling his eyes.

(Author: Ah..*cough cough* Ahem...-!!)

"Well since you've been solo your entire life I can understand..." Jongdae said shrugging his shoulder.

"It's not about me! A-And he definitely doesn't like that person!!" Chanyeol said defensively his ears turning a bit red.

"Arasaw Arasaw your friend.... Then how do you know he doesn't like that person?" Jongdae asked smirking, trying to corner the taller.

Even though he jokes around a lot Jongdae is pretty quick to catch on to these things.

This was definitely a bad idea to ask him!!

"Then anyway! who is that person? Is it a person I know? Is it from your company?" Jongdae asked wiggling his eyebrow, latching onto the taller.

"Aish shut up! I am an Idiot to ask this to you." Chanyeol said clicking his tongue at the end and pushing the photographer off him. He smacked the magazine onto Jongdae's chest.

"Here. Your maknae staff asked me to give you this." Chanyeol said giving the magazine to Jongdae.

"Yah be careful!" Jongdae said dusting the magazine. Chanyeol rolled his eyes at how dramatic Jongdae was.

"But....I thought you only did Showbiz Magazines....I didn't you did Business magazines too." Chanyeol asked putting his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah I usually don't, but he's a Hyung I know, and he requested me to be incharge of the shoot. So I decided to take the project.' Jongdae said waving the magazine.

"A Hyung...You know?" Chanyeol asked curious.

If Jongdae knows him then...

"Then by any chance...Have I met him before?" Chanyeol asked confused. Suddenly Jongdae froze.

"W-What?" Jongdae asked laughing nervously.

"'s just...he looks a lot familiar that's why..." Chanyeol said shrugging. "Was he our School Sunbae?"

Looks familiar?

No way...did he recognise him?

"No No...I mean he's about 10 years older than us, and why would a Third generation chaebol go to our school? Hahah.." Jongdae said laughing awkwardly at the end.

"10 years? He looks quite young though..." Chanyeol said looking at the magazine on Jongdae's hand. Quickly Jongdae held the magazine close to his chest.

"Y-Yah...I think it's time to start the shoot. I'll get g-going then!" Jongdae quickly rushed to the set leaving Chanyeol alone confused.

"What's wrong with with him?" Chanyeol spoke to himself looking at the photographer who was acting weird.

The rest of the shoot continued and was finished earlier than expected.

Chanyeol checked his watch and it was almost 6:00 P.M.

I thought we would drag till midnight...No wonder he's one of the top photographer.

Chanyeol went to check on his Idol who was exhausted.

Chanyeol noticed Kyungsoo changed back to his clothes and lying on the couch. He quickly grabbed his phone and took shot of the sleeping idol.

Chanyeol wondered if he should upload the pic on Insta or not. He quickly looked through the pictures he took during the shoot.

Suddenly one of the picture caught his attention.

Huh...? This picture...of Baekhyun?

Chanyeol noticed how Baekhyun's eyes were in cresents when he laughed. He almost looked like a puppy. Unconsciously a smile spread across the taller's face.


"What are you smiling at like an Idiot?" The sudden voice made the manager jump up in surprise almost dropping his phone.

Chanyeol saw Baekhyun standing in front of him with his hands in his pockets.

Did he see?!

"N-Nothing!" Chanyeol said quickly shoving his phone into his back pocket. Baekhyun looked at him suspicious. Chanyeol looked away a little guilty.

When did I take a picture of him??

And I thought he was cute?!!

"This makes wonder if you were really seeing something you shouldn't be seeing..." Baekhyun asked smirking stepping forward.

Chanyeol suddenly felt difficult to breath.

"It's nothing like that! I was just looking at some...puppies!" Chanyeol said clearing his throat.

Well it's not exactly a lie... Baekhyun did look like a puppy...

Wait what?!

Ughh this is all that Dino's fault!!

"Really? Then show me! I like puppies too~" Baekhyun said smirking taking another step forward. Too close for Chanyeol's heart to handle. Flustered Chanyeol started looking here and there.

"Oh Jongdae! Here!" Chanyeol saw the photographer coming towards them.

My savior~

Frowning Baekhyun quickly looked back at his Bestfriend...who looked like he was about to cry?

Chanyeol let out a releived breath seeing Baekhyun back off.

Chanyeol looked up at Jongdae confused.

"You guys ~" Jongdae called out tears rolling down his cheek, hugging both of his bestfriend.

"Y-Yah...why are you crying??" Baekhyun asked a bit flabbergasted. Jongdae let go of the two and looked at them in pure happiness.

"These are tears of happiness..." Jongdae said wiping them off.

"Y-You guys didn't fight today and the shoot went smoothly! How could I not be happy!!" Jongdae said smiling happy. Both the managers looked at their best friend in utter disbelief.

"You are way too dramatic..." Chanyeol said rolling his eyes.

"Yah...You have no idea how stressful it becomes when you two come for a shoot together." Jongdae said smiling biting his teeth.

"Well anyway! Since today's shoot went well and it's Friday, I'll treat you guys to dinner tonight!!" Jongdae exclaimed excited.

"What's with you and Friday?" Baekhyun asked weirded out.

"I'll tell you guys later~ " Jongdae said winking playfully.

"Huh? Jongdae hyung is treating us dinner?" Jongin jumped excited behind Jongdae throwing his arms around his shoulder.

"Yeah...Since I am in a great mood." Jongdae said smiling wide.

Kyungsoo who was sleeping too woke up with all the noise that was happening. Not too happy that his sleep was disturbed.

Everyone suddenly felt eerie aura behind their back. Chanyeol quickly tried to cheer up his idol. "Oh you got up? Get ready...Seems like Jongdae is treating us dinner." Chanyeol said chuckling at the end.

Soon everyone one packed up and we're ready to leave. Jongdae asked the managers to follow him to a restaurant.

Reaching the restaurant everyone noticed, Jongdae getting more excited than usual. "This restaurant is really good. I come here almost every week!" 

It didn't look very grand, but the restaurant had a warm vibe. But Baekhyun couldn't understand when did Jongdae became such a food lover. It was quite suspicious.

"Oh! Mr. Kim...You came today too!" One of the waiter said smiling wide. His chubby cheeks made him look like an hamster. His catlike eyes was one of his charming point. Jongdae could feel his heart beat faster than it beat last time. 

"Hey Xiumin..." Jongdae called sweet, a little mesmerized by the waiters voice. Chanyeol and Baekhyun noticed Jongdae's sudden change in expression. Quickly both the managers understood the meaning  behind Jongdae's sudden action.

Is this why he wanted to treat us? 

"Ah you have brought your friends too. How many people?" Xiumin asked  taking his notepad.

"Ah Yes...Table for 5 please.." 

"Please come this way..." Xiumin led them to their table. Baekhyun and Jongin sat opposite to Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. And Jongdae sat at the head of the table.

Xiumin handed the menus. "I'll be back in while, You guys can choose till then." Smiling Xiumin left the table. Jongdae felt a little disappointed that he couldn't see the Waiter a bit longer.

"Yah is this why you wanted to come to this restaurant?" Baekhyun asked smirking leaning back.

"Hehe...Is it obvious?" Jongdae asked laughing awkward. "Then why is he so oblivious?" Sighing Jongdae leaned forward resting his head in his palm.

"Oooooh" Jongin cooed excited. "Did you confess hyung?" Jongin asked curious.  

"Do you think it's that's easy?"Jondae said frowning. "I don't even know if he's interested in me..." Jongdae mumbled pouting.

"It looks like there is a possibility..." Kyungsoo said thinking for a while. Chanyeol looked at his Idol surprised tha he can notice these things too.

"You really think so??" Jongdae asked widening his eyes. 

"Are you guys ready?" Xiumin came back to take his order. "Ah Y-Yes..." Jongdae stuttered startled looking at the menu. Soom everyone ordered and Xiumin went back. Jongdae once again looked at the waiter in longing.

"How long have you liked him?" Chanyeol asked curious.

"Hmm...Maybe about 9 Months..." Jongdae said thinking. "What?!!" Everyone yelled shocked. Everyone's attention was now towards their table. Flustered Jongdae quickly apologized to the other customers. "Yah! Keep it down you guys!!"

"No..I mean, It been that long and you still haven't asked him out?" Baekhyun asked Shook. 

"I am just waiting for the right timing...." Jongdae said pouting looking down. His cheeks tinted pink.

Is that how you look when you like someone...?

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun who was teasing their best friend. Jongdae's words once again ran through his head.

"Isn't it obvious, You like that person!"

Chanyeol mentally groaned at the new problem that has emerged.

Do I.... Really like him?



HELLO HOOMANS!!! I am back!!

Thank you everyone for your wishes!! My exam went quite smoothly~!!

During this break, I sort of got a lot of ideas for the stroy, I have the complete readt, but i wanted to add some more elements. Cause I really want to show the process of the development of their feelings, But i am still in the begginer stage of writing so I am worried if I'll be able to get the story without dragging too many details. Hehehe....but still thank you all for continuing to read this story.

And i am sure many of you are curious about Baekhyun's Background...Soon I'll get there...Hehe.

Oh Yes!! Happy Belated Birthday to our EXO-Ls!!!

And EMPATHY was so Good! I was listening to all the songs in repeat. 

Thanks to everyone one who Subscribed, UpVoted and Commented and also to all the silent readers too!!

Stay safe and Enjoy your day!!



Oh and some characters profile~




AGE: 29







AGE: 26



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Chapter 26: Yess! An amusement park dateee!!! Why is this story having all the tropes i looove!!💞💞
834 streak #2
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1480 streak #3
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
834 streak #5
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1480 streak #6
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #7
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
834 streak #8
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1480 streak #10
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!