Moving On


It was past midnight, Seung Hyun was driving home when he noticed Jiyong’s car parked in front of an old building. It may look old in front but it was actually a club – a typical hangout place. He pulled his car in and looked for a vacant parking space then went in trying to find his ‘lost’ friend. Smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke welcomed him. Though he’s used it, he coughed. He scanned his eyes around but no glimpse of Jiyong was there. People inside were already high, dancing on the floor, some were making out, others were feasting their eyes on the blonde lady dancing on the pole.

He squeezed himself into the crowd. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the show. The girl’s dancing skill was impressive but he disregarded it. He wasn’t there to enjoy. Finding Jiyong was his goal.

His eyes darted at the far right corner. There’s a couch there. What caught his attention were the girls clinging into a guy, so close that they almost change faces. It was Jiyong. Heat went up to his face upon seeing him enjoying himself and was like having the time of his life. Seung Hyun curled his fist and went towards Jiyong’s direction. He stood in front of them.

Jiyong looked up when he noticed someone was standing in front of them. He was a bit surprised when he saw Seung Hyun in front of them, looking straight at him with furious eyes. “Hey, bro! What’s up?” He managed to greet him.

“You seemed to be enjoying here, huh.”  Seung Hyun said in his deep voice.

“Want some?” Jiyong offered him a drink.

“No.” he declined. “I need to talk to you.”

“About what?”

“About Dara.”

Jiyong went silent. For the past days, he had forgotten about her but upon hearing Seung Hyun mentioned her name, memories flashed back to him. Pain crept inside, a sudden surge of emotion stirred on him. He missed her all of a sudden. “Dara --”

“What’s wrong with you, bro? Why did you do that?” Seung Hyun tried to make his voice calm.

Jiyong let out a heavy sigh. “Let’s not talk about this here.” He walked ahead of him, heading to the main exit door. Seung Hyun followed him. He stopped half way when he was nearing his car. With his right hand cupping his forehead, he looked up at the sky and gazed at the stars then closed it. Another heavy breath let out of his mouth. Dara’s pretty face flashed through him. He laughed bitterly then kicked the stone in front of him. “Aisht!”

“What are you gonna do now?” Seung Hyun said sulkily.

“Live a normal life … again.”

“Normal life?” Seung Hyun snorted. “You call that a normal life?” he continued pertaining to what he just saw.

“It is to me.” Jiyong blurted nonchalantly.

Seung Hyun laughed bitterly. “Do you hear what you’re saying? I don’t know why you’re acting like that after you broke up with her. You’re out of your mind!”

Jiyong faced his friend with furious eyes. “Will you stop acting like you know everything? I know what I’m doing and it’s for her own good!”

“Own good? Did you know what happened to her after you left? Did you even check on her? Have you seen her lately? If you do then you’ll see that what you’re doing is for her.”

“I have my reasons why I did that.”

“And what are those?”

“Why don’t you ask her?”

“You know what she said? She’s not giving you full attention; she’s not being considerate with your feelings. She’s just ignoring you. That’s what you told her, right? She’s being unfair to you. It was all her fault and not yours. You’re telling her to quit her job for the nth time but she’s not listening. You think she’s selfish enough for refusing a mere date with you.”

“So she did tell you everything, huh?”

“But did you ever ask yourself if you have done enough? You’re worried at night that she’s still there, out there – working. You already heard for the nth time that she doesn’t want to quit that stupid job of hers but you still kept on pushing what you want. You know that she doesn’t want to accept any help from anyone – financially. Why don’t you just support her? I mean you could have fetched her at night so you don’t have to worry!”

“You can say that because you’re not in the situation.”

“You’re a fool! And she’s not the selfish one here, it’s you.”

“Why are you always siding on her?”

“I’m not siding anyone here. I’m doing this for the two of you.”

Jiyong went silent absorbing what Seung Hyun just said. In some sense, he got a point there but he was tired already, tired of understanding her, tired of her excuses, tired of their situation. Love wasn’t enough for their relationship to work out.

“I don’t know what’s running through your mind right now.” Seung Hyun shook his head in disappointment. “I just hope you won’t regret it.” He then walked past at him and headed to his car.

Jiyong stood there, still in his spot – drained. Wearing a weary heart, he cupped his face and looked up at the dark sky again. No stars – nothing seemed to be lighting him.


Cold as her heart, the night seemed to be lonely too. There were no stars outside and the sky was dark. Only the rustling of the leaves was the only sound that can be heard. Dara was standing near the window of her room, looking at the vast sky which was merely covered with darkness. She’s alone. She felt cold. She’s broken.

Memories of her and Jiyong kept on lingering on her mind. Those happy moments they shared together, talking and laughing with each other, resting on his arms, throwing her some pop corns when she was sleeping every time they watch a movie.  She remembered those, but it was a long time ago already. They did not anymore hanged out lately. It was all because she’s busy.

A gust of cold wind blew which made her to shiver. She cuddled herself and stepped back. The cold wind seemed to be whispering to her and then it just vanished and for some reason she found herself staring at her mother’s old picture framed in the wall of her room. A sudden surge of emotion embedded her upon looking at it. It was as if looking at her, smiling and saying ‘everything will be alright, dear’.

“Mom --” Tears started to roll down her face but she wiped it immediately with the back of her fingers. “If only you’re still here with me.” she wished. “I know you’re already happy to where you are right now. Don’t be sad there, mom. You know I’m tough. I can handle this on my own. You don’t have to worry about me and I know that you’ll be proud of me when the time comes.” She smiled at the picture. “I miss you, mom.”

She let all her tears flow down while in front of her mother’s photo. All her heartaches and pain, her grievances and sorrows she’d kept for a long time. She reminisced the time when her mother was still alive and was working three jobs in a day just to support her and their needs. It was heartbreaking for her even at a young age to witness how her mother was spitefully bashed and called as b*tch, a sl*t, a woman who only after for the wealth of others. They called her a gold digger and some nasty nicknames. She’s a witness of it all.

The clock at 2 am. The tears had already dried up and her eyes went even puffier. She sniffed and went to the bathroom. She glanced at her reflection and saw the dark circles that were starting to form. It’s been days that she hasn’t had a decent sleep. She smiled bitterly when she remembered Jiyong again. Her inside wanted to cry but she ran out of tears already.


The garden was the same, full of blossoming flowers. She inhaled the familiar sweet scent of the breeze. Closing her eyes, a romantic sound of a violin was playing in the background. The sound was soothing and very lovely. She smiled to herself while enjoying the harmonious sound together with the humming of the birds. The red carpet was gone and what was left was the grassy loan. She wandered her eyes around only to find herself all alone in the garden. An unfamiliar feeling enveloped her then the garden started to fade away. She went dizzy and was like falling into a deep pit; her motion was fast and was uncontrollable. She screamed but no one seemed to hear her.

A man wearing a mask and a sword caught her. She fell on his arms. Dara gasped. “Who are you?”

The man was smiling at her and was about to take off his mask when a screeching sound echoed through the place. She covered her ears and stared at his face. His smile faded then in a blink of an eye, the man disappeared too.

“Krrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinggggggggg! Krrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnggggggggggggggg! Kkrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg!”

She opened her eyes and realized that she was in the middle of her bed, lying with her back. She reached the alarm clock and turned it off. Her blanket was already on the floor. Cold wind was still blowing from her windows which she left open the night before. She thought of her dream, that man with a mask. He looked familiar but she can’t recognize him.

Her head was heavy when she got up. She felt a bit dizzy then she heard her phone rang. She took it without looking at the name of the caller.

“Hello?” She said in a weak voice.

“Good morning. Sorry for disturbing your sleep …”

She recognized Seung Hyun’s voice. “Oh, Seung Hyun. It’s okay, I’m already awake.”

“You sounded so weak, are you ill?” the voice on the other line asked.

“No, I’m just a little dizzy right now.”

“You should take a medicine then. Okay, I’m on the road right now. Wait for me there, huh?. No but’s … wait for me.” Seung Hyun said then the line was cut.

Dara sighed. She lazily stood up and went to the bathroom. Squeezing the tube of her facial wash, she took an amount then rubbed it on her face. She readied herself then before making her way to the kitchen.

Dara put on the apron that was hanged beside the fridge and decided to have pancakes for breakfast. She took a stick of coffee and poured the content in a cup. While stirring, someone pressed the doorbell. It was Seung Hyun for sure. She took a sip first before heading to open it.

“Hi.” she greeted him. “You should’ve not come here.”

“No, it’s fine and besides I have decided to drop by here first.”

“You should’ve not bothered yourself. Oh, come on in.”


Seung Hyun took off his shoes first then followed her. She went back to the kitchen then took another cup.

“Want some coffee?” she offered.

He looked at her. “You’re drinking coffee?”

“Oh, only these past days. It tastes good though.” she replied. “Should I make you one?”

“You’re not getting enough sleep, right? You should be drinking milk to calm your nerves.” Seung Hyun worriedly uttered.

“I’m okay, Seung Hyun. You don’t have to worry on me. Thanks for the concern anyway, you’re such a good friend.” Dara said and gave him a smile.

Seung Hyun smiled at her too. He already saw Jiyong but he was hesitant if he’s going to tell her what his friend was doing.

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greiyz_14 #1
Chapter 9: Talk to jiyong dara and give him a chance
,please update authornim
mrschoi09 #2
Chapter 9: give him a chance..its better than living in hell..
mrschoi09 #3
Chapter 5: seunghyun is a good man here and i dont mind a tabisan story keke...just sayin
mrschoi09 #4
Chapter 3: somehow i understand ji here...aigoo!!
Chapter 9: aigoo Ji, you should have treasured her ... you're welcome & thanks again for the update.
celinelofamia013 #6
Chapter 9: Nice storyline.. hope you update soon
Chapter 9: I hope she'll give Jiyong a chance :)
Chapter 9: Thank you so much!
daramaegon #9
Chapter 8: is it ji? i hope so~!!!pls update soon:)
Chapter 8: dont tell me its ji ... aigoo ... thanks for the update.