


Hi! This fic was on hold for a pretty long time... and I have decided to update it since I already have the chapters more or less ready.

This will be a double update... and I do apologise for the delay... I am so sorry!! It's been a hell of a week for me!

Please do stay and read... and do give your opinions as well! I will clarify the relationships along the way... so do tell me if this is confusing for you.

More Yunjae as well as JaeSM from now on... *rubs hands together evily*


POV from Yoochun

Junjin is starting to suspect me of hiding the boy instead of getting rid of him… so I played the role of the sad and hurt accused, in order to stop him from questioning me. How can I tell him anyways? He keeps claiming that I look different though… how different?

The truth is, I am bothered by what he said… am I so readable? If he can tell… then I believe that the rest can as well. I did better avoid them as much as possible… can’t risk them suspecting me. That kid will be in danger if they find him… and I can’t let that happen!! … … Aish… that’s me being a babo again!

Strangely, today had passed by painfully slow… and I keep feeling that nagging need to rush home and check on the kid. He was starting to burn up again before I left for work this morning…and according to my calculations; I have injected a dose of antibiotic almost 8 hours ago! I need to give him another dose soon! And the guards are not helping by dragging my time with useless security reports and summaries.

“Fine… you do that.” I allowed one of the scientists one more question, making it a point to tell them that I will not take accept anymore enquiries as I am rushing off somewhere.

I immediately grabbed my car keys and took off from the building after he was out of my office. I am 2 hours late!! … His antibiotic is due 2 hours ago!! … … AISH!! This is driving me nuts!! Why am I so bothered!? I was just telling myself that I wouldn’t give a damn about what happens to him… but here I am, rushing him to check on him.

“Aish! Babo Yoochun!” I shouted at myself as I kicked the accelerator and sped back home. My excuse to Junjin, when he asked about me not staying for over-time, was that I want to spend more time away from work to live my life properly. I even told him I would watch some television and tell him what are the latest shows and trend.

“Click” I pushed the door open hurriedly upon reaching home, and quickly slammed it shut behind me, before rushing into the bed room to check on him. I was actually half anticipating finding him dead… and I was really terrified by that thought, instead of looking forward to it… like I should be. I hate myself!

“God!!” I swore to myself when I saw him. He is still in the exact same position where I have left him this morning. Omo!! … Don’t tell me he really is… dead…

“Kid!!” I went over to him and I shook him by the thin shoulder, but there was no response. But through the brief skin contact, I can tell that he is still burning up. Whew!! … Better than finding him cold right?

“Aish…” I muttered under my breath and untied his hands from the bedrails before proceeding to change the bed sheet. His wound had soaked through the bandage, onto the bed… and he looked as pale as the sheet itself. I can only say that he had lost a lot of blood…

I have no facilities for blood transfusion though… he would need to replenish his blood supply with food. When was his last meal? … I wonder. I think I will go shopping after I tidy him up… Aigoo… since when have I become his private nurse?

I gently peeled off the soiled dressing and changed it before I leave. The wound looked nice and clean… with no signs of infections… a relief indeed. Then I prepared the antibiotics and injected him with it again while he remained limp. Poor kid…

“Wait for me…” I whispered to him as though he could hear me, and bound his hands to the bedrail again, before leaving for the supermarket. It’s already late in the evening… and I really hope there is still something left for me to buy!! I need to get him some supplements as well. Oh dear… since when have I become so accustomed to thinking about him every second of every minute… in everything I do?

“Thank you.” I nodded my head at the cashier and left the supermarket without delay, loading my grocers into the booth. Then I hit the roads again and sped back home after refilling my depleting fuel tank.

Upon reaching home, I transformed into a temporary chef… chopping furiously at the ingredients, conducting taste tests. And finally, when I was done, I switched off the fire and headed over to the toilet to fill up my bath tub.

“Kid… I have to do this… don’t blame me.” I said to him before dunking him into the lukewarm water. Placing a hand gently under his neck, I soaked him til I got a response. “Hmmmh.” I heard him moan a little as his pale lips quivered… finally! I removed the blind fold swiftly and looked at his closed eyes intently… willing him to open them. And he did open it… halfway…

“Cold…” he whispered and coughed softly… Good! He is reacting!

“Wakey wakey!” I whispered into his ear as his eyes cracked open more and he stared back at me blankly for a moment…

“Here we go! Time to eat!” I said cheerfully while lifting him out of the water, wrapping him up like a tortilla wrap and carrying him to the couch.  After depositing him there, I quickly carried the pot that I had left aside to cool, over to his side and scooped out a bowl of its contents. Then I sat beside him and allowed him to rest his head on my chest while I feed him like a toddler.

“Open up.” I said as gently as I can. “Ahhh!” I opened up my mouth as a gesture and waited for him to comply. He only parted his mouth obediently, so I quickly stuffed the spoon in as fast as I could.

I even made the porridge a little thinner so he would not need to chew. How nice of me roght? “Hyung… no more…” He whispered in between breaths and slump his head onto my chest lightly, before I was done. “Yah! Wake up.” I shook him hard and managed to make him stir again, but he simply refused to eat anymore.

“Hyung… Suie… sleepy… good night.” He said again as his head slid down my chest and onto my laps. I could not rouse him this time.

I think I will call in sick tomorrow. He still needs me to take care of him... and I have to make sure that he gets his needed dose at the right time. He needs to recover from the fever soon... or he would be in real trouble.

I gave up and carried him back to bed before settling down beside him… listening to his slow breathing. I loved the soft whimpering sound that accompanied them...

What have I done…



POV from Jaejoong

The airhead finally decided that it is time to “invade” that place… he has no idea how long I have waited for this! This trip will provide me a great opportunity to gather as much information as I can as well. This will be a fairly dangerous stun... considering what those c0dest might have in stall for us... god knows what secret weapon they have...

I know they are doing this because of me... since HE was never agreeable with this type of daring movements before. However, since Siwon hyung did say that it is feasible… I believe it will be fine as long as Siwon hyung gives the green light. He claims to have an idea on how the interior looks like, based on that man's memory... so I totally trust him when he says it will be relatively safe to enter...

I have volunteered to clear the way while we were planning our moves, since I didn't want anything to happen to any of them… but Yunho just wouldn’t agree to it… which is kind of expected. I can only say that he remains unforgiven! Since he did say that I am useless! He needs to learn how to keep his brainless opinions to himself.

Anyhow, at the very same moment that we make our long awaited entry, a hundred cartridge worth of bullets was sprayed right at us, all loaded with intentions to annihilate. However, that wouldn’t leave a scratch. I was about to do something when Yunho had pushed past me confidently, and blocked all of them out with a huge fire ball... I hate the heat by the way! That’s why it’s better that I do it!

After passing this point, we kept our pace close behind Siwon’s, as he led the way... using the guard's memory about the landscape as a map. I have to say that I am lucky to have them with me. I would never be able to find my way around this huge building all by myself... and I would probably never attempt it either.

Minnie was such a sweetie as usual, and asked if we could free the captives in the cells... and of course, his request was granted. The next moment, I found myself busy freeing the poor subjects, as they scramble out of their cells and went running in all directions... I sincerely wish them all the best... hopefully; someone will do that for my Suie as well... if I really do not find him ever again that is...

“Jae hyung!” Minnie called out to me as he dragged a scientist by the coat and handed him to me, so I quickly tied the man up with the pieces of scrap metal and brought him along with me.

Yunho actually managed to clear the entire north wing before I have a chance to participate. I hereby conclude that he is really efficient when it comes to abolishing... such untamed fire power! He is one hell of a pyromaniac… just look at the way he is grinning so creepily!

There was no one left around the north wing since we last checked... no more helpless subjects to be exact… so Minnie and Yunho had decided to just burn the whole place down. We want to stick this sneak attack up c0dest’s and remind them of their incompetence. Anyhow, I have 3 scientists in tow now... and I can barely contain my anticipation!! It feels as though I am finally getting somewhere with the effort to find my Suie!

We stopped advancing and hung around for a brief moment while Siwon run through their memories a computer scanning a hard disk… illustrating to us what he saw and heard. After he was done, Yunho had mercilessly hurled all 3 of them into the burning building before “ushering” us out to the main building. I believe he is planning on flattening this piece of land now…

Suddenly, while we were still running, there was an earth-quaking explosion, and what use to be the north wing had collapsed right behind us. I can feel my spine tingling at the thought of how destructive the fire is... raging so fiercely... even I can’t survive that! I take my hat off to him for that… no one can “bring down the house” as fast as he can.

Then while we were making our way back to the main lobby at the central building, the sudden feeling of the room spinning so quickly had caught me off guard, sending me stumbling around blindly as my vision blur into a black and white mess. Just at this moment, a whole new lot of bullets came flying towards us again, not allowing Yunho or Minnie enough time to react. Fortunately for us, I managed to clear up my vision and hold off the bullets… barely, stopping them in mid-air. There were a lot of bullets... now that I actually see them… right in front of our faces.

Minnie quickly incinerated them and blew up the entire corridor as we continued our journey. We just ran and ran… til we reach an opening. There came another explosion… again, throwing the four of us and our pursuers against the walls with its impact… rendering them lifeless.

We managed to escape the deadly blast as I was still able to block out the flying debris that were hurtling towards us... but I believe I am starting to get really drained. I can barely keep my eyes open now... and they are hurting so much that I can’t keep the tears in. I think I have overdone it... the thing is, I am usually careful not to push myself unnecessarily... but I had no choice this time. I need to get out of here to recharge before I really collapse...

I tried pushing myself off the ground... but before I could sit up successfully, the world of darkness had consumed me, and I knew nothing after that.

POV from Yunho

We got reckless and overshot the intended time with rescuing the “inmates” here. The guards were more orientated to the chaos by the time we are done north wing... and it is in this sort of situation that I regret not bringing more of my boys along! What to do? It is early in the morning... so I can't just wake them up for a “non-conclusive” search right?

We were busy trying to survive and all… and under such circumstance, Ice queen had somehow appeared really formidable to me. The way he had blocked out all the attacks is simply unparalleled!! From the explosions to the bullets, he never seems to run out energy. Minnie and I were in charge of wading off attacks most of the time… but ice queen is always one step ahead as well…

Thanks to Ice queen who managed to freeze up a big chunk of concrete and used it to shield us against the explosion and shrapnel, we suffered nothing more than a tinnitus.

Recovering from the stunned state, I looked around to check on my members and found them well, except for ice queen. He was struggling to get up, and before Siwon or Minnie can approach him, I had rushed over to his side and lifted him off the ground… settling him down in a corner.

He was panting and sweating, dead to the world as I held him tightly in my arms. He had definitely over done it… seriously! I don’t understand why he pushes himself so much all the time? Does he know that there are serious repercussions?! … I have warned him against it before… but he is still chooses to push it.

I can only say that he will never see his brother at this rate he is going… a lot of the experiment subjects die prematurely due to the stress caused by the simulation. I can’t let anything happen to him! He is very valuable to me… and I don’t mean it as a member...

“Come.” I whispered to me and loaded him onto my back gently, before pulling Minnie up as well. Siwon was already up and looking for a way out, steadying Minnie as they pushed on ahead of us.

“Here! Yun! Hurry!” Siwon called out to me as he waved his hands. I quickly slide ice queen higher up my back and ran after Siwon.

Stumbling and tripping over the dead bodies, we finally found a door, and were greeted with a blast of cold wind slamming into our faces as we exited it. The interior was smothering and over-heated, filled with smoke… whereas, the outside is cold and more oxygenated. Fresh air at last!

We did not stop to rest after hitting the escape route… we just ran all the way towards where we parked our vehicle. The roles are switched and Minnie is now in charge of covering our backs while I transport ice queen… with Siwon still leading the way. I assumed that the long trek back to our car would be tiresome, but unexpectedly, it wasn’t. Ice queen is light as a feather despite the beautiful muscles he possesses.  

“Hyung. I will take care of Joongie… you can take a rest now.” Minnie said while reaching over to take over the “dead weight” behind me.

 “It’s okay. Min ah… you drive.” I designated him as the driver again while I look after the ice queen instead. Then I could hear Siwon and Minnie snickering loudly after Siwon whispered something to Minnie… or rather, Siwon just reavealed what I was thinking. “Yah! Back stabbing my in front of me now?” I yelled at them to stop, but they just burst into laughter instead.

Ice queen was sleeping in my embrace… and I was just losing myself to his soft skin… admiring his flawless smooth cheeks… but Siwon had to remind me that he can mind read me! Tsk!

I can tell that ice queen is really tired… The way he looked so pale is just so obvious! And I can’t help but notice how obvious his eye bags are now… they look so swollen… as though he had not slept in days… I guess he really didn’t. He never listens to me anyways… I can never get him to rest. It is good to see him resting now... I was so worried…

He could have asked us for help but did not… he simply enjoys doing things all by himself even though he knows that he will end up pushing his limits. I know how much sacrifices he had made for us… and though the gang had embroil him a few times, making him work doubly hard to make up for lost time, but he should at least know when to stop right? I believe he is obsessed.


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kiattyandbone #1
Dont end at a cliffhanger :(
kiattyandbone #2
Chapter 13: pls update!!
kiattyandbone #3
Still waiting author nim
kiattyandbone #4
Please update this story
It been stuck in my mind for a long time
kiattyandbone #5
I'll be waiting for you~~~
I just now read this story, and I feel in love with out, PLEASE, PLEASE, UPDATE SOON TTATT, thank you ^°^
kiattyandbone #7
Please update this :(
Update this fic if u have a time, ne~ ^^
Chapter 13: GYAH! Just finished every single chapter! OMO SO GOOD!!! :O Soo Man is soo evil and CHUNNIE I HOPE HE IS OKAY!!! TT^TT This entire story had me on the edge of my seat until the very end chapter!!!!!!!!! :O Please update soon okay^^?!? I wish to read more and more and MORE!!!!
Chapter 7: I just started reading this today and...I am in LOVE! Its such a well written-unique story! :D I know you are on hiatus with this story and i told myself NOT to read it...but I couldnt help myself >< I only have 6 more chapters to go before I suffer from your hiatus XD <3 Please update soon! <3 I know inspiration can be hard to find! I

I will wait FOREVER if I have too! (such a good author! <3)

I love Jaejoong's ice queen attitude and Yunhos anger toward him, yet he can't help but fall in love XD Then there is my favorite couple ever OTP YooSu! Junsu is just so adorable that Chun can't help himself! :)

I still feel bad for Susu though :( Poor baby....

Anyways....update soon author-nim! Reader HWAITING and Author FIGHTING! <3 <3