
simple love

"It's Kiko." he said with a straightforward look on his face.

Oh that was the big lipped model looking girl he slept with before. I remember it very clearly like it was  yesterday...


I had just gotten home from my last class sort of early and was walking to my room when I passed by Jiyongs door. I heard some sounds coming from the room and just figured he was asleep and snoring or something. I decided not to bother him and I went on about my business.

About half an hour later I was sitting on the couch flipping through the tv channels when a tall and curvy brunette emerged from his room wearing a pair of his pants and a t-shirt. I screamed because I didn't know what else to do. I mean it's not everyday you find a random girl in your apartment.

"Umm who are you?" I said standing.

She laughed obnoxiously and ran her fingers through her long wavy hair.

"I'm Kiko, and who are you?" I could tell she was sizing me up by the way she looked at me with a disgusted stare.

"I'm the other person who lives at this apartment thank you very much." I retorted adding,
"And if you would be so kind as to keep your and groaning to yourself from now on, that would be much appreciated. I mean people over in America could hear what was going on in that room." I lied. They were being quiet, but it was pretty rude of her to be acting like she owned the place. Plus, I get annoyed when Jiyong is with other girls. No we aren't dating or anything but I will admit, I do get jealous sometimes.

She was so conceited that she literally turned her head up and avoided my eyes.

"Oh. Well I'm sorry you're just bitter you can't get any." she crosses her arms over her chest and stomped back into Jiyongs room.

Jiyong walked out in his boxers and a t-shirt and his eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw me standing there.

"Dara, I... I didn't know you'd be home so early." he stuttered. I just ignored him and continues watching tv, in mucking freaking out because he was only wearing his boxers.

He knows that I know that he does this with girls, but usually I'm not home when it happens so this must have been embarrassing to him.

He turned to Kiko and told her to get out. She protested for a few minutes before slamming the door behind her as she left.

Jiyong sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Sorry Ssantokki. I didn't know you'd be..." I interrupted him,

"It's fine." I turned off the tv and walked past him to my room leaving him standing there alone. I officially hated that Kiko and I felt like hitting her upside the head.

~end of flashback~

I know they had met a few times after that when I wasn't there, but in the past few months Jiyong had been busy with school work and hadn't invited her over.

"Ok but if you promise this is the last time I'll have to do it." I sighed, finally giving in like I always do.

"Promise." he extended his hand and we sealed the deal, touching index fingers.

Secretly I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when I would be the one ending her relationship with Jiyong. This was going to be great!

We finished our meal and walked around campus, screwing around on the way to class.

Jiyong and I linked arms as we walked and the aliens held hands. When we almost reached the building we were going to, we passed by a small girl with brown hair and big round eyes. I knew instantly it was Sohee.

She realized Jiyong was there and stopped us to chat a while. I felt him tighten his grip around my arm as we stood there. When Sohee saw we had linked arms I could tell she was jealous. She twirled her hair around her finger as she and Ji talked. She winked and kissed his cheek and we parted ways. I just rolled my eyes at how sickening sweet she was being.

"I'm glad that's over. I was hoping I'd never see her again." he said wiping off where she had kissed him.

"Why? I thought you hooked up together?" I asked, remembering they had been together in the past.

"I'm tired of this playboy thing honestly. I don't feel satisfied anymore." he shrugged his shoulders.

TOP and Bom had been listing this whole time and Bom finally spoke up.

"Eh?" she said shocked while Jiyong just nodded his head.

We had all stopped walking now and we stared at him waiting for what was going to happen next.

I placed my hand on his forehead checking to see if he had a fever.

"Are you sick or something?" I asked. He chuckled and removed my hand from his head.

"I'm fine Ssantokki. Now let's get moving or we'll be late to class." he replied, linking our arms once again.

The four of us walked to class, joking that Jiyong had caught the flu or something.

He leaned his head on my shoulder and pretended he wasn't feeling well. I leaned my head on his head and breathed his scent. It was deep and rich, a manly scent, but not too strong. I smiled to myself, secretly hoping this moment could last a long time. But then I silently cursed myself for thinking such a thing, because I know he and I would never happen.

When I looked up we were inside the building, so I lifted my head away from his and we untwisted our arms from each other.

"Bye Ji, see you later." We exchanged a smile. I turned to go to my next class and waited for Bom to stop kissing her alien boyfriend.

"Come on, you'll see him again soon." I said, extending my arm for hers to link on. We sat in class, bored, and took notes.

The rest of the day flew by quickly, class after class, each more boring than the previous.

I got in my car and started it, waiting for Jiyong. Once I heard the car door open, I looked over and said hi.

The ride to the apartment was short. We got out of the car and into the elevator. I pushed 8 and we talked as the elevator climbed the floors.

"So when do I have to 'break up' with Kiko?" I asked over the cheesy elevator music.

"Wanna go right now? The sooner the better for me. She's probably been miserable since I haven't talked to her for so long." he said, the elevator doors opening to our floor.

Neither of us got out and the large steel doors closed, leaving us alone in the small room. He pushed the G button and the elevator lurched downward.

We smiled at each other and started laughing, anxious to reach the garage floor.

As soon as we saw the concrete parking area, we bolted to my car. We jumped in and buckled up.

I drove slowly, obeying all laws, brainstorming a plan on the way to her condo. This was going to be great!

"What should I say? I really wanna break it to her hard." I usually didn't act this outwardly mean to other people, but she was an exception.

"Whatever you want Ssantokki, be as mean and ruthless as you want." he replied.

We pulled into the small parking lot in front of the condo building and got out.

He stayed at the front door and I went to the condo he told me was hers. I knocked on the wooden door and waited for a response.

"Just a minute!" she yelled in a nasely voice. Ugh she was still just as annoying as ever.

The door opened and she appeared, looking very tired. There were bags and deep dark circles under her eyes. Her hair was messy, and her clothes were stained.

"Oh, what do you want." she rolled her eyes and fixed her hair. Obviously she remembered me from the last time we saw each other. Just then a small voice came out of nowhere.

"Eomma, who's there?" the meek voice asked. In an instant my jaw hit the floor.

Annyeong! I hope everyone enjoyed including my new subscribers. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Pixel Icons~xoxemily

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Jiyong would probably be over protective in the party ;DD
can't wait to know Jiyong's reaction! :)
Please update soon !!
Awwwwww!They fight, but forgives each other after a while. :)
unii_soeul #4
Love this story!!! Update soon :)
Please update soon (^.^)
pinkandblue #6
Losing someone is really hard to take. Jiyong helps Dara all through out. I just hope Dara will realize now that she see jiyong more than a friend. Thanks for the update. :)
Poor Dara ;(( Good thing Jiyong is always there for her.
Awww This story is interesting! I better subscribe ^^
pinkandblue #9
What a sad chapter. I hope Dara will be okay. Jiyong will be there for him. :)
flutterby_byul #10
Kyaaaaaaaaa~ ^o^
I'm loving this story! It's got a nice flow to it. And it has my two fave shippings in it! ^^ Also, I honestly cannot resist best friend fics, it's an addiction~~ I need to go to AFF Rehab... O.o
Omo omo omo! I can't wait for the next update! I wanna know how Dara's going to react! >.<