
Still You [EDITING]

            “What do you think should I do, Sunny? I love her but I don’t think she loves me as much as I do.” Taeyeob blabbed about her marriage a lot during her first night in Sunny’s home. The younger woman ignored her phone all day because she knows that that’s probably just Sooyoung asking for help because she’s in Taeyeon’s apartment and Jessica wouldn’t let her leave.

            Sunny sighs when she hears a glass clink from beside her. She turns her head and sees Taeyeon sipping on a half empty glass and she huffs as she reaches for the glass. Taeyeon’s had enough, she’s close to fainting!

            “Yah!” Taeyeon shouts as she stares at Sunny with her half lidded eyes. She just wanted to get rid of the pain and the liquor was doing a good job at distracting her from the pain, at least that’s what she thinks.

            “No more drinks for you, Taeng. Go to sleep!” Sunny order as she points towards the sofa. She wasn’t going to let the woman sleep on her bed drunk because she might barf! She hears Taeyeon click her tongue and Sunny widens her eyes in return. The older shakes her head then proceeds to lie down on the sofa anyway. Sunny watches her struggle on her way to the sofa but she wasn’t going to help because Sunny had her own decisions to make.

            “You know we slept on my sofa together!”

            “I don’t want to know anything about your life!”

            “We did not do that!” Taeyeon groans and Sunny chuckles, “I’m going to sleep!” she mumbles but Sunny was still sharp enough to hear it. She watches as Taeyeon hugs a pillow close to her heart and she smiles once again.

            After watching a little cute show, she goes back to reading the emails that she’s ignored for the past few days. Honestly she’s a bit distracted by a thought lately. A few days  ago she received an email from someone she didn’t know and she wasn’t sure if she should read it because that could be just a troll but the subject of the email caught her attention. It had Tiffany’s name on it so she decided to ignore it for later. After all, that email couldn’t be THAT important right?

            She feels her heart thump harder when she finally sees the email that she’s moved to the spam folder. As she clicks on it, several files started to show and the sender wrote something for her at the end of the email,

Dear Miss Lee,

            I am sorry if I took this long. I’ve been contemplating if I should send these to you because I took photos of events that I shouldn’t see, but I’m doing this to help Miss Tiffany Hwang. Again, I am sorry if I bothered you, I am just concerned because I think I saw that she was in distress during this time.

            Sunny clicks on the files and she waits for these files to download. As soon as the images are downloaded however, she almost gasps in shock. In the pictures were Siwon and Tiffany presumably getting in a fight and arguing. The following pictures were Siwon grabbing Tiffany by the hair and  by the hand. The pictures weren’t that clear but she was sure that that was Tiffany was being harmed. She stares at Taeyeon who was sleeping peacefully in the sofa and she makes a run for it. Grabbing her car keys and her jacket, she exits the apartment, ready to ask the questions to the other girl.





            “Sooyoung stop eating and help me contact your friend!” Jessica was getting irritated because Sunny wouldn’t answer her calls. She knows that she’s in no position to be mad because maybe Taeyeon ordered for her to not answer calls but she was just worried and she wanted Tiffany to be okay the soonest. She sighs when she Sooyoung continue what she’s doing and she ignores her.

            Suddenly, a few minutes later, they hear a bang on the door and they are alarmed. She turns to Sooyoung who was stuffing a cupcake in and she frowns,

            “Could you get the door, please?” she asks, gently.

            “Why me? I’m trying to eat, what if that’s a killer? I’ll get killed! I’m still young! And I want to get married, still.” Sooyoung blabbered. Jessica raises her hand and she gives an unamused look at the girl.

            “Get it or I’ll be the one to kill you, Soo.” She says in a menacing manner and she glares at the younger. Seeing this, as sharp as she is at answering people, she had no match for Jessica’s glares so she stands up and quickly walks towards the door while she secretly hoped that it wasn’t a serial killer.

            “Who’s there?” she asks, as she presses a few buttons on the monitor. She raises an eyebrow when she sees Sunny on the screen but she also is secretly relieved that it isn’t a serial killer. She opens the door and Sunny immediately walks inside and she ignores the girl which makes her curious. She follows the girl and she sees Jessica widen her eyes when she goes directly to where Tiffany was sleeping.

            “Stephanie wake up!” she shouts as she tries to wiggle Tiffany.

            “Yah! What are you doing!” Jessica shouts back as she pushes Sunny away.

            “I have a few questions to ask.”

            “Okay but she’s asleep! Don’t go on trying to wake her up just because you have questions!”

            “This is important! She needs to wake up! This could save her relationship with Taeyeon.”

            Hearing this, Jessica stops answering her back and she is taken aback. She stares at Sunny who was giving her a look that says ‘yeah listen to me, you’. She knows that there could be no chance that Tiffany will fix their marriage but here comes Sunny giving the girl hope that they could hopefully get back to normal. She sighs and she decides to wake the girl up but when she turns around, Tiffany is already sitting up rubbing her eyes, she must’ve woken up because of all the shouting inside the room.

            When Tiffany finally was in her senses, she blinks at the three figures standing in front of her with curious looks on their faces.

            “What?” she asks, feeling like she was a little kid and she was going to be confronted with a few things. Sunny crouches down in front of her and she feels her heart beat faster. Somehow, she was worried that something happened to Taeyeon and now their friends are going to break the news to her.

            “D-did something happen?” she asks nervously. She almost faints when Sunny squeezes her hand, as if she was telling her to calm down.

            “Did something happen to Taeyeon?”

            Sooyoung rolls her eyes because everybody’s being dramatic and she can feel that Tiffany was about to faint so she answers instead, “Taeyeon is fine. Don’t worry. Her best friend, Sunny, just has things to ask you.”


            “Yeah. I believe we haven’t really met. I am Taeyeon’s journalist friends but I worked to save your relationship once.” Sunny chuckles as she looks at Tiffany again, “wow you are gorgeous! No wonder Taeyeon couldn’t shut up. She was telling me about how much she loves you and that she would give up everything to have you back.”

            “Y-you know where Taeyeon is?”

            “Oh yes. She’s at my apartment. She got drunk so I put her to sleep.”

            While she’s relieved that Taeyeon is safe in her best friend’s house, she was still sad because she knew that that was her fault. Taeyeon doesn’t drink so for her to drink and even pass out because of it, she must’ve felt very heavy. She looks down on her feet because she feels that Sunny is probably going to slap her with reality.

            “Tiffany I am here to help you fix your marriage with Taeyeon, but you need to help me too.”

            “Wait how are you going to help her?” Jessica suddenly asks,

            “I received an email with pictures attached.” Sunny starts to explain, she turns to Tiffany who had her eyebrow raised and she sighs, “Pictures of Siwon grabbing your hair and I presume that he was threatening you?”

            The other two people inside the room gasps at the information. Their jaws almost drop at the revelation. Jessica quickly turns to Tiffany who was frozen in her spot, she couldn’t even look at Jessicain the eye. Sooyoung on the other hand didn’t know what to make of the situation, should she be guilty because she despised Tiffany because she thought she was just hurting Taeyeon all this time?

            “T-Tiffany is this true?” Sooyoung asks, her heart beating rapidly and guilt started to bother her. She believes that even if it was true, the fact that Tiffany cheated is still there. She bites her lip when Tiffany sighs followed by a nod.

            Jessica’s jaw almost drops. She can’t believe that Tiffany kept this from her when she should be the one who’s there to support her when she feeling down. She immediately sits beside the girl and hugs her tight as Tiffany’s tears fell again. Tiffany wasn’t sure if she could cry, because she still believes that she brought this upon herself but right not, she’s just going to cry her heart out while she’s around people who finally understands her.

            “Why didn’t you tell Taeyeon?” Sunny suddenly asks, ignoring the fact that the girl was still crying.

            “I-I didn’t want her to get involved. I wanted her safe.”

          “But Taeyeon could’ve protected you! She’ll kick that guy’s for you and you wouldn’t have to suffer again!” Sooyoung butts in. She was mad that the girl didn’t even try to tell Taeyeon the situation. She understands that she wants to keep Taeyeon safe but she’s also sure that the older wants her safe too.

            “I know! But it’s better this way at least I know that she’s safe.”

            “I don’t understand you Tiffany! You say you want her safe which is why you keep on hurting her but then you cry like this when she leaves you! Make up your mind Tiffany! Stop hurting yourself and stop hurting Taeyeon!”

            “Stop it, Sooyoung.” Jessica suddenly glares at Sooyoung and the younger sighs. Of course, Jessica understands where Sooyoung is coming from but she should also understand Tiffany.

            “Since when was this happening, Tiffany?” Sunny continued to ask.

            “H-he’s only hurt me once. That time, I didn’t want to talk to him and maybe he sensed that I wasn’t being serious with him anymore and he didn’t want me to leave him for Taeyeon.”

            “But Taeyeon is your wife.”


            Sooyoung groans then sighs. She can’t help it. Taeyeon’s cried so much and she feels the need to protect the girl even to Tiffany. She sighs again when she realizes that she’s being rude, she needs to hear the whole story before she judges the girl. It’s a good thing that Tiffany had called Mr. Hwang earlier to take Seungwoo home because she’s in the middle of a crisis. She was very thankful that Mr. Hwang was very understanding and that he didn’t push Tiffany to the edge just so he could know what was wrong.

            Tiffany was very lucky to have understanding people around her but she just keeps on pushing them away.

            “We’re not going to wait until he hurts you again. I’m sorry, Tiffany but I’m going to tell this to Taeyeon because I don’t think you’ll admit this to her soonest. If you want her back, she has to know what’s making you push her away.”

            Tiffany bites her lip as she looks down. She was torn, torn between a decision that’s supposed to be easy for her to make; should she tell Taeyeon about Siwon? Or should she just deal with it alone since she deserves it?  She doesn’t want to be stupid anymore and she was sure that she didn’t want to hurt Taeyeon anymore. The woman’s had enough.

            “Tiffany trust me. When Taeyeon hears this, there is a possibility that she’ll come here and she’ll do anything to protect you from that guy.” Sunny reassures. She knows that Taeyeon needs time to think but she shouldn’t give her that time because she might give in and sign the divorce papers.

            In the end, Tiffany agrees. She realizes that she’s been stupid for the past months and she’s been making bad decisions. Taeyeon loved her and she’ll always do everything to keep Tiffany safe. Of all people, Tiffany should’ve known that. Her wife was the sweetest, most ert, and most thoughtful person on the planet and she can’t believe that she’s willing to let that woman go just because she’s scared.

            “Okay then. I’ll knock some sense in Taeyeon’s head tomorrow. Don’t worry, Tiff, I got your back, just don’t… don’t do this again. If you have a problem, talk it out with Taeyeon, don’t resort to extreme measures just because you want to get her attention.”

            “I-I wasn’t trying to get her attention.”

            “Yeah. I took pictures of you on your dates with that guy and Taeyeon and here’s what I’m gonna say: your love for Taeyeon never wavered, you just loved the attention Siwon gave you when she couldn’t spare to look at you.”

            Jessica chuckles at the exchange, “and look where it got you, Tiff.”

            Sunny and Sooyoung chuckles too and they shake their heads. Although they know that Tiffany still made a mistake, at least, there was a chance that Taeyeon would forgive her and that the divorce won’t hopefully, push through.

            “Anyway, I need to go. I just went here to confirm things. Taeyeon might wake up soon.” Sunny grabs her phone from the table and she waves goodbye to the group. Hopefully, Taeyeon understands and she’d give the girl a chance to redeem herself.





            “Wow you’re up early.”

            “Yeah, where did you go?”

            “Your house.”

            “Well, what did she say to you this time?”

            Sunny chuckles as she pours water on a glass of water for Taeyeon. The woman was acting cold and she honestly doesn’t suit that image. She shakes her head and she sits down next to Taeyeon. She hands Taeyeon some pills and the glass of water and she leans on the sofa,

            “Quit playing Kim. You’re hurting my feelings.”

            Taeyeon gulps down the pills and drinks the glass of water, She chuckles after hearing what her friend just said. Sunny does know her well. She puts the glass down on the table and she sighs,

            “Is she okay?”

            “She’s fine but she keeps on crying. Her eyes were puffy but she’s gorgeous, still.”

            “Is she alone?”

            “Nope. She’s with Jessica and Sooyoung.”

            Taeyeon felt relieved to hear that. When she left the apartment, she made sure that Tiffany is accompanied which is why she called Sooyoung but then the woman texted her saying that Jessica arrived sooner than she did. She was thankful because at least, Tiffany wasn’t alone and she could cry her heart out and still have shoulders to cry on,

            “Yah know, she really loves you.” Sunny suddenly speaks. Taeyeon turns to her and raises an eyebrow. She wasn’t very sure of that. It’s as if Tiffany keeps on pushing and pulling her feelings and she doesn’t want to deal with it anymore.

            “I don’t know. I mean, she cheated on me still, and she can’t even choose me over that guy anymore.”

            “She has reasons, Tae.”

            “Reasons she doesn’t want to tell me. So much for being her wife.” Taeyeon scoffs then shakes her head. She feels hurt because Tiffany isn’t as open to her anymore. She understands that she had her shortcomings but she wanted Tiffany to still tell her her problems.

            “Right so I’m here to tell you her reasons.”

            Sunny was about to start telling her the reason but Taeyeon suddenly raises her hand up to stop her. The younger raises an eyebrow and Taeyeon just chuckles at her. Sunny’s mouth forms an ‘O’ and she chuckles too, sometimes she forgets that this is Taeyeon, and she one of the most powerful women in the country, what she wants, she gets.

            “So you know?”

            “I do.” Taeyeon answers simply, “I just want her to tell me the whole story. I want my old Tiffany back; the Tiffany who runs to me when she has problems; the Tiffany who doesn’t hurt me; the Tiffany who tells me everything. I don’t want this Tiffany, Bunny. She keeps things to herself because she doesn’t want to hurt me but she fails to realize that she’s just hurting us both.”

            “She believes that she deserves this for everything that she’s done to you.”

            “She needs to know that I can disappear from her life if she continues hurting me but she doesn’t deserve to be hurt physically.”

            Sunny sighs then pats Taeyeon’s leg,

            “So what are you going to do?”

            “I’ll wait, until she finally breaks and she’ll tell me what’s wrong.”

            “And if that guy hurts her again?”

            “I won’t let him touch my wife the second time.”

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all will come in due time~


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Chapter 18: Dear author, I just wanna say I’m glad you’re getting better. Life is worth living, don’t give up cause good things gonna happen at the end of it. Everyone faces different difficulty in their life every day and it's gonna take a while to back in track again. It's okay to take it slow. You are a writer dear author, it's pretty understable. It's just that I hope that someday you'll come back and finish what have you're started. This is kind of different story plot I have been read. It's pretty interesting actually. So, I'm willing to wait for the updates even though it's gonna take ages but it's ok, really. Till then, author. ( :
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 17: I'm missing this story :'(
Cutiepiesoshi #3
Chapter 18: Update plssssss
wanderluzt05 #4
Chapter 18: Updateee pls
Chapter 17: Please try to update
Chapter 17: Please try to update
hanjaekyung #7
Chapter 17: omo pleasee uodatwnsoon auujoor
11 streak #8
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update author.. They should put charges on siwon and banned him on his work.. Time to show taengs influence..
73 streak #9
Chapter 17: Awwwieee taeyeon someone hurted your wife while your sick ... please get well now and kick siwons
missno22 #10
Chapter 17: Taeyeonnn!!! Get well soon~~~urghhh..