
Take Me Away

Eli laced his fingers with Kevin as he drew circles at the top of his friend’s hand with his thumb. Kevin let out a low hum as he lay in bed, facing Eli. He looks pale; paler than he had ever been since the first time the regain consciousness. Whatever that chemo was doing to Kevin, it really is every drop of life in him. Kevin was always tired and as much as he wants to smile, laugh and entertain his loyal visitor he simply cannot bring himself to do it. He smiles weakly and let out only soft giggles just so that Eli will stop worrying about him.

            “You want to go somewhere, Kevin?” Eli whispered as night befalls the town.

            “I can’t, it’s already past visiting hours. You should go,” Kevin murmured.

            “Let’s go out. It’s been awhile since we went star gazing and breathe in the night air,” Eli insisted as he tucks Kevin’s lose hair behind his ears.

            Kevin nodded weakly. He did miss the peaceful night sky decorated with the sparkly stars that twinkle proudly by the black sky. Eli went to push the wheelchair next to the bed and help Kevin up gently as he settles the minute man on the wheelchair; even his body is cold despite the sweater that never leaves Kevin’s torso.

            Eli pushed Kevin out, before the nurse could stop them, Eli simply look at her with pleading eyes. Just this once. The nurse nodded and pointed to her watch before continuing with her work. Eli, got the message the nurse was trying to say; not too late. Smiling, Eli lead Kevin outside to the small garden at the back of the hospital.

            “Here will do,” Kevin stopped Eli, as he reached out to Eli’s hand on the wheelchair handle and pats it once.

            Eli halted at the middle of the garden, where there was a water fountain, surrounded by a colourful range of full bloom flowers. Kevin closed his eyes and leaned back in his wheelchair, inhaling the scent of the flowers and the night air. He let out an approving sigh. Kevin allows the night to embrace his soul, emptying his mind of all the thoughts that leads to negativity.

            Eli sat at the bench by the fountain dipping his hands in the water as his fingers trace around the clear water. The sound of water flowing, the crickets and occasionally hoots of an owl comforts the two souls. Eli stared at Kevin who seemed to be enjoying the night.

            “You like it, don’t you? You have always love night time,” Eli whispered to Kevin.

            “Hm. Because that is when I come closer to dreams that would take me away from this harsh reality,” Kevin replied, calmly, but inside, his heart crumbles a thousand pieces, because he knew no matter how much he fought, he will definitely lose in the end.

            “Kevin, don’t give up just yet. You’ll pull through this, I know you will.”

            “I keep telling myself that every day, it almost seems like a prayer God never answered,” Kevin let out a sigh, his eyes still shut.

            “God, had His own way. You just need to have trust and put your faith in Him,” Eli grabbed Kevin’s hand and squeezed it.

            “Faith…” Kevin mumbled before the conversation went dead.

            They sat there enjoying the silence, Kevin had his eyes close; Eli was unsure if he was asleep or not. He watched as Kevin’s chest rises and falls in a steady and slow rhythm. Eli smiled at the sight of peaceful Kevin. The night grew colder. Eli knelt down at Kevin who still had his eyes close humming to a familiar children’s lullaby. Eli placed his hand over Kevin. He watched as Kevin shuddered at the touch of the warm hand on his cold ones.

            “It’s getting late,” Eli whispered as he pressed his forehead with Kevin’s, it’s a gesture they had been sharing since they got close- a small gesture for comfort, security and trust.

            “Just, a while more,” Kevin murmured.

            “It’s getting late and cold. Plus, you need your beauty sleep. You should see those dark circles under your eyes!” Eli smirked.

            Kevin nodded his head and smiled a little. Eli peeled himself away from Kevin before pushing his best friend back into the building.

            “Sweet dreams, dear Kevin,” Eli adjusted Kevin’s bed to a comfortable sleeping position.

            “Take care on the way home, Eli.” Kevin grabbed Eli’s rough hands and placed it on his white cheeks, closing his eyes as the warmth of Eli’s hand embrace him. Kevin gave the hand a peck before letting go and covered himself in the blankets.

            Eli could only afford to smile as he left the ward and heads back home. If only Kevin were to just worry about himself, Eli could have just stayed like he did when Kevin was first brought in. Every night, by Kevin’s bedside as Kevin’s breathing ease Eli’s heart to sleep. But now, Kevin would insist Eli to go back home every day, to take care of himself and still lives his life, as usual

            Kevin, how do I live my life normally when the only friend I have is battling with a disease where no one knew when it will win and snatched away your precious life.


A/N: sorry this is late.  and if you have a time where you lose someone you really love because cancer won th battle over them, share it! <3 i feel you guys, because until today despite it being almost 5 years, i can never let go and i will never forget~ yay new subcribers!  keep th comments coming in. it kindda motivates me. :D love y'all!

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Chapter 20: AWWW this story made me teary!!! wtf omgg that was super good really sad but happy ending. I really loved it :)
I read this at school and... Luckily I was alone at the class. I cried like a baby, like really.. with loud sobs. That was so.. omg.. I just..
TheShinyWobbuffet #3
I CRIED LIKE HELL AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!!!!! WAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEARS ARE STILL DRIPPING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so moving... I'm listening to Te Amo but I can't even hear the music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T
Okay...I cried again like hell T___T it was sooo beautiful.
Thank you for writing this story and share it with us. It was really an unforgettable experiece ^^
Keep working :)
it is really hard trying to read this while 3:30 is playing on the radio (crying her eyes out)bwhahahahaha!!!!!
SEOULster #7
i cried my heart and eyes out T_______T
omgee my Elvin
I cried my heart out T___T
pls write an epilogue
kian86 #10
Epilogue pls I can't stop crying....