Muddled line between the past and present


POV from Jaejoong

Umma had been the one bringing me and Suie up all by herself for 10 years ever since appa died. I was 5 when he left and did not understand a lot of what was going on... neither do I remember much about him… but I do know that appa was died even before Suie was born. Suie never got to experience any fatherly love whatsoever. My poor brother…

Ever since I could remember, umma has been telling me that I am different... telling me to be aware of people and never to disclose to anyone, what I can do. I could not fully grasp her purpose for telling me all this back then, until I found stuff floating all over my room when I woke up one morning… I even found myself floating sometimes.

The truth is that everyone in my family is capable of doing what I can do… except I can do a bit more than them…

I can still remember clearly, the day umma returned home with baby suie. I remember feeling so excited about meeting my baby brother for the first time, and though umma told me he would be special as well… he still looked really harmless… and very super ADORABLE! Just like a little doll!! I kept carrying him around even though I am only 5… and umma will keep reminding me to be careful with him…

I should have been more careful! If only I was more careful!!!



On that particularly chilly autumn night… umma had awaken me up from my slumber and before I could shake off the sleepineess, we were escaping into the night, with Suie in umma's arms and all the luggages we can manage to stash into the mini cooper. Umma was driving so fast that I thought we were going to crash at some point… so I just stayed really still in the passenger’s seat while trying to pacify Suie. I almost threw up too.

I found myself in some rural country side after almost a day of travelling and we only stopped for a few hours in civilisation before going further down into the valley… to our late grandmother’s house. We never left the valley since then… Suie had practically lived his whole life there. Life was simple… no school… no interactions with outsiders. Umma took up the task of teaching my baby brother to read and write… and I had picked up from there as well. I missed school and my friends at first, but time diluted the feelings of longing. I never asked umma about the reason for our migration either.

We were staying together happily until umma’s passing. Her death was very sudden too. She just collapsed on one fine day and left us. I even buried her myself. Umma did say before that halmeoni… umma’s umma… had died young as well. Apparently… the special ones are very prone to dying younger than a normal person… and though I had not been prepared for her demise, since I was 15 then, I still had Suie with me. I was so confident that I will do a good job taking care of him in her stead... how silly of me…

I took care of him ever since… for 2 years. Suie is a really good boy as well! He looked a lot like umma… and reminded me of her very often. Even the way he behaves resembles her… very mild tempered and sweet. Our characters are actually very much alike. I am a very temperate person as well, but I have to constantly remind myself to be more dexterous… sturdier. To set an example for Suie… and to protect him.

Times were hard and I eventually ventured out of the safety of our home and got a job in the outskirts. I worked really hard and Suie had suffered with me as well. He had to learn to cook for us and clean up the whole place by himself at a tender age… always waiting for me to return before turning in. He stopped home schooling too, because of my incompetence.

Also, since I had to work late many a times, he would eat alone most of the time… but he never complained about being lonely! I know he is… but he would never say anything to me… or pester me for companionship…

Then as Suie grew up, he would sneak out to the valley and play with small animals… gather flowers and even do gardening. He said if he can make us self sufficient with his green fingers, then I wouldn't have to work. He even revealed to me his secret plot of land where he does all his gardening… and I could see that he was glowing with pride when I gave him that impressed look... my lovable baby brother!

But then he started sneaking off further away from the valley and even went to the nearby neighbourhood… and made a friend there. I kept telling him that he was different, just like I am. I even showed him what I could do… he listens… but would never stay still for long. I was so worried about him that I would constantly try to scare him with whatever stories I could come up with… but he never stayed scared for long either.

Somehow… my worst fear realised itself… and that fateful day arrived. I returned home to find him missing that day, and I never recovered from that shock. I was crying for weeks… and quitting my job so I could scour the valley looking for him. He was my world! Still is! He is everything to me! I only had him and loved him very much!

For many weeks, I remained disorientated and at a loss… and was searching aimlessly until I finally spotted a torn off dog tag on the ground near Suie’s garden. Someone even tried to attack me while I was there… and it was then that I noticed this percuiliar tattoo on his hand, while I was struggling to free myself. I recognized the tattoo instantly. The barcode. I will recognize one even if it had been marred… it’s someone from c0dest! That was how I know what happened to my Suie…

It had dawned on me that c0dest have taken my Suie and I constantly wonder why I did not think of that sooner?! I've always thought we were safe in the valley! I should have known better! First off… Suie would never run away. Secondly… he will be able to use his ability against a normal kidnapper for sure, even though his abilities are undeveloped and weak… but if c0dest in the picture, Suie does not stand a chance! I heard they are trained to bring down very powerful ones…

End of flashback


Based on the information I have gathered over these years, I now know about what c0dest does to their 'experiments'. Mother had told me about their cruelty before… and that was also the reason for us to escape from our old home.

The thing is… Umma had been targeted by c0dest and they were tracing her down as well. They wanted us… apparently… since both appa and umma were special. My best guess is that they want to study how the hereditary thing works.

I can only imagine what they will do to my baby brother… and I do not even want to get started on that topic! I don’t want to go there yet! I know it’s a long shot for me! But I WILL find my Suie! I will get him back!! 5 years… 5 damn long years! I had searched the maps inches by inches… done everything I had thought of… never stopping to rest! I know I WILL succeed! I even joined the most notorious group in town just to add on to my resource pool!

After hearing about the gang, I left behind whaever I was doing and spent one whole month sourcing around for invaluable information on the leader… and finally got to meet him. He is indeed as strong as they have described him to be… and I have somehow managed to get him to trust me and accept me… but the journey was perilous. I feel that he is still very dissenting of me… and I have no idea why. Am I being too sensitive?

Nevertheless, he is still being an by trying to humiliate and provoke me today… for the hundredth time!

He knows perfectly well that a few days after today will officially mark the fifth year of Suie’s disappearance, and he has no rights to remind me of that! I haven't forgotten the date of Suie's disappearance… and I will never forget!! That air head just dilapidated me further by stepping all over me, though knowing that I am still brooding over my brother...

I can’t stand him!


Yunho had just gotten information that a 'special one' have escaped successfully and he plans on finding the person to get more information on the hidden facility. He wishes to establish a plan for attack and was in the process of delegating work to the members when he spotted Jaejoong spacing off again. Even though he would usually turn a blind eye to it, he decided not to. The duo ended up fighting and ignoring each other, inconveniencing of the rest of the gang.

Changmin had of course, taken note of his brother and best friend tiff again. However, he knows his brother well, and he knows that the older man will not provoke just anyone for the fun of it. Changmin knows very well that his brother has a crush on Jaejoong, and he sincerely wants to help them build a workable relationship, but they are not the most cooperative. Being sandwiched in between them have caused him many episodes of massive headaches.

“Jae hyung!” Making his way to Jaejoong's usual haunt after the meeting was over, Changmin called out to the lone figure huddled up on the thick parapet as he approaches. The man would always go to that particular balcony when he is upset, and he would just sit there, brooding for hours on end. Changmin had always felt that it is an unhealthy habit.

Jaejoong responded by turning to look at the younger man briefly before turning away again. He is not in the mood to talk to anyone and he is sure that Changmin had gotten the cue. Changmin is the only person that Jaejoong trusts enough to divulge 'personal' and 'emotional' things to, and he had been confiding in Changmin freely since the younger man was the most sensitive to his feelings. He seems to be the only one who has proper words in his dictionary for comforting the down and depressed anyway.

“… Want to talk?” Changmin asked softly as he made himself comfortable beside Jaejoong, leaning onto the parapet. The view from the balcony is marvellous as always, and one can see every top part of the city from there. Coupled by the nice breeze that is always readily available to gently caress a troubled face, the place is as therapeutic as it can get. Changmin can fully understand why that place is Jaejoong’s favourite spot.

“Your hyung is being an again.” Jaejoong mumbled quietly while folding his legs against his chest and resting his chin on his knees, sighing deeply.

“You still get bothered by his childish taunting? ... Just ignore him hyung… no point feeling upset if he is going to keep doing this over and over again.” Changmin replied in a soothing voice, rubbing Jaejoong’s back, comforting the man with his soft gesture.

“I am… I am used to it. It’s just that, today is a bad day... and I am feeling particularly emotional today. I don’t know why.” Jaejoong whispered as he shuts his eyes and enjoys the soft ghast of wind on his pale cheeks.

“Suie? … How long has it been?” Changmin muttered under his breath as he got on beside Jaejoong, folding up his legs as well, making them look like a couple of crouching gargoyles. Changmin guessed that Jaejoong is probably thinking about his brother again, wallowing in sorrow again.

“Fifth year… the day after tomorrow…” Jaejoong replied after a long pause as he hugs himself tighter. He has to go through this 'great depressive epidsode' every 'anniversary', and this is his fifth time. With every year's passing, Jaejoong would wonder why he is still sane and not breaking down yet. Every year, at this time of the month, he would be especially downcast, always crying as well, and this time is no different.

“Hyung… here… you can have my shoulder.” Changmin said slowly as he edged over to Jaejoong’s side, positioning the older man’s head onto his own broad muscular shoulder.

Then they just sat there for the next hour. Jaejoong would cry nonstop the last few years, but this year, he was getting tired of mourning and is running desperately low on options. His search for Junsu have become much more exigent and he has to constantly make himself stay ahead and quicken the pace. Jaejoong knows that the longer Junsu is with c0dest, the higher the chances of him being dead. He can only bank on his brother’s will power to live, if he is still alive that is.

Jaejoong stopped crying after a while and exited the balcony with Changmin still by his side. The man knows that he has more pressing issues to attend to, compared to sitting there and crying. Every year adds on to the likelihood of losing his brother by a whopping percentage, and he does not want to take any chances. Jaejoong plans to look for the man that Yunho had mentioned about earlier on in the meeting, since he does not want to just sit around and wait for Yunho to take action.

Jaejoong quickly returned to his room, packed his bag for a few days “outing” and left without announcing Yunho of his little trip. However, out of courtesy, he did inform Changmin of his personal crusade, but insists that the younger man keeps it a secret for the time being.


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kiattyandbone #1
Dont end at a cliffhanger :(
kiattyandbone #2
Chapter 13: pls update!!
kiattyandbone #3
Still waiting author nim
kiattyandbone #4
Please update this story
It been stuck in my mind for a long time
kiattyandbone #5
I'll be waiting for you~~~
I just now read this story, and I feel in love with out, PLEASE, PLEASE, UPDATE SOON TTATT, thank you ^°^
kiattyandbone #7
Please update this :(
Update this fic if u have a time, ne~ ^^
Chapter 13: GYAH! Just finished every single chapter! OMO SO GOOD!!! :O Soo Man is soo evil and CHUNNIE I HOPE HE IS OKAY!!! TT^TT This entire story had me on the edge of my seat until the very end chapter!!!!!!!!! :O Please update soon okay^^?!? I wish to read more and more and MORE!!!!
Chapter 7: I just started reading this today and...I am in LOVE! Its such a well written-unique story! :D I know you are on hiatus with this story and i told myself NOT to read it...but I couldnt help myself >< I only have 6 more chapters to go before I suffer from your hiatus XD <3 Please update soon! <3 I know inspiration can be hard to find! I

I will wait FOREVER if I have too! (such a good author! <3)

I love Jaejoong's ice queen attitude and Yunhos anger toward him, yet he can't help but fall in love XD Then there is my favorite couple ever OTP YooSu! Junsu is just so adorable that Chun can't help himself! :)

I still feel bad for Susu though :( Poor baby....

Anyways....update soon author-nim! Reader HWAITING and Author FIGHTING! <3 <3