Soo Yun and Sung Hee

Boy Or friend

I stared out the airplane window. I could feel the wet tear that slid down my cheek. I whispered "I'll miss you home."
I buckled my seat belt getting myself ready to enter the new area. Which was away from my family and friends. The pilot spoke into the intercom " Hello, I will be your pilot for your trip to korea. So please be seated and put you seatbelt on. I hope you enjoy the flight." I sighed and wiped the tears I was trying to hold at the airport. 

 I walked out of the airplane. I took a deep breath as I saw what lay in front of me.  Korea the area I have been sent to be reunited with. The country my parents came from. My parents decided I would live here for a year. I was still in touch with the country which my blood belonged to. My tongue could speak the language fluently. I understood the language well and I loved the music and food.

When my father and mother spoke of this decision I answered positively, but my thoughts of the being a few months was in reality was a full year. I walked and collected my suit cases which were black. It was quite a lot for a girl to carry, but I managed. Sadly there is no one here, a relative? The answer was a no, they lived in the country which I just departed from. Grandparents? Sadly they had died and now I have to stay at the place which once my grandparents and my parents once called home. I don't think it's a home any more of a house meant for shelter. 

I looked around examining the large airport. I sighed, then going to the main table. I walked pulling the rolling bag behind me. I looked up to the man at the stand. He said may I help you in Korean and I replied in English.  "Yes you may, my name is Soo Yun"
It means means perfect lotus blossom. That's what my mother told me. 
His voice a bit startled, expecting me to speak in Korean. "o yes, someone is waiting for you! Over beside the food stand." He replied in English with a hard accent which I didn't mind. "Thank you!" I replied sweetly. I walked straight to some boards with arrows giving directions. I put my finger upon my lips as I looked for the word food stand. When my eyes lay on the word I lightly jumped in happiness, I found it. I smiled as I walked toward the direction the arrow pointed towards. I got near
 and I saw bright letter food stand.

I searched for my name on the boards some people were holding when my eyes laid on a man who was being surrounded with many fan girls squealing there hearts content out. My ears hurt, but then my eyes became wide for the man was no other than the legendary G Dragon. I was a huge fan. I was shocked my bias, the guy I dreamt was right there in front of me ,but I couldn't move. I took a breath in and he already had exited the airport with his black sunglasses and a cute hat on his head. His hair looked so soft. My thoughts were interrupted when someone shook my shoulder, "Soo Yun?" I turned to see a a young man who was smiling and his eyes were as well. I giggled at the cute sight and replied, "yes I am." He introduced himself as my neighbor who was asked to pick me up. His name was Minhyuk! He told me about his band CNBlue. Which explained the baggy hoody and the sunglasses he was wearing. I told him my best friend loved him and he told me he would be glad to meet her.

I was drove to a large house, Minhyuk opened the door for me, helping with the bags. He waved a goodbye and left closing the door after explained how the house worked and what was where. I took my belongings up the stairs and opened my all the bags arranging my things, and putting my GD posters on the wall. I wiped the sweat on my forehead messing up my bangs. Feeling sticky, I took the decision to take quick shower. I felt a sense of relief as the water landed on my head and trickling down to my toes  and as I saw it go down the drain. After washing I got out wearing my clothes. I reached the door knob turning it. My stomach grumbled. I quickly jogged to the kitchen seeing only water I squealed in frustration.

I opened one water bottle took a sip, and a ding dong rang through my head it was the door bell. Closing the bottle cap, leaving it on the the kitchen counter. I ran and I could feel the cold water from the tip of the strands of my hair. I opened the door with a questioning face on. There were three guy who introduced themselves as Minhyuk's friends. I smiled as I saw that they brought food. I thanked them setting the food on the table and then one of them popped out a bag. I opened it seeing a uniform. Then they told me they would take me to school and that they didn't really lived near,but in the neighborhood. They were very close to my grandparents and they made them a promise to help me out with my grand parents. I smiled at the memory of the old couple smiling. They soon left leaving me to eat.

After the good meal. I ended up sitting on the bed smiling at the GD poster then frowning upset that I couldn't meet my bias. I set my alarm and closed my eyes which were heavy and I drifted straight into a deep slumber.

The next day I was awoke with an annoying alarm which startled me. I quickly got ready. I ate a little and heard a honk. I grabbed my bag grabbing my new keys and my phone. Closing the door I quickly jogged down. My hair was in light curls and they were jumping as I walked the steeps of the house. A smile grew on my face as I saw the guys in the car signaling me to get in the car. I walked to the car happy with the nice weather outside.  We had our greetings and we were quickly becoming friends. They were very comfortable to be with. I started to call them oppa. They thought it was cute.

The car was parked and the boys went toward there classes and I went toward the office so I could get my schedule

. ...............................................................................................................................................

Sang Hee's POV

Hello my name is Sang Hee. It means benevolence and pleasure. I'm the sister of Jiyong. My brother is a Kpop idol G Dragon. I have nothing against my brother ,but his identity of being an idol has left me isolated with many fakes. Everyone knows me by my relationship with my brother. My brothers anti's hate me and his lovers are just out to use me for an opportunity to meet Jiyong. No one is really my friend and my life has just been it at like that. Today was like any other day my "fake" boyfriend was probably making out with some in the janitors closet. I found out yesterday, but what could I expect? So far all of them were like that, wanting a status in school. Trying to meet my brother sadly my brother cared who I dated ,but when I tell him not to interfere or interact with them he listens. This step I take just to see if they want a real relationship and also test out how long they can stay away from ual interaction. Well this one was a sure fail he didn't even last long. Even my brother knew he was a player.

I hate this can't I just have a normal life at least a friend or a good boyfriend would be nice. My life ! As I was captured in my thoughts I heard the guys talking about a new student. You could read it clearly on there faces what they wanted from the new girl. Poor her. I wonder where she's coming from? I called one of the rich s who is so crazy over Jiyong she's practically acts like my slave. I asked her and she told me she's coming from a foreign country. I sat there on the desk letting this thought circle in my mind which was developing. This was my chance to find a true friend! I got up and sat on my seat because the bell rung.

Soo Yun's POV

I herd something from the door I was passing by. It was muffled sounds and the door was worn out a bit ,but a bright color. I decided to check it out. For I love mysteries and I don't want to think all day what was in there so instead of opening the door. I looked into one the hole made in the door. EWWWW! My poor eyes. I shivered it was a guy and girl "playing" around.

I went back to look at my schedule and finally found the right class room. The teacher who was just arriving and a bell went off. He asked if I was Soo Yun and I confirmed it. He told me to wait outside so he could calm down the class, then he would introduce me to the class. I sighed and played with the wrist bands on my hand. The class finally shut up! Then the teacher Mr.Kim told he class they had a new student and signaled me with his hand to come in. I dropped the wrist band. Bending down my hair fell in front of my face. I got up beside Mr.Kim and tucked my hair behind my ears. Mr.Kim told I came from Foreign country and I'm comfortable with English.

The guys wooed when they heard that. Typical guys, but as I examined all of them were players except some of the nerds. The girls, they perfectly showed there identity as a . The rest of the girls looked normal enough. I introduced myself in Korean, but Mr.Kim said it was english class so I should give the class a demonstration. I spoke and they were amazed? It was weird what I thought was normal was cool to them! Mr.Kim allowed me to sit with a girl named Sung Hee. She was pretty and nice, I could live with it.

After class was finished, I stretched in my chair. Opening my phone looking through my messages my friend was being her goofy self, it was funny. I smirked at her message that she was thinking of her beloved Minhyuk. Minhyuk apparently saw me and so did his friends while passing by. They came towards me and I smiled knowing finally there was a presence I knew in the room. I called them oppa and I think the girls were pretty pissed. Well I decided to give a gift to my best friend who was staying up late. I called Minhyuk over, putting my hand around his head tacking a picture. I sent it to her email. Then all my phone did was play you have received a message tone. I giggled at her spazzing in her messages that were all in capital letters. I told Minhyuk about the picture and he giggled with me. It was pretty fun when they left I was alone again.

The school day went on and it was finally going to end. I got up when I was practically surrounded by guys. My luck! Sung Hee was that her name, she came and told the guys to leave. I was quite impressed when they left obediently. I complemented her and thanked her. She was offering to be me friend knowing I was new. I agreed she was pretty normal and the power she held was pretty awesome. The popular girls came and one was trying to speak in English. It came out fumbled and with a real hard core accent, but all I understood was a GD. Sung Hee dragged me away telling me they were witches. I agreed and she took me to the park we were having so much fun giggling over events that we told each other. CNBlue were waiting for me so I had to leave! I hugged Sung Hee and told I'd see her at school. I grabbed my bag and I could feel the beautiful summer breeze as I ran toward the vehicle. Hoping the next day would come soon.

Updates usually every monday! ~
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Joon!! XD
Lol I'm obsessing with Se Hun and Kai from EXO - M!!!!
I can survive with tabitha!!! But my mommy said she doesn't like tabitha, so she's gonna sell her off to my uncle!!! Hontoke????
When I thought I was in the safety zone!
It's ok I got more electronics I'll survive!!!
I don't think I can live without my iPod anymore~I love UKiss now
I feel like their my kids but they are all older than me and taller :(
I'm putting ukiss in this story or the other ;)
anum first its najmas keyboard now ur mouse?
Iheartlife #5
update soon
lol i dont have to wait! cuz you told me!! STILL, UPDATE QUICKER!!lol
Iheartlife #7
I love this poster :D
aww JINJOO!!! yay!!........KeEp WrItInG!
feel better mian, feel better.......but that doesn't mean u can stop writing. KEEP WRITING.