
My Dark Moon

        Kwangmin arrived home at seven in the evening. They ate their dinner quietly except for Minwoo and Kwangmin sensed something was up. He looked at Lady Victoria for something but he got another look which means I’ll tell you later. After eating they went to bed and Lady Victoria casted a sleeping spell to make sure everyone is asleep so that no one will interrupt them. He went inside Kwangmin’s and Minwoo’s room and dispelled Kwangmin.


          Wake up young prince.  She said while Kwangmin groggily woke up.

          Am I really your prince or was it just for show?  Kwangmin asked smirking.

          You are… our prince even though… 

            Even though…?  Kwangmin asked her eyeing her every move with his poker face.

            Even though you might be an enemy.  She firmly said.

            What a blunt statement.  Kwangmin smirked.

            I don’t like beating around the bush.  She replied looking firm.

          Well enough about that. Tell me… is there something going on? Why do they have that look on their faces?  Kwangmin asked straight away.

            Let me tell you about our kind first. We are from another world, a world totally different from this.  She said as she walked towards the window and looked towards the moon.

         It’s like living in the past since none of these things here exist there. But we have one thing the people here wants, Magic. In that magical world we have a kingdom, its name Valkir. The king and queen rule it together with the guardians of elements and have protected it from harm. The people have magic down to the lowest peasant but the amount of magic capacity one has got since birth determines his future job in society except for the royalty which is decided by blood relation. Each person can be different but we have one thing that inflicts all people in the kingdom. We are cursed. The curse started after the Great War. Initially, there were six shrines in the palace each pertaining to one of the six elements – pyros for fire, aquos for water, gaion for earth, galuon for wind, liran for light and aran for darkness. These shrines kept the balance for these six elements throughout the kingdom. But one day the shrine maidens of the aran have discovered a large concentration of aran like a spring. They have sent men to gather it but none came back. The kept sending more and more men until that one day, all those that they sent came back but bearing a different persona. They were the same except that black smoke seemed to emit from them that even their hair and clothing became black. The others seemed to notice the difference but they didn’t put it in mind. Then the inevitable happened.  She paused looking at Kwangmin for a reply.

            They rebelled?  Kwangmin asked. Lady Victoria shook her head.

          No they became worse. They killed anyone who was in their way. Friends and relatives alike didn’t matter to them as long as you walk in front of them, you’ll be killed. But those that they killed became like them as if they were possessed by something. As their numbers grew, the fighting spread across the lands. In a last desperate action since it came from the aran, the head maiden of the liran shrine sacrificed her life to rain down upon the aran the element of liran. Everything was restored to its proper order but the head of the possessed ones that we have called arancarr have muttered on his last breath “From this day forth you will be cursed!”. After the battle, the first king in the battlefield of the Mt. Beil is terribly wounded and was having his last breath. As if possessed by something he muttered the prophecy that brought you this fate. It was handed down from generation to generation. But because of this defeat, the head shrine maiden of the aran shrine Hyorin used her powers to transfer the location of the aran shrine. No one knows its current location but through the years arancarr appears out of nowhere but is controlled.  She said but Kwangmin cut her off

            But how does it explain their looks when we are eating?  Kwangmin asked.

         The arancarr cursed us remember? That curse is that whenever a Valkirian have a son, as soon as that son reaches the equivalent age of 15 here or 75 years in that world, the father will start dying. And at his 16th or 80th year the father will die. Your father now Kwangmin, is dying that’s why Lady Sulli and Lord Taemin looked like that.  She said as she looked towards a shocked Kwangmin.

            My father… will… die?  Kwangmin asked as Lady Victoria nodded.

            And it’s starting now?  Lady Victoria nodded again. Kwangmin slumped in a daze to the floor.

            Not only that but the queen will die too by the time you turn 18.  Kwangmin immediately looked to her after hearing it.

            10 years after my father’s death right?  Lady Victoria nodded again sadly.

            Is that all?  Kwangmin asked her.

            There is one thing I could ask you but I guess I can’t stop you if you want to go. Do be careful though if you want to see them exercise caution or learn magic first but I ain’t teaching you.  She replied.

            Yeah… Yeah… like I care if you won’t. Now go if there’s nothing else you’ll tell me, I wanna sleep  He replied.


            Lady Victoria bowed and went out of their room. Kwangmin lay in their bed pondering his next move. He was thinking how or what to do when he visit their world. He knows where the entrance is it’s just a bus away (You guys watched Spy Myung Wol? You know the cave there where they camped? That’s the cave that I’m talking about dunno though if it’s really a bus away). He looked to his right and saw his bag. Disrupting his train of thoughts was the memory of the book that he received. He immediately stood up and went to get it. He opened his bedlamp to dim so as not to wake Minwoo and stared at the book. He grasped the gold ink in the cover as if shocked to what he was reading. On the cover he read


The Ancient Arts




Yay!!!!! done for the April update woot!!!!!!  dunno if I can promise an early update but I'll try... subbies and comments are appreciated woot!!!!!!!!

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19 is up now guys woot! expect it in a couple of days I guess?


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I_am_Myself #1
Chapter 20: Why aren't you updating *cries...
It's already 3 years i guess?
I regret not reading this earlier....
I would have ask you over and over again to update....
Chapter 20: that sweet connection between the twins.
but why doesn't you update this story. i already captivated in this story but i realised that this story doesn't updated in a year. please update author-nim
Update pretty please!
kyuminnielove16 #4
next please. . .
Hitherebye123 #5
I just read every single chapter you have out so far and this is an amazingly written story!! Keep up the good work ^^
Wow I just read it today but I liked it please update so soon ! again xDiee
kyuminnielove16 #7
i can't wait for the next...
new reader ^w^ I love it <3
update soon ^^
kyuminnielove16 #10
next chapter please