I was asleep~ !

Boy Or friend

My breath was quickening. The boys and me were running, but it didn't look like we were going to make it. Minhyuk's fist was going at a fast speed and was about to hit Yonghwa. When the twin stepped in! I looked to see Yonghwa's lovetwin crying? Then that meant the one who received the blow was Minhyuk's love twin. Minhyuk was in shock and he fell to the floor holding his lovetwin. Minhyuk looked devastated. Jeong, Jonghyung and Me were standing infront of them. You could hear us breathing.  Yonghwa got up going to his lovetwin calming her down. Minhyuk's love twin opened her shut eyes. She didn't looked hurt, which confused me. She was just hit by a drummer.

She had a few tears trickle down her face then she picked up her shirt to show her stomach. It was some kind of pillow?  She kissed Minhyuk's cheek and whispered something in his ear. The couple began to laugh? He hugged her and carried her bridal style into the house. Yonghwa's who embraced his twin got her and went into the house. We ran into the house out of curiosity.

Minhyuk  took the girl to the living room sitting her down on the couch. He vanished into the kitchen as Yonghwa took his girl to the washroom to wash her face.  Minhyuk sat down beside her with ice in his hand. He put it on her stomach and she flinched.
Ok cute, but are they together or what?

Minhyuk was hugging her now and said something in her ear which sounded or was "I missed you." then a makeout session started which meant I was out.  Walking out I remembered the sole purpose of coming here. I looked to the place where I just witnessed the drama like scene. My eyes fell upon something shining in the grass. I approached it and it turned out to be the keys. I quickly grabbed them and vanished before Minhyuk got his hands on me.

(end^^ when I  was writing this came up so I thought of just putting it in here. The love twins, I was lazy for names so they are either Minhyuk's or Younghwa's. :P       if  not  confused tell me!~ )

I walked to Soo Yun's house. The flowers and tree's that each house held was unique and had vibrant colors. The cool breeze made the simple walk so calming. I finally reached to her house. After turning the key I walked in to see the house a bit messy. I picked up most of her things and put them where I usually saw it. I walked up stairs to see sleeping beauty. I felt some feeling which I threw away   when realizing what it was.

I smiled and walked toward her. I leant foreward letting my eyes look at my prey. I wanted to be romantic, but I saw enough romance today and was not in the mood. A smirk came upon my face. My hand went on the other side of the bed over her. My other hand was resting between me and her. I pushed my self up putting my weight on my arms bringing my self sit on her legs . I kept my hands ready so if she woke up I wouldn't let her escape. My hands reached to her sides tickling her. She woke up laughing.

While laughing I followed her eyes to her bedside alarm clock. Her eyes grew large. Let me guess she remembered. She said sorry after my non stop tickling, I let her go. After pushing her to get ready and finally I got her into the car for the main reason to meet my fellow MBLAQ members. In the car I told her what happened with Minhyuk and Yonghwa. Apparently she was watching to and was upset she missed. I told her the whole story. She was happy and said that she would talk to Minhyuk about going over top. She didn't do "it" yet apparently because Jonghyung and Jeong didn't want her to interfere in there drama. Finally we got to
the dorm and walked to the door getting in the elevator.

Soo Yun's POV

I can't believe I missed what happened!! At least Joon told me in detail. Still not allot of detail I'm going to inspect tomorrow.
We came to a door that was pretty nice and handle was a lion. I looked at Joon. He told me it was not his idea, but he liked it. The handle was pretty cool.

I entered and was greeted by all the members then tacken inside with Joon. When I didn't want to go and he started to drag me his arms grabbed me. Carring me bridal style then dropping me in his bed. He s his arms around me and whispered in my ear that he was tired. I watched him fall asleep and soon I fell asleep again. 


The MBLAQ members were all there, one head on top of each other, starring at the couple.
"He's grown up. The girl is pretty to. I hope a little Joon comes soon. I don't want him to forget us. Ok now let's leave the sleeping couple alone." the Members went into a different room.

I woke up with Joon who was already awake and smiling. I kissed him and he got up and said he get us something to eat. I followed watching him cook. I decided to wander around. In the hallway I saw light coming from a room so I entered. Seeing the boys backs facing the laptop on the floor. I decided to see what they were watching I walk slowly and my eyes were horrified with what I saw.

My body turned running into the kitchen. I hugged Joon saying something was up at CNBlue house. So I grabbed my keys and kissed Joon who asked if I was alright. I told him I would be if I got home and I would see him later. He knew something was up, he told me to call when i got home then he let me go. I ran home.

Joon's POV

I decided to check why was Soo Yun acting like this. I had a huge feeling it was my team members faults.I put the fire low of the oven.
Going to the room quietly. I opened the door to see them gathered. I coughed loudly to get their attention and it worked. There faces turned to face me. They shut the laptop and put it on the bad as if no one touched it. What were you guys doing I asked questioning them. They stuttered saying they were watching Inuyasha and hynug said Naruto. Well they weren't watching either of them for sure, there nervous faces said it all. I walk closer and they became more nervous.

ok now for sure I know they did something bad. I sat on the bed grabbing the laptop which all of them almost pounced me for. I opened to see the site not there. I looked at them and I herd one of them say *phew.* Dude it's my laptop, I ran the the arrow to history seeing the last touched website. I clicked and saw the new tab open and the data collected showing me something that left me in aww. How could you watch this while my girlfriend is here. Hyungs you have to stop your watching of ......................................................

I am not feeling well these days so update may not come just a warning :)

Comment or i'll leave this story at a harsh point and leave you wondering! I'm warning you :)
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Joon!! XD
Lol I'm obsessing with Se Hun and Kai from EXO - M!!!!
I can survive with tabitha!!! But my mommy said she doesn't like tabitha, so she's gonna sell her off to my uncle!!! Hontoke????
When I thought I was in the safety zone!
It's ok I got more electronics I'll survive!!!
I don't think I can live without my iPod anymore~I love UKiss now
I feel like their my kids but they are all older than me and taller :(
I'm putting ukiss in this story or the other ;)
anum first its najmas keyboard now ur mouse?
Iheartlife #5
update soon
lol i dont have to wait! cuz you told me!! STILL, UPDATE QUICKER!!lol
Iheartlife #7
I love this poster :D
aww JINJOO!!! yay!!........KeEp WrItInG!
feel better mian, feel better.......but that doesn't mean u can stop writing. KEEP WRITING.