My God. Were Lost. ||PART 01: Chaerin & Key||

~♥~ Flight 143 ~♥~


It's morning. I hate mornings...but this one was an exception. I was in Fiji, and the sweet sun glistened through the glass door, the touch of the sun from the window warmed me up.

I inhaled, and noticed my side was a bit heavy. I reached for my side and felt a soft long hand. I caught my breath, 

"My God, he's touching me." I whispered, I caught my breath. I was frozen, I didn'y know what to do! 

After a few seconds of quick thinking, I lifted his hands and got out from the bed.

I then brewed my coffee and smiled at the man in my bed. 

He looked so innocent, so pure. 

"It's him" I said. I placed my coffee mug down, and headed towards the shower, Today I was going to the sandy beaches of Fiji.

When I came out of the shower, Key was awake in shorts and shades, and a t-shirt, "Chaerin lets go to the beach!" He said cheerfully, I smiled. "Okay."

~On the beach~

My toes curled as the sand entered the cracks between my toes. As the my crop top flowed in the cool breeze, I was appauled by the crystal waters.

Key and I stopped and just stared, "Beautiful, isn't it?" I looked at him, his face was blocked by his black ray bans.

" I wanna swim." I then to remove my clothes. My cheeks became a bit red as I could feel his eyes on me.

I then immidiately ran to the waters, and absorbed the water into my skin. I craved this.

I swam a few metres from the shore, I turned around around and noticed Key sitting on the sand. Watching me.

"Hey! Why aren't you swimming?" I said while swimming back to him. He revealed a slight shrug. I don't like those types of answers. Those wordless ones.

I reached the shore and shook my head, causing the little droplets from my hair to stain the beige sand.

I sat down beside him, "Don't like the water Captain" I smirked. His face was straight; no emotions.

He looked at me and sighed, "My best friend died swimming." My breath just stopped.

I felt really bad. I looked into his hazel eyes and then I could feel his pain.

"I'm sorry to hear that, we don't have to come hear if you don't want to" He shook his head slightly, "I don't want to ruin your fun."

"No, it's fine." he then reached for my hand, "No, really it's fine! I'll go swimming later" My heart started to beat, I nodded then ran back into the water.

I just watched as I Key spaced out into the sky.


It was about 6:00 pm when we both got hungry.

"Want to go to lunch?" Key said to me, while cocking his eyebrow.

I nodded, "Yes! swimming makes me so hungry!"

He chuckled, "Okay, I know a great place!" he then took my hand and dragged me.

This was the perfect day.


I was dying of laughter, "So your ahjumma gave you girl clothes for Christmas because you grew your hair out?! WHAATT" I smacked my hand on the table. Key laughed loudly along with me.

I knew he felt the eyes on us, but he didn't care. "I know, that's why I always trim my hair, I like to keep it at this length though, So I can perm it" I imagined him with a perm, and mygod..he looked hot as hell.

"Ah, you know what I wanna do?" Key said. 

"What?" I said smiling, he gazed towards the open window, "I wanna swim."

He looked back at me, my mouth hung open, "Are you sure?" he nodded.

"Okay.." I was really unsure with it, but maybe this is the way he copes.

We then payed the bill and left for the beach.

A soft breezed met us, the star were bright outside. The stars glistened in the water, as I once again to remove my top.

Once I was done I turned to Key, "You know Key, you don't have to do this. If you're not ..." I paused, the moon's light reflected off his body causing him to look like an angel.

My eyes just roamed on his topless body, "Are you ready?" 

My world was engulfed by his heart, it was filled with him, "Ah...ah Yeah. Let's go." I turned to the water, and houghed. I was starting to stroll of towards it, when Key's arm stopped me.

"Get on my back" he said, I turned to him and started to chuckle "Really? are we going to be those kind of friends?"

Key chuckled, his white teeth reflected in the moonlight, "Yes we are going to be those kind of friends."

I smiled and hopped into his back. It was smooth and warm, I wrapped my hands around his chest. It was so smooth and so musular.

I then rested my head on his neck, my heart started to beat. 

"How can I be doing this with a complete stranger?" I thought, but I just shrugged. This was perfect.

He turned his head halfway, "you ready?" I made a small sound.

He then ran towards the water. 

From the that momment, I started to scream in glee while he laughed aloud.

We hit the water, my arm were now wrapped around his neck.

We laughed at eachother, "Oh my gosh, that was so much fun!"

Key smiled at me, " I know! Oh, how I miss the cool water on my skin." He sighed.

I then noticed his hands were on my hips, and the way we were postioned..just made me blush.

"Eh? Why are you blushing?" he said while puffing his cheeks.

"It's just they way were postioned." I said limply.

He tilted his head to the side, "Why you don't like it? Because you know if it's awkward I can let go" 

"NO!" I responded back, his eyes looked shocked at my tone. I coughed, " just.. I love you" Key smiled and kissed my forehead, "I love you too."

We then looked at eachothers eyes, his eyes just glowed. I slowly crept around his smooth neck, as his hands curved to my waist pushing the water away.

Our lips slighty touched; but then they locked together. Key's lips became thin, and I figured he was smiling. I did the same.

~My God. Were Lost...



~Flight 143~

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AH~ Sorry Chp O6 was so short ): Hope you liked it tho ^^ Comment if you liked it or not.


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@jenjen0318 : lool, i know finally! that actually took me forever to come up with ;P About time.
You updated!!!
chaesea #3
Yay, so sweettttt
please more update, i really like chaekey
i love it so sweet
Annalise93 #5
AWWWWWWHHH i love jongsica hehe LOL
Jongsica r the best
nerdscandy #7
thank you so much!!!
Jonghyun and Jessica are so perfect for each other!!!!
*spazzes :))))
@nerdscandy i'm sorry that it was so short, i'll make the Jongsica one longer (; In your favour.
nerdscandy #9
Annalise93 #10
yay!! jongsica !!!