Our "past" is your present and will be your future



~part II~

The next day…

“SIR!! SIR!! One of the facilities under sector 1 was burnt to the ground yesterday… we couldn’t put out the fire in time… and the… Everything is gone sir… all the data.” One of c0dest’s high ranking official entered their “CEO’s” office, still panting while he relay the bad news to the heavily set middle aged man.

The man was in the midst of taking off his outer coat, and upon hearing the news, threw his thick coat into the expecting man’s face. The officer kept silent while the other man stood, trying to make sense of the hoard of bad news.

Sector 1 has two facilities, and the one which the “fantastic four” ad destroyed, happens to be the bigger one, which harbors most of the collected data. With that particular sector down, most of their “investments” for the year had gone down the drain. The two silent men know very well, the consequences for their complacency.

“We made a mistake…” The officer said finally, as he tried to make sense of their situation.


The man that Yunho and gang had met earlier had escaped out of sheer luck, but c0dest had not given much thought about losing him. None of them actually anticipated that the man will bring about such damage.

“We got careless… I will get to the bottom of this. The person responsible will be dealt with.” The officer bowed and turned to leave.

“Make sure you find that piece of that escaped, and KILL him.” the man said and slumped down onto his chair, before lighting a cigar and taking a long drag on it.

“Ms Lee! I will be heading down to the head office, get me the car.” The man pressed the button on his intercom and crashed the charred cigar into his overflowing ashtray.

POV from Lee Soo Man

Destroyed… all of one year’s worth of research gone. POOF!! Turning all of our blood and sweat into ash and smoke… I don’t understand!!!

It is about time I refresh all of their memories. Time has diminished their recollection of how fierce I can be… how vicious and unforgiving I was. My “underlings” have been warned since their first day working under me… how they must never allow one of those creatures to escape. They have failed me… what were they expecting? Must I do everything myself? They are paid big bucks and promised many opportunities when up taking this job, and too many incentives have made them complacent.

Those creatures… I don’t care how many more of them are going to be sacrificed to replace the lost data, but I can promise them hell. It is time to start the hunt.

It will take me one full hour to get to the “head office”, or in c0dest terms, the “main office of c0dest”… a building disguised and domain to most outsiders. I have all of the things I need there. The office I was in… is just a place a work in as a normal human being. I am a government official and as well as the biggest businessman you did find within the hundred mile radius… to everyone else.

However, I AM also the worst nightmare of ALL of those foul low lives! The truth is… I was one of them… but I am no longer a “low life”. I am the highest being. Honestly speaking, I am something close to being a god now… since my body is indestructible and a container for all the possible abilities you can think of.

What did those humans think I would want to conduct all this experiments for anyway? To benefit them? HELL NO! I practically used them to empower myself… and they are stupid enough to allow the creation of their worst nightmare! How laughable!

I used to be weak. I hate to admit that, but I WAS.

Though I was the smartest kid on the block, no one liked me. I had the most potential, but everyone just dismissed it. I wasn’t the most handsome person in the world… obviously… and everyone ONLY notices that! I could not even get a job as a waiter because my face wasn’t desirable.

Why I consider myself to be weak is simple. I could only mind read. I was a mind reader… and that was how I got to hate the dirty, overly critical and disgustingly hypocritical world!! “You are smart… but you are not what we need.” One of the past job’s interviewers said… “Your face is a turn off… and we don’t need that.” Was what he was REALLY telling me… but only in his head!

I acknowledge that since I knew what is going on with this world… and then I got bullied and beaten up… by both my own kind AND those bastard humans. I eventually got SICK and TIRED of all these vile creatures… so I have devised a plan to fully utilize them.

The godly ideal within me emerged after the many years under their oppressions… and I got the finest idea of all. I WILL create a world where only I decide who lives and who dies. I know… I know… a lot of people have vowed to do this as well, but I will be the first to succeed.

The plan is simple. Get the humans to hate and fear those that are a little less or more than humans… then make use of anyone useful, make them fight and destroy each other til no one is left, but me. That saves me SO much more trouble right? Wrong… that was only what I thought INTITALLY…

Until I met her… The goddess like quality she possesses was almost undeniable! I have never met one with such prowess before… and she awed me to no end… with what she could do. Then she gave me the idea that it will be perfect if I could possess such powers as well. Most importantly, the human… the “man” side of me took over… and I wanted to have her, I wanted my offspring to be like her. I loved her… though my definition of love is probably a little different.

Anyhow, she already had a partner. to be me right?

She loved him… but she also has some form of feelings for me… despite my less appealing appearance. She was genuine! SO genuine! How did I know? I read her mind while she was rejecting me. She told me that she liked me, but only as a friend, and I can tell that she is hurting when I was…

I asked her if it was because I am weak… and far from the powerful, handsome boyfriend of hers. She told me that she is did not need me to be powerful to like me… and she meant it. She meant it!! I couldn’t take the rejection… and me life spiral down this terrible cycle… ruining me and everyone around me.

I admit that I am actually a sociopath… so I self-proclaimed that I would “convert” if she did come to me… but she never did. She broke off all contact with me after I turned all crazy and stalker-ish… I never saw her again, until after she had borne her second son.

You have no idea how much I have gone through just to forget about her. I even started my own mini project… and set up c0dest. The vision and mission for c0dest will be to serve as protector to mankind… but the true purpose is… the true vision and mission… was to harvest all the deviant genes and use it to my own benefits.

I even went through a lot of pains to actually “install” all this genes into my own and merge them. I turned powerful… but not as pure as those born with it. So I have decided that I will just have a little of everything. And I succeeded. I have currently, almost 95 percent of the known powers.

But I do not use them though… no one needs to know. I have my own private facility to experiment on myself… and I have trained and expanded my mind reading skills so far that I can hear anyone from a mile radius. That’s also how I get those experiment subjects. They can’t hide from me… or my “radar”.

With this, I proceeded to get her to come back to me. I killed her husband… I killed her friends… and I had her in my palms. Twirling her around like a puppet, coercing her to accept me using her sons… I almost succeeded, but she had run away in the dead of the night. She lied to me… saying that she is needs me now that she needs me, since her husband is gone. I fell for it. How stupid of me!

I gave up on the idea that she is the ideal one after she had betrayed my trust and destroyed my ability to trust anyone else. Then she died… but that doesn’t matter anymore. I am not sad.

The new shall replace the old and flourish in its place; I have found a new object of infatuation to replace her. Her precious son… the elder one, but ironically, I have not been able to have him either. He got away as well.

Not to worry though, I have fallen hard again, and this time, I am more intelligent, more experienced and definitely more determined. It’s been five years since I last saw him… I missed him, but I will take my time. I plan to make myself the “ultimate one”… and he will not resist me when the time comes.

He will come to me.


An hour later…

“Sir. Welcome back.” The big-shot had returned to his office in c0dest, where he is affectionately known as the “CEO” there. A crowd of scientist and agents came forward to greet the man as he arrives and enters the “headquarters.”

The big man had spent a full hour on the journey and does not wish to waste any more time, so he was barking orders at everyone, while they tried to appease him. “Get me the video footage for the attack on sector 1.” He wants to know who is powerful enough to burn such a big facility down.

In truth, the evil man does have a power lacking, and that would be the most destructive fire. He never actually caught a “fire type”, since no one can actually get his or her hands on them without getting burnt. The man was constantly irritated by c0dest’s slow progress on research pertaining to the “fire type”, but he is even more annoyed by their inability to fend off the attacks using fire.

Sitting down onto his big wide armchair, Lee Soo Man popped a piece of soft candy into his mouth instead of lighting up his cigar. Then he had grabbed the small framed picture on his desk and took a long look at it. “Hmmm… Is my Joongie 22 this year? Perfect age! You are all ripe and ready.” The man’s look of lust and longing is well reflected in his eyes as he rubbed his thick fingers across the face on the picture.

“My goddess. Only the pure and undefiled you, is worthy of me!” the man chuckled as he pleasure himself further with looking at the picture of Jaejoong. “Eye-ing” with it.

Flashback to the past, 5 years ago

Jaejoong’s mother had passed away, so he had taken up the job offer to work at the convenience store deep in town, but only for shifts, since he needs to take care of his brother.

Lee Soo Man was already aware of the rough location of the boys’ lodging, but since knowing that their mother is dead, he had halted the search altogether, and decided to let the boys off. He actually did that because he didn’t want them to remind him of the woman who betrayed him, neither did he want the children to remind him of his failure.

However, while he was wrapping up his search around the area, he had ran into Jaejoong on his long drive back to his office, in the store where the boy was working at.

“How much?” The big man placed the bottle of water he intends to purchase onto the counter, and was reaching above his head to pick out his favourite flavor of fresh mint cigarettes, when the beautiful boy in front of him caught his attention.

“Good afternoon to you too, sir.” Jaejoong replied gently to the man while he watched the boy recalculate and dispense his change.

“Here’s your change. Drive safely.” Jaejoong added on his killer smile, though knowing that he might only attract more unnecessary attention to himself because of it. He only wanted to be polite, but Lee Soo Man had ended up being mesmerized by him from that moment on.

“Oh. This as well.” unwilling to leave so prematurely, the man had grabbed a bunch of candies from beneath the counter and pulled out his wallet again, still gazing at the shy beauty in front of him.

“Here is your change sir, anything else?” Jaejoong looked curiously at the big man in front of him as he pushed the cashier tray shut. Lee Soo Man just shook his head while continuing to stare at Jaejoong awkwardly.

Jaejoong did not have much interaction with people before, so he had decided to kick start a conversation to ease the atmosphere a little. “Ahjussi. Are you quitting? Candies are a good replacement.” Jaejoong said stupidly as he shied away from the man’s gazes.

“Ah… yeah. I am trying to quit.” The man lied while trying to keep his eyes from wondering downwards.

“That’s good… smoking is bad for you.” Jaejoong concluded softly before turning away stiffly, to dust up the counter and rearrange the pile of snacks behind him.


POV from Lee Soo Man

I do not smoke in front of my Joongie. Ever since he said that smoking is bad for me… I have changed to using cigar as well. I know… cigar is still bad, but it is still supposedly cleaner than cigarettes.

I actually went back every now and then just to see him “coincidentally”… I only found out later about his identity… and what he is capable of. The hell is fate trying to pull off!

My obsession for him was wicked. I actually felt that in this screwed up world, I have finally found someone that is on par with me… someone who is able to make my world go round again…

I was hesitant about befriending him and confessing to him like I had with his mother… and I was having nightmares about rejection, which I don’t take very well. In the end, I have decided to just do what I do best. To capture him.

I specifically plotted to kidnap him… but it was unsuitable… since if I kidnap him, I will have to hand him over to the organization. I don’t want that! I want him to stay by my side willingly… but I know he wouldn’t do so. I ended up kidnapping his brother again.

However, a stupid twist of events landed the younger boy in one of the facilities… and when I wanted to use him as bait, the board was barking at me, getting all suspicious and paranoid. They suspected that I am up to something… so I had to lay low for a long period of time.

Eventually, I got impatient and set out in secret. I had my men plant a dog tag in the younger boy’s usual haunts and waited. Then he turned up… we fought… and he got away. I never met him again after that incident.

The organization at that time, was mainly under the control of the government body and all those useless bureaucrats… and they were a serious pain in my ! I did manage to get rid of that screwed up system, but it took me five whole years!! Nevertheless, it was worth the effort!! I actually get to experiment on myself without anyone staring down my back now… and I also got the authority to run the facilities however I like now. No more stupid political agenda.

“Sir, here are the footages.” One of the scientists had ushered me to a viewing room. And while over there, they replayed the video footage for me… and I could hardly believe my own eyes… when I saw what I saw.

“There are four of them. The tall one there… is the leader. They are from anti-c0dest. The most wanted list already has their names.” The data technician pointed out and gave me the introduction to every one of the members… explaining to me what they can do and all… but I was the least interested.

There, in the grainy video footage, I saw a familiar face… an unmistakable pretty face. He seemed to have grown a little bit taller since I last remembered… but the stature is pretty much similar. That tiny waist!! The waist I had longed to wrap my arms around for such a long time!!

Then, just before the footage ended with them escaping through the fire exit, the most disturbing scene caught my attention. There was this man… the leader I believe. He was pawing all over my Joongie. Whispering into his ears so closely that I almost mistook it for a kiss!!

NO!!! NO NO NO NO!!! This is not happening again!! There will not be any third party this time!!! What has he been doing for these past five years!?! Did he find someone?! I HAVE to know!!

Those humans!! They will not cause me yet another relationship!! I kind of anticipated this actually… but I will take back what belongs to me. He BELONGS to me!

“Get me a bait. I am going to initiate contact with this person.” I pointed to my beautiful Joongie’s face on the screen. “Also, Kim Junsu… Bring him to me.” at least I still have his pretty little baby brother in my “custody”.

I will play on his willingness to come for his brother. He did go to the extent of attacking a facility right? Let’s just see how desperate he can get.


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kiattyandbone #1
Dont end at a cliffhanger :(
kiattyandbone #2
Chapter 13: pls update!!
kiattyandbone #3
Still waiting author nim
kiattyandbone #4
Please update this story
It been stuck in my mind for a long time
kiattyandbone #5
I'll be waiting for you~~~
I just now read this story, and I feel in love with out, PLEASE, PLEASE, UPDATE SOON TTATT, thank you ^°^
kiattyandbone #7
Please update this :(
Update this fic if u have a time, ne~ ^^
Chapter 13: GYAH! Just finished every single chapter! OMO SO GOOD!!! :O Soo Man is soo evil and CHUNNIE I HOPE HE IS OKAY!!! TT^TT This entire story had me on the edge of my seat until the very end chapter!!!!!!!!! :O Please update soon okay^^?!? I wish to read more and more and MORE!!!!
Chapter 7: I just started reading this today and...I am in LOVE! Its such a well written-unique story! :D I know you are on hiatus with this story and i told myself NOT to read it...but I couldnt help myself >< I only have 6 more chapters to go before I suffer from your hiatus XD <3 Please update soon! <3 I know inspiration can be hard to find! I

I will wait FOREVER if I have too! (such a good author! <3)

I love Jaejoong's ice queen attitude and Yunhos anger toward him, yet he can't help but fall in love XD Then there is my favorite couple ever OTP YooSu! Junsu is just so adorable that Chun can't help himself! :)

I still feel bad for Susu though :( Poor baby....

Anyways....update soon author-nim! Reader HWAITING and Author FIGHTING! <3 <3