It's the end

Friends or Not?

Chapter 7

Hyosung's POV

When I drove home, I felt...  Different.  I didn't really know what I was doing, but I lost my way.  As I turned into a different road I stopped.  Where am I?  Did I turn into the right one?  I thought to myself.  I looked around and I know knew where I was...  I was by the beach! 

It was really dark and I turned around.  I quickly drove and ran into a tree.  "Ahh!!"  I screamed.  This is it.  I thought I might die around here.  It'll take awhile to...  My thoughts faded away.  I felt light.  Then I out.

Hours passed?  Days?  Weeks? Months?

I woke up in this weird place.  It was a hosiptal.  I saw someone by me.  He was by me.  I looked at him and he smiled.  "I thought you were going to die!  I got the call.  They kept saying you were going to die, and that you were saying Sungje...  Sungje...  I thought that you might have died!  Don't do that!"  Sungje yelled at me.

I laughed and coughed.  "Sorry."  I said slowly.  I slowly tried to get up, but Sungje tapped me.  "No,"  He told me.  "Why?"  I asked.  "They said when you hit the tree.  The tree fell and hit the front of the car. You got out fast and you fell and scratched you feet bad."  Sungje added.

"Scratched my..."


"What else?"

"You were freaking out to much that you passed out."




"Hyosung, I know its hard to believe.  I had an accident to."


"Yeah, it's too horrible to tell, but I can tell you I didn't break any bones."

"Oh good..."

"Now sleep."


As I closed my eyes I heard singing.  He was singing.  I then fell asleep.

Few months later

Months passed since that accident.  I got out of the hosiptal and went to school.  For a few weeks, everyone was talking to me.  Zinger was really afraid.  I told her that I'm fine.  Now I have Zinger driving me around, or even Sungje.  Sungje and I went on a few more dates and I decided.

Friends or Not?  Will I be his enemy, despise him?  Hate him?  Or be his best friend and love him forever?  Which one will I choose.  Which one did you think I chose?  It doesn't matter what you think or what I think.  It's what is best for us.  If we trust them, love them, laugh with them, hang with them, and meet his friends then we'll be okay.

As for the guys, if you meet her, and love her so like she does to you.  Go with that feeling. 

Now I ask you...

Friend or Not?

Together or Seperated?

Loved or Hated?

Which one do you choose?

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xOxlalala #1
LOVE this pair! and your story ~ :D<br />
it would be amazing if you wrote a sequel!
kyuhyunnia #2
I think I love to loved and together<br />
because if we love him/her but we separated, that is not good<br />
but if we together with him/her but him/her not love us, it's not good too...<br />
<br />
hehehe...<br />
<br />
good story, but can you continued it? I love your story....
ppz_uk #3
AWw!!!! What a lovely story! <br />
Thanks 4 sharing it!<br />
I think u should write more!<br />
I love Supernova and Secret!!!!!!