Those rare tears of yours

Untitled thoughts pt. 2



Those rare tears of yours


Changmin doesn’t cry easily, he never had and never will. However there has been few times in which he hasn’t been able to hold back those salty drops of water which rolled down in rivers on the guy’s untainted cheeks.

The first time was during the MKMF award ceremony back in 2008 when he finally allowed himself to be the 20-years-old kid that he still was and tears covered his face, unable to stop themselves. He tried to hide them, but emotions were making his soul tremble and he found it impossible to win over them.
He felt Yoochun’s hand circling his waist trying in vain to calm him down while Yunho was giving his speech for the best-album-of-the-year-award. Right after he noticed Jaejoong’s soft looks and he felt four pair of arms over him, tangling him in a big group hug that finally made his heart at peace.

Another time was during the WITH tour back in 2015 right before their enlistments. This time it was slightly different: they were in Tokyo and they were alone, the two of them. There was no Yoochun, no Junsu, no Jaejoong coming over him with reassuring words. And he wasn’t the only one crying. Yunho began it all, infact, breaking down over the sweet notes of With Love and screaming to the big arena for the years coming ahead of them. And he broke down with him, eyes burning under the night sky, remembering the years that went by instead of thinking about the ones that were waiting for them; remembering the pain and the joys and that bright color that was always there to remind him of what they were: a five-stars-constellation shining in the darkness.

The last time was during a meeting, somewhere lost in 2018. Ten years had passed since that first time and this time it was completely different: they were in a small apartment he wasn’t familiar with, with faces that belonged to the past. There was Yunho, but there were Yoochun and Junsu and Jaejoong too, and Changmin couldn’t think of a good explanation to describe what was happening. It wasn’t until Jaejoong approached him with that warm smile of his that had always brighten his days, embracing him in a tender hug, that he realized he was crying. Tears were falling down from the depth of his soul, exposing feelings he didn’t know he was repressing, while he grabbed on his hyung’s shoulders for any kind of support. He heard Yoochun making a joke sobbing between laughs and only then did he realize they were tears of joy, as unexpected as the reunion that was finally taking place. Changmin mentally cursed them for the best surprise he could have ever asked for for his 30th birthday.
“You are so annoying, but why have I missed you so much?”

And from then on, having given it a whole new meaning, Changmin decided that crying was not so bad anymore.

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Jaesongjoong #1
Cant wait to start reading it
jjbrownsugga #2
Chapter 17: I love this. There are many hurdles that we have to get over, thrown at us throughout our lives. There always will be, from time to time. But it's important for us to think things through, and acknowledge, or accept, that this isn't perfect, but 'now is good'.
Chapter 17: 01.Thank you captivating
literary phrased
situation report. You write very well.
Yes, because that's about it.
in 2023.
Actually, in recent years, YunJae fans got crumbs and sometimes 1-1 bigger bites.
In 2017, shortly after, that Yonho, discharge military.
To Japan, After the opening of Jaejoong Cafe
the staff had a private party,
a shortly video about this party was accidentally posted on IG
Jeajoong and Yunho, side by side and
They talk huddled together /because of the noise of the music/........
In 2021. Jaejoong had a profile on Facebook.
He talked to us, and it was good that we exchanged opinions directly, we fans talked
about Yunho defamation.
2021. 02-03- This was at the time when, despite the curfew, Yunho, went to an adult apartment pub
with friends after 11pm...
Someone sent them a inspection, and the authority
he punished everyone.
Half of the netizen gang "jumped" on Yunho
Jaejoong, he was really out of it, and he just told us,
that we think carefully about what we say, and unjustly let's not hurt anyone...
But he made a separate post
"shame on you, stop persecuting the innocent friend"
2022, 11. 12. "duck crumbs"
I'm sorry I wrote a novel, but I was inspired.
It was a long time ago, and is heartwarming,
someone has written a short story that "smells" of reality
About YunJae Thanks again
faithot5 #4
Chapter 16: so sad but hope for the best
Neng2ovid #5
Chapter 16: This is so sad. I wish they can really be together. But society will judge them because where they are both from is not a very accepting society
Chapter 16: Bearing with the hits and punches of a cruel society, their strained relationship has taken a toll. Stealing these rare moments for solace, hoping their separation won't be much longer. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 16: that's bitter-sweet! beautifully written painful reality! waaaaaah, i am the one frustrated, at least yunjae's found peace with their "circumstances" presently bit yeah, keep on the faith, it's what makes us all going! thank you, thank you authornim!
Chapter 15: It's will turn 10 this year (T T)
Chapter 3: OMG! I can picture Yun said, "I love u too stupid"...this is emoshinki muchhh...
Chapter 2: And Joongie is er for Yun's hurricane...