Chapter 3: Day 2

A Judragon Story

"No." I whispered to myself while holding three pieces of paper in my hands shaking hands.

"This is impossible!" I crumpled up my credit card bill and stepped on it. "How could my bill reach three thousand five hundred dollars?" I reached out for the bill again and looked at what I've spent.

I saw that I mostly spent my money on important stuff like handbags and shoes. But how did my bill reached this high? "What am I gonna do?" I shouted and left the paper laying on the floor and sat on the sofa. "My pay check tomorrow won't even be enough to pay the bill."

I shuffled uncomfortably in my sofa. The sofa was not big but it seemed to big for just 1 person. I felt like something was missing. Like someone to talk to and reply to you. I looked at the small but spacious white apartment and something was shouting at me that I need to find a house buddy. So I ran to my laptop pressed the on button. I saw pretty lady staring back at me in the dark screen. I fixed my hair before, slowly, the icon of Windows showed and brighten up the screen. I drummed my fingers on the side of the laptop while I waited few seconds for it to load.

I quickly clicked on the icon of the Publisher and designed my flyer.I put big red font saying "For Rent" and added my address, contact details on and the price of the rent.

When I finished, I added a cute photo of me at the side and put little hearts to make it more presentable. I printed 10 copies of my flyers to spread all over the neighbourhood.

I posted one near the pet shop, one near the park, five at the walls of the street near my house and I handed out two flyers to people who looked like have no where to go and the last one was posted near my favourite restaurant. After putting the flyer near it, I remembered I had a coupon for a free meal. I entered the restaurant with grace and a kind lady greeted me and bowed. "Table for one please." I said proudly. She led me to the table on the corner and gave me the menu and gave me complimentary bread sticks before leaving.

"Where did I put my coupon!" I searched my bag and took the things out of my bag one by one and placed them on the table. I shuffled the remainder of my things in my bag, trying to find my coupon. "I must have left it at home. But that's impossible, I never take it out of my purse." I mumbled to myself.

I munched on the bread stick on my tabled while thinking where my coupon could be. After half an hour, I finished the bread sticks without realising it and the lady came to me carrying a notepad and a pen. "Ready to order, ma'am?" She asked politely but I can see she was a bit irritated because I haven't ordered since I came to the restaurant.

"Uhmm... Can I just wait for my date? He's coming. I want us to order together." I said simply and calmly. She raised an eyebrow at me, " I thought you just want a table for one?" She said suspiciously.

"Oh about that, my date decided he wanted to come after all." She was still standing there as if waiting for more. "Can I please have another chair for my date," I emphasised the word date and continued " and can I have more bread sticks?" I handed her the basket of the bread stick. When she didn't move, just staring at me, I wiggled the basket to attract her attention.

She took the basket reluctantly and I saw she was annoyed. She left and I saw her heading to the kitchen.

I heard my stomach grumble because of hunger. I didn't have anything since morning because I can't afford it. I was broke.

Then I saw my ticket to free meal. It must be destiny meeting him again. I slid off my chair and tiptoed toward his seat. I saw he was alone. Perfect timing! I snuck behind him and covered his eyes.

"Guess who~!" I lilted.

He chuckled, touching my hands. "C'mon. Who is it?" He said while grabbing my hands away from his eyes.

I walked confidently and smiling widely towards the seat across him. When I sat down, I batted my eyelashes and tucked a stray of hair behind my ear. I saw the waitress walking out of the kitchen with a basket of bread sticks so I said "Hi Seung Hyun. I'm glad you came! Thought you'll never come to our date," I said it with a loud voice more than necessary to make sure the waitress heard it. She looked at me and I waved at her telling to bring the bread sticks to me. "Ahjumma! What are doing here? Are you following me? 'Cause I can't afford to talk to you right now, I am in a hurry." Seung Hyun whispered as if he was hiding something from someone. I looked at what he was wearing and I saw he was wearing a suit with light blue shirt underneath and a dark blue tie. I saw his man purse beside him. He really looked like he just came here for a lunch break.

The waitress placed the bread sticks beside the basket of bread sticks that is already on the table, with more force than necessary. "Are you going to order now?" We ignored the waitress "I am not stalking you, Seung Hyun-" "Seung Hyun? How do you know my name? I didn't even tell you? You are stalking me!" He grabbed his purse to his chest. I expected him to run out off the restaurant but he turned to the waitress and said "Miss can you please help me?" The waitress seem hypnotised too. She batted her eye lashes and smiled. "What is pre- sir?" She stuttered, obviously nervouse in front of him. I don't like her already.

"Can you please help me from this ahjumma? I don't know her." He said like he was a little boy that was scared of the ghosts. He looked even cuter! Wait- did he just said 'ahjumma'? "Yah! I'm only 26! My name is Juri - in case you're asking - I'm not an ahjumma yet!" I shouted and everyone turned their head toward me with almost-devil eyes.

"That's it ma'am, leave now or we will have to call the police for public disturbance and stalking this handsome man." I didn't want to leave the restaurant because I was expecting to get free meal from Seung Hyun. I strolled slowly out of the restaurant and I heard Seung Hyun ordering. "I have this coupon-" I turned my heels towards them and I saw it! My beloved coupon! I even saw my name written on it. It really was mine!

"Hey! That's my coupon? How did you get it?" I looked at my purse then on to him suspiciously. I didn't even think twice and grabbed the coupon out of his hand. He pulled back but I refused to let go.

"You. Gave. This. To. Me. Remeber?"

"Whu-what? How dare you accuse me to do such a thing" I held my hands to my chest feigning hurt by his accusation. I tried to grab it again but two strong hands grabbed me by my arms and lifted me effortlessly. I turned around and saw the muscular man. He had tattoos on his entire arms. He looked scary so I didn't squirmed out of his strong calloused hands. He looked like he was one of the cooks of the restaurant because he is wearing a white long-sleeved uniform. If I squirmed he might cook me.

He put me down outside the restaurant and said "Sorry for man handling you, it's just you're causing a trouble in the restaurant and some customers are complaining. Good day ma'am please come again." And then he left.

Even though he was terribly big, he is a gentleman. I will certainly comeback for him but I forgot to ask his name because I was stunned by sudden gentleness from him.

I looked inside the restaurant from the window and I saw Seung Hyun giving the red headed waitress my coupon. There goes my free meal - taken by a handsome yet evil bussiness man.

I walked through the park slowly with a grumbling stomach. Then, the idea strucked me.




Day 2:

Dear blog, I think I am one step closer in finding my knight and shining armour, my destiny, my true love. It's day 2 of my little mission and today I went to the park, well not really to find someone to go out with me but mainly because I needed food. Don't get me wrong, I am not a beggar it's just that I'm broke at the mo' and the guy I mentioned yesterday, Seung Hyun, stole my coupon for free chicken at the restaurant. I've spent every lunch time there to eat because I know I will have a free chicken if  I've collected the six stamps on my coupon.
Anyway, I went to the park and sat on the bench looking y and stuff. I placed my right elbow on the bench and rested my head on my right hand and tried to look natural and attractive at the same time. I was expecting people to sit beside me but they just walk by. So I changed my approach. I walked to the y guy by the tree in the park and he was wearing casual clothes and with a big dog. We started talking about dogs and I told him about Gordon then I knew his name. His name is Young Bae and he was shy at first but I think I made a good progress because we became friends and I must admit that he's really good looking too. Jackpot for me!
But my true agenda didn't happen. I'm still hungry so when I went home I raged to the fridge and found my mum's 6-day old lasagne. It was still good. I might visit my parent next week. A week before my sisters wedding.
Well thanks for reading!

I've finished my blog and closed the laptop. Then a knock suddenly came from the font door and when I opened it, I saw Young Bae and his dog looking at me with angelic eyes. He smiled and I just stared at him then the silence broke when he spoke. "Ms. Juri the limo to our date is here. Can I have the permission to you to it?" I didn't hesitate and nodded my head. I held his big biceps firmly as we walked on the red carpet leading to the door of the long black car. It was like a dream.

Then I heard a loud knock again and I fell from the sofa. I really wss a dream. I heard the knock again. I jumped excitedly. That must be Yong Bae! I ran to the door and opened it seeing a Jiyoung.

"Hi Juri! Do you remember me? I'm Jiyong, from the pet store?" Of course I remember her. She's the girl who keeps on pronouncing her name wrong. "Of couse I remember you! Come in, Jiyoung!" She entered the house and removed her shoes.

"Do you like anything?" I asked half-heartedly because I know I needed to get groceries but I have no money. "Just water please." He said politely. As I filled the glass with water I realised how she got my address. "Uhm.. Jiyoung?" I asked from the kitchen. She popped her head in the kitchen door with raised eyebrows. "Yeah?"

"How did you know where I live?" I gave her her water and sat on the table and motioned her to sit too. "About that," she took out a piece of paper out of her pocket and she spread it out on the table. I saw my pink flyer with my face on it. Some vandals but was still recognisable that it was me. "I found your advert and was wondering if it's still available?" She asked while fidgeting with the metal button of her leather jacket.

"Of course it is! Actually you're the first one who asked. I just put those up just this morning." I smiled but smiling was not what I was really feeling. I felt like I want to dance and jump of joy because I have a house buddy already.

She returned my smile with enthusiasm. "That's great! So am I accepted to be you house mate?" I drummed my finger on my chin as if I was thinking about it but there was no way I am letting this go.

"I'll think about it ok?" Her smile disappear. "Of course you are!" I shouted and hugged her tightly. When I let go, I saw her face was still puzzled the changed into and wide grin as the realisation seep in.

"When can I move in?" She asked, standing up.

"Tomorrow, about 10-11 am? I need to clean the room too. Is that ok?"

"Yeah that would be great" she handed her hand and ending the conversation.

I led her to the front door "Call me tomorrow before you come ok? House mate." I said emphasizing the word 'housemate' and then she left. 

I slept peacefully that night, thinking I have new house buddy and new income. 




A/N: hey guys! This chapter is kinda behind sched because I was really busy and at first, I didn't know what to put. Hope you like it. Tell me what you think, ok? Love you all! Xoxo

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TashwampaRedone #1
Chapter 1: To be honest, I ship Juri with anyone who even looks at her... She is just so shippable.
Chapter 10: Will I be impatient if I ask about next updates? You didn't upload any chapter for a long time and it would be sad to just abandon this unique fanfic ><
really can't wait to read about next events ^^
chinchaaa #3
how do you come up with them, thanx for chap 10, ill be waiting for more :)
U updated thx!! It"s great cant wait to see wat happens next ;)
@vampirequeen21: thank you! It means so much that you commented. I've updated! Hope you'll like it!

@chinchaaa: Aww that's so sweet. I almost cry because of the comment. I didn't know people like my story. Thank you!

@Abidamawannabe: Thank you! Hope you'll like my update!

Thank you all for reading! love y'all xoxo
I LOVE IT!! ;) Please update soon
chinchaaa #7
i really loved this i read all the chapters in 1 day im really excited and i love jung juri also and jiyoung, basically all of the characters. i am really loving your story!!
Lady_Kwon #8
Cute :3
update soon~~
@mirandamana: thank you for reading this fic even though it's not skydragon. Jung juri is also my favourite comedian!

@pika04: Thank you for reading! I know! I was planning to add some couples and I know DaraYang is the perfect couple for this situation! I will try to write some more JuDragon moments but I don't think I could write romantic moments so don't expect my next chapter to be mushy and stuff. Haha! OMO! I'm a Sama worthy! thank you! :')

thank you everyone for reading. I really appreciate it more than anything! xoxo
This chapter is so hilarious. Poor Juri, she got ignored by Youngbae. But she should take notice of Jiyong too. And I think Jiyong should also tell Juri about what he's feeling and then maybe she will stop disregarding him. I actually feel a bit sorry for him cos the whole time Juri's attention was on Youngbae. It's so sad, man.;_;
But oooh, they're left alone in the karaoke. I demand JuDragon momentssss. Thanks author-sama!