Goodbye, For Now

Take Me Away

Kevin puts in his stack of clothes into his bag pack; one that Eli brought over with his toiletries, comics and all sorts of games that might entertain him during his long stay at the hospital. He let out a sigh as he took one last look around his ward. All the times he spent in this ward with no one but his very best friend all flood his already crashing mind. There were tears, there were smile and laughter and comfortable silence.

            Kevin reached for the drawer by his bed side, pulling it out exposing an envelope with Kevin’s intricate handwriting at the front ‘Eli.’ Kevin zipped and buckled his bag before he slung it on his shoulders; wavering at the weight of the bag which used to be nothing to him but now it seems like the malignant cells are eating up his strength. He placed the envelope on the bed, already choking back tears as he dragged his feet out of the ward and out of the hospital without turning back.

            Eli will understand. He always did.

            Eli was greeted into a cold and empty ward. The room was missing Kevin’s scent. Eli somehow knew Kevin left. The drawers were empty, the get-well-soon balloons and the fresh flowers that Eli always brought in every week were all gone. The bed was made and lying on top of it was an envelope, with his name on it.

            Eli sat by the bed as he ripped the envelope open pulling out a letter. He could recognise the handwriting anywhere. His entire high school life, he literally read everything off that handwriting. It was Kevin who was always making notes for him, giving his crash courses so they would never be separated into different class each year. They would always be getting almost the same grades. Eli doesn’t mind his brain being all cramped with examination notes, because for Kevin, he would do anything to make the boy smile every living moment of his life.

            Eli took a deep breath as he unfolded the letter.


Don’t ever think I’m leaving you; for now at least. Peace. That’s all I’m looking for at the moment. God knows how much my heart has been lead to a fantastic turmoil of emotions all these while. Don’t come looking for me. Instead, wait for me. I’ll come back to you, soon.

Do me a favour, don’t neglect your life, live it. You have always been stuck to me. I feel guilty, so now, I’m letting you free.

Thank you for everything, especially being my pillar of strength and comfort.

I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.

Goodbye, for now.

I love you, Eli. ‘

            Kevin signed off. That’s it. He left. No leads, no address, nothing. Eli was dumbfounded for a moment. Just like that.  Kevin left him. Even though it was temporary, he felt empty- the emptiest he has ever been since he learnt the news of Kevin’s condition.

            Eli sighed as he left the ward. No use asking the nurses when he got discharged and if they knew where Kevin would be going. It will still lead him to nothing. For now, all he can do is wait. He trust Kevin enough.

            “He will come back,” Eli whispered to himself as he had his hands into his jeans pockets, walking down the streets back home. He allows his mind to wander to whatever thoughts because all he could think of right now is Kevin.


A/N; im so sorry i abandon this fan fiction. my life has just got to a new start. i finally got a job after my graduation. i feel good. but t geets so busy at times because i usually get all those night shifts i cnt find myself updating this. D: im sorry. here's a short one. i shall try updating whenever i got my off days.

love you guys. <3

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Chapter 20: AWWW this story made me teary!!! wtf omgg that was super good really sad but happy ending. I really loved it :)
I read this at school and... Luckily I was alone at the class. I cried like a baby, like really.. with loud sobs. That was so.. omg.. I just..
TheShinyWobbuffet #3
I CRIED LIKE HELL AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!!!!! WAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEARS ARE STILL DRIPPING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so moving... I'm listening to Te Amo but I can't even hear the music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T
Okay...I cried again like hell T___T it was sooo beautiful.
Thank you for writing this story and share it with us. It was really an unforgettable experiece ^^
Keep working :)
it is really hard trying to read this while 3:30 is playing on the radio (crying her eyes out)bwhahahahaha!!!!!
SEOULster #7
i cried my heart and eyes out T_______T
omgee my Elvin
I cried my heart out T___T
pls write an epilogue
kian86 #10
Epilogue pls I can't stop crying....