
Chasing Miss Innocent


Seohyun has a stern look on her face as she stares at me from across the room. She’s standing straight, confident, composed. She speaks with conviction.

I’m hanging on her every word.

Her voice is calm, and I find it easy on the ears. The words, regardless of their complexity, roll off her tongue with ease. I get the impression that she’s wise beyond her years - and to be fair – she is. She’s experienced a lot, achieved a lot, and I admire her as much as she claims to admire me.

Seohyun finishes her thoughts and applause fills the classroom. As I look at her, I think on how she’s grown through the years. She’s more than an innocent kid. She’s getting more comfortable in her own skin, she’s branching out and trying new things, all of it is changing her for the better.

The applause dies down, and I smile at her as she takes a seat by her debate teammates Jinwoon and Yonghwa.

“You have thirty-seconds to prepare your rebuttal,” says Mrs. Cho from a seat by the front of the class. She’s the debate club supervisor.

I snap out of my thoughts, and get back to the task at hand. I summarize the counter-arguments that have been running through my head during her speech. Sooyoung, a late addition to the club – and to my debate team - passes me a notebook with scribbles of possible talking points. She’s sharp and has a silver tongue to go along with her ridiculous appetite. I’m glad she’s here.

Nichkhun’s beside me, supportive as always. “You can do this, Yoona,” he says. “Show her what you’ve got.”

I look over the notes that Sooyoung’s made, and listen to a few suggestions from Nichkhun. I stand, my heart beating away. I give a slight grin over to the opposition. Maybe I look cocky, or even arrogant, but I can’t help it.

The crowd hushes up. It’s not an easy topic, but I don’t let my nerves get to me. I speak, nowhere near as eloquently as Seohyun, but in my own way; a way that is as honest and true to myself as I can be.

As I finish, friendly applause fills the room and I walk away with a slight grin. I’m glad that Seohyun encouraged me to join. Talking, debating, it’s a lot more fun than I imagined.

Sooyoung gives me a high-five, and I walk away with my head held high. It’s something that Seohyun and Jinwoon taught us: always walk away from your debate like a winner.

As I sit, Mrs. Cho tells Jinwoon to prepare his argument. He has his own notebook, and his team is behind him all the way. Seohyun whispers a few things into his ear, but I don’t overreact. There’s nothing to be jealous of.

Jinwoon starts his speech, and speaks with a different mannerism from Seohyun and me. He’s good, but even the co-president is nothing compared to his opponent: Sooyoung.

When he finishes to applause, Sooyoung doesn’t even flinch or show any sign of worry. I get the feeling she doesn’t even need the thirty seconds to prepare her rebuttal. Looking at her, I feel like she’s a cat waiting to pounce.

She gets up from her seat, and always starts with a bang: a metaphor, or another form of rhetoric that helps her builds into her points. She speaks quickly, but clearly. All the while, she maintains eye contact with the club members – who serve as the judges – and gestures with her hands when she needs to. When she finishes, she gives a confident grin.

The crowd gives her a big round of applause, the loudest of the day. They fall for her charm, and I grin at Sooyoung’s swagger as she walks back to her seat beside me. Nichkhun and I both congratulate her on a strong round.

It takes a few minutes for the crowd to cast their votes as they gather around Mrs. Cho, who tallies the results. They break from their momentary meeting, and she announces that Yonghwa had defeated Nichkhun in Round 1, Seohyun had defeated me in Round 2, and Sooyoung had defeated Jinwoon in Round 3. The final score was 2:1 for Seohyun’s team. We lost.

Nichkhun helps us carry the chairs back to our spots in the crowded classroom. I congratulate Sooyoung as we head back to our seats with the meeting coming to an end.

“You did well too,” she says.

Mrs. Cho, an older woman with a youthful demeanor, remains in her seat, and looks at us warmly. Sooyoung and I take the spots in front of her, while Nichkhun heads to middle of the classroom to sit with his friends.

Jinwoon and Seohyun are still standing at the front of the class. As always, they conclude the meeting with some final words. I gaze over at the clock to see that there’s still enough time to grab some food before class. Sooyoung looks over at me, and without another word, she’s my lunch date.

“As we’ve been reminding you over the past few weeks, the school wants us to create two debate teams for the school district competition,” Jinwoon says. “Mrs. Cho, Seohyun and I have been taking note of your performances over the last few months. After much deliberation, we’ve chosen the people we feel are the best candidates to represent the school. You can refuse the invitation, or you can accept it. It’s up to you. Seohyun, would you like to announce the teams please?”

Seohyun steps forward holding a clipboard. “Jinwoon and I will captain the two teams. On Jinwoon’s team he has selected Jonghyun and Yonghwa to be his two teammates. On my team, I have selected Sooyoung and Yoona.”

The club applauds hearing the selections, but I’m genuinely surprised to hear my name. I feel Sooyoung reach over, and pull my chin up. “You don’t have to look that surprised,” she says.

I laugh, but I know how much this competition means to Seohyun. She had competed last year, and I remember hearing her talk about how amazing the experience was. Was I the right choice? Did I deserve it?

There were other debaters that were as good, if not better. I skipped a plenty of meetings earlier in the year during my falling out with Seohyun. I didn’t feel like the selection was fair, but the applause tells me otherwise.

Jinwoon continues his final words, silencing the crowd. “We’re going to be competing on February 2nd in Busan. We’ll be staying overnight at a hotel. You’ll need your parents to fill out permission forms, but take it from someone who’s competed. It’s a lot of fun. I encourage all of those selected to participate. For now, congratulations to everyone. Go enjoy the rest of your lunch break.”

People pack their bags and head out the door. On the way out, some club members congratulate me and Sooyoung on our selection. I’m still questioning Seohyun’s decision. Nichkhun waves to me before he heads out with his buddies, and I’m left with Sooyoung in our corner of the room.

“I hope they still have some pork cutlets,” Sooyoung says. “Or omelette rice.” Her brain is on other matters.

Seohyun comes over and hands us the permission forms that Jinwoon had mentioned earlier. “I hope both of you guys are interested in competing,” she says.

Sooyoung nods her head and gets up from her seat. She puts her arm around Seohyun. “We’ll kick . Isn’t that right, Yoona?”

“Right.” I neatly tuck the form into my backpack. “So, lunch?”

Sooyoung nods her head, and looks over at Seohyun. “Do you want to join us?”

“That’d be nice,” Seohyun replies.

Sooyoung playfully releases her, and we head out of the room. Seohyun’s been getting a lot closer with Sooyoung as of late, and it’s a nice change of pace.

We pass by loitering students in the hallways as we head downstairs to the cafeteria. It’s crowded when we get there, but there’s only a small line-up for food. It’s shorter than it usually is – a bad sign for Sooyoung and I. After a short wait, we get to the front and see that the pork cutlets are all but gone, but the omelette rice is still on the menu. Despite Sooyoung’s frown we order 3 and head off with our trays to find a spot among the rows of tables. Min Kyung is at the table that we normally eat at, so we naturally join her. She’s chatting, gossiping, and doing what she normally does with the rest of the girls.

Min Kyung looks at me with curious eyes, and then stares over at Seohyun. She normally doesn’t sit with us at lunch, so she’s an anomaly. Min Kyung gives her that trademark smile, and bows her head slightly to greet her. Seohyun takes her seat beside me, and Sooyoung announces to the entire table that we’re going to be on the debate team.

Min Kyung and the girls congratulate us.

“You might have been on the team too, Min Kyung,” Sooyoung teases. “You should have joined with me.”

The porcelain skinned girl swats the idea away like an annoying mosquito. It’s not her style.

As we eat, Seohyun tries her best to mesh into the crowd. She asks a lot of personal questions, things that we normally don’t talk about. “What school are you guys applying to? What do you guys want to major in?”

Most of the girls simply shrug, or give her vague responses. That’s when they ask, “What school did you apply to?”

Seohyun names them off the top of her head: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Seoul National University, MIT, John Hopkins University, and Stanford. I can see some of the girls at the table roll their eyes. They don’t like her. Not because she isn’t a good person, but because she’s smart and driven.

It occurs to me that Seohyun’s social awkwardness is not entirely her fault. People know about her intelligence, her drive, and they’re naturally inclined to hate her for it. It’s slightly sickening that someone as sweet as her is outcast because of her ability.

Sooyoung’s the only one who seems to be in awe, smiling and genuinely happy for her. Min Kyung is awkwardly silent.

I try to lighten the mood by talking about other things, superficial things, things that I rarely talk about with Seohyun. The rest of the girls start loosening up; they’re in their comfort zone. They start talking about fashion, and their ‘diets.’

It dawns on me that for all the make-up they wear, and the designer labels they idolize – they’re still immature brats. If they weren’t mature enough to appreciate Seohyun’s success, how on earth would they ever accept my relationship with Seohyun?

Seohyun tries to keep up with their discussion, and it’s cute because I know that’s not who she is.

Eventually the conversation shifts to discussion about boys, and the girls mockingly scold me for not having a date. I reflect it back, making a snarky comment about how none of their dates were anything special. The girls laugh in response.

“I think Yoona would rather have one of us as a date than any guy from our school,” Min Kyung jokes.

“Isn’t that right, Yoona?”

“Nope, you guys aren’t that special either.”

Sooyoung frowns. “But Yoona, I’m your biggest fan!”

I give her a grin. “Okay, maybe Sooyoung. I’ve always had a thing for girls that can eat.”

Laughter erupts as Sooyoung gives me a flirtatious grin. Seohyun laughs along too.

For the most part, everyone is getting more comfortable with one another.

That’s when Min Kyung asks, “Speaking of boys, Seohyun, didn’t Yonghwa kiss you at the dance?”

All the girls inch closer with grins on their faces. Seohyun blushes ever so slightly.

“Was he a good kisser?”, “Are you guys dating or something?”, “Do you like him?”

Seohyun shakes her head at all the questions they throw at her. “We’re just friends.”

 “I think everyone was pretty shocked that he kissed you. I know I was,” Sooyoung adds raising an eyebrow. “It’s pretty creepy that he would do that out of nowhere.”

“I agree,” I add, giving a look of distain.

“You know he likes you, though, right?” Min Kyung queries.

Seohyun replies, “I told him we should be friends, nothing more.”

Min Kyung nods, but she’s not ready to finish with the subject. Glancing at me, she asks, “What is with you and Yoona anyways? You guys get two of the hottest guys in school totally obsessed with you, and you both just brush them off?”

I shrug.

Seohyun follows along.

“No wonder you guys are best friends,” she replies.

“Maybe they’re dating,” another girl jokes.

Seohyun’s cheeks blush more noticeably, and I try my best to deflect the comment. I’m nowhere near as bothered by their teasing, but I don’t want Seohyun to be uncomfortable.

I know they’re joking around, especially Sooyoung who leads the charge, but I can see Min Kyung looking at us with those inquisitive eyes of hers. Does she really find the two of us suspicious?

The class bell rings, saving us from any further teasing. The girls all say their goodbyes as they run off in all sorts of directions. Min Kyung waves farewell to the three of us, and heads off to chat with another group of girls on her way out. She’s always a social butterfly.

Seohyun keeps her eye on the clock and rushes us to finish the last few bites of our lunches. She’s finished most of her omelette rice, but she’s not full as I stare at her. It’s far more pressing for her to be punctual. We quickly tidy up and head for the nearest stairwell.

On our way up, we pass by the large windows in the main foyer and stare out at the frigid winter landscape.

“Do you girls have anything planned for the Christmas holidays?” Sooyoung asks as she catches our gaze.

“Staying indoors, hot chocolate, blankets, sleep, but other than that – nothing.”

Sooyoung grins hearing my answer. “I was thinking we could go skiing. Do something outdoors. My uncle owns a condo near Jisan ski resort. We can stay there for a night or two.”

The offer’s tempting. Jisan’s a popular place during the holidays, and it’d be nice to get out of the house.

To my surprise, Seohyun answers first. “That sounds fun. I’d love to go,” she says.

That’s enough for me to make a decision. “Sounds like a plan.”

Sooyoung is becoming friendlier with Seohyun, and I’m glad she is.

Once upstairs, we start to part our separate ways. I need to stop by my locker to get a textbook before heading to class. To cover for me in homeroom, Sooyoung leaves first. Seohyun waves farewell, but I stop her from leaving.

“Can we talk for a bit?”

Seohyun nods in agreement. I know she’ll be a tad late for class, but I doubt any of the teachers at school would hold it against her of all people. As we walk to my locker, I ask, “Do you really think I should be on the debate team with you?”

Seohyun furls her brow, slightly upset. “Of course you should.”

“I feel like there are some other members who are more deserving. I haven’t even gone to all the meetings.”

“Neither has Sooyoung.”

“I’m not that good at debating yet. I’ve still got a lot to learn.”

“You’re charming.”

I smile. “Well I’m glad you think I’m charming,” I sheepishly joke.

Seohyun playfully jabs my shoulder. “Look, I picked you for a reason. You’re a really good compliment to Sooyoung and me. We all have different styles, but it’ll flow really well. I’m sure the judges will like the three of us.”

I figured she had her reasons, but another thought crosses my mind - a thought that I hadn’t considered before.

“You’re not just doing it because it’ll look good on my Harvard application, right?”

Seohyun gives a slight grin. “You deserve it. That’s just a bonus.”


“What? You deserve it,” she says with a warm tone. I can’t be mad at her. I know she only has good intentions, and she’s honest. Even when it comes to questionable decisions, her intentions have always been good. All I can do is trust her. That’s all anyone in love can do.

“Go run off to class before you’re late. I know you’re itching to leave anyways.”

Seohyun nods her head, and gives me a quick hug. It catches me off guard, and I nervously look around to see if anyone’s watching. Nobody seems to pay much attention to it.

It’s a hug.

Yet for some weird reason my heart races. I must be out of my mind to be so worried. It’s only been a couple of days since that afternoon in Seohyun’s room, and a few days since our snowy kiss. I shouldn’t be so darn shy, anyways.

Seohyun hurries to class, and I head to my locker. I place my bag down on the ground when I arrive and punch in my combination. Once inside, I flip through the mess that I’ve left behind and pull out the hulking accounting textbook for fourth period. ping my bag, I slide it carefully in place and zip it shut.

Something catches the corner of my eye.

I notice a small red envelope sitting at the bottom of my locker. It’s sitting atop a mess of papers, but it’s hard to miss. I pick it up and examine it, looking over it carefully, but I don’t see anything suspicious.

I open it to read what’s inside.

My heart stops.

I Know Your Secret...

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Will update tonight or tomorrow :D


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Chapter 24: damn it was too intense, too perfect that I'm sad you wasn't able to continue this. however, i had fun while I was here. thank you!
yoonkay7 #2
Chapter 24: Steve pls comeback and finish this story!!! HahaTT
ShinHye24 1340 streak #3
I miss this!
the storyline is so good author, the fic is absolutely worth reading for me it's sad that it wasn't finish just when they started dating. New reader here, I absolutely love your story. You've done so well in writing, great job!!!!
Chapter 24: It's a well-written story. Sadly it wasn't finished but still a good thing that i found this :)
Chapter 24: I hate that Yoona is the flaw of miss innocent here in this story. Man...
Chapter 24: i badly miss this fic maaan oh my god this is my favorite yoonhyun fic! i wish you could still finish this author!
Chapter 24: Huhu one of the best fanfics ive read. Will this have an update omg
Chapter 24: Still waiting for an update
Chapter 2: I'm going to start reading this *u*