Chapter 9

I'm Not That Person (Anymore)

-Meanwhile at the basketball court-

The basketball game was still on. Countless fan girls came in and witnessed the game. They cheered, clapped and shouted their names as they played. 

"JAEEEEEEEEE OOOOPPAA!!!" one girl screamed.


Cheers were really around the court. The 5 boys didn't mind the attention but just concentrated on the game.

"Guys....1..m-more..set...then...we-we're....d-done." Junsu said while panting.

"Who-e-ever....lo-looses...will...fa-face the co-con-se-quence...."Yoochun said.

The other agreed while drinking water and wiping their sweat off. There were fan girls who wanted to help them cool down but unfortunately restarted the game. Minutes passed and it was a win by Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu (JYJ).

"YES!!!!!" JYJ cheered not minding the energy loss.

"Oh whatever!" Changmin whined as he sat down on the floor.

With just that, fan girls came rushing in to them and tried to help wiping their sweat off only resulting for the girl's smiles, giggles, faints and squeals. The boys then took a quick shower and changed into fresher clothes then went outside.

"Hey guys, I just remembered, I have to meet my cousin now, he just came here. So bye!" Changmin said and bid goodbye.

"Oh yeah, me and Yoochun will be having a double date with our girlfriends tonight. It was nice seeing you.." Junsu said as he and Yoochun also bid their goodbye's to the remaining two.

"So...this just leaves you and me huh?" Jaejoong said looking at Yunho.

"Yah..I guess...hey want to come over in my house and play games or watch a movie?" Yunho suggested.

"Sure. Let' go old buddy!!" Jaejoong said as he hung his arm around Yunho's shoulder.

They arrived at the mansion and was greeted by Mr. Han. They then went upstairs and played video games and talked. They also watched scary movies just for the sake of spending time with each other. 

"Hey Yunho, how are you and Jenny? I haven't been able to get a news about the two of you. I heard she's opened a new clothing line." Jaejoong said.

"Are you that interested in her clothes?" Yunho asked wide eyed looking at Jaejoong.

"Noooo...I just heard it from those girls I've dated. They keep ranting and blabbing about her clothing line. Seriously annoying." he replied.

"Oh no wonder,'re still not changing...when will you ever grow up and actually settle on 1 girl?" Yunho lectured him.

"Sheesh, I'll get there when I get there. Anyways, you're still not answering my question." he retorted him.

(Yunho's POV)

"Fine. I actually broke up with her." 

"WWWHHHAAATTT????????"Jaejoong screamed but I just closed his mouth with my hand.

Shush...Jae...don't scream." I told him.

"Who wouldn't be screaming at that news....SERIOUSLY??!!" Jaejoong asked me again. He had his attention to me.

"Well...honestly, I think she's changed. She wasn't like the usual. She became more selfish, arrogant and she has too much pride. I did tell you I loved her right.?" I asked him while he just nodded."Well...I did mean it, but not anymore." I said and sighed.

"I'm sorry about that. I thought that when I gave her to you, both of you would be happy, but seeing you saying this about her really upsets and disappoints me at the same time." he said trying to comfort me.

It's true. Me and Jaejoong once had this fight about Jenny. We both had endless fights and troubles. We would stress about it soon our friendship with each other were fading. But Jenny made the decision that she wants me instead of him, Jaejoong  just respected that and slowly forgot his feelings for her.

"So did you tell your father about this?" he asked me breaking my train of thoughts.

"No, I just said our relationship is kind of complicated as of the moment." I told him.

"Well I hope you can resolve that." he said as he patted my back. "No matter what happens I'll be right here supporting you." 

"Thanks Jae." I said and hugged him.

So the two of us just talked and talked about anything. Jaejoong told me about his dates with different girls. Some were really mean while others were interesting. Suddenly out of no where I remembered the girl I've met. I recalled what she looked like and yes I still remembered her. I smiled.

"Uhh..Hello??Earth to Yunho!" Jaejoong waved his hands on my face.

I snapped out of it and looked at him and apologized.

"What's up with you? Did something happen?" He asked me.

"No..nothing really..." I told him.

"Psshhh....don't lie to me Jung Yunho, I just saw you smile awhile ago." he suddenly went closer to me. "Yihee...who's she? Is she pretty?cute?y?" he asked me.

"Jae, what are you talking about?" I asked him as if I don't want him to know what happened to me.

"Yunho, I'm guessing you met a girl. Judging from the look of your face awhile ago. It's impossible that you're not thinking of someone right now." he answered back.

"Ok, fine, I met someone...-" I was cut off.

"Is she pretty? Oooohhh...she must be....because she just caught your eye, and I know how hard it can get for a girl to grab your attention." he said.

"Well...she had her own ways, anyways she wasn't like those any girls. You can say she's unique." I told him.

"Oooohhhhh....I want to meet her, by any chance did you get her name?" he asked me.

"Sort of, last time I heard her name was Kara." 

"Kara....even her name is unique." he said. "Hey if ever you don't fall in love with her and the same way she falls in love with you...can i have her?" he asked me.

"Jae..sheeesh, I just met her, and I'm not sure if I'll meet her again." 

"Well...tell you what..if you meet her me so that I'll see her too alright?" he said as he held out his hand.

"Alright." I said and took his hand and shook it.

"Ah, very good, well...I got to go now Yun...see yah." he said as he stood up.

"See yah" I said and guided him until the door of the house. He waved goodbye and then he left. I went back upstairs and lied on my bed. She was still in my mind.

"Kara..." I sighed and drifted off to sleep.

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Chapter 12: OMG really really love this story! *Subscribe *update soon ^^
m0zarts0nata-- #2
love this~!
Shadowsnow #3
Please update this fic! I'm looking forward to seeing their relationship
Merry Christmas!
Merry Xmas!!!
Awee!! Yunho is such a sweetie letting her sleep in him :)