Ballads And Tears

When You Accidentally Fall In Love With Your Matchmaker Instead Of Your Blind Date
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Jong Kook's lips pressed firmly against Ji Hyo's, reminiscent of strong alcoholic smells, ranging from beer to soju to tequila- man Gary had really made Jong Kook let loose, hadn't he? Ji Hyo felt drunk already from inhaling Jong Kook's scent, and his breath. While many would not appreciate the thick scent of alcohol against one's mouth, Ji Hyo appreciated the remnants of Jong Kook's inebriated state, enjoying getting to differentiate between all the different types of alcohol Jong Kook had drank earlier that night as her tongue delved in between his lips and explored every dark corner of his mouth. 

Most of all however, what Ji Hyo liked about the kiss was not getting to taste her beloved alcohol on the lips of the man she fancied; but rather it was the warmth of their lips and tongues melding together as one, and the way he held her ever so gently. 

Ji Hyo was having the best time she had that entire night, until Jong Kook stopped kissing her all of a sudden and somehow slumped against Ji Hyo leaning almost his full weight on her. Ji Hyo was glad that she had elected to change from high heels to slippers when she had returned to her room earlier that night, or Jong Kook and herself would've landed on the floor in a tangled heap otherwise. 

"Woah! Oppa-" 

Ji Hyo managed to steady herself and held Jong Kook up by his firm biceps on either side of him to make sure he was alright. 

And lo and behold, Kim Jong Kook was fast asleep. Ji Hyo couldn't believe it. She could even detect a light snore coming from the man. Was kissing her that boring? 

Unfortunately, she couldn't pose this question to Jong Kook as he was practically out cold. Ji Hyo was left with the responsibility of getting Jong Kook back to his room and on his bed.

"Ugh! Why're you so heavy?" 

Ji Hyo groaned as she lifted one of Jong Kook's huge arms over her shoulders. She was immediately grateful that Jong Kook stayed in the room opposite, as having to basically support this unconscious man for more than a few steps might have literally killed Ji Hyo. And that would've been terrible. Who would run Cheon Enterprises without her around? 

Stumbling to Jong Kook's door, those few steps only taking a few seconds but feeling like grueling centuries, Ji Hyo reached into her pocket to grab her key card to unlock Jong Kook's door. Naturally, being the CEO of the company that owned the hotel, she had a master key to open every door. 

She pushed the door open with Jong Kook's body and made a beeline for Jong Kook's bed which she dumped him on before rubbing her shoulders in relief. Ji Hyo wasn't used to manual labor of this extent. She vowed never to kiss anyone whilst they were drunk again. 

Ji Hyo looked at Jong Kook who was messily slumped over his bed. He was definitely going to have one hell of a hangover the next morning- could she in good conscience let him sleep in such a bad position? And in such uncomfortable clothes too?

Jong Kook had dressed to the nines for Gary's concert, and while he had looked nice all evening in his well-tailored suit, it was not exactly ideal as a pair of pajamas. 

Ji Hyo decided to do Jong Kook a favor and began pulling his shoes and then socks off, before proceeding to arrange him in a more stable sleeping position that was less likely to cause him backache, neck-ache, and well to sum it all up general body discomfort. 

After setting his shoes aside neatly by his bed, Ji Hyo proceeded to remove Jong Kook's suit jacket. It was thick and would make Jong Kook far too warm. Ji Hyo knew this firsthand- because during the concert Jong Kook had noticed Ji Hyo slightly shiver, and immediately draped her shoulders with the very suit jacket Ji Hyo was peeling off him at that moment.

The jacket had indeed been warm; although Ji Hyo had to admit Jong Kook's subtle gesture had made her feel even warmer than his jacket ever could. 

When Jong Kook had removed his suit jacket for Ji Hyo's sake during the concert, Ji Hyo had also managed to get a great glimpse and reminder of exactly how good Jong Kook's physique was thanks to the white figure-hugging button down Jong Kook had on under that formal blazer. 

And up close, when Ji Hyo had removed Jong Kook's suit jacket completely, she got an even better view of Jong Kook's amazing body yet again. There was better lighting in the hotel room that was illuminated with fluorescent lights, as compared to the strobe lights in the concert hall that resembled a club. Ji Hyo admired how the thin white material clung to his skin, looking even tighter than she had remembered it being at the concert. 

In fact, Jong Kook (and his many muscles) looked so strained behind his tight top that Ji Hyo worried it would potentially hinder his sleep. How was his skin supposed to breatheunder that much too small button down? 

Out of he goodness of her heart and her duty to Jong Kook as a good friend, Ji Hyo decided to Jong Kook's top, leaving him shirtless. It was nothing sensual, just Ji Hyo trying to help Jong Kook sleep more comfortably, right? 

Although- Ji Hyo might have gotten slightly distracted once Jong Kook was properly shirtless. She tried to justify this, pretending she wasn't being a ert; not like she had never seen Jong Kook shirtless before right? His perfect abs were still perfect, his gorgeous tan was still gorgeous, and his delicious looking upper torso was still looking delicious.

Okay maybe Ji Hyo was being a total ert with regards to her thoughts about Jong Kook's body. But she had good intentions when she decided to remove Jong Kook's shirt, didn't she? Yeah, the pure and noble motives of Ji Hyo were all that mattered.

Ji Hyo's eyes then trailed down to the belt around Jong Kook's waist. Man, who slept with a belt on? Ji Hyo reckoned the experience would leave Jong Kook in utter discomfort. Without a moment's hesitation she began to take it off, unbuckling it and then pulling it away from around Jong Kook's waist with a single tug. 

She hung Jong Kook's blazer, shirt, and belt over the nearest chair, and began looking for a change of clothes that Jong Kook might've brought. 

She found a tank top and a pair of shorts lying around nearby. Apparently Jong Kook had stopped by at a nearby clothing shop in the hotel as he knew he'd be sleeping over for the night and had prepared a change of clothes for the night as well as the next morning well in advance before he left to go drinking with Gary. 

Ji Hyo easily fitted the tank top over Jong Kook, but then she looked at the shorts in nervousness. If she were to help Jong Kook put on his shorts, she'd have to remove his pants. And that would mean having to see Jong Kook in his underwear...

But Jong Kook had bought the shorts with the intention of wearing them to sleep had he not? And who was Ji Hyo to be the stumbling block that prevented him from doing that? 

Again like with the shirt earlier, Ji Hyo was removing Jong Kook's pants with pure intentions, and was just trying to do a good deed, in spite of how shy she felt about having to see him in such a state of undress.

Ji Hyo had to keep reminding herself that she was not taking advantage of Jong Kook's unconscious and drunk state as she ed his pants. Nope, this was a good idea right? Take off Jong Kook's pants and quickly put on his sleeping shorts. 

It was a bad idea. Terrible decision on Ji Hyo's part. 

Because Ji Hyo didn't just get distracted when she had stripped Jong Kook down to just his boxers, was agape as she stared shamelessly and was practically on the verge of drooling.

Needless to say, Jong Kook looked good; his legs alone were to die for given how they were still tanned and muscled perfectly. But what got Ji Hyo thrown off and blown away was how well-endowed Jong Kook looked.

He had on a rather tight pair of grey boxers, and they sure weren't doing a good job of hiding Jong Kook's enormous girth, instead alluding to a huge bulge and showing it off to Ji Hyo who was beginning to feel rather... hungry. 

Thankfully however, Ji Hyo snapped out of her trance and guilt plus tonnes of embarrassment set in. Ji Hyo hurriedly put Jong Kook's shorts on, thoughts of what lay under those devilish grey boxers sending Ji Hyo into a panicked frenzy as she desperately looked for something to busy herself.

Ji Hyo ran to find Jong Kook some medication to help with his oncoming migraines he was to deal with from his hangover the next morning, and also fetched him a glass of tepid water. 

She tucked him in making sure her eyes were in no way making contact with any part of his body, before rushing back to her room and forcing herself to sleep until morning came.

The next morning, Jong Kook woke up with a splitting pain tearing through his head. This was why alcohol was bad. Why'd he let himself drink so much? 

Jong Kook turned to find that a glass of water and some pills had been left out for him, a pleasant surprise as he did not recall taking any medication out or pouring himself any water. 

He took the pills, downing them in one gulp along with the water. Unfortunately, as medication was not magic, Jong Kook still felt his head heavy with ache. He groaned as he rolled over and got off the bed, staggering over to the bathroom to douse his face with cold water. Whether he used a hard or a soft approach, Jong Kook knew he had to get rid of his hangover somehow. 

After getting washed up in the bathroom, Jong Kook changed into his new set of clothes, a black shirt and simple pair of Bermuda slacks. He'd bought two sets of clothes last night on a whim; electing to stay over at the hotel instead of going home. His very actions surprised him- Jong Kook tended to be a thrifty man, and buying new clothes for no good reason was out of line with his character.

Jong Kook tried to reason with himself then, saying he was doing it because he was meeting an old friend- Gary, and that he'd likely not make it back

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Chapter 17: one of the sweetest fanfics ive ever read!😍
Chapter 17: I like this story, thank you for sharing and writing this story, Author-nim!
Chapter 2: Oml I knew it that she's "that"! Not gonna tell a spoiler but it gets more interesting now!
Chapter 1: Wellllllll I'm on the first chapter and I can proudly say that I'm hooked up by this! Interesting story so far!
I can't wait to read this, the idea got me interested! Another day with less sleep then, who needs sleep anyway xD
dabincicode712 #6
Chapter 17: Can you please write a sequel to this?
Chapter 17: I read this story in one go. I can say that this is really amazing. I really like the way it goes. I wanna give you flowers, rainbows and unicorns for making this. Thank you for sharing this to is. You are such a nice author-nim for updating stories all at once. This matchmaking story is my favourite. You really give good description in Jong Kook and Ji Hyo’s personality here. I am sincerely hoping you can start a new spartace story. Maybe one with a bit more angsty but a happy ending of course. Cheers :)
jas2015 #8
Tq for uploading again...can you upload the complete set of the goddess of luck..i like and miss that story so much
pecintabiru #9
Chapter 3: Author please update your story