The History of Valkir and Allies

My Dark Moon


            Woot another update guys!




            So what do you plan to do to him?  Hyorin asked.

            I’ll cast the Revemerio spell to him.  Kwangmin replied which caused Hyorin’s eyes to bulge.

            Are you sure? Are you even sure you can do it to him?  Hyorin asked with doubt in her voice.

            I know I might fail but this is the only option that can bring Minwoo to Youngmin willingly.  Kwangmin said sadly.

            I sure hope it won’t fail. But I guess you will be lonely by yourself from now on?  Hyorin asked.

            I can manage… I think. Kwangmin said unsure.

            You won’t have to.  Hyorin said chuckling.


            ~End of Flashback~


           She procured a sword out of nowhere and presented it to Kwangmin. He was amazed at the thing while noticing that it looked like what Youngmin was using though again of different color. He held it out and pulled it out of its black scabbard the red blade gleaming in the light. But he felt something not ordinary from the blade as Lady Hyorin stare expectantly at Kwangmin as if waiting what he would do. He returned the blade to its scabbard and threw it in the direction opposite of him.


            Arise!  Kwangmin shouted as the sword became enveloped with black smoke which divided into five.


            Five arancarr appeared at where the sword was supposed to be located and bowed to him while Hyorin was smiling.


            Let me introduce you to the five prime arancarr who embodies the Moon sword.  Hyorin said and waved her hands as if urging them to introduce themselves. The most petite of them all came forward first.

            I’m glad we met now your highness. I am Chaejin, the arancarr water guardian and the scabbard of the Moon sword. I hope to be of good service to you.  Chaejin said smiling a bit of his cool façade seemed inappropriate for his looks. The next was a somewhat tall and a cheeky expression plastered on his face. Kwangmin noticed that his hair was not completely black but somewhat a shade of dark red.

            I’m Seyong, the arancarr fire guardian and the blade of the Moon sword.  He bowed smiling goofily. Kwangmin can’t stop thinking that this guy has a kid personality though being an arancarr. A muscled guy came forward next and bowed to Kwangmin.

            I’m Insoo, the arancarr earth guardian and the grip of the Moon sword.  He bowed his somewhat cold attitude impressing Kwangmin, approving of the manner he expressed himself. Another petite but tall guy came his cheeks looking puffed came forward.

            I’m Junkyu, the arancarr wind guardian and the pommel of the Moon sword.  He bowed while his puffy cheeks getting in contrast with his cool veneer. The last one of them came forward and bowed.

            I’m Gunwoo, the arancarr liran guardian that binds them together.  He introduced himself but his words sent Kwangmin into confusion. He looked at Lady Hyorin confusedly.

            Liran? How can he be from the Liran if he was an arancarr?  He questioned intently.

            Because the word arancarr is only a name to refer to our kind. Arancarr was already present since olden times before the founding of Valkir. It is like just a manifestation of abundance of aran in the body. Though abundant it will never change the inclination of your power just like you. You are an arancarr but you can control the other 4 elements though what happened in the great war was an exception.  She and the other five looked grim probably after recalling past events.

            Why is it an exception?  Kwangmin asked curiously.

            It is an exception because everything was inclined to the aran. Their power… their personality… their soul. Not a single shred of other elements can be found in the bodies of those corrupted. It was as if they were taken over and their minds was bent on destruction. With only that evidence, all arancarr was implicated and accused. The killings started and the great war ensued. With that we fled the castle. With my powers I transferred the location of the aran shrine taking any arancarr we could take in the castle but using transferring magic takes time. Before I could cast the magic many arancarr was killed by the royal phalanx and when I opened my eyes these five were the only ones left breathing and bloodied. I did what I could only do back then and sealed their souls in the moon sword forever keeping them alive but can only take form when summoned. They were asleep since then and I think they are glad to be awake again.  She said and glanced at the five who immediately did stretching moves.

            But that sword, I saw Youngmin weilding the same sword but of different color.

            It was the the Sun sword. In the founding days of Valkir. The first king, King Will, has commisioned  the production of Six wargears to be given to each shrine. The twin swords of the Sun and Moon – the Sun sword for the embodiment of the Sun during the day and the Moon sword for the embodiment of the Moon in the darkness which was entrusted to the liran and the aran shrine. The other wargears include the Gale Bow, the Spear of Earth, the twin Ice Daggers and the Fire Bangles. They are made to enhance further the abilities of the wielder and because of the soul infusion I made to this sword it is more powerful and can wield the other elements. Though if you are outnumbered you can call reinforcements anytime.

            I see but before I trust my life to them I better test them.   Kwangmin said and the other five smirked.





ahehehehe Myname is on the house woot!


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19 is up now guys woot! expect it in a couple of days I guess?


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I_am_Myself #1
Chapter 20: Why aren't you updating *cries...
It's already 3 years i guess?
I regret not reading this earlier....
I would have ask you over and over again to update....
Chapter 20: that sweet connection between the twins.
but why doesn't you update this story. i already captivated in this story but i realised that this story doesn't updated in a year. please update author-nim
Update pretty please!
kyuminnielove16 #4
next please. . .
Hitherebye123 #5
I just read every single chapter you have out so far and this is an amazingly written story!! Keep up the good work ^^
Wow I just read it today but I liked it please update so soon ! again xDiee
kyuminnielove16 #7
i can't wait for the next...
new reader ^w^ I love it <3
update soon ^^
kyuminnielove16 #10
next chapter please