
Still You [EDITING]

            Siwon can’t help but smile as he plops himself down on his chair. He’s been fancying a certain girl in one of his classes and he plans to finally talk to her and confess his feelings. He wasn’t that bad, in fact his mother things he’s handsome and he believes that he is too, however, he’s a nerd in this school. Like, nobody would look at him and fall in love with him at first sight. He wishes that the girl he likes would give him a chance though,

            He breathes heavily when the girl he’s eyeing finally was alone and he smiles. His heart was beating rapidly, this will be, by far, the most daring thing he’ll ever do for anyone but he believes that he will not progress if he doesn’t make a move on the girl. He sighs one more time and he starts walking to the girl of his dreams,

            “H-hi, Tiffany.” He smiles wildly when the girl looks up from her phone and smiles back at him,

            “Oh, hello.” Tiffany replies back. She tilts her head and she puts her phone down on the table as he stares at the man in front of him.

            Seeing this, Siwon gulps, suddenly feeling nervous because of how intense Tiffany was looking at him. He fixes his eyeglasses and he puts the rose he was holding on the girl’s table complete with a handwritten letter from him. Tiffany was taken aback by the sudden actions and she stares at the things that were now on top of her table,

            “I-I like you, and I think I’ve liked you for so long so I decided to confess my feelings now.”

            “Oh?” Tiffany continues staring at the things on her desk and she smiles, then she frowns when she realizes that she’s going to break another heart. What many didn’t know was that she was in a serious relationship with a student from another school. Sure, she knew and her girlfriend knew, that there were probably going to be a lot of people who will be willing to throw themselves at the girl because her visual was no joke but they talked about it and all Tiffany had to do was reject them, that’s pretty much all.

            “I-I know I’m not the most good looking person here, I mean, I’m a nerd, and you must be thinking that I am shameless because I came to yo—“ Siwon was interrupted when Tiffany had raised a hand up. He already knew what that meant and he should’ve just bowed and left but instead he stayed to listen and stare at Tiffany’s lovely face,

            “I’m so sorry, Siwon. I know you’re a good guy and all but… I’m already in a relationship and I am very much in love with my lover.”

            Siwon felt those simple words piece through his heart. Tiffany was his first love. He’s been in love with ever since they were in high school. He thinks that if only he manned enough earlier, then Tiffany would’ve given a chance to woo her. He’d be the best boyfriend ever for the girl and he’s mad that his dream won’t come true anymore. He clenches his fists that were on his sides when Tiffany kept on explaining to him that he deserved someone better and that there was someone for him out there.

            The problem is that Siwon doesn’t want other people. He just wants Tiffany and he’ll do everything to make sure she ends up with her. He gives Tiffany a polite smile as he starts walking away. He grits his teeth when he hears some of the boys in their class laugh at him for failing and for being humiliated and he promised himself that he’ll make Tiffany’s lover pay.





           The first thing that came to Tiffany’s mind when she woke up in her bed was related to Taeyeon, and of course, how she ended up in her bed because the last thing she remembers from the other night was that they were both crying until they fell asleep. She jumps out of bed to check where Taeyeon was and she panics even more when she doesn’t see the woman in the kitchen doing the usual. She also wasn’t in the sofa and it looked untouched, all the more reason for Tiffany to think that the woman left while she was asleep.

            She quickly dials the woman’s number but she groans when it leads her to the voice mail. She wanted to say sorry for everything and she wanted to make Taeyeon feel that she’ll come back and she’d choose her when the right time comes and when Siwon is gone but now she can’t because she pushed her away.

            “You’re so stupid Tiffany!” she frustratedly pulls her hair as she dials the number again and she bites her lip when there was still no answer from the other. She was about to go and change clothes so she could find her but she stops when something catches her attention; an envelope on top of the kitchen counter. She quickly walks towards the kitchen and rips the envelope open while her heart stammers fast,



            First of all, I love you so much.

            However, I believe that I cannot keep someone who doesn’t want to be mine. I have a lot of questions to ask but I don’t think I have the mental and emotional capacity to digest your answers. Until then, I hope you’ve made up your mind about certain things that I know you know is important to the both of us.

            The years I’ve spent with you were both the best and recently, the worst. We’ve been through so much but I don’t understand why you suddenly let go. I trusted you. I gave you everything that I could give but I guess my everything wasn’t enough. I am not mad, I just need time away from you because I don’t think I can look at you right now and not think that you’re the first and last person I’ve ever wanted but I am never the person you wanted. You’re a cheater, Tiffany, but I’m willing to give you another chance in time. I just want you to make sure that you’re making the right decision.

            I’ll try to glue my pieces together again. The pieces you broke and couldn’t fix. I’m not expecting you to help me with my own pieces but I hope that by the time I’m done fixing myself, you’re done picking up the pieces you broke that was once us.

            You taught me a lesson I’d never forget; that sometimes the person you’d take a bullet for ends up being the one pulling the trigger.

            Until we’re both ready to talk, listen, and explain, let’s forget each other.


                                                                                                                                    Yours truly


            Tiffany bites back the tears that were threatening to fall. Taeyeon left and she doesn’t even want her to know where she is. She pulls a chair for herself and she sits down so she could digest the content of the letter. She broke her, she broke them, and she doesn’t even know where to begin picking up the pieces. She chokes when her tears finally fall from her eyes and she wipes them away quickly. The thought that she could lose Taeyeon because of her bad decisions were haunting her, she didn’t want to push the woman away, she just wanted to protect her. And she suddenly remembers the lesson she taught Taeyeon,

            That sometimes the person you’d take a bullet for ends up being the one pulling the trigger.

            She was broken too and she doesn’t even know where to start so she could fix herself. She’s so used to having Taeyeon around that when the woman gave up on her, she doesn’t know where she begins her life anymore. There was no life without Taeyeon, at least to her, there wasn’t. The last time Taeyeon slipped away from her, she tried to love another person.

            She didn’t love Siwon. Not even a little. What she did was love the attention she was receiving and tried to pass it off as love. There was always a fine line in their relationship and the farthest they’ve gone is kiss because Tiffany didn’t want to ruin the things she only did with the other woman. Siwon was just someone she passed off as a lover because her wife neglected her.

            She presses a few numbers on her phone and she waits for the other line to answer,


            “Jessi I-I lost Taeyeon.” She cups when she doesn’t foresee herself sobbing while on the phone with Jessica. She was panicking because she was scared. She was scared that Taeyeon is somewhere she didn’t know and that there’s a possibility that Siwon could coincidentally meet her somewhere. She wasn’t even scared for her life. She just wanted Taeyeon there, with her, just so she can make sure that she’s safe and alive.


            “T-Taeyeon. She left. I don’t know where she is.”

            “Okay are you in her apartment?”

            “Yes. I am.”

            “Okay I’m on my way. Don’t do anything stupid, Tiffany.”





            Siwon wasn’t someone to give up. He was patient if he wanted something to be his. He never stopped ‘wooing’ Tiffany. He followed her everywhere she went; her dates, the parties she go to, and even her family affairs, Siwon always watched over her. He didn’t want to be so creepy but spying on the girl of her dreams was the closest to an interaction that he’s get.

            He pins a picture of Tiffany he took from today while she was hanging out with her friends at a diner. He was there, and he was mad when Tiffany brought her girlfriend to meet her friends. He was even madder when her friends loved the girlfriend. He wondered how something so sinful could bring happiness to the group. It was stupid, and disgusting.

            He winces in pain as he stretches the arm Tiffany’s girlfriend twisted a while ago. He tried to deal with the girlfriend while she was in the ladies’ room but what he didn’t know was that the girl knew self defense and she successfully beat Siwon up even after being ambushed with flimsy punches while she was about to go back to their table.

            “Stay away from my girlfriend, you creep!” he mocks as he remembers the words that came out of the girl’s mouth.  He reaches in his pockets and he smirks when he stares at the little name tag he accidentally pulled from the girl’s uniform,

            “Kim Taeyeon, huh.”





            “Tiffany open up it’s me!” Jessica bangs on the door like her life depends on it. Maybe not her life, but Tiffany’s life depended on it. She can be impulsive when she’s under pressure and Jessica was just worried that she’ll make ever worse decisions now that she’s panicking and under a lot of pressure. The older breathes out loudly when Tiffany finally opens the door and she launches herself at the younger and engulfs her in a hug.

            “Sweetie everything will be fine.” She cooes as she runs her hand through Tiffany’s hair. The younger doesn’t even care that she’s wetting Jessica’s shirt right now. She just wanted to cry until she couldn’t cry anymore. She clutches on Jessica’s shirt as she buries her face on the crook of her neck. Jessica just kept on rubbing her back. She understands Tiffany’s pain. It’s as if the reason why she lives everyday just disappeared and there was nothing left for Tiffany anymore.

            “S-she’s gone. I pushed her away, Jessi, she’s not coming back.” Tiffany whimpers as she hugs the girl tighter.

            “That’s not true, Tiffany. We’re talking about Taeyeon. She’ll always come back. Maybe she just needs time to herself, that’s all.”

            “But what if she doesn’t come back?”

            “That’s not going to happen sweetie, don’t worry.”





            Siwon had the idea that he had to change his appearance so people would start noticing him. He worked hard to achieve his look right now. He was never the nerd that got bullied in high school anymore. He worked out, put on contacts, and he started eating healthy. He also avoided stressful things. When he was good looking enough, a lot of agents scouted him to model for them. There, he experience the life he had always wanted; he was rich and good-looking. Girls were throwing themselves at him and he only had to choose.

            However, he still had his eyes for a certain girl and he wanted to make sure that this time, she’d end up with him.

            When he saw in the news about Tiffany’s marriage, he was beyond angry because she had to end up with Taeyeon. The woman who put him in his place the first (last) time they met. He knew he had to do something though, he had to destroy this marriage.

            He’s wanted Tiffany since he first saw her and he will get her.

            Which is why things got a lot easier when Tiffany came to him, or at least she was pushed to sit with them on their table at that bar. He’d thank Tiffany’s friends for bringing her to him but he’d do it in another time. He hoped for a while that Tiffany remembered him but he was wrong. It’s as if he was completely erased from her life. She could have told him that

            ‘Oh you were that creepy guy who liked me’ and Siwon would’ve been happy that he was remembered.

            He began planning when Tiffany kept on blabbering about her marriage life and how Taeyeon wasn’t giving her attention. Siwon couldn’t keep his eyes away from the girl because she was still very beautiful and he envied Taeyeon for having Tiffany all to herself.




            “Hey I drove here as soon as I got your message how is Tiffany?” Sooyoung was still breathing hard when she reached the apartment but she was genuinely curious about Tiffany, which makes Jessica raise her eyebrow, because the girl was supposed to be angry at her, no, wait, she had been angry at her ever since she learned that she was cheating.

            “I’m okay. Thank you Soo.” Tiffany smiled weakly at the girl who gave her a glass of water. Sooyoung then sat down on the kitchen counter as she began typing something on her phone. Jessica purses her lips as she watches Sooyoung’s actions. Weird, it was as if she was reporting to someone, but it couldn’t be. Taeyeon won’t write a letter if she planned to stay at Sooyoung’s place. Nevertheless, Jessica decides to test the woman.

            “Tiffany sweetie why don’t you go to the living room and relax for a while. We’ll contact all of Taeyeon’s closest friends and we’ll tell you soonest if somebody saw her.” Jessica taps Tiffany’s shoulder as she points to the sofa where Taeyeon used to sleep. She smiles to herself when Tiffany nods and follows the instructions. She was then left in the kitchen with Sooyoung who was still busy texting,

            “So, how do you think is Taeyeon doing?”

            “Oh, she’s fine. Just resting… or something.” Sooyoung glances at her then goes back to texting.

            “Where do you think would she be huh?”

            The taller woman shrugs at the question and it makes Jessica frown. Sooyoung wasn’t telling her anything. The way she answered the first question was like how she would normally answer her if she knew exactly and directly from Taeyeon the answer. She grows frustrated when she hears Tiffany whimper from the living room and she grips and pulls Sooyoung’s shirt. She glares at the girl and it sends chills down her spine

            It was as if Medusa came to life and is now trying to beat her up,

            “Listen to me you big , I know you have an idea where Taeyeon is and if you don’t tell me I’m going to ing push you to your death!” Jessica hisses as she points to wide open balcony door. Sooyoung gulps then nods her head,

            “S-She’s at her best friends’s place. Lee Soonkyu, the paparazzi g-girl.” She stutters and she breathes out when Jessica finally let her go. She watches Jessica smile at her and she was about to go out of the kitchen to tell the news to Tiffany but Sooyoung stops her,

            “Listen, I know you’re just worried, and trust me, I am too. I just… let’s just give them both some time to decide. We’re just friends, in the end, they’ll still make the final decision and we’ll just be watching and supporting them when they do.”

            Jessica sighs and peels off Sooyoung’s hand away from hers. She returns to her chair and she sighs heavily,

            “I know. It’s just that Tiffany is impulsive and I’m just afraid that she’ll make the wrong decision again. She’s going to fall apart without Taeyeon.”

            “Taeyeon’s probably drinking booze right now, for all we know.”

            “This is so ed up. I still need to hear Tiffany’s story so stay with us until she talks okay? Between them, Taeyeon is more mature so I trust that she won’t do anything stupid.” Jessica sighs again and she leans her head on Sooyoung’s shoulder. She hated watching her best friend cry, mostly because she can’t do anything but comfort her. She’d clone Taeyeon if she had the technology but she doesn’t so she’ll just stare at the girl helplessly sobbing and hugging the pillow Taeyeon had used.

            Sooyoung on the other hand knew that Taeyeon was in good hands. She sighs and she turns to the girl beside her when she hears a snore. The cute sound makes her smile and she chuckles afterwards,


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all will come in due time~


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Chapter 18: Dear author, I just wanna say I’m glad you’re getting better. Life is worth living, don’t give up cause good things gonna happen at the end of it. Everyone faces different difficulty in their life every day and it's gonna take a while to back in track again. It's okay to take it slow. You are a writer dear author, it's pretty understable. It's just that I hope that someday you'll come back and finish what have you're started. This is kind of different story plot I have been read. It's pretty interesting actually. So, I'm willing to wait for the updates even though it's gonna take ages but it's ok, really. Till then, author. ( :
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 17: I'm missing this story :'(
Cutiepiesoshi #3
Chapter 18: Update plssssss
wanderluzt05 #4
Chapter 18: Updateee pls
Chapter 17: Please try to update
Chapter 17: Please try to update
hanjaekyung #7
Chapter 17: omo pleasee uodatwnsoon auujoor
17 streak #8
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update author.. They should put charges on siwon and banned him on his work.. Time to show taengs influence..
79 streak #9
Chapter 17: Awwwieee taeyeon someone hurted your wife while your sick ... please get well now and kick siwons
missno22 #10
Chapter 17: Taeyeonnn!!! Get well soon~~~urghhh..