
Boy Or friend

Recap ~ She was dragged into the room by Jiyong and alsoJoon just brokeup with her!
"My body froze in fear he was stepping closer and his arm extended. He was going to slap me. My eyes automatically closed"

I felt a smooth surface on my cheek.
Instead of feeling cold I felt warm and then I was fully aware of what happened.

I was now in Jiyong's hands with his head resting on my shoulders.

What is going on............

Soo Yun I want to tell you something.......................
My sister told me that you were cleaning the classroom, so I decided to go pick you up, but then I met my ex-girlfriend and she was acting like a . I pushed her away and when you didn't come I thought you went home so I decided that night to see you in the morning to tell you. When I came that morning I saw you and Joon hugging. I got mad and decided not to tell you, but now I want to tell you.

Soo Yun's thoughts..
Why was he waiting? Why would he leave seeing me hugging Joon? Why is he explaining him self to me.
Is it a ...............................................  NO! Jiyong wouldn't it's just not possible.
Her questions were interrupted by Jiyong's words.

"I like you Soo Yun and I think I have started to love you."

"I'm sorry I'm just saying this now, but when you were crying I couldn't help my self I became furious."

"When you began hanging around my sister I started to like you. That day I decided to see you at school I wanted to tell you everything. When I didn't see you, that night my heart was filled with worry and the want to see you."

"I went out straight that morning to see you, but I tried to forget everything when I saw you with him. The days we met I started to remember my feelings again, but I couldn't keep them in.
I really like you. I think its starting to become love, I wish you could be with me so it could become love."

My hands went around his neck pulling him closer to my face.
I stopped. I remembered Joon. I know he left me, but it's hard.

He left me and Jiyong feels the same way towards me, but I can't just............
He pecked my lips then my cheek pulling me back in a hug whispering thank you in my ear. I began to cry. I really don't know why.

Was it because he felt the same way and it was out of relief or that I was missing Joon. He used to whisper just like that in my ear. My tears started pour out as my breath became uneven. Jiyong sat me on his bed and kissed me.

It shocked me, but it felt right. He wiped my tears with his thumbs and made his nose touch mine. I sarted to giggle and so did he.

"I know this is a bad timing and I also know you have a boyfriend still , but do you like me." He bit his lip and looked down.

........I do.     I giggled and attempted to leave when I was pulled into his lap.
Jiyong held my hand and was going to ask me a question.
I knew what he was going to ask.

"Why were you crying when I came to talk to you?"

I hesitated at first, but..........   I'll tell you.

Today Joon came at your door.
Sung Hee was in the bathroom so I answered it.

He broke up with me............

I don't know why.............

I have no idea, it just came out of no where...........

I began to breath unevenly and my words came out choked. Jiyong laid my head on his shoulder and hugged me.
.......H-he..... Is...... D-d-dating your...... S-sis.....t-ter

"He is dating my sister? That jerk!" 


                                    Don't you just love this picture! >.<

I'm back!!!!! My mouse finally came! X)
Jiyong likes her to ♥~

I want to know what guy you think she should end up with GD or Joon!^^
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Joon!! XD
Lol I'm obsessing with Se Hun and Kai from EXO - M!!!!
I can survive with tabitha!!! But my mommy said she doesn't like tabitha, so she's gonna sell her off to my uncle!!! Hontoke????
When I thought I was in the safety zone!
It's ok I got more electronics I'll survive!!!
I don't think I can live without my iPod anymore~I love UKiss now
I feel like their my kids but they are all older than me and taller :(
I'm putting ukiss in this story or the other ;)
anum first its najmas keyboard now ur mouse?
Iheartlife #5
update soon
lol i dont have to wait! cuz you told me!! STILL, UPDATE QUICKER!!lol
Iheartlife #7
I love this poster :D
aww JINJOO!!! yay!!........KeEp WrItInG!
feel better mian, feel better.......but that doesn't mean u can stop writing. KEEP WRITING.