How To Steal Your Sister's Boyfriend


"Him choosing my sister broke my heart, but feeling his lips on mine breaks my heart more."


They used to be so close. The Choi sisters used to be inseparable...

Bella is the older sister. Her father taught her and she learned how to multiply and divide at the age of five. She's always at the top of her class. She mastered many languages including Japanese and Korean. And needless to say, Bella's looks captured the hearts of many. She's the type that would make her parents proud and the others jealous.

And there's Cora, a year younger than Bella. She might not be as smart as Bella, but she has her own charms as well. Spending a lot of time with her mother, Cora's already a makeup prodigy at the age of five. She loves art more than anything, and she's always seen with her handy sketchbook. Her favorite is realism, which by the way she rocked! And unlike Bella's poised and elegant appearance, Cora's more approachable and open. She's the type that boys would love and girls would envy.

And you know sisters, they are frequently compared to each other. But the bond between them is so strong, nothing would tear the two apart. But that was before...

"How could you?" Bella asked. She balled her fists to stop them from strangling Cora. "Why would you do that to your own sister?! WHY?!"

"I-I..." Cora stuttered, lost for words. "It's just so unfair. I loved Marco first..." A tear escaped from her eye.

"But he chose me, Cora!" She shouted, making Cora flinch. Cora haven't seen her sister lose temper, until now. She didn't realize Bella could be this scary. All because of her.

Bella glared, looking at Marco. "Or so that's what I thought."

She couldn't imagine that her boyfriend could cheat on her... With her sister! But this is reality, and she has to face it. She unboxed the cake. With every knot she untied, she could also feel the bond with her sister untying.

Bella aimed it at her cheating boyfriend... Oh, wait. Ex-boyfriend. It was supposed to be their one year anniversary, but not anymore. She threw it with all her might. The raging chocolate-frosted cake landed at Marco's bare chest.

"And as for you," she pointed a finger at Cora as she stepped closer and closer. Tear finally flowed down, like water rushing out a broken dam. "I don't have a sister anymore! YOU. ARE. DEAD. TO ME. I'll never ever forgive you! I wont until I die!"

Cora began to sob. Her sister's words stung like a hundred bees were attacking her. Or pins and needles were tearing through her chest. Or as if she's getting a thousand flu shots at the same time. But no amount of words can describe the pain she's feeling right now. Her sister was right. She deserved those mean words. She deserved every single one of them.

She wanted to say sorry. She wanted to say that she'll never ever do it again. If only it was that simple. She wanted to, but she couldn't say anything. She just stared at her sister storming out with tears blurring her sight.

After a week of getting drunk and depressed, Bella decided that Cora can't keep her like this. She's so not turning to one of those obsessed girls that she sees on TV dramas. She's way more than that.

"My story deserves more." She spooned a good amount of ice cream and shoved it in . "Ugh, America has been nothing but headache. Hmmm..."

She eyed the royal blue luggage on her wardrobe. A smirk traveled on her lips as an idea popped into her head. "See you soon, South Korea."

Have you watched Electric Kiss yet?


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kittycaygd #1
Sounds interesting! ^^
ByunBinita #2
Chapter 4: Waiting for next chappie
Exo-baekkie #3
Update more heshe ^^