


I pulled my last luggage into the elevator. The door is about to close when someone block it. A guy with a beanie and shades enter the elevator. He smiles at me but I just ignored it.

“What does he think he is to wear such things in a building?” I thought to myself.

He looks at me as if I’m an alien. I pulled my jacket, worried if the guy is actually a molester. He flashes a scary smile and turned away from me.

Be with him alone in the elevator, I feel so weak. What if he suddenly attacks me? What if he robs me? Or to make it worst, he kills me??? I pray he will leave the elevator soon. Unfortunately, when we reached the 18th floor, he follows me. I keep walking faster without looking back until I reached my house door.

When I get in the house safely, I peeked through the hole and saw the guy went into the house opposite from mine.

“So, you live there.” I whisper.

I placed my luggage in the room and starts working on my stuffs. It’s a mess in here. Ugh, I hate doing house chores!!!


It’s now 10pm. I finally finished placing my stuffs here and there all by myself. There are still some works to do in the kitchen but I decided to leave it for tomorrow. It’s tiring anyway. I sit on my favorite couch while watching the news on Bloomberg. Well, I still need to keep up the pace with the world. It’s boring to watch all the stocks prices so I decided to watch Step up 2 the Street.


Suddenly I heard some noisy sound from outside. I peeked through the keyhole. There are a bunch of girls knocking on the opposite door. I’m worried if the guy would open the door and hit those girls so I decided to chase them away before it’s getting worse.


“Hey, girls! The guy who’s live in there is very dangerous. It’s better if you leave before he comes out and do something to you.” I warned them in a soft tone.

The girls looked at me as if I’m an idiot. They ignored me and keep banging on the door.

“Yah!! That guy is a molester! You’d better leave before he does something inappropriate towards you guys!!” I try again.

“Miss, we don’t know you and we never butts in your business, so don’t butts in ours.” The girl who wears the black shirt confronts me. I stepped back.

What is wrong with these kids??? I thought to myself. I banged my door closed and went straight to bed.


The next morning, when I’m about to go out to do some shopping, I found a bouquet of flower lying in front of my door. There’s a card in it.

“Thanks for yesterday.J” it wrote.


I look around if someone mistakenly placed the flower outside my door. But no one is there. So I just keep it for myself. It’s beautiful anyway. Hahaha.


When I passed the lobby, there’s a bunch of hot guys playing around by the entrance. Wow, they are so hot!!! I keep on walking, but I noticed the molester is joining the others. But, he looks very familiar. Have I met him somewhere???

I keep looking at him without noticing a huge pillar is standing in front of me and I bumped into it; make me fell on the floor. Then I heard the guys laughing so hard. I quickly stand up, stuck my tongues out to them and run away. Oh, it’s embarrassing!!!! I swear I’ll find a new apartment by today!!!


That evening I decided to look around the neighborhood, since I’m still new here and I need to know how I can go to my workplace without have to face traffic congestion. So using my GPS, I went along the route and looked into some boutiques and bookshops. It takes 20 minutes if I walked from my apartment. I sopped by at a coffee house and buy a drink to quench my thirst. Suddenly the seat next to me is pulled by someone.

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this one is really nice! :) keep it up!
thanks!! but please take out with full credits, okay? <3
heldys17 #3
actually i like..err.. ilove your story!! heehe my friends love it too... this is the 6th printed stories^^ of mine^^
christia14: it's ok...
heldys17 #5
i printed this out... sorry for not telling you^^
heldys17 #6
heemin13: I dont think there is a sequel for this one because I'm currently working on a new fanfic. BUT if I have time and ideas on how to continue this fanfic, I'll do it just for you... :-)
heemin13 #8
will there be any sequel???
michalatic #9
starqueen #10
so sweet~~<br />
love it..<br />
<br />
update more!!