Come, my queen.



Hi ^,^

I stumbled across this older fic in my files and decided that I really like this sci fi kind of genre too... so I will continue updating this.

Do stay and read!


“Min ah! We are here.” Changmin’s friend, Naul, called out to the man sitting behind, face buried in a pile of maps and notes, trying to make sense of the geographical labeling.

“The man ran away?” Changmin took in a long breath of fresh air as he stepped out from the musty smelling van, scrutinizing the gloomy looking building in front of him. Apparently, Naul received a call when Yunho wasn’t around, a call from their informant. There was a reported escape from sector 3, where Junsu was from.

Naul knows that Changmin will be very excited, since all he had been talking about was sourcing out sector 3, so Changmin was the first person he spread the news to.

The two adventurous friends then decided that they can speed up the process without having to go through Yunho, since knowing Jaejoong is very anxious. The initial plan was to bring Jaejoong along, but seeing that the man is all worn out and barely rested, Changmin had called the shots for this matter, and kept everything from his tired hyungs.

“The man is hiding here… we need to hurry before he runs away.” Naul urged Changmin along, as the younger of the two fiddled with his phone, hesitating. He has Yunho’s number on speed dial, and was contemplating about confessing to the leader, his non-compliance. However, Jaejoong’s tired face appeared in his head, and he shrugged off the idea and stuffed his mobile phone back into his pocket, running off after the other man.

“You!! Wait!!” Naul shouted when he spotted the man from the picture trying to escape through the fire escape. Changmin followed in a flash, and they took out the man with a blow to the neck.

Proceeding to drag the unconscious person back to where he came out from, the friends tied him down to a chair and spread out the maps carefully in front of him, before splashing water onto his face.

“Please don’t kill me!!” the man roused almost immediately and pleaded. Changmin looked at him calmly and pointed to the map. “Where is sector 3?” The question was straight to the point.

“We will let you off after you give us a location.” Changmin said reassuringly while their captive, who is around their age, stared hard at the map, as if trying to recall the exact location.

“I’m not sure… there?” the man whispered and pointed to a spot on the map, and Changmin briefly marked it. The answer came as a surprise to Changmin at first, but their captive seemed genuinely concerned about his own safety, so he could not tell if the man was lying.

“Do you know anyone by the name of Kim Junsu?!” Changmin bomabarded the man again and he shook his head.

“We are addressed by numbers!! Please don’t hurt me!! I really don’t know any Kim Junsu!! I am number 204!! You can check!!” the man tries to convince Changmin and his friend again.

“We should get Siwon hyung… he would know.” Changmin whispered to Naul, starting to get concerned about whether the source is reliable. There are no such things as a free lunch, so Changmin wonders if the man is really a subject from sector 3. “How long will we have to wait for him to come? Yunho hyung will slaughter us if he knows we are here…” Naul finally replied uncertainly.

“Show me what you can do then.” Changmin decided that there is a less time consuming method to find out. If the man can do something out of the ordinary, then his story about escaping is most likely true. The man’s face reflected the truth as well, sweating and looking around uneasily.

“I can control the movement of water.”

What they did not know was that the subject that escaped from sector 3 is indeed bait, a plan devised by Lee Soo Man to get the attention of anti-c0dest. The man is no doubt a subject, but his escape was no accident. He was allowed his freedom deliberately.

POV from Changmin

I am pretty sure that the guy is bait or something like that… and I was prepared to put him down if he had really lied to me… but it seems to me like he is for real. He knows the location. I don’t know if it’s by chance, by he DOES know.

My instincts told me that we should seek help, but we are running an illegal business here… and I am not too sure about letting my brother know about it. Anyhow, I tested the guy… and he seemed legit to me. He controlled water… so we gave him some to experiment with, and he did.

Allaying my own unrest, I decided to trust him anyway.

There is finally a lead to Jae hyung’s brother! I am so excited!

In a blink of an eye, Naul and I were out of the abandoned house and travelling down to sector 3… the accursed sector.

I will do this right!

Jae hyung deserves to receive closure! Be it to know if the boy is dead or just to know that the boy had somehow escaped… which I doubt is ever going to happen…


Jaejoong, who was in the car and tailing Changmin, saw the duo’s van speeding off and followed them closely. Changmin and Naul are too busy brushing up their map reading skills to notice Jaejoong’s car.

Slowing finally, in front of a small tunnel like structure, Changmin and Naul’s van pulled to a stop and the two got out. Jaejoong can tell that they are up to something, with their body language. Both of them are bringing out the big guns as well, especially the ‘torch blower’, Yunho and Changmin’s favourite weapon of ‘mass destruction’.

Giving each other a sure victory hand sign, which the gang uses all the time, the two started for the dark tunnel, swallowed by the shadows as they disappeared from sight. Jaejoong hesitated, debating if he should follow.

Firstly, he did not come prepared like them. Secondly, he is drained and he knows that using his powers wouldn’t do him any good. Thirdly, he has a bad feeling about the whole thing. The place looked like how one of the facilities would look, yet he is not excited at all. The thought of his brother, possibly, being so close to him, scared him. He is not yet prepared for the final verdict.

However, touched by Changmin and Naul’s actions, the beautiful man decided that he can’t allow them to endanger their lives because of him, so he quickly unbuckled his seat belt and gave chase. He knows that Yunho will not be glad to find out that the house is empty when he returns, so he has to hurry. Most importantly, the need to ensure the two comrades are safe is also his priority.

“Jaejoong!! This is it!!” The man whispered to himself while crouching low, looking out for cameras. The thought of meeting Junsu excitedly him to no end, yet, he can’t but prepare himself mentally that he brother is most likely dead. He tells himself that if that’s the case, he would not hesitate to destroy the place and kill every enemy in it, and even if that’s the last thing he does.



“Well well… what do we have here?” Lee Soo Man whispered into Junsu’s ears as the young boy squirmed under the iron grip of the man’s subordinate.

Junsu is terrified by the heavy set man, but plucking up his courage; he looked the man in the eye and sniveled when he saw the man smirking at him. “We will see your hyung very soon… are you as excited as I am?”

Junsu emitted another whimper of protest, anxious to know what the man meant. He definitely does not look forward to meeting his beloved brother under such circumstances. His gut feeling tells him that something horrible will happen; since he knows those people are his initial captors and he definitely does not want to witness it unfold. Willing for his new best friend, Yoochun, to save him again, Junsu squeezed his eyes shut and buried his teeth into his captor’s thick hand.

Yelping in pain, the man flung Junsu across the room, knocking the air out of his lungs as he recovers from the impact. Angered, the big uniformed man charged forth and gave Junsu a rib cracking kick to the sternum, sending the boy rolling up against the wall.

“Tsk! Deal with him later. Get back to your posts. He is coming.” Lee Soo Man sulked at the man left with him, closing the metal door behind him, locking the helpless boy in the small cell.

This is the first time that Junsu has ever retaliated, but this is not enough, he knows he needs to warn his brother. Trying to keep his tears at bay, he breathed in slowly, getting himself used to the pain. However, he has no idea how he is going to do anything while stuck in the cell, but he won’t give up like he did before.

Also, he is worried about Yoochun, and wishes to know if the man is alright.


POV from Lee Soo Man

He is finally coming to me! My queen.

I have the younger one… and though that isn’t the reason why he is coming… that will be the reason he stays.

My bait tactic worked. I am finally getting my hands on the one thing I have waiting so long for! I have so many unfinished businesses that only he can complete… I have so much wishes that only he can fulfill. I am glad that our cat mouse chase if finally going to come to an end.

I have secured the study results compiled about the younger one… and apparently, one of his anomalies includes the ability to bear kids. I can’t wait to find out if the older one possesses such an anomaly too. It will be simply perfect! I will have the best of both worlds if he can do what the younger one can. The chances are very high since their DNAs are very similar… A simple scan will tell me what I need to know.

Imagine a world with nothing but the best of our kind! I will be the ultimate power… and my life will be just perfect with the most beautiful wife in the world and most terrific children!


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kiattyandbone #1
Dont end at a cliffhanger :(
kiattyandbone #2
Chapter 13: pls update!!
kiattyandbone #3
Still waiting author nim
kiattyandbone #4
Please update this story
It been stuck in my mind for a long time
kiattyandbone #5
I'll be waiting for you~~~
I just now read this story, and I feel in love with out, PLEASE, PLEASE, UPDATE SOON TTATT, thank you ^°^
kiattyandbone #7
Please update this :(
Update this fic if u have a time, ne~ ^^
Chapter 13: GYAH! Just finished every single chapter! OMO SO GOOD!!! :O Soo Man is soo evil and CHUNNIE I HOPE HE IS OKAY!!! TT^TT This entire story had me on the edge of my seat until the very end chapter!!!!!!!!! :O Please update soon okay^^?!? I wish to read more and more and MORE!!!!
Chapter 7: I just started reading this today and...I am in LOVE! Its such a well written-unique story! :D I know you are on hiatus with this story and i told myself NOT to read it...but I couldnt help myself >< I only have 6 more chapters to go before I suffer from your hiatus XD <3 Please update soon! <3 I know inspiration can be hard to find! I

I will wait FOREVER if I have too! (such a good author! <3)

I love Jaejoong's ice queen attitude and Yunhos anger toward him, yet he can't help but fall in love XD Then there is my favorite couple ever OTP YooSu! Junsu is just so adorable that Chun can't help himself! :)

I still feel bad for Susu though :( Poor baby....

Anyways....update soon author-nim! Reader HWAITING and Author FIGHTING! <3 <3