Confusion And Decisions

When You Accidentally Fall In Love With Your Matchmaker Instead Of Your Blind Date
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Love is a scary thing. Being in love, is something even scarier. Because being in love is when all sorts of irrationalities and insecurities come into play, when common sense is incomprehensible, and one jumps to the worst conclusion possible when presented with questionable circumstances. Logic be damned. 

That's what love does to a person. 

Ji Hyo was in love. She was in love with her matchmaker, Kim Jong Kook. And she had just gotten a glimpse of a shapely young woman straddling the hips of the man she loved. 

The man that, she was rightfully not supposed to fall in love with, but loved anyway. 

And of course, being in love made you a crazy person. So while a normal person might have opened the door to understand what was going on, and why a mysterious woman had appeared suddenly, that thought didn't even cross Ji Hyo's mind.

Her first and final conclusion was that Jong Kook was somehow hooking up with someone, and that there was no chance at all that he returned her feelings for him.

So that was how Ji Hyo found herself running towards the nearest restroom and locking herself up in a stall to bawl her eyes out. 

On the other hand, Jong Kook had no idea about any of this, and had just accidentally pushed Da Rin off of him on reflex. Thankfully, although he had used a bit too much strength, Da Rin wasn't hurt. Jong Kook felt apologetic about his reaction but he was still angry at his personal space being invaded as it had. 

"I'm sorry about that. But I will only say this once more. Leave."

Da Rin was afraid of the hostility displayed on Jong Kook's face, and finally took the hint that she was not wanted. Alas, she would have regretted sleeping with him if he had agreed anyway. Maybe getting rejected was for her own good. So Da Rin left, and Jong Kook began to wonder where Ji Hyo was. 

And of course, Ji Hyo was crying in that restroom she was hiding in. In between sobs, Ji Hyo received a text from Kwang Soo.

Kwang Soo: Noona, where are you?? There's a last minute meeting that the client just scheduled. I checked, they said they won't change it because they won't be free any other time. Please reply!! We only have less than an hour to get there!

Ji Hyo sighed, transiting back into her work mode. She composed herself, taking a few deep breaths and wiping her tears away. She replied to Kwang Soo's text, stating that she'd meet him at the hotel lobby, and as she did she received texts from Jong Kook as well.

Jong Kook: Where are you? I still have many songs to sing~

Jong Kook: There was this ex-client of mine that barged into the karaoke room just now and tried to come on to me. It was so scary but I finally managed to chase her away >< If only you were there to protect me :'(

Ji Hyo sighed. She had just cried over nothing and was still exhausted from sobbing her heart out. 

Ji Hyo: Sorry. Last minute meeting came up, client won't reschedule :( 

Ji Hyo wasn't used to this, being so irrational and well, crazy. She was usually so very in control of everything- and this? This was not her. That crazy girl crying in the restroom was not Song Ji Hyo, CEO of Cheon Enterprises. She wasn't being herself, and it was because she had let her feelings for Kim Jong Kook spiral out of control. 

As Ji Hyo sat in the car on the way to her meeting with clients, she made up her mind. She was going to have to force her feelings for Jong Kook to stop. Date seriously, concentrate on the blind dates Jong Kook was to set her up with. She couldn't go on like this. Liking Jong Kook as she did, loving Jong Kook as she did, she was just setting herself up for major heartbreak. 

Ji Hyo considered maybe switching matchmakers, but couldn't bring herself to go through with it. After all, Jong Kook was the most reputed matchmaker in the agency, the one with a 100% success rate. If she were to switch matchmakers, wouldn't that mean Jong Kook no longer had a 100% success rate? That wouldn't do, Ji Hyo wouldn't want to damage Jong Kook's reputation all because she had some stupid feelings for the man. 

And maybe, just maybe, she couldn't bring herself to change matchmakers because she didn't want to stop seeing him just yet. Deep down, she craved Jong Kook, being with him, talking to him, but this was something she refused to admit as of now. 

The meeting had begun and ended in a blur; Ji Hyo was being her usual controlled, calm yet persuasive self, getting her clients to agree to everything and do her bidding as usual. After the meeting, she was left to her own devices and decided to drop Jong Kook a text.

Ji Hyo: So when's the next blind date? :) 

Jong Kook was at home then, having taken a shower after a few hours at the gym working out in slight anger at Ji Hyo's clients for setting up a last minute meeting that took her away from him. 

He heard the chime of his phone notifying him of the text, and a genuine smile spread across his face when he saw the sender. 

But when he saw the text he almost dropped his phone on the floor.

(See? People in love- they're crazy.)

Jong Kook felt a certain ache in his heart. He had... He had thought given all the time they spent together at the concert, there was this hope growing inside of him that maybe Ji Hyo felt the same way he did.

Apparently not. He'd deluded himself into thinking that the best had happened. Ji Hyo was completely out of his league, and would always be out of his league. She wasn't just gorgeous with the most enrapturing personality, she was also the literal CEO of the biggest corporation in South Korea. Why she'd even give him a second glance was beyond him.

He still had to reply to Ji Hyo's text, couldn't ignore her now could he? 

Ji Hyo received a reply. 

Jong Kook: Actually, this time you'll be choosing your own date. I've emailed you the profiles of various candidates. Just pick one and I'll take care of the rest.

Ji Hyo sighed. What was this now? The thought of choosing a blind date on her own bored her to death. 

Ji Hyo: Do I have to?? :( Why can't you choose for me?

Jong Kook: well, I haven't been exactly successful when I've chosen your dates the past few times. Don't worry, you can pick whomever you want, take your time.

Ji Hyo sighed. 

Ji Hyo: what if I randomly put their names in a pile and picked one, left it up to chance? Would that be okay too? :P

Jong Kook chuckled as he read Ji Hyo's responses to his texts. He was still feeling utterly heartbroken about the whole thing, but Ji Hyo's quirkiness shone through even text and he couldn't help but well up in affection for her yet again. Being in love was so toxic. 

Jong Kook: haha! of course. Hope luck'll be on your side

Jong Kook smiled as he sent her that last text. Indeed, Ji Hyo was a unique character. He hadn't seen anyone suggest they do a lucky draw when he had asked previous clients to decide on their own blind dates before.

And truth be told, Jong Kook didn't ask Ji Hyo to choose her own blind date because he had been unsuccessful before. He'd asked her to do so because at this point having to find a date for Ji Hyo would be physically painful. 

In fact, being Ji Hyo's matchmaker was starting to be pretty painful as of recent, as of very recent. He was past the point where he was happy to just be able to see Ji Hyo when he set her up on dates and was now unhappy due to the thoughts of her having fun with another, falling in love with another... And he'd be the one responsible

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Chapter 17: one of the sweetest fanfics ive ever read!😍
Chapter 17: I like this story, thank you for sharing and writing this story, Author-nim!
Chapter 2: Oml I knew it that she's "that"! Not gonna tell a spoiler but it gets more interesting now!
Chapter 1: Wellllllll I'm on the first chapter and I can proudly say that I'm hooked up by this! Interesting story so far!
I can't wait to read this, the idea got me interested! Another day with less sleep then, who needs sleep anyway xD
dabincicode712 #6
Chapter 17: Can you please write a sequel to this?
Chapter 17: I read this story in one go. I can say that this is really amazing. I really like the way it goes. I wanna give you flowers, rainbows and unicorns for making this. Thank you for sharing this to is. You are such a nice author-nim for updating stories all at once. This matchmaking story is my favourite. You really give good description in Jong Kook and Ji Hyo’s personality here. I am sincerely hoping you can start a new spartace story. Maybe one with a bit more angsty but a happy ending of course. Cheers :)
jas2015 #8
Tq for uploading again...can you upload the complete set of the goddess of luck..i like and miss that story so much
pecintabiru #9
Chapter 3: Author please update your story