Salads And Green Tea

When You Accidentally Fall In Love With Your Matchmaker Instead Of Your Blind Date
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Ji Hyo had been walking all over the shopping mall for the past twenty minutes. Any longer and she would be running late for her first blind date. Ji Hyo had never been to this shopping mall ever in her life and while she usually had a rather good sense of direction, she was not used to the large crowds that came with the lunchtime rush which admittedly disoriented her. Maybe she shouldn't have let Jong Kook choose the restaurant. 

As a last resort, she gave Jong Kook a call. He picked up within two seconds.

"Hello? This is Kim Jong Kook speaking." 

"Kim Jong Kook-ssi, this is Song Ji Hyo. I... I seem to be having trouble finding the location of my date." Ji Hyo bit her lip, hoping that Jong Kook would not burst into fits of laughter and mock her for getting lost in a relatively small shopping mall.

"Did you receive the address of the place that I sent?" Jong Kook replied in a calm and professional manner, much to Ji Hyo's relief. 

Ji Hyo nodded, although she was aware that Jong Kook could not see this. "I did. But I'm still having trouble finding the restaurant since it's located inside a currently very overpopulated shopping mall." 

"Where are you right now? Name the nearest shop."

"I'm outside the sports shop on the second floor." Ji Hyo clenched her teeth, hoping that was useful information.

Jong Kook chuckled. "You're not actually very far from the restaurant. Turn around- and you'll see a very familiar man waving at you."

Ji Hyo followed his exact instructions and immediately felt like an utter fool. Apparently she was smart enough to run large corporations but not alert enough to notice when she was standing directly opposite a place she had spent twenty minutes looking for.

She took quick strides over to Jong Kook, with a very sheepish smile. 

"That was incredibly embarrassing. I'm sorry for wasting your time by calling- but what are you doing here anyway? Are matchmakers supposed to accompany their clients to their blind dates like some sort of babysitter? Or is this a one time thing because it's my first blind date?" Ji Hyo began spouting random conundrums, speculating the reason for Jong Kook's presence. He laughed, unable to help himself because the woman had quirks like that of a young girl.

"I'm here for lunch. This restaurant serves American-Japanese fusion meals, so that you can order chicken salads and green tea." Jong Kook's child-like amazement with the fact that a restaurant could serve chicken salad and green tea as a single set meal caused Ji Hyo to let out a few chuckles as well. Jong Kook seemed to really like those two things, which added on to the list of things Ji Hyo found fascinating about the man.

"Well then, if you can you should stick around so I can talk to you when the date's over. If it goes well you'll hear all about it and I'll rave about what a great matchmaker you are- and if it goes badly you'll probably still hear all about it but I'll be chiding you and telling you how terrible a matchmaker you are instead." 

"I hope the date goes well then. Getting lectured during lunchtime isn't exactly my cup of tea." 

Ji Hyo shrugged. "I'll go easy on you. But if my date isn't at least half as cute as you the date's officially over."

Jong Kook seemed to blush upon Ji Hyo's offhand remark, causing her to worry that she had crossed a line. There was this awkward silence between them before Ji Hyo spoke again.

"I... I was just kidding. I hope I didn't offend you- I'm not actually that shallow." Ji Hyo stuttered as she spoke, and it dawned on her how much she wanted- no, needed this man's approval, which was strange as she had never been this vulnerable. She usually said what came to mind and if one or two people didn't like the way she was, so be it. 

Jong Kook composed himself and flashed a comforting smile. "None taken. And don't worry- your date is definitely twice as cute as me, whether that matters to you or not. You can see for yourself, because here he comes now."

Jong Kook gestured to a man walking towards the restaurant, and Ji Hyo turned to look in the direction he pointed at. 

"Have fun on your date," said Jong Kook as he took a seat at his table. Ji Hyo walked towards her first blind date in order to introduce herself.

"Hi, are you here for the blind date set up by Kim Jong Kook-ssi?" This was the first thing Ji Hyo said and she got her answer as the man nodded his head up and down. 

Now that Ji Hyo had a closer look at the man, she found that Jong Kook was wrong. Her blind date wasn't twice as attractive as Jong Kook was. In fact, Ji Hyo personally found Jong Kook more

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Chapter 17: one of the sweetest fanfics ive ever read!😍
Chapter 17: I like this story, thank you for sharing and writing this story, Author-nim!
Chapter 2: Oml I knew it that she's "that"! Not gonna tell a spoiler but it gets more interesting now!
Chapter 1: Wellllllll I'm on the first chapter and I can proudly say that I'm hooked up by this! Interesting story so far!
I can't wait to read this, the idea got me interested! Another day with less sleep then, who needs sleep anyway xD
dabincicode712 #6
Chapter 17: Can you please write a sequel to this?
Chapter 17: I read this story in one go. I can say that this is really amazing. I really like the way it goes. I wanna give you flowers, rainbows and unicorns for making this. Thank you for sharing this to is. You are such a nice author-nim for updating stories all at once. This matchmaking story is my favourite. You really give good description in Jong Kook and Ji Hyo’s personality here. I am sincerely hoping you can start a new spartace story. Maybe one with a bit more angsty but a happy ending of course. Cheers :)
jas2015 #8
Tq for uploading again...can you upload the complete set of the goddess of luck..i like and miss that story so much
pecintabiru #9
Chapter 3: Author please update your story