Chapter 1: Uniform

A Judragon Story

A/N:  Enjoy! 


Dear blog, I came to realise that I, Jung Juri has spent her twenty-six years of existence single. My little sister, as you may know, called Jung Jae In, is getting married to her fiance, Lee Kang Sang! You may think it's a good news but it's not. She's getting married before me! How dare she do this to me? I am older than her! I should get tied before her! All my friends are either married or are in a relationship. All of them have somebody but me. How could this be? Me, Jung Juri, left out? I know I'm pretty. I just don't understand why people don't like me. I hope this lonely feeling will pass after the wedding of my twenty year old sister. This is for now. Bye.

I slammed the screen of my laptop with more force than necessary. I looked around my white apartment. It was not big but it seemed too spacious for one being. I heaved a heavy sigh and got off the sofa. I didn't know what was missing in my life but I felt so alone. Then, a thought came to my mind.

"I know! I will buy a pet!"

I swiftly took my jeans, my coat and boots before running to the nearest pet store in town.


When I arrived at the pet store I saw two adorable little white puppies playing with each other, biting one another's ear. They were so cute I could eat them up! I put my face flat on the glass barrier and stared at the little angels.

"I'll bu-" I half-shouted but I stopped as soon as I spotted the price. It was the most expensive thing I've ever seen in my life. What was this store? Luxury Pets 4 U? The price of those puppies were bigger than what I earn a month!

"I want these so bad! Why are you so dear!" I wailed like a five-year-old brat in the middle of the store. When I opened my eyes I saw a lady or a lad - I wasn't really sure so I just assumed that she's a she - staring at me with amused eyes.

She coughed and said, "Hello ma'am. May I help you?" 

"Uhm. Yeah," I said as I stepped towards the aquarium and pretended nothing happened. "How much is the fish?" I pointed at the big fish swimming around its big rectangular aquarium.

"Oh that! That's thirty dollars," she smiled.

My eyes widened in shock. How could a fish worth that much? I could buy a bigger fish than that in the super market for less that half of that fish.

"How about this one?" I pointed to the lonely little orange fellow in its tinier aquarium.

"That one? That's for clearance. That's normally five dollars but for you, I'll make it two dollars." This girl is really nice! I knew my looks work even on girls!

"I'll take it!" I said with satisfaction in my voice. While she tried to catch the fish out of its aquarium, I grabbed a container of fish food and a fish bowl then I placed the items on the counter.

"Uhm... Ma'am? This fish food is not for gold fish? This is for bigger fish." She looked at me, trying to conceal her laughter.

"I-I know that! Hehe..." The truth is I didn't know the difference. So I grabbed another fish food with a picture of a goldfish on it and gave it to the cashier. 

"That's seven, ninety-nine."

I looked into my purse and found a fifty dollar bill. My last money. I wouldn't get my next pay check until next week. I picked up my fifty dollars reluctantly from my purse and handed to the friendly lady in front of me.

"Th-thank you!" She pulled the money out of the hand with more force than it should be because I refused to let go of my only money. She cashed my fifty dollars in and fiddled with the cash register before handing me my change.

"Thank you..." I looked for her name tag but I couldn't find it.

"Jiyong," she offered a hand for me to shake. I shook it and smiled. Jiyong? Isn't that a boy's name?

"Yes. Thank you Jiyoung," I said and thought maybe she just pronounce her name wrong. "I'm Juri. Nice meeting you." She was still holding my hand. "I should go or this fish will suffocate." I pointed at the fish in the bag. I pulled my hand awkwardly and stepped back causing me to bump into a lady in uniform.

"S-sorry, miss." I apologised and walked off towards the exit. I turned around because I forgot to say goodbye to Jiyoung. "By-"  but I saw no one was at the counter anymore.

I turned again and started to walk to the exit, seeing a man in a green and black uniform just like the lady I bumped into was wearing.

"Bye! Come again!" he said with a big smile on his face.

I was confused. I thought Jiyoung was working here? Why wasn't she in uniform? Weird.

I ignored the thought and skipped to my apartment.


When I finally reached my apartment, I quickly filled the fish bowl with water and put the fish in. I placed the bowl on top of my little book shelf and I stared at it with excitement.

"I'm gonna name you Fishy. No... That's too common. Uhm... I know! How about Gordon! Yeah! Gordon's a good name." I said and went back to staring at it again. "So...."

Blob blob blob

"Is swimming fun?"

Blob blob blob

"Gordon, speak to me!"

It opened its mouth but no sound came out.

"Gah! I'm still lonely!"




A/N: I don't mean to offend any G-dragon fans out thee by saying he looks like a girl. I just put that in because that's what's Juri see. Hehe

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TashwampaRedone #1
Chapter 1: To be honest, I ship Juri with anyone who even looks at her... She is just so shippable.
Chapter 10: Will I be impatient if I ask about next updates? You didn't upload any chapter for a long time and it would be sad to just abandon this unique fanfic ><
really can't wait to read about next events ^^
chinchaaa #3
how do you come up with them, thanx for chap 10, ill be waiting for more :)
U updated thx!! It"s great cant wait to see wat happens next ;)
@vampirequeen21: thank you! It means so much that you commented. I've updated! Hope you'll like it!

@chinchaaa: Aww that's so sweet. I almost cry because of the comment. I didn't know people like my story. Thank you!

@Abidamawannabe: Thank you! Hope you'll like my update!

Thank you all for reading! love y'all xoxo
I LOVE IT!! ;) Please update soon
chinchaaa #7
i really loved this i read all the chapters in 1 day im really excited and i love jung juri also and jiyoung, basically all of the characters. i am really loving your story!!
Lady_Kwon #8
Cute :3
update soon~~
@mirandamana: thank you for reading this fic even though it's not skydragon. Jung juri is also my favourite comedian!

@pika04: Thank you for reading! I know! I was planning to add some couples and I know DaraYang is the perfect couple for this situation! I will try to write some more JuDragon moments but I don't think I could write romantic moments so don't expect my next chapter to be mushy and stuff. Haha! OMO! I'm a Sama worthy! thank you! :')

thank you everyone for reading. I really appreciate it more than anything! xoxo
This chapter is so hilarious. Poor Juri, she got ignored by Youngbae. But she should take notice of Jiyong too. And I think Jiyong should also tell Juri about what he's feeling and then maybe she will stop disregarding him. I actually feel a bit sorry for him cos the whole time Juri's attention was on Youngbae. It's so sad, man.;_;
But oooh, they're left alone in the karaoke. I demand JuDragon momentssss. Thanks author-sama!