His Life


“How about a romantic dinner tonight?” Jiyong clasped his fingers on hers then brought it to his lips. “It’s been a while since we spent time with each other. I already miss you.

Dara pressed her palms against his. She felt the warmth of it. Jiyong’s the most understanding and the sweetest person she’d ever known despite her flaws and shortcomings as a girlfriend. Although he’s losing his temper on her sometimes, but at the end of the day, it was still him who softens first. She breathed in a deep air. No matter how she wanted to be with him too, he’s always at a wrong timing. She’s not available at weeknights.

“I do miss you too, Ji. And you know how much you mean to me … I love you so much.”

Jiyong smiled. Those words weren’t new to him. He knew that those words were sincere but those weren’t enough. Moreover, those words meant something. He needed her and he wanted to be with her. His smile lightly faded upon figuring it out. He then turned his gape away.

She looked at him apologetically.

“That look again.” He noticed.

“How about I’ll treat you a lunch today?” she traded.

“Lunch.” he repeated. Jiyong looked away followed by a short silence. He heaved a sigh. “What can I do? You always beat me in everything, leaving me with no choice.”

“Thank you, Ji.” she hugged him. “Don’t worry I’ll make it up to you.”

“You always say that.” he mumbled in a complaining tone.

“I know that I’m being unfair to you.” she admitted. “But I promise this time.” she raised her right hand then touched the tip of his nose. “Don’t be upset there, okay.”

“Don’t say that and I’m not blaming you with anything. I do understand your situation. I know that it must be real hard on your part too.”

Dara smiled. She was soothed by that. Her life has too much complications and she’s grateful that there’s Kwon Jiyong who backed her up everytime she’s down. He was her armor in every battle that she fought. Without him, she should’ve not victor in the battlefield. Without him, she should’ve not surpassed the trials alone.

“What should I do if you’re not with me? You’re my life Kwon Jiyong.”

“No I’m not. This is one helluva world and everything is meant to happen. We live by its rule.”

She paused, absorbing what he meant. She took an ample amount of air then let it out slowly. A faint and bitter smile embedded her. He was right. Every thing happened with a reason but it’s not the way you wanted it to be. If only she can rule her own.

“You are my life, Ji. I don’t know what to do if I’m going to lose you.”

Jiyong didn’t answer her. He just pressed her hands. “Alright, … so --- lunch time is almost over. I’m hungry already.” he said instead.

Dara stood up and gave him a light hug. She knew that he would not anymore insist the dinner and just agree with her. She also missed those times when they were hanging out with each other. Those memories were still carved on her. Unfortunately, she’s on a night shift. “I’m really sorry about the dinner …”

“It’s okay.”

A cute smile curved her lips once more. She wrapped her arms around him. “Love you, Ji.”

He faintly smiled.


Just like his usual day, the gymnasium was quiet and lonely too. No screaming of girls can be heard. Jiyong walked in lazily and put his things on the side. He sat on one of the red seats. It’s been a habit for him to practice late in the afternoon. He doesn’t want to make it a big deal but he had been doing it since he and Dara became a thing. One valid reason of him was to avoid girls.

He thought about Dara. Her sweet and pretty face flashed through him. Every detail of her face was clear on his mind. He smiled upon remembering how they met. It was during the final season of their game. Everyone was excited about the playoffs. Girls are everywhere doing sweet stuff trying to get his attention. Well, he’s one of the best players in the team and say one that have the most number of fangirls.


An hour before the game, he was on the boy’s locker room waiting for his playmates. He too was excited about the game and was even excited about the girls. Yes, he loved the attention being given to him. A relaxed and a cute smile flashed on his face. His phone rang and when he checked on it, it was their coach telling him to meet him at the school canteen. When he was out of the locker room, he didn’t expect to see number of girls waiting outside.

“It’s Kwon Jiyong!” one of the girls squealed like she saw a celebrity idol.

Some of the girls looked up too and acted strangely. He smiled at them and was like they were lifted from the ground. Jiyong smiled to himself with that and just continue walking. The canteen wasn’t that far so no need for him to fasten his pace. While on his way, he bumped into someone. And that someone was a girl.

“Oh, sorry …” he said, smiling.

The girl just looked at him without any expression on her face. “Oh no … it’s my fault. I wasn’t looking on my way. Sorry.”

Her expression was new to him. She was different with any other girl around. She was like lost. “Are you a transfer student here?” he can’t himself to ask.

She creased her forehead and looked back at him, wondering. She smiled lightly. “No. I’m an old student here.”

“Oh, ...” he said. He was baffled. ‘How come she doesn’t know me?’ he thought. Not like everyone can recognize him but he’s popular in school, how come he seemed not known to her. He thought about that for a couple of seconds.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m Kwon Jiyong by the way.” he stuck his hands out.

“My name’s Dara Park.” she accepted his hands with a smile.

At the far corner of the corridor, a bunch of girls were there, lurking. Her eyes darted on them.  They were like glaring at her for having the chance to touch and able to hold his hands. “Who are they?” she asked.

Jiyong turned his head. “OH, don’t mind them.”

She went silent for a while. “Hey, are you a celebrity? an actor? an idol or something?”

He chuckled.

“I’m sorry for not recognizing you. It’s embarrassing but I really don’t have any idea. I was just busy with stuff and have no time to watch television.”

“No. I’m just a mere student here.” he said.

“You seemed not.” She said then glanced at her wrist watch. “Oh, I have to go now…I’m glad to meet you Kwon Jaejoong.”

“It’s Kwon Jiyong.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry … J-Jiyong.” she lightly scratched her head and walked away.

That simple acquaintance with her got his interest. He was intrigued by her personality and that made him eager to know her more. With his charismatic image, he was able to use it to collect information about her. He even tried to check her profile at the registrar’s office. What surprised him was that, they were in the same department. That realization made him wonder on why on earth she doesn’t know who he was.

After some time, he found out that she’s not active in school activities. Her routine was just school, home and work. She has a part time job and that answered his question on why she doesn’t have any idea about him.

End of flashback.

A light pat on the shoulder made his mind drift back to reality.

“What’s wrong, bro?” It was Seung Hyun, the team captain of their basketball team. “Thinking about Dara, again?”

He and Jiyong are on the same team and been friends for the past years. He was the king and always awarded as the most valuable player. He got a lot of girls but none of them was taken seriously. Girls were just flings and accessories to him. Jiyong was like that too before.

Seung Hyun met Dara earlier than Jiyong.  They already have acquaintances before but they didn’t have the chance to converse.

Jiyong smiled. “Hey, why are you here? I thought you accompany your mom to go shopping.” He said instead. He doesn’t want his girlfriend to be the topic of their conversation.

“Aisht … Don’t remind me that.”

“So, when is our next game?”

“No schedule for now.” Seung Hyun sat beside him. “Anyway, I saw Dara an hour ago. She was talking to an older man.”


“At the café nearby. They were like in a serious mode.”

Jiyong was bothered by that. For sure, it was her father. He knew his girlfriend well, she doesn’t want to accept help especially if it’s from them. He too can’t seem to get the logic of it sometimes. But based on what she had gone through and her mom, it appeared that she has a great urge to do something and show something to her step family that she’s capable of doing things away from their shadows. And that, showing them that they were wrong with their judgment towards her mother.

“It must be her father.”

“I see.” Seung Hyun said.

Dara and Jiyong’s situation was not anymore hidden to him. He was actually the one who gave advices to his friend whenever the couple has misunderstandings. He was like an older brother. Dara’s somewhat close to him too. The three of them used to hang out before. But lately, things changed, everyone changed.

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greiyz_14 #1
Chapter 9: Talk to jiyong dara and give him a chance
,please update authornim
mrschoi09 #2
Chapter 9: give him a chance..its better than living in hell..
mrschoi09 #3
Chapter 5: seunghyun is a good man here and i dont mind a tabisan story keke...just sayin
mrschoi09 #4
Chapter 3: somehow i understand ji here...aigoo!!
Chapter 9: aigoo Ji, you should have treasured her ... you're welcome & thanks again for the update.
celinelofamia013 #6
Chapter 9: Nice storyline.. hope you update soon
Chapter 9: I hope she'll give Jiyong a chance :)
Chapter 9: Thank you so much!
daramaegon #9
Chapter 8: is it ji? i hope so~!!!pls update soon:)
Chapter 8: dont tell me its ji ... aigoo ... thanks for the update.