Whatever will be, will be



Hi! An update...

Do forgive me if you find me too draggy here. I intended for a double update to speed up the process, but...

Do stay and read! *bows*


“Suie. I thought I saw him.” Jaejoong slipped down to the ground below him as he rubbed at his eyes. The look on his face was one of extreme disappointment and desperation, the type of desperation that makes Yunho fear for the younger man’s safety. Since knowing how much Jaejoong is willing to sacrifice just to find Junsu.

“Jaejoong, listen to me! You have to stop being so uptight about everything! It’s not good for you!” Yunho had suddenly transformed into an all-understanding and concerned counselor, trying to calm the other frantic young man down, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

This is the first time that Yunho has ever been so gentle and empathetic towards Jaejoong, or rather, that was what Jaejoong thought. “I’m okay… I’m okay… I just… I was hallucinating.” Jaejoong whispered back softly while squeezing his eyes shut tightly and massaging his throbbing tempers.

Slipping out from between Yunho and the door, Jaejoong stumbled over to the frozen staircase and slumped down onto it, burying his face in between his knees as he huddled up against the frozen railing. “Suie… where are you…” he whispered under his breathe while Yunho stood rooted by the door, unsure of what to do in order to cheer up the depressed Jaejoong.

One thing is sure though, and that is, Yunho’s heart is hurting badly when he sees Jaejoong in that forlorn and sickly state. Changmin would usually be there to cheer Jaejoong up, but he is still dead to the world in his room, and Yunho has to bypass Jaejoong to get to his brother. Yunho knows that Jaejoong will be far from pleased if he wakes the sleeping person up, just for his sake, but he is not an expert when it comes to comforting someone.

Finally walking over to Jaejoong, Yunho sat down beside him stiffly and placed both his hands on his own thighs, took a deep breath and repositioned a hand around Jaejoong’s shoulder. He was trying to imitate what Changmin would do, and is hoping that it will work out. “… … You are cold… I will warm you up a little.” Yunho muttered after a long awkward moment of silence.

Yunho then lit up his hands and held it beside Jaejoong while the beautiful man huddled closer to him. Yunho was a little taken aback by Jaejoong’s initiative, and he surprised that Jaejoong would so readily depend on him, but he is nonetheless, happy.

“I’m sorry about the house… give me some time… I will tidy it up later.” Jaejoong whispered again with his face still hidden. A small blush is actually forming on his face as Yunho’s manly presence overshadowed the grim atmosphere. Jaejoong does not understand why he is feeling so safe with Yunho either, but he is enjoying himself with the strange warmth the older man brought about, not just with the fire.

“It’s okay. I will get the boys to clean up with me later. You go get some rest after this.” Yunho smiled like a gleeful idiot, and Jaejoong could not help but chuckle silently. It actually came as a surprise to Jaejoong that Yunho is “comforting” him instead of shooting his mouth off, considering the state their house is in.

“Jae… Jaejoong ah. I… I am a… hyung as well…” Yunho stuttered a little as he looked away shyly. He wanted to start a proper “counseling” session with younger man beside him, but he is even finding it hard to call the latter by his name. “I know… I know how you… feel.” Yunho continued then stopped.

“… … Minnie will be fine with you around. He is lucky to have such a good hyung to protect him. Unlike my poor Suie who only had me…” Jaejoong slipped up and revealed to Yunho how he actually felt. This sentence had made Yunho a VERY very happy man, but only for a brief moment.

Yunho actually has the sensitive side to him as well, and from this sentence, he can sense Jaejoong’s self-reproach as well as deduce that the man is blaming himself again. He does not want Jaejoong to blame himself for Junsu’s disappearance, yet he knows the feeling is not going to lessen no matter what he says.

“… We will definitely find Suie… your brother. He is lucky to have a hyung searching for him so fervently. Minnie always tells me that, no matter what happens in the future, I will always be the one he looks up to as his protector… even if it means I might fail. I bet Suie feels the same. He definitely loves you no matter what you did or failed to do.” Yunho said confidently and patted himself across the chest, smiling radiantly at Jaejoong, who had raised his head up to meet Yunho’s gaze.

“… Thank you.” Jaejoong has to admit that he did not really get how Yunho’s words of comfort is really meant to be comforting, but he appreciates the man’s attempt, and even finds him unusually charming for a moment, his charisma and confidence that is.

“… So… you can ask for my help anytime! Don’t push yourself too hard. You still have me.” Yunho blurted out his heartfelt words in one full sentence before standing up and running off, dying from embarrassment. Those were the mushiest words he had ever said to anyone.


At sector 3…

Yoochun arrived at the facility and met up with Junjin on his way in. The two in-charge then busied themselves with burying the older report and forging a new one, racing against time to come up with a pleasant excuse. They do not know that their boss can mind read, but neither does the boss want them to know that.

However, over the course of a couple of days, Yoochun was able to get some basic demographics from Junsu, and is now on the search for Jaejoong as well. His intentions are pure, mainly to hand the boy over to his biological brother, and hopefully wash his hands off the boy’s business in future. He was mistaken.

Junjin and Yoochun then went on to brief their fellow agents on discretion, and even went through what they are required to say, anticipating that the boss might be able to tell that something is wrong if they ended up contradicting each other’s accounts.

Around half an hour later, one of the guards had reported to Yoochun while he tidies up the meeting room. “Sir. The boss is here!” the man said nervously. Yoochun just patted him lightly on the shoulders, called for Junjin and went out to usher the guest in.

POV from Lee Soo Man

Through the recent incident, I have made an astounding discovery. A discovery that made me shivers with anticipation… as well as apprehension.

My designated other half has finally made an official appearance!!

I have always tried grasping his exact location, but he was just too mobile. I never caught up fast enough… and it has been so many years since I actually saw his beautiful face. That face got me so excited again… I actually felt younger and more energized as a result.

I never lost hope, and I have always known that when I am ready for him, he will come to me, since I have a trump card on hand. I AM READY now! Let us meet.

You might feel worried for me… wondering if I can even get him to submit since he is pretty powerful himself, but that really isn’t a problem now. Since when I say I am ready, it just means that I have gotten more powerful… to the level where I am unbeatable.

The scientist at my private facility just performed another experiment on me yesterday, and I have in total, ten of whatever special abilities that exists, in me. I even feel more energized today… after I got the regeneration gene. It as if I don’t have to sleep anymore. I only lack that damn fire producing ability now… but that can wait.

Here I am today! In the very facility that houses my winning chest piece. I believe my Joongie will kill to know about this place… but he does not need to do that now. I will take the initiative and create a meeting for them... at the house I have built especially for him. Let the game began!

Entering sector 3, I can’t help but notice the dense atmosphere of nerves and trepidation. I can mind read… so I can tell that something is wrong. Everyone here is whispering something in their heads… almost as though they are rehearsing something in their minds. The sounds are vague… but I will definitely find out what is wrong or if they are trying to deceive me.

“Sir. Welcome back.” My head of sector 3, Park Yoochun, greeted me. His thoughts are in sync with his words so far…

“Where is the boy? I asked for him before my arrival.” I got straight to the point. The little boy… Kim Junsu, I still remembered how weak he was when I caught him. He was nowhere close to his brother, in terms of abilities. He could even kill a rabbit!

I liked that kid though… since he is also unbelievably pretty and adorable. However, he had the exact same face and character as his mother. And that is also why I did not fancy him at all. His demeanor, his looks… almost all of him is a duplicate of his mother... and I HATED that! He reminded me of what a she was. Liar! Traitor!

So I locked him up here… knowing that my two “head of the department” here would not hurt him. Let’s not forget that I know what all my subordinates are thinking about! I know exactly how sick and thwarted Jung Kwang is, I know exactly how much Yoochun hated my kind. And I even know how much Junjin hates to commit murder. That guy was almost a Buddha, had he not succumbed to the hatred he had for my kind as well.

“The boy is dead sir.” He spoke the truth. DEAD?! WAIT a minute!! He is lying. “Maintain your composure Yoochun. He mustn’t find out you are lying!” I heard it loud and clear in his head. He is NOT speaking the truth after all.

“How did he die?!” I used an angry tone intentionally… just to make sure my reaction remains normal. They do not know that I can see through them… how pathetic!

“We found him dead in his cell sir. Of an illness...” He spoke calmly, with a straight face. He is DEFINITELY lying through his teeth! “So far so good Yoochun…” I need to know what is good by far.

“Really? Let me take a look at the report.” I replied while looking at him in disbelieve… faked look of disbelieve that is.

“Here it is sir.” Junjin came forward and handed me a report. “Oh my god! I hope this works!! This is killing me!!” that was his thoughts… What is eating them then?

Flipping through the report, I found no doubtful claims or events… the flow describing the death was good… and everything seemed so in place. Though I am aware that sector 3 is by far, the most efficient and productive sector amongst all sectors, I just know that something is amiss. ALL the people here have something to hide.

“Boss mustn’t know that kid ran away.” “Omo… will the boss be able to see through us?.” “Just pretend you don’t know anything if he asks…” There were so many thoughts running through their heads that even I had a hard time trying to catch all of it.

“He died of internal bleeds?” I read the cause of death out, and heard Junjin gasp loudly in his mind. “Yes sir.” Park Yoochun replied. “Can’t let him know the kid is alive!” He was “thinking aloud”. BINGO!! Caught that!! The boy is alive after all! Well well well…

I remained silent. “Oh man… What does he want with the kid?! Should I ask?!” the young man is curious about my purpose for wanting the boy… contemplating about asking me. I shall enlighten him.


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kiattyandbone #1
Dont end at a cliffhanger :(
kiattyandbone #2
Chapter 13: pls update!!
kiattyandbone #3
Still waiting author nim
kiattyandbone #4
Please update this story
It been stuck in my mind for a long time
kiattyandbone #5
I'll be waiting for you~~~
I just now read this story, and I feel in love with out, PLEASE, PLEASE, UPDATE SOON TTATT, thank you ^°^
kiattyandbone #7
Please update this :(
Update this fic if u have a time, ne~ ^^
Chapter 13: GYAH! Just finished every single chapter! OMO SO GOOD!!! :O Soo Man is soo evil and CHUNNIE I HOPE HE IS OKAY!!! TT^TT This entire story had me on the edge of my seat until the very end chapter!!!!!!!!! :O Please update soon okay^^?!? I wish to read more and more and MORE!!!!
Chapter 7: I just started reading this today and...I am in LOVE! Its such a well written-unique story! :D I know you are on hiatus with this story and i told myself NOT to read it...but I couldnt help myself >< I only have 6 more chapters to go before I suffer from your hiatus XD <3 Please update soon! <3 I know inspiration can be hard to find! I

I will wait FOREVER if I have too! (such a good author! <3)

I love Jaejoong's ice queen attitude and Yunhos anger toward him, yet he can't help but fall in love XD Then there is my favorite couple ever OTP YooSu! Junsu is just so adorable that Chun can't help himself! :)

I still feel bad for Susu though :( Poor baby....

Anyways....update soon author-nim! Reader HWAITING and Author FIGHTING! <3 <3