My God. Were Lost. || PART 03 : Dara & Taeyang||

~♥~ Flight 143 ~♥~

I woke up to a nudge beside me. "Hmmm." I groaned. "Noona, wake up! I wanna take you somewhere!" Taeyang said anxiously, I slowly got up and rubbed my eyes. He was staring me in the face, his teeth and his dimples gleaming with excitement. I sighed, "Where do you wanna go?" I scratched my head and got out of bed, dragging my feet.

'Okay,just let me get ready. Then I will eat. Ther we will go" I said not looking at him, my right hand bouncing at each word. "Oh! don't bother eating noona, we will eat there!" I just nodded, as I headed to the bathroom.


The sun was now staring me in the face. I was squinting my eyes as Taeyang dragged me across the sand path towards a diner. "Woah! noona, do you smell that?! Omo! it smells sooo good" he closed his eyes and took a big wiff of the air. It smelled really good, but I wasn't really into the mood for some fancy breakfast. 

Actually, I'm just not in the mood at all. There was something on my mind, which is bit to early to be thinking about..but it's just dying for attention.


Is it okay to be in love with someone you don't even no? Do put all your trust in him to the extent of sharing a bed and room with him?

What will your donsaeng's think? This is not right. I have to tell him, even after a short while, that I can't do it anymore. That we need to "see another" people.

"Taeyang. Stop." Taeyang turned to me with a smile, but that smile immdiately faded as he saw my face.

"Noona, what's wrong? Are you sick?" he slapped his hand to my forehead. I sighed and softly pushed his hand away.

"Taeyang, I can't go like this. I mean, I don't even know you! And let alone be sharing a bed with you..and a room. I mean I just can't it's just too werid." Taeyang, let go of my hand and tucked his into his pockets.

His head hung low,and eyes overflowing with tears. I've never seen a man cry before, and if this is the way they cry...then it's like a child's cry. So filled with sorrow and pain, unlike mine that are just plain noise.

"Okay, if you feel that way. I don't even know why I tried.." He turned and walked a few more steps behind me. I turned around and he said down with his head inbetween his knees, with his hands on the back of his head.

I walked towards him and took a seat.

I placed my arm around him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Why are you still here?" he said inbetween sniffles, "Because I have a meal to get too, that was meant for two. And I need a friend to go with..." I raised my eyes to him, He was know wiping away his tears.

He placed his sunglasses on and showed me a smile. "Friends? I guess I'm okay with that" he then arched his arm for me to hang on too, in like a friendly gesture.

I smiled back at him as we walked towards the diner.


After the delicious breakfast, Taeyang placed a bandanna over my eyes as we headed into a cab.

"Yeah! where are we going?" I said while giggling. Taeyang grabbed my hand, I could here a smile in his voice,"It's a surprise, you know,for out new found friendship" 

I smiled. Being friends with Taeyang wasn't that bad. I mean, it wasn't a "elementary school" friendship, but more of like a "since we were toddlers" friendship. I mean, he treats me as if he has known me all his life! 

Aish, he's making it really hard for me not to want to date him...

The car stopped and Taeyang, once again,dragged out of the car.

"Okay, take your blind fold off" I took it off anxiously and was confused on what we were doing.

I looked at him, "Why is there a helicopter infront of us..." Taeyang laughed, "Pabo! were gunna take a helicopter ride" Taeyang said while lightly smakcing the back of my head. I looked at him with an evil stare, but he was laughing at me.

"I'm sorry, C'mon, let's go!" I walked in and placed all the required things on. Taeyang did the same.

And like that, we took off.


Once we landed back, it was close to the end of the day. The sun was a few momments from setting.

We were far away from our hotel, but there was still a really pretty beach next to the Helicopter base.

"Woah! that was fun Taeyang!" I said while hopping off the helicopter. My legs felt like jelly. Taeayng chuckled and laughed at me.

"I know, I loved the view!" 

I nodded in agreement.

As Taeyang and I were strolling of the platform, Taeyang looked towards the orange sun.

I looked at Taeyang, seeing his face fill with that excitement he had this morning. Suddenly, I was picked up bridal style and rushed towards the beach.

"Yeah! What are you doing?" I said while clutching to his shirt, lauging.

Taeyang looked at me, "I want you too see the sunset! With me on the beach!"

I then smiled at him, but he didn't notice because his eyes were glued towards the sand.

Woah, just like a friend would. I love him.

He then dropped we gently on the beach as we watched the sunset go down.

As the sunset was going down from the sky and into the sea, Taeyang began to speak of his childhood to lighten the mood.

Later that night,we found ourselves in a "couple" like position.

His head resting on my lap and my hand rustling through his blonde tinted faux hawk.


He is the best guy friend I've ever had.

My God. Were Lost. ~



~ Flight 143 ~

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AH~ Sorry Chp O6 was so short ): Hope you liked it tho ^^ Comment if you liked it or not.


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@jenjen0318 : lool, i know finally! that actually took me forever to come up with ;P About time.
You updated!!!
chaesea #3
Yay, so sweettttt
please more update, i really like chaekey
i love it so sweet
Annalise93 #5
AWWWWWWHHH i love jongsica hehe LOL
Jongsica r the best
nerdscandy #7
thank you so much!!!
Jonghyun and Jessica are so perfect for each other!!!!
*spazzes :))))
@nerdscandy i'm sorry that it was so short, i'll make the Jongsica one longer (; In your favour.
nerdscandy #9
Annalise93 #10
yay!! jongsica !!!