it does happen!

maknae confession



"Kiki, I think after our hyungs, it is about our time to get marry. Will you marry me Kikwang?" I gasp then I realize it was a dream only. but the feeling is so real. huarggghh what a nice and cold morning. I walk to bathroom to clean myself. It is weird, usually my hyungs will wake me up and asked me to make them breakfast. 

"Kiki baby, you woke already? palli hyungs will bath you." Wait. what???? why am I here. What these two monsters do at my house and they called me Kiki? 

"errr Hyung-deul I can bath alone… Go away from this bathroom. My hyungs are at outside." I told them and shooed them from the bathroom before I shut the door. 

I look to the mirror and I scream. My hyungs come to the bathroom and checked on me. 

"Wae wae wae?" I asked them. 

"wae what Kiki? you looked strange. are you fine?" they asked me while Doojoon hyung is checking on my temperature Junhyung hyung check on my pulses and flip me several time to check if I have something wrong. 

"wae I am Kiki????" I cry. they looked puzzle. I push them and run towards the door. I run to my house and I heard a loud scream it must be from 'me' (i mean Kiki). Doojoon and Junhyung chase me into the house but I quickly locked the door before they managed to enter my room. 

"y-you a-are m-me?" I asked 'me'. 

"Nooooo I am Kiki. wae-yo? Wae you take my body? I don't like to live in this tall body, I keep on hitting the cabinet." he is crying after saying that. I am panicking. ughh what to do. I heard door banging and the shout from all the hyungs and nagging from the sleepy head hyungs. 

"calm down Kiki. later we talk about this. but for now, just pretend you are me and I am you. Don't make any fuss or they will freak out. we will sort this out okay? so being me first thing to do on morning is breakfast. Hyunseung hyung is on diet so give him whole grain bread with salad only and cherry tomato and serve him orange juice while for the baby Yoseob hyung, he needs milk to grow tall and serve him bacon and scramble egg, he easily get hunger if not eat heavy meal in morning" I told Kiki what to do. He seems not happy to it.

"and being me, every morning hyung will bath me. Doo hyung will take off my cloth and prepare the clean cloth for me to wear and Junnie hyung will in charge in clean me and brush my hair. They will serve me hot chocolate and cereal for breakfast. Then they will pack my lunch box inside my bag pack. Important thing to bring is my little hanky, or they will panic on how I will do if I sneeze and my nose watery." I look at him disbelief. No wonder the 2 hyungs are trying to bath 'me' just now. So I guide 'Kiki' (Kiki and Dongwoon had changed their body) to the kitchen in which Doojoon and Junhyung are staring at 'me' bewilder the sleepy Yoseob and Hyunseung also shocked seeing their brother been dragged by 'me' to the kitchen, but none of them are asking. They just tailing us and join the breakfast at the kitchen. Apparently, they sat on the table while 'me' and 'Kiki' lock the kitchen door and start the cooking. Being the spoilt youngest 'kiki' doesn't know how to fry the simple bacon and scramble egg. Hence to prevent any emergency call to fire bridget, I just made the breakfast like I used to make but today I make more because there are 3 addition. We ate our food silently. 

"Hyung me and 'Kiki' will go now" I and Kiki plan to go earlier than everybody, so that we can discussed few things before we enter the class. Then I saw frown from the Joker Junhyung hyung. I realised I talked wrongly. 

"errr ani. I mean, KIKI AND WOONIE wanna go now.errr annyeong hyungs.. and by the way, Seungie hyung and Seobie hyung don't forget to switch off the light after using the bathroom. remember everything white is seobie's and black is seungie's so don't argue about the toothbrush, and same goes to the socks and boxers, arraseo?." By that Hyunseung and Yoseob choked. I hit my head again when noticed that I am no longer Dongwoon. 

"errr Woonie asked me to tell cause he had a sore throat. annyeong hyung-nim" Then we both speed off to the next destination. 

"hurmm so your favorite color black? errmmm same like Kiki. but Kiki also like rainbow color. So this mean everytime everyday you will wear the boxer of black color and seobie the white color?" Hyuseung blushed upon hearing Junhyung's blunt question. He hit Junhyung lightly. 

"Ouchhh I don't mean to insult, I think it is cool. like how I and Doo hyung. He is always blue, from the little tiny boxer to the big room also blue. So sometimes I call him smurf. hahhahahah" Doojoon smack Junhyung's head. 

"Serve you right red hell boy" Yoseob smirked to the groaning Junhyung. 


'Dongwoon' POV (Kikwang is in Dongwoon's body)

"Ok 'Kiki', you have to go to the end of this floor then turn left. the first class is my class. I sat at the last row next to the window. My deskmate is Mir but sometime I changed with Key and Jinwoon. Remember to act cool like me. Don't smile to the girls, make the fierce face but handsomely. If Nicole get near, pull her ponytail, because that is my routine everyday. Then lately the new classmate Woohyun will just made some silly jokes you don't laugh because only bastards will laugh. Arra?" he reconfirmed with me. I nod my head. 

"and me, I am Seobie's classmate. Sat next to him, the middle row behind Jonghyun and Thunder. I really like to smile and laugh. So just be happy like me okay. And ermmm… it is okay if you don't want to act dumb, because smart person like you don't know how to act that way. hehheheh and today I have mathematic test." He pinch my cheeks. I blushed. He whined about the test before we parted. I am sure he can do that test, he is the god male after all. 

I enter the class nervously and cautiously I look for my seat I sat on the empty chair beside the window. 

"Yahhhh!!!! why you sat at my place? yours is at the back. grrrrrr" A pretty girl yell at me loudly. I think she is Nicole, because her book's written 'NICOLE' I stood up and changed the place. I bow sorry to her. So i know why Woonie pull her hair, because she is annoying and she sat in front of woonie. I pull her hair once I got on my chair. She yelp in pain and again I bow sorry to her. She blinked several time disbelief before faint. Errr did I do anything wrong? 

Mir take place beside of me and shoved a magazine. I shrieked and this caught everyone attention. Mir smack me and luckily he is fast to hide the magazine. I bow sorry to him when suddenly made everyone look at him. ahh pabo, it is hard to be 'Woonie'. Mir touch my forehead to check for temperature. Then there come 2 pretty males, I am sure these are the divas Key and Woohyun. Then Woohyun cracked a joke 

"why 9 is in agony when it saw 7?" everyone silent but I really want to know why, so i give him my 100% attention. then he continue when noone respond. 

"because 7 'ate' 9" I laugh hysterically because I find it funny though. Everybody in class looked at me to reconfirm that 'Dongwoon' is laughing because of Woohyun's lame joke. Even the silence Jinwoon also shocked with this. When I realized it, I laugh nervously and gave them an awkward smile.. (AN :: it is 7, 8, 9 eight sound like ate)

"errrr sarcasm…." I become nervous, especially when Woohyun himself widened his eyes and mumbled something that Dongwoon been possesed, Dongwoon is crazy and everything. Arghhhh it is hard to be Dongwoon!!! He is too cool .. err cold! a warm person like me is totally vice verse. Otteohke. please god, free me from this body. I don't to trap in here for all time!!!!!!


'Kikwang' POV (Dongwoon in Kikwang's body)

I walk lazily to the class. hurmm I take few times to find my place. Luckily that Kim Jonghyun and Thunder is early, so that I can spotted easily my place. Behind them. what a bad place, Seobie hyung and Kiki have bad taste in choosing desk, they should pick the one at the window because it is a bit hideous and peaceful place to doze off during class. tchk I see that Kibum aka Allen was sitting on that spot next to the small eyes Junho.. his eyes way smaller than my Kiki's eyes. ahhh how I know their names? I am the one that suppose to walk and 'protect' my hyungs. so since Hyunseung hyung is the same class with Junhyung and Doojoon, he will walk with them and my cutie pie brother, Seobie will makes me walk him to his school .. no until reaching his class and put his bag on the chair because he said carrying bag will make his shoulder sore. Kiki will walk together with us and everytime I came their classmates will greet me. They admire my protectiveness towards my hyungs. huhh.. 

seconds later Seobie hyung enter. I already lay my head on table. He nudge me and cause me stir a bit. Then he whispers to me. 

"Kiki, your hyung likes blue colour? hehhehe he is so cute. His face was blushed when that Red HellBoy Junnie told that he will always wear blue boxer because of the obsession toward that color. Don't you think it is cute? your hyung is so blue like a smurf. I think I like him. kekekkeke and how are your progression with Woonie? he left me with you this morning. tchk luckily your cute hyung Doojoon willing to walk me here but I had to carry my bag by myself. huh. he is so inconsiderate." I heard all the mumbles. What???? they are aways gossiping with each other? 

My hyung likes Doojoon? ahhh otteohke? so this mean he is going to be my in law? ahhhhh this is madness and what with the one he says our progression? Yoseob look at me waiting for the answer. ahhh what to say… 

"err me and your handsome brother had nothing to proceed on. We are at the same level as you see before. Sorry for leaving you this morning. actually, I left my notebook at home so I asked Woonie to accompany me and I just want to give you more bonding time with Doojoon hyung" Yoseob nodding his head with my reply but then he glance back at me and study my face. I gulp. He placed his palm on my forehead then he flick my forehead and causing me to shout. . all the classmates turn their head to us. I bow to them, Jonghyun added the flick because I caused him to wake up from his morning nap. 

"Ouchhh hyung, wae you that? hajima-yo" again Yoseob looked at me bewilder. 

"you are weird today. you never said my brother handsome instead you always call him tiny brother or little brother. you say level? are you and my Woonie dating or what? progression I mean is the level of your knowledge because you will always said that Woonie teach you this teach you that to your empty brain. and you will call Doojoon, Doodoo or Doojoonie only but today you called him Doojoon. Then you call me hyung?? seriously? are you sick or what? And and you never scream or whine when I flick you because you said your head is like a stone. You will smile when I flick you but today. ohh god!! ARE YOU BEEN POSSESSED????" with that I heard my brother mumbles some unknown spell to chase out the ''ghost' from my body. urgghhh childish hyung!!

The whole time in class Seobie hyung wasted by staring on me and when I looked back he will pretend to look other place. pssshhhh. I stack books infront of the edge of my desk. to hide my lying down head on the desk. then I start to doze off. Seobie hyung shake me at the last hour of the class then we walked together to home. The whole walking is silence, I had already told Kiki to wait for me at the gate. so that 'me' 'kiki' and Seobie hyung will walk together. The whole way was silence. There come a bunch of bullies in front of us. 

"well well well, the famous bunny Yoseob is walking with the pretty smiley eyes Kikwang and the douchebag freshie with unknown name. yah yah! money or punches?" What he called me douchebag freshie? I couldn't content my anger, I forgot I was the weak and feminine Kikwang. I jumped to the three bullies. 

"YOU SAID WHAT??? DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS DOUCHEBAG IS WAY BETTER THAN YOU. DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE PLAYING WITH THE WRONG PERSON??" with that I send square punches to them. I mean them is all of them. yeah. They can't even stabilize themselves before I send the second more powerful punch to them. The leader bleed his nose and run away followed by the others. 

"K-Ki-Kiki y-you .. errr lets go home Woonie" Seobie hyung pulled 'woonie's' hands and walked away from me. Heyyy I am Woonie. it is hurt when your hyung do like that, but it was my fault of being forgotten that we are changing our body. I walk alone to 'my' home to meet the 2 hyungs. They are glaring at me, fiercely. I meant it really fierce.

"why are you walking alone to home? why don't Dongwoon with you? You really want to be kidnap?" Jun hyung asked me in the low monotonous voice which really sent fear to me. 

"A-an-ni hyung." Damn I'm stuttering. I try to control my fear. "ermm it is, Dongwoon have diarrhea so he needs toilet so much. I pity him and I also don't want to be late to home or else you two will be worried about me. Mianheyo hyung-nim." I looked almost all time to my feet and not dare to even glance the fierce hyungs. Doojoon hyung gasp. 

"are apologizing? usually you will whine and cuddle to junhyung stating that you are innocent. Then making infamous puppy eyes and even bribe Junnie with cokes. or you will hide behind me and tell me that if I forgive you, then you will tell me Seobie's secret. but… but … you are apologzing? and in POLITE way? ommooo. Junnie call Dr. maybe he had his head injury on the way home. or maybe he is bipolar." What the hell with bipolar. I don't know that his two hyungs are so so so dumbs. As I see Junhyung reach the cordless phone I stop him. I try to make the smiley eyes that Kiki always do. 

"gwenchana hyung-nim. I don't want to meet doctor!!!!!" again they gasp. 

"Kiki, what's wrong with you today? your smiley eyes are deteriorated and Dr is not a real doctor. she is our little cousin that like to play pretend-a-doctor with you. and I was holding this phone to call pizza for our dinner. Doo is lazy to cook. I think you stressed too much today. It is okay, I will not scold you about walking alone today but never do that again. Too dangerous! Arra? Go change your uniform and will call you when the pizza arrived." I walked slowly to room. I forgot that I'm not tidied up the room this morning, but when I entered the room, everything are clean and neat. Then I saw pair of denim pant and t-shirt on the bed. So I have to change to this cloth? My 'Kiki' is too spoilt. his brothers are too much pampering him. I take the shirt and open it from the fold. eeeee to small, they think I can fit it? and why the pants are short? HUH! but I just care less, I just wear it. WHAT? it fit me well? I guess Kiki's leg is short and his trunk is slim. ahhh give me back my body!!! 

"Kiki baby~~~ food arrived." I heard Junnie's voice from downstair. I ran to the dining table, I am hungry too. I was about to walk to the kitchen to take my plate and mug but Doojoon prevent me from doing it, he direct me to the table and sat me on the chair. He put plate in front of me and pour juice in my mug. It was awkward to be treated like this. I mean it is too much, I'm not a baby. I mean Kikwang not a baby. I extend my hand to reach the pepperoni pizza, before I can took a slice of it both hyungs slap my hands. Junnie hyung take slice of hawaiian pizza. ughhh I hate pineapple. He put on my plate and to my surprise he cut it into smaller fraction I mean bite size. wahhh they really pamper their baby till this extend. 

"Hyung~~ I want to have pepperoni too.. pleashhhh." I try to persuade them. I hope this is not unusual Kiki's wish for them. They looked at me. 

"fine!! but if your tummy hurt, don't blame us and don't wake me up to accompany you in toilet. you know a boogie man is there to eat you at night" Doojoon hyung granted my wish. yay. I happily reach to the pizza I longing for. wait. He try to scare me with a boogie man? Am i a baby to be scared by the lame thing? This do explain why Kiki said his hyungs are too much. I can't withstand this anymore! After done eating I walk to my room and ready to sleep but then Junhyung hyung come in. He take my bag and taking out everything from my bag. 

"hurmm your schedule for tomorrow.. okay, this book, this and ahhh science book haaa here. and your stationery okay everything is parfait. Kiki you done your homework already? need me to check with Seobie? and don't forget bring your spectacles to class, you neglect them ever since I gave you permission to wear contact lens. It is not good you know." He packed all my school's need. I couldn't take my eyes from what he done earlier. They are so protective toward Kiki. 

"ahh gwenchana. I settled all my works already. can I have my sleep now?" Junhyung smile at me. He pull the blanket and cover my body. he patted me on my shoulder. ahh this is awkward but I don't know why I feel this so comfortable. I just let him patting me. I pray to god.. please god give me back my body. I can't bear this hardship being Kiki, he is right being Kikwang is very very hard. return me to my annoying, y, lousy, naggy Seobie hyung and Seungie hyung. I will never whine or hate them anymore. please god… I love being Dongwoon. I don't know when and how but I am in my dreamland now…….


Kikwang POV

I saw 'me' punch those bullies. Errr I really wish it was 'real' me, I do not know if my tiny body is capable of doing such a cool action. I really proud of 'myself', but the soul inside my body wasn't me it was Woonie. After all the bullies run away I heard shivered voice from Yoseob.

"K-Ki-Kiki y-you .. errr lets go home Woonie" Seobie pulled me and drag me away from 'my' body. ahhhh what is this. I hate to run, because the sweat will drenched my uniform and it is disgusting. After reach the house, I see Hyunseung hyung already lay on couch and watching pororo series on TV. It is interesting series. I run to join Hyunseung hyung on the couch. I jump on him. He seems so shock. 

"bwoh woonie?" he asked. I only reply him with my smiley eyes and steal his lollipop then shove it in my mouth. 

"I like chocolate more hyung~~" I his lollipop. He smack my head. 

"yahhh don't do that smile. WHY YOU STEAL MY LOLLIPOP? eww you my saliva." I almost choke after he said that. 

"hyung~~ gross~~" I throw the lolly in the bin then continue watching pororo. 

"Why you not change Woonie? and why you not cook the dinner?" I blink my eyes. How to change the uniform. I don't know what to wear if not prepared for me. What if the cloth I choose not match and why I must cook? I never cook, I don' even know how to turn on the stove. 

"Errr Seobie hyung~~ can you pwease help me to choose the tees and pant~~ can we eat pizza for today?? I'm craving for pizza~~" I make my best puppy eyes to him.. 

"why are you so childish Woonie? the last time I saw you like this was when you were 3 years old. errrr you will hate my choice on pizza because you don't like the cheesy pizza.. I don't want pizza.. I want you to make me your famous teopokki! and I want kimchi jigae too." Ahhhh I hate to hear this. I walk to 'my' room taking out the shirt to wear. Duhhhh I close my eyes and take out any shirt and pant. I made random choice. Then I went to kitchen. Owhhh gawd. I don't know how to cook. I take out the pan and the ingredients.. teoppoki is red… errrr chilli powder? ahh I hate chilli so hot.. ermm tomato sauce.. I pour tomato sauce to the rice cake in the pan and cook. then jigae.. errr.. I pour all the kimchi then I add water. Okay everything ready~ allalalalalalala I sang alone in kitchen. 

"Hyung-deul food ready" Seobie help me with the table and when he opened the pot he frown. 

"what is this nasty red thing baby brother?" He said my cook is nasty. how could he? I would kick his ball when I get back my body. He tasted my food then he turn into fits. I shake his body, he looks like he is in pain. otteohke. 

"Woonie… you try to kill us right? your food is not edible! You never cook like this before. hurmm you really want pizza then you make this kind of gross right? fine. for today we will eat pizza. haishh urin baby Woonie are rebelling." Yoseob reach his handphone and call pizza. My cooks that bad? Blame Doo and Junnie hyungs. they not allow me to cook. I am that worse than Woonie? This is unacceptable I feel like crying. none of my hyungs ever insult my master piece before. Even if I had made gross food they will supportively said that I can do better next time. Yoseob's insult is too much to bear. Yoseob's words hurt me. Unconsciously a tear trail down my cheek. 

"Bwoh? why are you crying Woonie? yah Seobie why is he crying? Woonie are you okay? are you actually okay? you never tear up, you never look this weak. I think you should rest more, after eating pizza go upstair and rest. We will not bother you today. get your medicine if you feel unwell." Hyunseung hyung patting my back. He look at me with worried on his face. Is it true that Woonie is strong? I ate my pizza and walk to my room. I miss my hyungs, they will always sing lullaby to me and make sure I was sleeping before leave my room. I miss to hear Doodoo hyung's sweet voice and Junnie hyung's rap before sleeping. I stare at the ceiling. I have to admit being Kikwang or Dongwoon are hard but I love mine more than Dongwoon's. I miss everything about being a Kikwang. I don't know when but I had entered my lala land now.



"you hear that. How much they love their own life. I think your game will end soon Sungjong!! mehrong =P" Myungsoo teased Sungjong. Sungjong want they to keep exchange for longer time but like what Dongwoo hyung said, the magic will be canceled once they appreciate their own life. Ahh too boring wailed sungjong. He pray to stay longer as their guardian because he himself do feel the same pain that both maknae have. Being a maknae is never pleasant and worse is he has 6 hyungs to obey including the one that already mehronged him. 

Sunggyu know that his lovely youngest brother want to have more time being a guardian since he never been allowed to do so because being the youngest his magic is too low for a guardian. So he secretly added another spell to continue the magic that Dongwoo had applied before. He doesn't want anyone to know because it is unfair to others since he never listen to the younger wishes before but little did he know Hoya and Woohyun had witnessed it. This is their time to tease the eldest brother. 

"aigoo urin heartless hyung is listen to baby maknae's wish. this mean you really have kind heart. cheesy leader~" Woohyun sing song together with Hoya teasing the leader. Sunggyu swing his wand to Woohyun and Hoya which make them laugh non stop until they are out of breath. 

"hahahah hahahha hyung hahahaha please hahhaha stop hahaha this hhahahahha tired hahahha " Woohyun and Hoya really look like monkeys, Sunggyu smile satisfy with his work. 

"this your punishment. don't worry, the magic will end in 3 hours. excuse me for now ~~ bye" Sunggyu walk to his bedroom and the laugh still echo through the whole house in 3 hours. (I don't know if fairies can live in house or not. kekekekkek)




AN :: I added INFINITE here.. how is it? I make it long because I will take some break from writing because of the pack schedule. Monday blues~ sigh** do leave comments and subscribe~

to all the subscriber.. thank you for subscribing~ manhi manhi saranghajuseyo~

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iecha_chacha #1
Chapter 10: Aww..this story is soo good & amazing..and the ending is daebak!! .. ^_^
Chapter 10: aigoo... so sweet... so sad that you lose your dooseob and kiwoon parts. i do love kiwoon... thank you so much for this sweet story author shii ^^
cutesweetchocolate #3
Love it sooooooo much
SHINee4ever5 #4
Ahahahah!!! It's like a triplet except they are all from different mothers and fathers ^^
Hamsterland_95 #5
Omg!!! This story is epic!! Love it so much.. Awww so cute :3
Lovemoe #6
4everjxsyxj #7
How cute
Eh? It has ended already?
Junnie is a beast and seung is the beauty kekeke
4everjxsyxj #10
Hahahahahahaha I am the joker and I am going to you ?
Lololololololololol so funny
I lovely junseung moment