
Take Me Away

The moment the sunlight shines through Kevin’s bedroom window and onto the pretty boy’s face, he instantly smiles- still on his bed, eyes closed as the sun greeted his morning. He silently prayed to God, thanking him for being blessed yet another day.

            Kevin dragged himself out of bed. He get weaker by day, the malignant cells have eventually taken its toll on him far worst that before. His life has an expiration date and everyday it’s like counting down to the day he’d be laying on his deathbed, reminiscing memories before he took his final breathe. His entire life literally clung onto endless prescriptive medicines, life-draining chemo-therapy and hopelessly waiting for a bone marrow donor.

            Kevin sat by his study table as he cancels out yet another day. The conversation he had with Dr. Lee before he left the hospital played in his mind.

            “How long more do I have left?” Kevin sets his hands on Dr. Lee’s worktable.

            “I’d be frank with you Kevin. With your condition, you’d be lucky if it’s a year.”

            “A year?” Kevin repeated, calmly. He saw it coming. No surprise there.

            Dr. Lee just nods as he flips through Kevin’s medical record before looking up at Kevin.

            “Until then, its meds, chemo and nothing else. This point of time, you really need that transplant-“

            “I told you. Whoever who needs it more than me, whoever who applied for the transplant before me comes first. If none of them matches and there is no choice but me, then I’ll go for it.” Kevin cuts the doctor half way.

            Dr. Lee sighed as he rubbed his temples. The fact that Kevin doesn’t have any relatives or even a next-of-kin for a blood test to see their blood compatibility makes it harder as Kevin stood in line with many other patients like him expecting a transplant from a person they would call their saviour.

            “Then let me go home,” Kevin said bluntly as he eyed the doctor.

            “Home?” The doctor leans in.

            “Yes. I will still come for treatments and I’d take my medicines. Just, let me live the remaining days of my life seeing the outside world. Not stuck between four walls and unpleasant smell of the hospital and not with an IV drip on me all the time. I have things I have to do, people I want to spend my time with. So, let me live those days happy with no regrets. I beg you, please.” Kevin pleaded as his head stared down at his fiddling fingers trying to hold back tears.

            Dr. Lee thought for a while before coming to a decision.

            “I would discharge you. But you have to promise me that whatever happens to you, you either call me or just call an ambulance straight to the hospital. Don’t ignore the bit of pain, especially if you feel unwell. And don’t ever over-exert yourself. There’s only so much your body can do at your current condition.”

            Kevin silently nodded.

            “And one more thing Dr. Lee,” Kevin snaps his head up.

            “Yes? What is it?”

            “Please, keep this away from Eli. He doesn’t need to know.” Kevin finishes off before thanking the man who had tried his best to keep him in the best state of health possible and finally leaving the room.

            Kevin took out a fresh set of towel before heading to the bathroom to wash up. It’s incredible how much his strong willpower has brought him to. He felt almost normal again despite knowing deep inside someday he’d leave the wonderful world.

It’s been three weeks since he left the hospital and everyday he has been dedicating his time doing things he always wanted to do but never had the time to. He decides to give back to the society apart from monetary donation he used the gift that God had blessed him with- his voice. He’d visit the orphanage, rehabilitation centre and old folks home, dedicating his time to putting smiles into other people’s faces and planting seeds of happiness in the people by spending some time with them, sharing his story, entertaining them just anything to let these people know- they are not alone.

But it has also been three weeks since he left Eli. How has that boy been? Kevin walked out of the bathroom and got changed. In his mind, there’s one place he wants to visit, after so long. The place where he and Eli shared too much memory at and that is where he wants to be at the moment. For some reason,  being their might ease his heart a little-how his heart breaks everyday waking up to the emptiness of Eli’s presence. Kevin thought he was stronger than this, to be able to live his days without Eli by his side but he was far weaker. He thought it will help Eli to let Kevin go slowly, to not cling onto him too tightly, so when Kevin was to die, it will be less painful. But what hurts the most is how much he misses the smiles and laughter only Eli can brought to him.



A/N: yayyyyy. finallyyyyy. :D HAHA. it's a short chapter. im sorry for not updating regularly. work is just burning my time. D: but on th bright side, i already have a draft of the next chapter so i'd probably update another chapter within this week. sorry guysl and thnks. :D loads of looooves! <3

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Chapter 20: AWWW this story made me teary!!! wtf omgg that was super good really sad but happy ending. I really loved it :)
I read this at school and... Luckily I was alone at the class. I cried like a baby, like really.. with loud sobs. That was so.. omg.. I just..
TheShinyWobbuffet #3
I CRIED LIKE HELL AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!!!!! WAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEARS ARE STILL DRIPPING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so moving... I'm listening to Te Amo but I can't even hear the music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T
Okay...I cried again like hell T___T it was sooo beautiful.
Thank you for writing this story and share it with us. It was really an unforgettable experiece ^^
Keep working :)
it is really hard trying to read this while 3:30 is playing on the radio (crying her eyes out)bwhahahahaha!!!!!
SEOULster #7
i cried my heart and eyes out T_______T
omgee my Elvin
I cried my heart out T___T
pls write an epilogue
kian86 #10
Epilogue pls I can't stop crying....