Agents And Apartments

When You Accidentally Fall In Love With Your Matchmaker Instead Of Your Blind Date
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When Suk Jin didn't respond in any way to Ji Hyo's voicemail after a grand total of six hours, Ji Hyo gave up waiting and began trying to contact him again, this time deciding to call his office instead of his mobile phone. Ji Hyo seriously doubted her cousin's ability to operate his own mobile phone; he probably didn't even know how voicemail worked! Ah, Ji Suk Jin. Her eldest cousin who was basically immune to advances in technology, especially those of communication. 

The phone rang for a few moments before it was picked up.

"You have reached the office of Property Agent, Ji Suk Jin. This is his secretary speaking. How may I help you?"

Ji Hyo sighed. She really hated dealing with Suk Jin's secretaries. They kept changing so Ji Hyo had never gotten the chance to get used to even one of them. "Hi. This is Suk Jin's cousin. May I speak to him please?"

"If you wish to speak with Ji Suk Jin, it must be in person only. And all appointments with Ji Suk Jin-ssi should be made with his secretary. Unfortunately, his schedule is rather full and the earliest you should be able to meet with him is in a month's time. Shall I put you down for an appointment?"

Ji Hyo rolled her eyes. Seriously? Not this again. "Hi. This is Suk Jin's cousin. I have not been able to reach him via mobile phone as of recent. May I speak to him please?"

Ji Hyo swore she could sense the cockiness in the secretary's voice as she responded. She hated the pompous attitude of this new one. 

"Cousin or not, All engagements with Ji Suk Jin-ssi are on a first come, first serve basis. Shall I put you down for an appointment in a month's time, miss?" 

Okay. That was it. 

"I think I must have been unclear earlier. Let me reintroduce myself. Hi, this is Suk Jin's cousin, Song Ji Hyo. CEO of Cheon Enterprises, and the very person who could terminate your employment with one phone call. I would like to speak to Suk Jin, please; is he in the office?"

"S-Song... Song Ji Hyo-ssi?? I apologize ma'am! I am so sorry- you have to understand, some people that call the office tend to be hard to deal with so I must have sounded rude-" 

"Is Suk Jin in his office?" Ji Hyo asked in a stern voice again, but she was smiling from how the secretary was tripping over herself because of her position of power. 

"Yes, yes- I'll put him on the phone right away..."

Ji Hyo heard the sound of muffled footsteps and the distinct click-clack of the secretary's heels. She must've gotten really scared. Suk Jin must've been paying her a lot.

"Hello, Ji Hyo-yah, is that you?" Ji Hyo smiled upon hearing her cousin's warm voice. She was glad none of her cousins treated her all that differently after she became the CEO of Cheon Enterprises. It was fun throwing her power around once in a while amongst strangers but never in front of her family did she want to do that, especialy since it was her family  that gave her such power. 

"Yes, Oppa. It's me-"

"Been scaring my secretary again, haven't you? She looked like she had just seen a ghost when she came in."

Ji Hyo chuckled sheepishly. "Well, she was being rather rude, so I had no choice. But I didn't call to scare your newest secretary, Oppa. I called to ask for a favor."

"Really? The all-powerful Song Ji Hyo needs my help?"

Ji Hyo rolled her eyes. Okay fine- maybe her cousins did start treating her just a little differently when she became CEO. But the teasing wasn't something she couldn't deal with.

"Yes. I need you to help me sell a house to a family of four- two adults, two kids. Preferably in a good area, not too expensive." 

Suk Jin raised his eyebrows. That was unexpected. Suk Jin thought that maybe he'd be showing upper-class men some mansions or something. Not a small generic family.

"And what's your connection to this family? Or have you started contributing to charity?" 

"This isn't charity, Oppa. I'm helping a... friend. Whose brother's family needs a home in Korea after moving back from America."

Suk Jin sighed. "When do they need the house?"

"Preferably as soon as possible?" Ji Hyo clenched her teeth. She knew it was a tall order, even for the top agent. 

"And where am I supposed to get this house to show them? You know there's been a delay in construction for all housing development companies recently. And why should I prioritize this family over people who have been in the waiting list for months?"

Ji Hyo bit her lip. She felt bad for troubling Suk Jin like this- but she couldn't possibly go back on her own word, could she? "I'll be putting up one of the apartments in the apartment complex that I own for sale. You can show them around the place and try not to sell it at a price they can't afford yeah? I'll reimburse you the amount you usually get. Even more, if you want. Will you help me please?"

Suk Jin sighed. It was pretty hard to say no to his beloved cousin. But he needed more to say yes. "Hmm... I don't know..."

"I'll...I'll owe you a favor?" 

"Deal." Suk Jin agreed with such speed that made Ji Hyo roll her eyes. He grinned happily because a favor from Ji Hyo was more valuable than the few million dollars she could pay him for the job. "You must really care about this friend to let me have this much leverage over you."

"I wouldn't really worry about it, Oppa. I know the favors you ask for are usually just dinner at your favorite restaurant or-"

"Hey! Do you know how long the waiting list is to get into my favorite restaurant? They don't even let people walk in without a booking, and booking a table means waiting a few months." 

"So I assume your favor is that you want me to get you a table at your favorite restaurant?" Ji Hyo asked skeptically.

"Well now that you mention it... Sounds like a good idea! Table for three please, I'm bringing my family." 

Ji Hyo chuckled. "Okay. So you do this for me- and I get you a table tomorrow night at 7, deal?"

"Seven tomorrow night works for me, so deal. When am I seeing this family?"

"I'll text you. Thanks so much, Oppa."

"Eh, anytime. Just say the word. And give me something I can't say no to!" And with that plus a few laughs, they both hung up the phone.



Jong Kook had decided to follow Jong Myung and the rest of his family to view the apartment Ji Hyo had set them up with. When Ji Hyo's cousin, property agent Ji Suk Jin brought them into the building, dropped jaws were abound as the place was gorgeous, very spacious, and looked really expensive. Jong Kook earned a lot, but he knew he'd probably never afford this place in his life. He was worried that today's apartment viewing might be a bust. 

"Woah! This place is even cooler than our house in America!" Seung H

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Chapter 17: one of the sweetest fanfics ive ever read!😍
Chapter 17: I like this story, thank you for sharing and writing this story, Author-nim!
Chapter 2: Oml I knew it that she's "that"! Not gonna tell a spoiler but it gets more interesting now!
Chapter 1: Wellllllll I'm on the first chapter and I can proudly say that I'm hooked up by this! Interesting story so far!
I can't wait to read this, the idea got me interested! Another day with less sleep then, who needs sleep anyway xD
dabincicode712 #6
Chapter 17: Can you please write a sequel to this?
Chapter 17: I read this story in one go. I can say that this is really amazing. I really like the way it goes. I wanna give you flowers, rainbows and unicorns for making this. Thank you for sharing this to is. You are such a nice author-nim for updating stories all at once. This matchmaking story is my favourite. You really give good description in Jong Kook and Ji Hyo’s personality here. I am sincerely hoping you can start a new spartace story. Maybe one with a bit more angsty but a happy ending of course. Cheers :)
jas2015 #8
Tq for uploading again...can you upload the complete set of the goddess of luck..i like and miss that story so much
pecintabiru #9
Chapter 3: Author please update your story