Couple Rides And Confessions

When You Accidentally Fall In Love With Your Matchmaker Instead Of Your Blind Date
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Differing sounds ranging from pure joy(Ji Hyo, Hoya, and Seung Ho) to palpitating fright(Jong Kook and Joong Ki) echoed inside the thrilling water ride. Jong Kook and Joong Ki were holding onto the handles of the giant float for dear life and Ji Hyo was laughing her head off at them(Mostly at Jong Kook though).

Finally, to the relief of Jong Kook and Joong Ki and the disappointment of Ji Hyo, Hoya, and Seung Ho, the ride came to an end and they were all instructed to exit the ride.

"That's it?" Ji Hyo complained.

"We want more!" Hoya and Seung Ho whined in unison.

Joong Ki and Jong Kook trailed behind the enthusiastic trio in shudders.

"I forgot how long that ride was." Joong Ki said with a shiver. 

Jong Kook let out a dry laugh. "How are you supposed to protect Hye Kyo when we ride that again later? You're more likely to cling to her than she is going to cling to you." 

Joong Ki smiled. "Well either way, that's good isn't it? Also Jong Kook Hyung, don't forget to cling to Ji Hyo Noona later."

Jong Kook chuckled. "I thought she was supposed to cling to me?"

Joong Ki gave Jong Kook a look.

"I'll... be sure to cling on to her later."

Joong Ki nodded. "Good. I doubt that'd be hard for you anyway, clinging onto her." 

Jong Kook narrowed his eyes, his heart picking up its pace. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Joong Ki shrugged and winked with a goofy smile before running off to catch up with Ji Hyo, Hoya, and Seung Ho.

"Ah, so we're off to find Hye Kyo Noona now aren't we?" Joong Ki casually asked as he caught up with the trio. 

Ji Hyo nodded. "Yes. Although you're not giving us anything to work with, Joong Ki-yah. I don't even know where to begin to look for her." 

"Maybe we could ask around with the staff. Isn't that how you found us?" Jong Kook chimed in as he caught up with the rest of the group. 

Ji Hyo nodded, her face contorting in thought. "I guess we could do that. But would the staff know who we're talking about? I mean with Jong Kook Oppa it was easy because-"

Ji Hyo froze.

"Because what?" Jong Kook asked.

"Because what?" Hoya and Seung Ho repeated, b with excitement as they beamed with joy.

"It was easy because we just had to ask around for a muscular guy-"

Ji Hyo shot Joong Ki a death glare, as Jong Kook blushed. 

"-and two kids?" Joong Ki finished with a gulp, causing Ji Hyo to loosen her angry stare.

Jong Kook cleared his throat, and tried to change his subject.

"So erm, how would we describe Hye Kyo to the staff?"

Now it was Joong Ki's turn to be slightly embarrassed. "Well, she's here often since I have all my blind dates here, and I may talk about her a lot with my staff members."

Ji Hyo chuckled. "So, we'll just have to ask around for the lady Theme Park Owner Song Joong Ki is in love with?"

Joong Ki's hands came up to cover his face in embarrassment, his skin reddening. It made the kids giggle.

"Wait- isn't that... Hye Kyo-ssi!"

Out of the blue, Ji Hyo spotted Hye Kyo, who looked up in surprise when she heard her name being called suddenly. She was sitting outside a cafe enjoying some sort of beverage, a stiff white bathrobe covering her up. Covering up too much, which Ji Hyo noted and inwardly shook her head in disapproval at. 

"Hey..." Hye Kyo responded hesitantly, trailing off because she had no idea who to greet first. Joong Ki her client? Ji Hyo whom she had just met? Jong Kook her colleague and senior in the matchmaking agency?

It appeared she did not have to bother greeting because Ji Hyo would've interrupted her either way.

"Why aren't you playing on the rides? You did get a swimsuit at the shop, didn't you?" Ji Hyo asked, or interrogated, to be more accurate.

Hye Kyo blushed. "Yes I did, but they only sell bikini tops, and well it gets chilly after a while. Also I wasn't playing on the water rides because-"

"Most of them require more than one person to play?" Joong Ki interrupted with an unreadable expression.

"Except for the water playgrounds." Hoya added.

A few of them chuckled, with Jong Kook tussling Hoya's hair affectionately. 

"Well then you should come play with us, Hye Kyo-ssi!" Ji Hyo suggested, as if she had just thought of it and that hadn't been the entire intention of the group for the past hour or so. "The more the merrier right?"

Hye Kyo pursed her lips together. "But wouldn't it be..." Hye Kyo wanted to say 'inappropriate', but it dawned on her that Jong Kook had been hanging out with Ji Hyo and Joong Ki for lord knows how long. She was rather puzzled as Jong Kook was well known in the agency for being very professional. Would it be good to follow her colleague and work senior's actions or question why he was doing something so out of the ordinary?

Sensing Hye Kyo's hesitation, Jong Kook gave Hoya and Seung Ho a special wink. Immediately, they latched themselves on either side of Hye Kyo and began giving her serious puppy dog eyes.

"Pretty Unnie, come play with us please?" 

"Beautiful Noona, I

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Chapter 17: one of the sweetest fanfics ive ever read!😍
Chapter 17: I like this story, thank you for sharing and writing this story, Author-nim!
Chapter 2: Oml I knew it that she's "that"! Not gonna tell a spoiler but it gets more interesting now!
Chapter 1: Wellllllll I'm on the first chapter and I can proudly say that I'm hooked up by this! Interesting story so far!
I can't wait to read this, the idea got me interested! Another day with less sleep then, who needs sleep anyway xD
dabincicode712 #6
Chapter 17: Can you please write a sequel to this?
Chapter 17: I read this story in one go. I can say that this is really amazing. I really like the way it goes. I wanna give you flowers, rainbows and unicorns for making this. Thank you for sharing this to is. You are such a nice author-nim for updating stories all at once. This matchmaking story is my favourite. You really give good description in Jong Kook and Ji Hyo’s personality here. I am sincerely hoping you can start a new spartace story. Maybe one with a bit more angsty but a happy ending of course. Cheers :)
jas2015 #8
Tq for uploading again...can you upload the complete set of the goddess of luck..i like and miss that story so much
pecintabiru #9
Chapter 3: Author please update your story