
Still You [EDITING]

            “What do you want Hwang?”

            “I’m here for Taeyeon.”

            Sooyoung scoffs at the answer. She can’t believe that Taeyeon would make this woman agree to give the absurdity that is their marriage, another chance. But hey, they’re only doing this for their images, not some kind of a cheesy romantic movie where they’d fall in love again. Sooyoung was shocked at Taeyeon’s bold moves but who was she to judge? Taeyeon only showed her what she wanted her to see.

            The elevator dings and Sooyoung pockets her hands, then says nothing to the other woman. She exits the elevator and Tiffany follows her,

            “Why are you following me?”

            “I-I don’t know where Taeyeon’s office is.”


            “Go and find the office yourself.” Sooyoung arrogantly responds as she rolls her eyes at the girl. She’s kind but if you hurt Taeyeon she’d go all out with you and you can’t do anything about it. She scoffs again as she eyes Tiffany from head to toe, “You know what? This is exactly what I didn’t like about your relationship with Taeyeon. She gave you everything and all you do is ask for more.” She raises her hand as if she wants to slap Tiffany but she knows better so she just rolls her eyes again, “Go away. Don’t go near me. Find the office yourself.”

            She gives Tiffany one last look of disgust then walks away, leaving the other girl looking down on her feet, shaken. She looks up again and tries to regain her composure,

            “You finally came to your senses?”

            She turns around and sees Taeyeon looking straight at her. She looks around, making sure that Taeyeon was talking to her and she gulps when she learns that yes, Taeyeon was indeed talking to her.

            “Come on Tiffany, you’re not as pathetic as you think you are.” Taeyeon coldly states as she rolls her eyes. She can’t take that Tiffany is still acting like she’s the victim when both of them know that she’s not.

            Tiffany on the other hand bites her lip as she witnesses the colder version of Taeyeon. Of course, she knew that the woman had that side but she was never the subject to it so the way Taeyeon is treating her is very new.

            “I’m going to sue you for this.” She threatens the woman who only smirked at her. Tiffany didn’t like this side of Taeyeon, the side she completely isn’t familiar with. They spent their marriage years with Taeyeon showing her the kind and affectionate side of hers but never the cold and emotionless side. The look Taeyeon was giving her was that of a person with no empathy. It’s as if the woman in front of her was willing to take everything away from her and she’d feel no regret doing it.

            Honestly it scared Tiffany to even breathe near Taeyeon but she can’t lose. Not now.

            Taeyeon throws back her head as she laughs maniacally, “sue me for what? Loving you? The only crime I ever did was love you.”

            Tiffany opens but no words come out. Why did she cheat on Taeyeon? She too wasn’t sure. Was it because it came to the point that Taeyeon had become too busy with work and Tiffany is no longer her priority? But even that, Tiffany wasn’t sure.

            “Follow me.” Taeyeon says in a stern tone as she turns on her heel and walks away. Tiffany, like a tamed puppy, follows without further ado. Once they arrive inside Taeyeon’s office, the older woman sits down on her throne and she watches as Tiffany’s inner battle about where she’d sit, Taeyeon chuckles.

            “Just sit anywhere.”


            “Okay where is the Tiffany who courageously posted malicious photos of me with another woman on the internet? You’re so timid. Stop acting because nobody cares about us here.”

            “I’m not acting. I’m just… unhappy, okay?”

            “You’ve been unhappy for months, or who knows, maybe even years? But the hell you’re not usually like this. Do you hate me that much?”

            “It’s not that! I just…” Tiffany trails off, not sure if she really had a reason about why she’s sad. Maybe it’s because of how cold Sooyoung treated her a while ago? But since when did she care about what other people say about her anyway? As long as her image is good to the general public and to investors, she’s fine.

            “You can’t expect my friends to treat you good after what you did, Tiffany. You’re just here so I could clean both our names.” Taeyeon states as she opens her laptop. She peeps at Tiffany who was looking anywhere but her eyes and she smirks when she sees the face of defeat, “Don’t worry. I’ll let you go after all the rumours have died down. In the meantime, I froze your bank accounts and I had your car towed.”

            Tiffany widens her eyes, “What?!”

            Taeyeon shrugs, ignoring the little cry. As if on cue, Sunmi enters the office and she gives Tiffany a sly smile,

“I already talked to Sunmi so if you need anything just tell her and she’ll buy it for you. Here’s one of your credit cards and some cash. I’ll give you allowance for each month that you live with me. Also, I hired a driver to take you anywhere and if you’re worried that I’m going to have you followed, stop worrying.”

“Why are you doing this?” Tiffany asks in disbelief. Taeyeon just had everything taken away from her!

“Relax. I’ll give it back after everything but to answer your question, it’s because I don’t trust you.” Taeyeon spins her chair around and she sighs, “now if you’ll excuse yourself, I have work to do.”

Sunmi had to battle her laughter. She could barely stop herself from laughing but being the professional that she is, she just snorts and Tiffany swears that she’d want to slap Sunmi a hundred times because how dare she?

“This way, Mrs. Kim.” Sunmi teases, her face red, as she ushers Tiffany out of the office.






“Hi Bunny how have you been?” Taeyeon, for the first time in a few months, smiles widely when she sees one of her college friends. She engulfs the slightly shorter woman into a tight hug. Sunny’s helped her so much this days and she’s very guilty that she couldn’t even do anything for her so she asked her out for coffee today, just like the old times.

“I’m pretty sure you’ll be more successful than me.” Sunny says as she sips on her coffee, “but hey, I hope one day, we go to one of those expensive coffee shops and then we’ll just talk about how life has been hard and beautiful at the same time.” She adds, making the other girl smile.

They’ve always loved artsy things but too bad, Taeyeon’s parents didn’t want her to pursue her passion. It’s fine though, Taeyeon’s learned to love whatever she’s doing right now.

“Of course Bunn, you’ll always be my friend and remember that I’ll always be here for you if ever you need help.” Taeyeon winks then chuckles afterwards, “this is so cheesy I don’t want this anymore.”

“You’re right.” Sunny laughs too.

“Hello, Tae. How have you been?” Sunny asks as she ruffles Taeyeon’s hair, “How’s Tiffany?”

Taeyeon chuckles at the question, “she’s at home.”

Sunny raises her eyebrow at the answer, “your home?”

Taeyeon hums as she sips on her coffee, “Yeah.”

“Okay, spill.”

Taeyeon gives Sunny a look then chuckles afterwards; still the tough and scary bunny. Sunny’s very cute but sometimes, she gets strong whenever she wants to know something. This is why she thinks that Sunny did make the right decision in pursuing a career in journalism. She’s not a paparazzi but she can be when Taeyeon needs her.

“Her life is going to fall apart. It’s not like I care…” she stops talking when Sunny gives her an unconvinced look, “…okay maybe I care a little but come on.” She rolls her eyes when Sunny nods her head, “She tried to ruin my name! She posted those stupid pictures online so now I’m going to have to convince everybody that I am not cheating and that we have a happy marriage.”

“That’s it?” Sunny asks to make sure. Knowing Taeyeon, it’s not very convincing.

Taeyeon sighs as she puffs her cheeks. Sunny knows her too well, “I want to give her a taste of her own medicine.” She truthfully answers

“And you’re still hoping that she’d come back to you.” Sunny continues and it catches Taeyeon off-guard. The older woman clears and she sips on her coffee again, suddenly, thirsty.

“N-no. Of course not!” she denies, her voice raising a notch higher, “you know she has a boyfriend!”

“Yeah, but what if they break up?”

“They’re not going to break up.”

Sunny chuckles and pulls out an envelope from her bag, “these are pictures of her boyfriend with one of his girlfriends. Tiffany’s not the only one.”

Taeyeon stares at the envelope and she gulps. Her heart beating harder than usual. She doesn’t know what to feel. Should she feel happy because this could give their relationship another chance or should she be mad because Tiffany is very stupid to stay with her boyfriend?

“Don’t be a hypocrite Taeyeon. You’re just as stupid as she is when it comes to love.”

Taeyeon scoffs at her friend but she is scared at how deep Sunny knows her.

“Also, I don’t think she stopped loving you. She just craves your attention. Notice that she started being cold to you after you became very busy with your work. She cheated because she wanted the attention, not because she fell out of love.”

“You should have heard what she said to me when she got pissed yesterday.” Taeyeon jokes as she points it out, “I was a mistake.”

Sunny shrugs, Taeyeon has become very insecure when it comes to Tiffany,

“Okay. Okay. I see. Let’s just stop talking about your love life but please keep that envelope.”

“Why am I going to keep it?”

“For future purposes.”





Taeyeon leans back on the elevator as she waits. She does not expect much from her plan but she can’t help but actually hope that this could fix their relationship, maybe not the relationship they had before but at least the friendship. She knows she’s a bit stupid to give Tiffany another chance again but she can’t help it, it’s Tiffany for goodness’ sake.

She hopes that Tiffany’s bad attitude towards her would help her move on and see that she deserves someone better.

She heaves a sigh as the elevator door opens, signaling that she has arrived in her penthouse apartment. She stops and scan the area and she shrugs when she doesn’t see the person she’s hoping to see, it’s not like she cares anyway.

She removes her blazer and she plops down on the sofa so she could get a nice nap after a long day. Her eyes close and thoughts start to cloud her mind. It’s always like this whenever she tries to sleep. Memories that she once had with Tiffany would come storming her mind and robbing of her much wanted sleep. Realizing that she won’t be able to sleep the soonest, she sits up, annoyed and she decided she’d just take sleeping pills so she could doze off. She reaches out to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen and she looks for the pills,

“What are you doing?”

Taeyeon is startled by the sudden voice and she turns around with wide eyes. Thankfully, it was just Tiffany and she was looking back at her with the same wide eyes,

“Jesus you startled me!” Taeyeon exclaims, holding her chest as she tries to calm her heart. She wasn’t sure what was causing her heart to beat wildly, but she sure didn’t like the idea that Tiffany still had the same effect on her.

“What are you doing?” Tiffany repeats with a stern voice. That tone always made Taeyeon gulp but she didn’t have to be obvious that she was scared of the tone. She clears and speaks,

“Sorry, it doesn’t work on me, Fany.”

Tiffany felt something inside her stir. Fany. It’s been long since she last heard Taeyeon call her by that nickname. She is dumbfounded but she regains her composure anyway and she looks away from Taeyeon who had just swallowed the pill… or two.

“Have you eaten?” the older woman asks to break the awkward atmosphere. A smile makes its way towards her face when Tiffany shakes her head, “want me to cook for you or did you buy food?”

“I-I bought food.” Tiffany timidly answers. She completely forgot that she’d be Taeyeon’s flat mate for the next months so she didn’t buy enough food. She’d been too accustomed to being alone and now she’s confused.

“Eat well, then.” Tiffany almost panicked when Taeyeon was walking closer to her but she didn’t even try to walk away. She avoids Taeyeon’s eyes when the older woman stopped just in front of her and she raises an eyebrow when the other woman poked her cheek

“You’re getting thinner, Hwang. I guess you’re not as happy with your boyfriend as you think you are. You were fatter the last time we shared a bed.” Taeyeon teases,

Hearing this, Tiffany stares at her in disbelief. How dare she tell her that she’s fat?

“How is that relevant, Taeyeon?” she argues, not liking that Taeyeon was suddenly attacking her weight. She’s sensitive when it comes to this topic because Siwon had instructed her to eat less because she’d become fat and people will laugh at her.

“What? I’m just saying that you were happier with me because you were fat. You know, when couples are happy, they just eat and eat.” Taeyeon states as a matter of factly. She plops herself down on the sofa again and she turns on the television so she could hear the latest business news, “Honestly I like it when you’re fat. You’re just cuter that way, but hey, who am I to judge you?”

“you just did.” Tiffany mumbles to herself as she rolls her eyes. She proceeds t the kitchen and takes a seat on one of the chairs so she could start eating her kimbap. It’s been a very long day and she’s drained, emotionally, she has yet to talk about her new arrangement with Taeyeon to Siwon and she can infer that it’s not going to be pretty.

Her eyes scan the apartment where she once walked in and she can’t believe that she’ll be living here again. There were lots of emotional moments but her memories are usually happy ones.

Tiffany stirs on the bed when the smell of bacon and eggs reached her nose. She opens one eye and she smiles at the thought of Taeyeon in her cute little pink apron cooking her favorite breakfast in the kitchen. She wouldn’t miss that view for the world so she immediately sits up and rushes down stairs, not bothering to brush her teeth, Taeyeon loves her anyway.

Her eyes twinkle when she sees Taeyeon in the kitchen, just as she imagined,

“Good morning, Taetae!” she greets as she wraps her arms around the older’s waist.

Taeyeon chuckles and she turns around so that she’s now facing Tiffany who looked y as hell because of the bed hair. The latter pouts her lips and Taeyeon raises her eyebrow,

“I love you but please brush your teeth first then I’ll give you a kiss.” She pats the girl’s and points to the restroom, “go.”

Tiffany sulks and releases Taeyeon, “fine.” She huffs then marches towards the restroom and Taeyeon only chuckles.

“What a kid.”

After washing her dishes, Tiffany yawns and she knows that it’s time for bed. It’s almost midnight anyway. She stretches her arms first because she can feel the tension then she starts to walk towards their room. On her way there, she stops, when she hears Taeyeon snoring,

“Those damn snores.” She chuckles. She shakes her head at the funny memories then stops, Taeyeon is asleep. Somehow, a voice was telling her to approach the sleeping figure on the couch,

Taeyeon was sitting down and it sure wasn’t a comfortable position. Tiffany had an inner battle with herself as she thinks of what she’s going to do. Should she just leave or should she make sure that Taeyeon sleeps in a comfortable position? She chooses the latter.

She puts her arm around Taeyeon’s body and hugs her while she’s arranging the pillows on the couch. After fixing the pillows, she gently lies Taeyeon down so that her head lands on the softies. She also s the first and second buttons of the woman’s blouse so it isn’t very tight on her and she gulps and blushes when she removes the hook of her ex-wife’s bra.

She clears and fans herself after doing so. It’s been months since she last did that.

“Good thing she’s asleep.” She mumbles to herself as she continues to fan herself. She gets the blanket that was on one of the chairs and puts it on Taeyeon,

“Good night, Taeyeon.”

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all will come in due time~


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Chapter 18: Dear author, I just wanna say I’m glad you’re getting better. Life is worth living, don’t give up cause good things gonna happen at the end of it. Everyone faces different difficulty in their life every day and it's gonna take a while to back in track again. It's okay to take it slow. You are a writer dear author, it's pretty understable. It's just that I hope that someday you'll come back and finish what have you're started. This is kind of different story plot I have been read. It's pretty interesting actually. So, I'm willing to wait for the updates even though it's gonna take ages but it's ok, really. Till then, author. ( :
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 17: I'm missing this story :'(
Cutiepiesoshi #3
Chapter 18: Update plssssss
wanderluzt05 #4
Chapter 18: Updateee pls
Chapter 17: Please try to update
Chapter 17: Please try to update
hanjaekyung #7
Chapter 17: omo pleasee uodatwnsoon auujoor
11 streak #8
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update author.. They should put charges on siwon and banned him on his work.. Time to show taengs influence..
73 streak #9
Chapter 17: Awwwieee taeyeon someone hurted your wife while your sick ... please get well now and kick siwons
missno22 #10
Chapter 17: Taeyeonnn!!! Get well soon~~~urghhh..