The Closure



 Chapter 7 – The Closure

“Did you just say that you’re leaving?” Seung Hyun asked in a not-his-usual-tone. “What about your commitments?”

Jiyong looked at him, his gaze was saying something. “It’s not like I’m committed.” He said lazily.

“Look, if you’re planning to just let things cool down, it won’t happen the way you wanted.”

Jiyong smiled bitterly.  Leaving’s not his plan but he needed to do it for the sake of both of them. Ironic, he just thought about it all of a sudden.

Seung Hyun heaved a sigh and raised a brow to him. He was totally disappointed with Jiyong. He’s wondering what has gotten into him to decide things like that without even thinking. His friend wasn’t anymore the old Jiyong that he used to know. There wasn’t any glow in his eyes. It was replaced with coldness, doubt and pain. No matter how cool he acted, his eyes were saying everything.

“Yeah, I’ve gone crazy. I’m ruined. What else should I do? I was the one who started it and might as well finish it. It’s the best thing to do, I guess. What do you think bro?” he said so casually that Seung Hyun wanted to grab his collar and punch him on the face.

“Do you hear what’s coming out of your mouth?”

Jiyong shrugged. “What?”

“Do you know what’s on my mind right now?” Seung Hyun countered.

He just twitched his mouth, waiting for his friend to say what was on his mind.


7 months later

Jiyong came back three days ago. None of his friends knew about it. It’s been months that he didn’t see Dara. The last time was when she was at a coffee shop with Seung Hyun. Her face lit up a little and she seemed to have moved on already from what had happened to them. He wanted to greet her and say hi at that moment but he chickened out. There was like a barricade between them. No one was to blame except himself for feeling that way. It was his sole decision not to even bid goodbye to her when he left to Paris. Now, the verity of it is haunting him. He can’t seem to think straight every time he thought about what he’d done. For the past months, he realized that his ego and pride ruled him. He was selfish, egotistic and a coward.

What he saw at the coffee shop the other day was something that he can’t just ignore. Dara and his friend were so happy and comfortably talking to each other. Their chairs were so close to each other and they were both watching something on Seung Hyun’s phone. He thought he was alright already but he was wrong. He felt a pinch on the chest at that very moment.

He missed her. The moment he opened his eyes in the morning, the thought of her kept on lingering on his mind. It was insane. Whenever and whatever he does, she’s included in it.

“Hey, are you alright?” his sister tapped him on the back.

He gave her a timid smile. “There’s nothing to worry about, noona.”

“Are you sure? If you need a drinking buddy, just call me.”

“Sure. Thanks.” Jiyong watched his sister’s back as she disappeared from the kitchen area.

He slouched on the couch and closed his eyes. Just a while ago, he saw flashes of lightning outside. Then he heard numerous thunder sounds. Anytime, the sky will pour its blessing. It made him wants to just freeze the moment and capture the wonderful sight of the nature.

 Opening his eyes, his hands trailed for his phone.  Usually, on a chilly night like that, crazy thoughts were coming through him. The splash of water on the window and the sound it makes on the roof to the gutter was relaxing. Though it was soothing, a part of him was missing and empty.

He thought that coming back’s always better. At some point, he was alright however the regrets he has kept on haunting him. It’s probably too late to apologize but he needed to clean up the mess he’d done.

He reached for his phone and scrolled some photos. His finger stopped on a shot of him and her. Their faces were so close and she was making a V-sign on the camera. A bitter smile came out of him. He shook his head for breaking up with her just like that. He was too dumb to think what a major mess he caused. Dara’s a total loss to him. It was like he got a stone and hit it on his on head. He should’ve lengthen his patience and endure a little more. He should’ve listened and understood her. He should’ve supported her instead. He shouldn’t come up with a stupid decision that would truly turn his world upside down.  

There was never a right time to say goodbye however, what’s done was done. He can never turn back the clock. The situation’s different now. All he needed to do is face the reality and try to make things right.


Oh my! It’s been ages since I updated this. Sorry about that. Anyway, the update is just short and kind of random. Mianhe!

Tell me what you think so I can organize my thoughts on the next chap :) hehe.

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greiyz_14 #1
Chapter 9: Talk to jiyong dara and give him a chance
,please update authornim
mrschoi09 #2
Chapter 9: give him a chance..its better than living in hell..
mrschoi09 #3
Chapter 5: seunghyun is a good man here and i dont mind a tabisan story keke...just sayin
mrschoi09 #4
Chapter 3: somehow i understand ji here...aigoo!!
Chapter 9: aigoo Ji, you should have treasured her ... you're welcome & thanks again for the update.
celinelofamia013 #6
Chapter 9: Nice storyline.. hope you update soon
Chapter 9: I hope she'll give Jiyong a chance :)
Chapter 9: Thank you so much!
daramaegon #9
Chapter 8: is it ji? i hope so~!!!pls update soon:)
Chapter 8: dont tell me its ji ... aigoo ... thanks for the update.