Is mercy = loving your enemy?



Hi! An update!! >.<

This chapter is meant to pave the way for the saga coming right up... so do bear with me!

Do stay and read! *bows*

And please do comment... so I can have an understanding as to how much you can picture the settings. I hope I am not being too ambiguous... since I tend to over describe short things...


In the meantime…

Yoochun had taken day-off for the past 2 days, using the need to clear the leave he had collated over the years of service as an excuse. Yoochun also lied to Junjin that he will be out of town for the following one week, but in truth, he plans to just hang around town with the boy.

Junsu’s wounds are healing, but he would still come down with a fever whenever his dose of antibiotics is due, so Yoochun could not wean him off the antibiotics yet.

Another thing is, Yoochun is not yet aware of the destruction of sector 1. He only found himself enjoying life away from c0dest more and more, with every day’s passing. The slow pace life involving nothing but cooking, cleaning, eating, sleeping and looking at Junsu, was almost heavenly. But ALMOST, since he still has to cook and clean, living in constant fear that his misdeed will be discovered.

POV from Yoochun

The kid had gotten a little better over the past few days… fever subsiding with the effect of medications… even though he is still drowsy and confused. He wasn’t able to wake up initially, and I was so worried that he would need to go to a hospital… yet I couldn’t afford to bring him there. The past few days were pretty harrowing for me.

Plus, he would keep mistaking me for his brother, and only spouts nonsense whenever I manage to get him to open his eyes… however, since he is cute, I will forgive him. I never actually anticipated that he would be such a chatterbox… and I have to admit that he had cheered me up all day round for the past few days. I have never felt so happy ever since grandma passed on.

Time passes really fast when you are enjoying yourself though. I watched television all day with him snuggled up beside me, sleeping most of the time. After all, he would keep holding on to me all the time, saying that he doesn’t want to let go of me because he is scared we will get separated again. I can tell that he really misses his brother… whoever that is… I hope the guy misses him too.

I was still busy sorting through my one year’s worth of letters when my phone rang.

“Yeoboseyo. Chun ah? Boss called… he wants everyone in today. We are in deep .” I answered Junjin’s call, and the last four words sent chills down my spine. My first thoughts were: something big must have happened for him to want us to gather on such short notice. “What does he want?”

“He is coming… and they told me he is looking for the boy. The one that ran away…” !!! SPECIFICALLY?! OMO!!! WE ARE SCREWED!!! The boss hates it when we allow any experiment subjects to escape. He ABSOLUTELY detests such acts of incompetence! Why did he have to come for an audit now?! My stupid “violated” karma!!

“Are they going to do an audit?” I whispered in reply, and there was a long moment of silence before Junjin spoke again. “No… boss is coming for him… specifically… I don’t know what to tell him if he comes... what do I say?” he sounded really disturbed… really worried. We should be!!

“I will… come down now.” With that, I hung up.

Oh no... What will happen if I hand him the report? NO… I can’t! Even though the kid is supposedly dead in my report, he DID manage to run away after all… and that is SO going to reflect badly on my management!! Junjin and I… especially Junjin, might get transferred to the sector working with children. Junjin worse nightmare might come true… and it’s all because of me! I can’t let that happen!

Then on my way to my closet, I saw the angelic little creature, wrapped up under my sheets, snoozing quietly on my bed… and contemplated bringing him with me.  He IS the cause of all my “problems-to-be” after all. If I hand him over, boss will be appeased… and I will never need to worry about anything else… but I DON’T want to!! But do I have a choice?!

Walking over to the bed, I scooped the kid up and carried him on my back, before heading to the main door. Then I stopped again. This is so screwed up!!! I am so determined to just end this bad karma, but my legs just wouldn’t budge!! They remained glued to the floor while I try to convince myself to just hand the kid over. IT’S MERIT OR MERCY!!! Which one should I choose!?! AISH!!!!

If I choose to say that I managed to find the kid, then the organisation will probably let all of us off the hook with just a warning… and probably even provide me and Junjin more capable subordinates…

However, if I don’t… and choose to protect this child, I am definitely in some form of trouble. One way or another, dead or alive… losing an experiment subject means incurring a loss for the organisation… and also reflects the loopholes in our system… and last but not least, we will be “exiled” indefinitely… definitely.

BUT THEN AGAIN, I have to protect this poor boy!! I have wasted some much of my time and resources just to “babysit” him… and I am SO unwillingly to hand him over!! But only because I have spent that much effort on him!!

Okay… I admit it. I can’t hand him over because he is looking so trusting and cute… without a care in the world. He trusts me!! He trusts me!! He trusts me!! I haven’t had anyone reflecting such positive feelings towards me in a very VERY long time!! I want to prove myself to be worthy of this precious trust!! All those poor experiments would only cower and hide when they hear my voice. I never actually interacted with them on general… and that explains why I have never seen this kid before this incident.

Plus, I cannot imagine what they will do to him after taking him back. Insert other bigger needles into his already stick thin hands? Add some more bullet holes to his already wrecked up body? Why do they want him for anyways? He is weak… ability wise. He is just like any of the common “abnormal” kid on the block. He is probably the most normal of the abnormal people in my sector! Can’t boss pick someone else?! Why him?!

I have a plan now though. I shall tell them that he died of natural causes… and make Junjin brief all the guards present to keep the escape part of the story a secret. We will then offer another one of those poor things to “replace” him… if it’s an experiment that boss wants to do. I feel so bad right now… I have to sacrifice another one…

AISH!! Since when have I become such a softie?! I was never this hesitant about getting rid of those… creatures. I shouldn’t address them so “inhumanly”… they are humans after all. NO NO NO!! They will remain as creatures!! Mustn’t forget what happened to halmeoni! Alright… I am finally in consensus with myself, only that kid will not be a “creature”…

OH MY GOD… I am too mind-f***ed for my own good!!

“Hyung… edit the report. Just say that the boy was found died within the facility… we don’t want to look bad right?” I “rationalized” with Junjin, hoping he did understand. He is a very loyal friend who is almost always willing to oblige.

“Chun ah… you sure it will be alright?” he asked. This worry wart doesn’t need to worry. I will do all the taking later. Plus, I have not submitted the report yet! Fortunately!

“Just do it. Tell the boys to keep their trap shut as well. Threaten them with their promotion. See you in half an hour.” I hung up, grabbed my coat and left… alone

Leaving the kid cuffed to the bed rails loosely. I don’t want to hurt him any more than necessary you see. What can he possibly do in such a state of delirium anyways?


On the other side of town…

“Are we clear to go?” Yunho whispered to Siwon while the other tall handsome man “spied” on their surroundings with his mind reading abilities.

The four had finally arrived back to their dorms, or affectionately known as their lair. The entrance to the place is well disguised, and Yunho always made sure no one brings anyone back without him being there as a personal . Siwon is his greatest asset, since he is the brains and also the man that is doing a great job at “mole hunting” and “security checks”.

“Asides from our friendly neighbours three houses down the lane gambling… and the new couple living opposite to us making out, there isn’t any suspicious activities anywhere. Siwon said conclusively, casting a smirk at Yunho. He knows Yunho is pretty egoistic, and expressing gratitude isn’t really his forte.

“God… I wonder how you cope with watching such uncalled-for ographies.” Yunho rolled his eyes as he pushed the sleeping Jaejoong up higher, along his back.

“Hyung. It’s only unprofessionally done. They need they dose of release, so it’s not uncalled for.” Changmin chipped in with the matter-of-factly tone while he climbed the stairs after his older brother.

“Wah! Minnie is all grown up now eh! He actually acknowledged his needs!! That’s great!” Siwon added on to Yunho’s “irritatedness”, but Yunho had kept quiet and actually ignored them, since he does not want to wake the sleeping Jaejoong he is piggy-backing. The duo following behind Yunho and his crush were giggling at the way he is trying to walk more stealthily, considering only about Jaejoong, who dangling off his back.

“SHHH!! Idiots! Stop giggling like little girls and open the door!” Yunho hissed through clenched teeth, staring at them as though he wants blood, and subsequently shutting them up.

The four have just made it back from their most recent mission, to destroy the sector 1 facility, and are worn to the bone. Even Siwon is feeling the pinch of overworking, suffering from sudden vertigo and headaches. Jaejoong was just totally zonked out, while Changmin barely managed to drive them back without sleeping behind the wheels.

Yunho is the only one still alive and kicking, and even he does not know why he can recover from a physical distress so quickly. Yunho is actually capable of regeneration, and is always full of vigor. However, he does not know he has such abilities yet. In truth, he is virtually indestructible.

POV from Yunho

Our mission was a success. I have to say that we had an awesome channel to vent our discontentment and hatred towards the c0dest… and we made full use of it. Or rather… I did… at the expense of ice queen’s energy… and Siwon’s brainpower.

I don’t really feel tired from all the running about and incinerating my surroundings… but I can tell that the other three are bushed. Even Minnie fell asleep while stopping for the traffic light at one point. But he and Siwon are good… they can still joke and fool around! I am more worried about ice queen.

“Hyung. Siwon hyung and I will turn in first.” Minnie said while leaning against the door frame, pulling off his boots and tossing them into the stash at the shoe rack beside the main door.

Our lodging since half a year ago is in this semi-detached, private property… which I got for a fairly cheap price. We live here with a few other of our kind… and you can say that everyone one of our room mates are generally close, since we practically grew up together in school last time. I am closer to Siwon though, as he is my best buddy since even before our schooling days. We come from the same town you see…

Ice queen is the most distant from me… yet he is the one I am most concerned about… both on a professional and personal level!

I can’t help but feel jealous whenever he hangs out with the boys more than me… how he would smile whenever he thinks that I am not looking. He does that on purpose a lot! I wonder if people ever warned him about his smile… his lips the most scarily inhuman features of him to me. Not forgetting those icy cold stares with his hauntingly beautiful eyes and face, on the whole. I don’t call him ice queen for no reasons.

Anyhow, we are back in my room, since Minnie is sleeping in the same room as him, and I do not wish to disturb him. Feeling very much alive, I sat quietly beside ice queen while I bit a chunk off my “brunch”. I am having croissant.

“SUIE!!!” I was busy chewing when a loud scream-cry startled me. I even bit my own lip!! Dang!! I held onto my lower lip and threw my pastry onto the table before closing in on the source of the voice. “Yah!! Kim Jaejoong! You okay?” I shook him by the shoulder.

He had sat up with one forceful movement, and I can see the pure panic coupled with a bit of bewilderment and disorientation, on his face. He then waved his hands frantically while trying to keep my hands off him, casting aside his blanket and running out of the room, down the flight of stairs, in a dazed state. He just kept screaming his brother’s name while I screamed his.

This is the result of too little accumulative rest and too much in one go. It as if sleeping beauty had awakened after a thousand years of sleep and wakes up in a hospital instead of her ancient castle. Forgive my inaccurate depiction of this particular fairy tale… and the inappropriate use for it.

“Stop it Kim Jaejoong!” I shouted at him again and grabbed his wrist while he tries to “escape” through the main door, fumbling at the door knob like that is some sort of rubik’s cube. Then disaster befell me. The cups on the tables went flying out of the window, and soon, it was raining concrete.

“KIM JAEJOONG!! WAKE UP!!” I snapped my fingers beside his ears while he stumbled around the place aimlessly. Finally, after tripping over Siwon’s misplaced shoes and getting slammed into the door by me, he had snapped out of his momentary trance. Oh man… Just look at the house now!!

The couch, tables and chairs are piled up on one another… the lamps are dangling off the ceiling fans… even my door knobs and stair railings are frozen rock solid! The hell!! I was too busy to notice the extent of the damage caused by his “extra-terrestrial” activities earlier… but he has done it again!! His powers can be so redundant at times!! When there is no need to demolish houses, he really has no other beneficial need for it.

“Yun ah! What the heck happened?!” my best friend was the first one to check out the chaos, pulling his hair through his head when he saw the holy mess. Then he just sighed wearily and headed back to bed. He probably misunderstood and assumed I was trying to get fresh with the ice queen, who is just defending himself… considering the suggestive position I am in… which is not actually suggestive at all.

“Can I let go of you now?” I asked ice queen while still having him pinned up against the front door, using my entire body as an obstruction. He nodded his head, so I released him.


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kiattyandbone #1
Dont end at a cliffhanger :(
kiattyandbone #2
Chapter 13: pls update!!
kiattyandbone #3
Still waiting author nim
kiattyandbone #4
Please update this story
It been stuck in my mind for a long time
kiattyandbone #5
I'll be waiting for you~~~
I just now read this story, and I feel in love with out, PLEASE, PLEASE, UPDATE SOON TTATT, thank you ^°^
kiattyandbone #7
Please update this :(
Update this fic if u have a time, ne~ ^^
Chapter 13: GYAH! Just finished every single chapter! OMO SO GOOD!!! :O Soo Man is soo evil and CHUNNIE I HOPE HE IS OKAY!!! TT^TT This entire story had me on the edge of my seat until the very end chapter!!!!!!!!! :O Please update soon okay^^?!? I wish to read more and more and MORE!!!!
Chapter 7: I just started reading this today and...I am in LOVE! Its such a well written-unique story! :D I know you are on hiatus with this story and i told myself NOT to read it...but I couldnt help myself >< I only have 6 more chapters to go before I suffer from your hiatus XD <3 Please update soon! <3 I know inspiration can be hard to find! I

I will wait FOREVER if I have too! (such a good author! <3)

I love Jaejoong's ice queen attitude and Yunhos anger toward him, yet he can't help but fall in love XD Then there is my favorite couple ever OTP YooSu! Junsu is just so adorable that Chun can't help himself! :)

I still feel bad for Susu though :( Poor baby....

Anyways....update soon author-nim! Reader HWAITING and Author FIGHTING! <3 <3