Bad Luck (Eunhyuk)

Drabble Collection! :D

To say Eunhyuk was having a bad day would be an understatement. He had found the clothes for Super Junior’s fifth album teaser picture hanging in his dressing room in all it red glory. He suddenly missed the uncomfortable black suits they had been made to wear before. Anything was better than this thing.

“Noona, it’s a dress!” Eunhyuk said as he followed his coori around the photo shoot, pleading with her to let him change into something else. “Please let me wear something less… Hideous!”

“Lee Hyukjae, you did NOT just call my outfit hideous!” The stylist said, whipping around and giving him a scowl that successfully shut him up.

He was still pleading with his eyes but she just shooed him away so she could work on another member. Cursing his luck he was walking back to the dressing room when he heard an explosion of laughter coming from another dressing room.

Wondering what was going on he took a peek through the door to see Heechul doubled over on the ground, laughing. When Eunhyuk saw Leeteuk he knew why. His hyung was decked out in some weird- rainbow ropes with leggings, tight shorts and a blonde and brown wig. He looked absolutely miserable.

Taking a second look back at his own outfit, maybe his luck wasn’t so bad after all.

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Chapter 12: ah~ so much kyumin <3 I really like your drabbles. The zombie one was weird though, but I still loved it nonetheless. ^^
TheLightinmySeoul #2
@Sunnysideofcookies Aww, thankies! Suju are adorable~ :D
I will, thanks for reading!
These are all so cute <3
Please update soon :)