Chapter 3

The One And Only...

Yoona's POV


I felt myself being splashed by a water, I opened my eyes in a shock to see who did such an awful thing to me. Then I saw a woman wearing a masker, while holding a bucket. I wanted to throw my tantrum on her for doing such thing, but when I intended to, I couldn't move myself, I was being tied in a rope while I was stiing on a wooden chair.


"Don't even think about it." she said with a deep voice.


"Who are you?! Why did you kidnap me?!" I asked with a rise in my voice, I really didn't have any reason to be kidnapped, unless by a stalker, but wait, a woman stalker? That would be impossible.


"I don't have any grudge on you, but I have, with your witty sister." she replied sarcastically. I thought of it, I have so many sisters, which one did she meant.


"Which one? I have eight of them." 


"The one who just saw you earlier."


"Yuri? What are you going to do with her?! She has got nothing do with this! Let me free and don't ever touch her!" I yelled angrily, what's this person motive, I really couldn't tell.


"I don't think I can do that, and she has got everything to do with this. Thanks to her, my dream as a singer and dancer is over. It's time for some payback." she remarked calmly, then she released a knife from its sheath. "I'll start by you, the other seven can wait."


"Wait! don't be ridicoulous! She would never so such thing like breaking other people's dream!!"  I protested, I knew, the Yuri I know would have never done that. I struggled harder, but the rope wouldn't let me go. The girl's eyes showed me their smiles upon my futile effort, I know it's not easy to break out from this rope, but I've got to try, Yuri's in danger.


Yuri's POV


"We should call Siwon Oppa! Who knows he might've seen Yoona somewhere!" I suggested, somehow my feeling told me that Siwon is the best option in the SM Entertaiment, since he's the closest friend to Yoona.


Donghae nodded at my suggestion, and then he picked up his phone and started to dial Siwon. However, as minutes passed by, his face turned into a frown.


"The number you are calling is inactive, please try again--"  Donghae irritatedly hung up the phone before the operator finished her sentence, he sighed deppresedly. "Yul, sorry, but Siwon's not available..


"Then what should we do?! Can we at least be a bit of help! She's my best friend, Donghae!" I yelled in frustration, venting my anger to Donghae Oppa.


"And he's my girlfriend! I'm stuck in the same position as you! I should've watched her shooting from the it comes to this.." The two of us lowered our heads, we would like to shout and scream to someone, but to someone who's really responsible. We realized a fight wouldn't be a solution.

Yoona's POV


"You're dead. Im Yoona. Don't worry, you'll meet your friends in the afterlife." she said arrogantly, while taking position of stabbing me.


"SOMEBODY HELP!" I screamed loudly, but there was only her who listened to my scream.


"Yoona!" suddenly, I heard a sound of slamming door and a man who was barging into the room. Oh my, it's him!


Curious for who its him ? Wait for Chaps.4 :) 


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{The One And Only} Author change username from --icecream to -xblame


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Chapter 12: Please... Update Soon... I'll keep waiting to your post... :)
zoeyqq #2
Chapter 12: Nice story! Can't wait till you update the story! I am really curious about who that guy is and what is the ending.please update soon!!
Chapter 12: when will you update? because seriously this is a beautiful fanfic. PLS.. update soon :)
I'll be waiting
Courtney234 #4
Chapter 7: This fanfic is awesome hope it will be completed soon
Chapter 12: Wow nice story pls. uPDATE! Thank you Ü
hcrystal #6
Chapter 12: Cute!!!!!...update soon hwaiting hae oppa is very jealous at you oh oppa :D
xxxonedear #7
Chapter 12: intersting..please update soon :)
Chapter 12: hae oppa.. so sweet.. just stay on yuri's side as always and take goood care of her.. :D
great chapter..