Chapter 10: Stinking rich

A Judragon Story




A/N: Sorry guys that I haven't updated for a long time. There's no good excuse for abandoning this story. Anyways, thank you so much for reading my story. I almost cried with joy when I read the comments and knowing that someone is reading. Thank you. Hope you enjoy this chapter.





Previously on "A Judragon's Story"


"And oh! I was suppose to let you meet Kang Jung Yoo because I know your sister's wedding is coming up and everyone is gonna be busy so I decided to set you up in a date. Oh honey! You would love him! He's kind, sweet, handsome! Everything you look for in a man!"


"Too bad you weren't there! We missed you so much! And also-"

"MOM!" gosh! this woman can talk! "I don't need a date for the wedding!"

She looked at me like I was a crazy person. "Wha-why not?"

"Because I already have a date."


Damn! Didn't thought that far.

"Uhmm..." then right in time, Jiyong showed up in the kitchen.

"So who was cooking?" he asked sleepily.

"Him" I pointed at him. My mom stared at him profoundly before she did the unexpected. I expected her to scream at me for ruining her plans for me and that Kang Jung Yoo but she didn't. She walked towards Jiyong and engulfed him with a big hug.

"Oh Juri! Why didn't you say so?!" My jaw fell and I saw Jiyong was confused too. "What's you're name son?"

"Kwon Jiyong, ma'am"

"Well Jiyong." She hugged him tighter, "Welcome to the family."



Although Jiyong's face was like it was gonna burst because of my mom's bone-crushing hug, he seemed happy. He was smiling really widely. What's wrong with him?

They were hugging for seemed like forever and my mom looked like she wasn't letting go so I coughed to interrupt them. "Uhm.. mom? It's ok now, I think Jiyong, here, got the message. But can I talk to him for a minute?"

"Sure honey!" She let go of Jiyong and watched us with her big watery eyes.

"In private?"

"Oh, sorry. You kids deal with what you need to deal with, and I will set up the table." She straighten her apron and wiped her tears as she turned her heels to the dinning table. "but be quick ok? The food will get cold."

I pulled Jiyong to the corner of the living room and tried explaining him what just happened.

"Well you see Jiyong, my mom's an enthusiastic woman and she really loves her children. She just loves them too much it's agonizing. Don't get me wrong but I love my mom, it's just she's just-"

"So your point is?" He interrupted.

"Oh right. The point is she gets in in everything in my life, even my love life. She tried to set me up on blind dates to thousands of men who are either s or just plain idiots. So I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend just for my sister's wedding to stop my mom on setting me up to random people. After the wedding, we can live our normal life again. You being my boss and housemate and me being pretty and all."

"I don't know. What is it for me?"

Oh yeah, forgot about that one too.

"I'll pay you!"

He folded his arms and knitted his eyebrows as if he can't believe that I have money to pay him. And by looks of it he looked like he was going to ask for a fortune. 

"I don't want you money, Juri." He sighed and turned his head to the direction of the kitchen and smiled softly. He looked at the kitchen like he saw a new born baby or cute puppies or he saw a delicious platter of cake on the table. I followed his gaze but before I could see what he was looking at he turned to me. "I'll think about it. For now, let's just eat you mom's homemade lasagna. I'm starving!" Smirking and rubbing his tummy, he walked to the kitchen and sat on the table.


"So nice for you to join us, Jiyoung-oppa, Is it ok to call you oppa. Now that your my unnie's boyfriend I think we should be cool, right?" 

I mouthed "don't call him that" to Jae In but she just gave me a confused look.

"Sure! I think I'll like someone calling me that. It's rare that someone is calling me that." said Jiyong as he spoons another mouthful of the pasta.

"Huh? Aren't you older than my unnie?" 

"I think she's older." he took another bite. Too big for his mouth. I think he's sending a message that he doesn't want interrogation from my sister so I stopped Jae In's blabbering mouth and changed the topic.

"Jae In! Aren't you excited for your wedding? It's in less than 6 days!" I told her with a little excitement hoping she would take the bait.

"Oh unnie! Don't get me started. I might look pretty and look like I don't have any stress in life, this wedding thing, it's just stressful!" And she took it.

Althought my sister was blabbering the entire breakfast, it's better thatn seeing Jiyoung uncomfortable face. It makes me uncomfortable too.


After my mom cleaned her dish and placed the left over lasagna in the fridge she bid her goodbye. "Don't forget to call me ok? You know how much I miss you. And I'm sure your dad worried about you too. The lasagna's in the fridge and don't let yourself starve. If you have any problems, Just call me or better even, come and visit us sometimes." Yeah, like I'm going back to that house. Telling my mom to leave was always water works. It wasn't like I'm not gonna see her in few days in Jae In's wedding or something. It was like  was dying or going abroad.

"Ok mom. I'll call. Just don't cry ok? You're like this every time you visit. I'm all grown up! No need to worry."

"Sorry." She wiped her tears and placed her hands on my shoulders "Besides, you have Jiyong to take care of you now." She pecked me on the cheek. "Bye sweetie. Bye, Jiyong! Take care of our Juri." She hugged her quickly before exiting the door.

"I will." I heard Jiyong whispered but it was too quiet to hear correctly so I shrugged it off. "Well that was fun! I got to meet your sister and your mom and I'm going to a wedding!" 

"That reminds me! I still don't have a dress to wear for the wedding!" I exclaimed and ran to my room to look for some clothes. I saw my old dresses that I had since I was a teenager. "I don't think I'll fit into these anymore"

"Do you want to go dress shopping this afternoon? After work? I'll come with you if you like"

"You'd do that?" he nodded and went to his room smiling. "thank you!" I shouted and dressed for work.






"Thank you for going with me Jiyong! I really appreciate it!" I told him as I pulled him to the dress shop. Going shopping with Jiyong wasn't so bad. I thought he would be all bored because it's dress shopping. But instead he even helped me to pick a dress and his choice was really beautiful but really pricey. What was he thinking picking this dress? I didn't have any money to buy this. The dress he chose was the long egg shell dress with silver sequined straps. It was gorgeous but when I saw the price, I almost fainted.

"I can't buy this! This is more than a hundred dollars!"  The temptation of buying that and spending my non-existent money was killing me so I shove the dress away.

"Just try it on. If you don't like it, we'll move on to the next dress." he showed me another dress but it wasn't beautiful as the other dress.

"Of course I like it." I grabbed the dress and went to the fitting room. I zipped the zipper down and pulled it up. My mouth fell open as I zip the dress up again. The dress fitted me like it was made for me. It was perfect.

I heard a knock from the door. "You ok there, Juri?" Jiyong shouted from outside of the fitting room. I stepped out and showed him how it looked like. It was too bad I can't afford it. But I still had a chance to be in that dress even just for a minute.

"We'll take it" said Jiyong to the shop lady. "Good choice, sir. Your girlfriend looks very pretty in her dress." the lady led Jiyong to the til. Jiyong glanced at me and I suddenly felt uneasy. "She does, doesn't she?" instead of denying he was my boyfriend he just took it. Maybe he finally agreed to my proposal.

"Jiyong! I can't afford this!" he smirked and let out a plastic card. "It's fine! It's all covered." Before I could protest any longer, the lady from the till scanned the price on the dress and swiped the credit on the machine.




"Thank you, sir and ma'am. Please come again!" We left the shop with me still confused how fast things happened. 

"Hey Jiyong." I pulled his sleeves to look at me. "I feel really bad about the dress. It's my dress. Why did you pay for it? I could've find another dress for less than half of the price of this dress." I gestured to the dress that I was still wearing. "And can I go inside and change again?"

"Nope!" He said popping the 'p' at the end.

"Huh? Why not?" 

"You look pretty in it. And it's fine! I have you clothes here. The kind lady gave it to me before we left." He raise a carrier bag full of my uniform.I couldn't help the blush creeping on my face. I know many people tell me I'm pretty but it was different when it came from Jiyong. Like it was sincere. 

"Uhmm.. Ok." I looked at my feet because of the sudden embarrassment. "By the way, you really have a good fashion sense! This dress is perfect!" Trying to divert his gaze to the dress instead of my face.

"I do it for a living before you know?" He looked up looking dull.

"But I thought you own a pet shop? I don't see those pets wearing nice clothes? What did you do before?" I was really curious about him. It's like I don't really know him at all. Of course, I only know him for a few weeks but I think he will be one of those friends that will be there until I get old so I better start knowing about him.

He didn't answer the question and kept on walking without talking as if he didn't hear what I just said. "Jiyo-"

"Let's eat! I'm starving! My treat." he pulled me to the nearest restaurant there and it was my favorite chicken restaurant. But it was not my oh-so favorite anymore because of that stupid Seunghyun, stealing my coupon away and that witch waitress who flirts like there was no tomorrow. I couldn't protest because he said he was gonna pay for it. No one should miss that great opportunity.

As we entered the restaurant, I felt like every eyes were on me and even o the old man sitting with, I believed was, his wife whistled "Wow! You got a keeper there sonny!" 

We sat on the table the waiter led us and placed our orders. "So I've been thinking." Jiyong started. "About the boyfriend thing."

"You'll take it?" 

"Yes but with one condition." He leaned closer. "We have to visit your family this weekend,"

"What? No!" I protested. That place was nightmare. Jiyong didn't have to see my chaotic family. And my dad.

"I think it'll be fun! Plus you'll get a boyfriend for your sister's wedding and it's free!"

"Can I think about it?"

He shook his head "No."

"Can I just pay you?" I plead and clasped my hands. but he just shook his head again. I sighed deeply and paused for a moment. I guess visiting them wouldn't be so bad. After all, my mom won't try to set me up with losers anymore. Now that's one thing out of the way. The problem is my dad. But I hope he'll behave now he'll know I'm getting somewhere in my life.

"Fine! We'll visit my parents this weekend. Happy?"

His grin got wider. "Miss Jung, congratulation. You got yourself a boyfriend. And may I add, a very handsome boyfriend! You won't regret this."

I hope I won't.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Comment what you think!

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TashwampaRedone #1
Chapter 1: To be honest, I ship Juri with anyone who even looks at her... She is just so shippable.
Chapter 10: Will I be impatient if I ask about next updates? You didn't upload any chapter for a long time and it would be sad to just abandon this unique fanfic ><
really can't wait to read about next events ^^
chinchaaa #3
how do you come up with them, thanx for chap 10, ill be waiting for more :)
U updated thx!! It"s great cant wait to see wat happens next ;)
@vampirequeen21: thank you! It means so much that you commented. I've updated! Hope you'll like it!

@chinchaaa: Aww that's so sweet. I almost cry because of the comment. I didn't know people like my story. Thank you!

@Abidamawannabe: Thank you! Hope you'll like my update!

Thank you all for reading! love y'all xoxo
I LOVE IT!! ;) Please update soon
chinchaaa #7
i really loved this i read all the chapters in 1 day im really excited and i love jung juri also and jiyoung, basically all of the characters. i am really loving your story!!
Lady_Kwon #8
Cute :3
update soon~~
@mirandamana: thank you for reading this fic even though it's not skydragon. Jung juri is also my favourite comedian!

@pika04: Thank you for reading! I know! I was planning to add some couples and I know DaraYang is the perfect couple for this situation! I will try to write some more JuDragon moments but I don't think I could write romantic moments so don't expect my next chapter to be mushy and stuff. Haha! OMO! I'm a Sama worthy! thank you! :')

thank you everyone for reading. I really appreciate it more than anything! xoxo
This chapter is so hilarious. Poor Juri, she got ignored by Youngbae. But she should take notice of Jiyong too. And I think Jiyong should also tell Juri about what he's feeling and then maybe she will stop disregarding him. I actually feel a bit sorry for him cos the whole time Juri's attention was on Youngbae. It's so sad, man.;_;
But oooh, they're left alone in the karaoke. I demand JuDragon momentssss. Thanks author-sama!