
don't be good to me.
"Kyuhyun," she called his name quietly so that no one will hear, even though her face still face down at the table.

Cho Kyuhyun of Halluya Idol group, Super Junior had once dated Yoo He Yi, our Nation's Fairy secretly. Though they've both had broken up for over a year already, though He Yi moved on and dated, and broken up. Kyuhyun who tired really hard to-cannot. It was too hard for him.

"Kyu.." Kyuhyun himself couldn't watch her like he did last time.

Watch her cry, watch her beg for someone to love her back. It was hard enough already.

When Kyuhyun dragged her out of the coffe shop, he didn't give a damn to who the hell may have seen him or took a picture of him. All he knows was that either love waits or it's can just drift on forever.

Outside the parking lot, he harshly throw her hand to the side, Kyuhyun pulled off the sunglass that hid his perfect brown eye. He Yi looked at him, with the sad gazes she give him when they broke up.

"don't look at me like that." Kyuhyun told her, roughly running his long finger through his shiny, pretty up hair, he couldn't look an eye to eye with He Yi knowin that he would easily give in.

"I-I'm sor-" Kyuhyun interrupted her unfinished sentence with a soft kiss. One of his hand cupped her face and the other hold her waist. Wishing that now he can turn back time and fix his mistakes.

He Yi is sorry. For many unexplainable reasons she's sorry for hurting his heart, sorry for telling him to move on. She was simply sorry for everything, but what can you do now?


[to get the mood right on the spot; 'Let's Break Up' by Lee Seung Ki plays in the background.]

One year back.

At the same place, the coffee shop both He Yi and Kyuhyun first start their love, will end there too.

"let's s-stop." he told her painfully.

He Yi smiled like a fool for a good minute, as her expression changed.

Even if their hand are entwined together their heart weren't.

Kyuhyun had in the past month talk about how much he loved her, how only if the world will see his love, but looking at him now, he had over turning his words to ugly broken words. He Yi looked at him almost as if she thought he was to be joking.

"Oppa's levitate, gotten so much better" He Yi complimented smiling brightly up to him; she knows what he was talking about, for god's sake.

"He Yi~" he whispered lightly as the hince of guilt can be found in his voice when she let go of his hand.


"I'm-" sighing, Kyuhyun couldn't face her as he turned his back to her and covered his head with both hand in pain.

He Yi tried to feign a laugh; a wistful one.

"thank you." two simple words came out of .

  He Yi's POV;

  "thank you." as these two words slip out of my lip. I know, that this means goodbye. 'Forever goodbye He Yi.' I can hear this calling me again when Kyuhyun's pale face faced me.

  "I-I'm sorry.... Look at me," Kyuhyun's uneasy voice let my heart jumped 10x's faster. I know, I can tell.

  It's the end.

  "It's okay." I assured him, though the feeling of beening hurt will rankle deep inside of my heart.

  After I say that, Kyuhyun just became someone else. As he violently shook me by both arms. His eyes sting with tears. His voice filled with livid comments.

  "how can you say? Say that it okay?!" he asked me. I start to wonder? Why? Why did I say that? How can I let the person I loved all the time go?


  His sullen expression suggest that he was in everything except a good mood. Was he offended? Hurt? Angry? He Yi simple words led Kyuhyun speechless.

  "it's okay.... I'm okay."

  "aaggggghhhhg! why do you have to make me feel like there's nothing I can do for you?!" he screamed, leting He Yi go and kicking his car tire.

  "breakups are unavoidable.... Kyuhyun." He Yi softly spoke. "its a part of growing up." it is certain that breakup are part of the ABC.

  Kyuhyun turned around swiftly and hugged He Yi tightly, shielding her. As she cried on his embrace.... Her last painful embrace.

  Kyuhyun felt remorseful as they spent their last day as a couple together. Cherishing the moment they share together.

  End of flashbacks;;

  "Shin Woo!" Tae Kyung yelled over the kitchen to catch Shin's Woo all time attention, after a couple times of trying to calmly call Shin Woo's name.

  "yah! I'm talking to you! Babo!"

  "what do you want?"

  "it's not me," Tae Kyung told him as he walked over to where Shin Woo sat and handed him a phone.


  Shin Woo literally barked in annyonace as he place the phone by the ear.


  Sitting in the car next to each other, Kyuhyun hold his steering wheel tightly, as He Yi clinched onto her bag.

  Kyuhyun's POV.

  Even after a year of our break up, feeling linger inside out of me as I struggle to let her go. Staring at her, her beautiful moon face, perfect m lips was disturbed when she mumbed the words I do not wish to hear.

  "go back to her." she told me, without a care about how I feel. Without a care to how I may react. Her words sharply cut my heart, as it bleed with whimpers.


  After telling him straight away her feeling, He Yi clumsy opened the car door. Without taking another glance at him, Kyuhyun couldn't face her as He Yi took one last glance at him. His lips trembles, his hand clinched into a ball next his cheek, struggle really hard to not let his tears fall.

She couldn't leave him like this. Even if she pretend to be a bad person, she can not pretend to not hear his crys. Letting him carry the undue pressure as she closed the door.

  "...w-" clearing as her tears are on the venge of dropping. "will... You send me to A.N.Jell dorm?"

  He Yi asked the 'Once Evil Kyuhyun', it took him a while to nod and finally took off.

  "Omma! No! I will not even for the love of the Rocky Mountains. Not!" Shin Woo yelled over the phone before hanging up on his own mom.

  "what does your mom want, hyung?" Jeremy asked with a tin of ice cream on his lap.

  Jeremy, Manger Ma, Coordinate Wa, Tae Kyung, and Mi Nyu had been so busy listening to Shin Woo historically yell and throw a fit about how imperfect his life is.

"go back to Busan." Shin Woo answered angrily dropped onto the jumpy sofa.

  Everyone panicked while Tae Kyung just sit there, watching a bunch of angry bird (refering to Jeremy, Coordinate Wa, Manger Ma, and Mi Nyu) jumping around like they are going to attack branches or blocks.

  Shin Woo walked outside to get some fresh air, sitting leg over another.

  Phone TALK;

  "Seohyun already told me, she explained to me already." Shin Woo mom softly spoked over.

  "mom, no."

  "wae-yo? Seohyun is a good woman, polite and sweet."

  "mom she and me is the past, we ended where she went and dated this guy from Super Junior." Shin Woo answered annoyed. He was trying really hard to talk to loud, glimpsing at the other member they were staring.

  Yes! Seohyun and Shin Woo dated when Seohyun was still in We Got Married, and broken up afterward. Seohyun was more annoyed of why she ever went out with such a loser.

"Shin Woo, honey.... A favor for mommy?"

  "Omma! No! I will not even for the love of the Rocky Mountains. Not!" Shin Woo yelled over the phone before hanging up on his own mom.

Phonetalk ENDS; Sighing at the thought of his past love with Seohyun. Shin Woo felt the very stagger like hitting into his heart as he stood up to go back, the brake sound of a car stops him, but to only witness what his eye did not want to see.

  In the car, when Kyuhyun reached the dorm, he opened the door for He Yi as he hold still on her hand.

"c-can't we start over?" he asked her, dissapointed that it will be a no.

"she loves you more...... She deserves your love." He Yi told him, walking back inside. Kyuhyun pulled her back for a back hug.

"asshhiiii~!" Shin Woo pouted, raising his head up as he was in hiding, barking mad words to the scene. His mind filled him with many possibilities that the man can be He Yi's boyfriend? The man she is seeing? A brother? Or just a random guy!

"no one loves me like you do.... No...No one makes me feel like I'm the only person in the world she want to fall in love with." Kyuhyun sweetly whispered, inhaling her deep strawberry scent.

  Oh how god knows how much he missed her. Turning He Yi around to face him, she showed a tired, but gently smile.

"we can still be friend....?" she suggested, friend was the last thing Kyuhyun wanted.

"why are they talking so long? It's not like their saying their vow right infront of our house." hissed Shin Woo, looking at Jolie who cowered under her house.

"you agree to huh? Jolie?" he asked, putting his full attention back to the couple.

It took a pretty long time for Kyuhyun to finally agreed, and when he did He Yi hold on his shoulder and tiptoe to give him a cheek kiss.

"Yah! Did she just kiss a random man infront of my house!" Shin Woo hissed, annoyed and irrupted with a hint of jealousy climbing up to his heart. "that's the sweet Kyuhyun I know." she whispered to his ear.

It made Kyuhyun felt warm and loved, but it give him the reality that he wished not to have.

"I'll see you then... On Family Outing?"

He Yi smiled and slight nodded. "go, it's late. Leeteuk Oppa might get worry,"

"the Mankae is always loved you know?"

Finalizing there goodbyes. He Yi was greeted with a unwelcoming frown of Kang Shin Woo.

"Anyo~ Oppa!" He Yi greeted happily. Totally forgetting their awkward-ness early, early that day.

Shin Woo shot the most intense stares he done, and walked back inside, slamming the door behind him hard so the BANG! echoes the house with fear. Into Shin Woo's room, he jumped onto the bed hugging the life out of his bear.

"I'm not mad! Not mad! Not mad! not maddddddd-ah!" Shin Woo screamed onto the pillow that he buried his face onto. "whose that?!" Tae Kyung timid voice could be heard from outside as He Yi shook her head and walked inside.

"who dares to slam Hwang Tae Kyung expensive door?!" he screeched out. Annoyed, it was pretty expensive. "Ahh~! He Yi! Your back?" Jeremy jumped up and down. He was excited all day to show his new hairstyle to her. After all she did suggest that the hairstyle should suit him well. 

For the next couple of days, He Yi wasn't at the dorm she was out filming Family Outing. For these couple of days Shin Woo lonely stay home, cook some weird food, play with Jolie and watched the cf he and her did over and over again. He just couldnt find the words for the weird jumpy feelin he have in his stomach when he's with He Yi.

"she's been gone for 4 days . . . Ahgissi, what wrong Shin Woo? You don't even like her, she even hurt you before." talking to himself quietly. Shin Woo played around with his free hand.

His guitar sat quietly today on his lap untouched and not even a single note played.

"if you like her just admitted it" Tae Kyung attackingly commented, coming outside and sitting across from Shin Woo with a water bottle.

"hyung, do you like Mi Nyu?" changing the topic. Shin Woo is not going to let Tae Kyung caught him; confused and worked up about love.

Tae Kyung laughed at it, but with Shin Woo looking seriously, his full attention was on Mi Nyu distracting Tae Kyung's evil mind..

"why? You like Mi Nyu?"

"I don't know" 'shrugging his shoulder playfully, Shin Woo walked cooly back inside the house as Tae Kyung stood up looking with 'answer me' look.

A.N.Jell wasn't going to have another update since they are starting to work on there 7th album. Sitting again, Shin Woo lonely sat on the couch and watching Star King, Tae Kyung and Mi Nyu is shopping together on other house needs.

Walking cart to cart, Tae Kyung linked arm with Mi Nyu. Don't worry, his thick brown glasses hid his eyes well.

  "when you were away we did a Soju commercial, it was very good" Tae Kyung explains grabbing a pack of Soju.

"really? Oppa you had become addicted to drinking now? " Mi Nyu asked putting the Soju back, Tae Kyung pouted his lips.

"ahnie, it's just that it tastes good" picking it back up and putting it inside the cart. Mi Nyu didn't want to argue and let him win.

"let's get ice cream for Jeremy and tea for Shin Woo?" she asked, but he didn't answer her, so she picked it up and put it into the cart.

"pshh, you only care for them" Tae Kyung jealously mumbled, crossing his hand over one another. Mi Nyu smiled knowing that he was at least jealous.

Going home angry and disappointed he didn't even help Mi Nyu carry anything and walked inside but he's still a gentleman and opened the door for her.

"hyung" Shin Woo called as Jeremy was already over a Mi Nyu helping her taking out stuff, Tae Kyung walked away into his room angrily.

"Shin Woo and Jeremy? Shin Woo and Jeremy?!" annoying himself as he repeat his mate's name.

"Ahgissi, Go Mi Nyu, are you doing this on purpose?" Looking over at the pig-rabbit.

"you! I really dislike you right now" walking over to the pig-rabbit and turn it around to it's back.

  "ah, better ehh?"

------ "Ahh. . Special night?" Jeremy asked.

"well. . . Kinda like that . ."

"so you want me and Jeremy to go" Shin Woo asked confused a bit, with his finger sweeping the air.

"I don't mean it like that . . . But something like that . ." both smiling alittle, the boys nodded like they understand the meaning of it.

When night falls Jeremy took Shin Woo out to eat spicy food, leaving Tae Kyung and Mi Nyu home only.

As for He Yi after they were done filming Famil Outing Special, they were sleeping. Taking out her phone and stepping outside to the porch, she dial a number.

"we sorry but the number your calling now is not available please call at another time thank you. " closing her phone, she sighed looking up and out to the sky full of stars.

"are you missing me like I'm missing you?" she asked the stars above.

As Tae Kyung came out of his room in his wavy shirt and pj pant. "Mi Nyu? Shin Woo, Jeremy?" walking the way to the living room. "where are they?" as he followed the light to the outside door. "Go Mi Nyu?"

Mi Nyu was outside with a dress on, also the hairpin and necklace he got her, he paused and smiles in delight toward her.

"you . . prepared this?" he asked with one of his eyebrows raised while she proudly nod.

"we can watch the stars . . ." she told him in a warm voice.

Tae Kyung smiled and look at beautiful Mi Nyu.

"you . . Your really beautiful Mi Nyu . ." Looking at Mi Nyu for countless times admiring her beauty since her hair grew and she was wearing girly clothes for once.

"Mi Nyu . . Whats the brightest star?" he asked her sitting next to the fire.

"whether it day or night, the sun is the brightest star" she answered him, he smiled.

"you remember?"

She nodded, handing him a marshmallow.

"who wouldn't, when Hwang Tae Kyung was lost into the forest, chased by a pig, bit by a rabbit, stepped on cows poop, run with all his might, have night blindness, and of all the sun is Hwang Tae Kyung brightest star." saying those sweet and funny memories, she was sitting next to Tae Kyung.

It was a lovely night where the wind wasn't blowing as hard nor the sky was covered in cloud, it was pretty decent and beautiful.

"your wrong . . . The sun isn't my brightest star"

"really? . . But you said it was . ." she said in a sad tone.

Going closer to her face, "My brightest star is Go Mi Nyu" he whispered to her ear, though it tickled alittle, she smiled and wrapped her arn around his neck.

"Tae Kyung oppa is also my brightess star" she told him happily.

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i want shin woo and mi nyu to end up !
please update soon ^^
sweetheart_cdoress #2
Why did he help HeYi n ignore Mi Nyu??? Please update more... Tae Kyung seems to be nicer to He Yi than towards Mi Nyu... That is sad for her...
love_violet #3
hi..i'm sure you're update for chapter 14 right?? but i can't find it. there's no chapter 14 on da list. or am i wrong?? did you actually reupload for chapter 13 only? TT TT
love_violet #4
omg.please update soon. i can't wait to know what shin woo will do to he yi after he saw the kiss.update soon!! ^^
i want more pleaseeee..^^
devil_fairy_o3o #6
OMG I can't wait for the next chapter..
kyuhyun?? i thought that was mi nam.
hha shinwoo started to falling n jealous.
im curious with who is kyuhyun in here n also their past ^^
update soon!!
they kissed already o_O shinwo is ert xD
i need more chapter with more shinwoo n he yi moment ^^
update soon!
devil_fairy_o3o #9
I love this story more than your previous story but i subscribed them both....this is the best fanfic ever