Mafia (Super Junior)

Drabble Collection! :D

Six men sat in a room after witnessing a murder. They knew that one of them was the killer. And they were going to find out who it was even if it killed them.

Kyuhyun watched in sadistic glee as yet another fell. He knew this game and he knew how to play, and play it well he did.

The first had gone down easily and all he had to do was sit back and watch as an unsuspecting Henry was preyed upon and then disposed of. No one had been too worried, it was almost impossible to find the culprit the first time and they had to narrow down the suspects anyway.

The second was still as easy since the second person, who had been overly eager to kill the first, was then turned upon. The mood had plunged when Eunhyuk turned out not to be the killer. They had to tread carefully now, they only had two chances left.

Kyuhyun blamed it on the third person for being so hyped up on sugar that it was hard not to push the suspicions onto him. If Donghae hadn’t been almost bouncing off the walls then maybe he wouldn’t have been chosen to die next.

“It’s not me!” Ryeowook cried as Kyuhyun and Sungmin exchanged glances before pointing their thumbs down, signaling that the eternal maknae was the next to die.

Kyuhyun smiled when he saw the confident smirk on Sungmin’s face slip into a mask of horror and slowly turned to him. “It was you?!”

“CHO KYUHYUN YOU !” Sungmin yelled at an evil Kyuhyun who was laughing his guts out on the floor. He pouted and started hitting him with a pillow. Ryeowook, Donghae, Eunhyuk and Henry joined him since they had all lost the game and in Eunhyuk's case, just because he wanted an excuse to hit him.

Outside in the living room Heechul sat filing his nails and watching TV. He glared over at Leeteuk, trying to ignore the loud screaming and yelling coming from inside the room. “Yah, who taught those kids that stupid game?”

“I don’t know but they’ve been playing for hours and it’s giving me a headache,” Leeteuk groaned.


Leeteuk and Heechul simultaneously rolled their eyes.

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Chapter 12: ah~ so much kyumin <3 I really like your drabbles. The zombie one was weird though, but I still loved it nonetheless. ^^
TheLightinmySeoul #2
@Sunnysideofcookies Aww, thankies! Suju are adorable~ :D
I will, thanks for reading!
These are all so cute <3
Please update soon :)