
Still You [EDITING]

            “Good afternoon Sunmi, can you give this to Taeyeon?”

            The girl whose name was called looks up then smiles at the person who was handing her a folder. She bows a little then takes the folder and she watches as the other person walks away from her table. Sunmi opens the folder to check if there were any blanks that needed Taeyeon’s signature and she purses her lips when she points at them,

            She reaches for the telephone and presses a button and she waits for the other person to answer,


            Sunmi is taken aback by the sudden query; she pauses then stares at the phone incredulously,

            “Miss Choi Sooyoung asked me to give you a few documents. I was just going to ask if I could deliver them to you now, but, I guess not.” She hears a sigh from the other line and that was when she knew that the other woman was going to let her in,

            “Sorry. Just come inside the office.”


            Sunmi smiles then gathers the folders that have piled up on her table. Taeyeon’s been very cranky since she arrived at the office so nobody dared to just barge in her office because they know that things could get ugly if they tried to go inside. The only people who could coax a pissed Taeyeon is Tiffany, but since things aren’t working out, the other employees decided to just bet on Sunmi,

            Because Sunmi is the childhood friend.

            “Hey cranky. How you doin?” Sunmi tries to joke as she enters Taeyeon’s office. The latter stares at her with an uninterested face, how dare she talk like that to her boss?

           “Sunmi I’ve told you lots of times that you need to talk to me in a formal manner if we’re at the office.”

            The secretary rolls her eyes at the statement. She puts the folders on top of the desk then sticks her tongue out on Taeyeon. The older woman ignores her then sighs as she remembers her argument with Tiffany a few nights ago. She’s upset that their arguments have become heavier and heavier each day and she’s scared that one day, they can no longer tolerate being around each other.

            Taeyeon gets distracted from her thoughts when her phone beeps, indicating a text message. She taps on her phone and raises an eyebrow at the message she received, after being lost in her thoughts again, she shrugs and reaches for the remote,

            “Pictures got published?” Sunmi asks as she turns around to look at the television.

            Weeks after being caught up in a series of rumours regarding their marriage, CEO Kim Taeyeon and Tiffany Hwang were finally seen together in Han River, enjoying their nights. Both donned black caps and hoodies to protect themselves from the paparazzi but their efforts were proven futile as the media successfully captured some of their sweet moments together.

            The pictures quickly shut down rumours about Miss Hwang’s extra-marital affairs as she was seen being cozy with one of her models.

            Taeyeon turns off the television quickly after watching that part of the news. She sighs, leans back on her chair as she spins it around so she’s facing the view from outside her office. She wonders what’s wrong with her, she’s helping her soon-to-be-ex-wife just so she could save her image, even if it’s hurting her already. She chuckles at the thought that Tiffany’s just taking her for granted.

            Sunmi bites the insides of her cheeks when she sees Taeyeon sulking again. Taeyeon’s always pissed and angry these days that she makes her employees cry. She pouts because she knows that she really can’t do anything because her boss doesn’t want her to meddle in her life, even if she is one of her closest friend. She decides to just leave Taeyeon alone with her own thoughts for a while as she thinks of how Taeyeon can go back to her old self.

            Taeyeon closes her eyes as she hears the door to her office close, indicating that Sunmi had gone. In times like these, she wished that someone tried to stay, but she isn’t expecting much because in the end, even her wife couldn’t stay. She bites her lips as a tear falls down from her eye and she immediately wipes it.

            “There is no place for weakness here.”





            Tiffany claps her hand in enthusiasm as she watches the news. She has cleared her name so she could now go back to doing what she does best; fashion. A smile spreads on her face as she pulls one of her sketch pads and a few pencils and pens, she’s finally going back to work without much distraction, aside from the fact that two of her best friends are in the studio with her.

            “Great acting there, Hwang.” Jessica chuckles as she scrolls through the pictures of Taeyeon and Tiffany’s date. She grins in awe at the sweet pictures, and if she didn’t know better, she’d say that those pictures could’ve fooled her.

            “I’m glad Taeyeon agreed to this. I mean, she doesn’t look like the kind of person who would fool the general public just to save her image.” Hyuna, another friend of theirs states, earning a nod from Jessica.

            “Well, yeah, I mean, of course. We both had to save our names, you know.” Tiffany answers back as she starts sketching.

            Hyuna raises an eyebrow at the answer. Was Tiffany really clueless? She clears and Jessica immediately looks at her with the same curious look.

            “What do you mean by, ‘we both had to save our names’?” Jessica asks, genuinely curious. She works for Taeyeon and she definitely does not think that their company needs saving. If there was anyone who would benefit from these pictures, it’s Tiffany. The only time that Taeyeon would need to clean her name is when somebody leaks to the public that they faked the date pictures.

            Tiffany shrugs then looks at her two friends, “oh you know, since we both have companies, we might jeopardize our businesses. I mean, it was already hard that we got married. We made people believe in love again so imagine the backlash if ‘love knows no bounds’ couple got divorced, that would be bad, for the both of us.” She shudders at the thought.

            “Okay but are you going to fool the public forever? Something or someone, sooner or later, is going to leak juicy bits about your derailed marriage, you know.” Hyuna answers, making Jessica nod in agreement.

            Tiffany stops what she’s doing as she hears this. Hyuna did raise a good point and Taeyeon and her haven’t really gone that far, “We’ll talk about it soon, I guess.”

            Jessica chuckles at the confidence. Tiffany is her best friend but sometimes, the woman becomes too dependent to Taeyeon that if she didn’t get what she wanted, she’d break down and Taeyeon in the end has to clean up the mess.

            “You do know that Taeyeon’s company is well-grounded, right? A scandal like this would have no effect on the company OR to her name.” she blurts out. Sometimes she dreams of destroying Tiffany’s confidence because it’s just too much. Ever since she got married to Taeyeon, she’s taken a bad turn.

            The girl on the hot seat puts her pencil down and she raises an eyebrow at the older girl, “What do you mean? We’re married. What’ll happen to me will happen to her too. We’re peas in a pod!”

            Hyuna snorts at the metaphor, “peas in the pod? Is that why there’re three people in this relationship?” she jokes, making Jessica lose it.

            Tiffany rolls her eyes then reaches for Jessica’s shirt, “what are you talking about?” she asks, her patience running out.

            Jessica smacks Tiffany’s hands away and wipes the tears from her eyes. She clears and faces her frustrated friend again, “What I’m saying is that if anyone was to be unaffected here, it would be Taeyeon. From a normal person’s perspective, she is the victim here while you’re the stuck up wife who’s cheating on goody two shoes puppy Taeyeon.” She explains and Tiffany couldn’t believe what she’s hearing.

            Tiffany furrows her eyebrows at the realization. She grits her teeth at the newly explained information. She stares at Jessica and Hyuna who were shrugging. It was true though, Tiffany is the cheater and she just blamed Taeyeon without really confirming if she did have a relationship with her secretary.

            There’s more to the story than what she’s letting other people know.

            “So what are you going to do now?” Hyuna asks as she stares at the dumbfounded Tiffany.

            Jessica glances at her watch and she starts to gather her things. She has a scheduled dinner with Taeyeon and some of the board members so she can’t be late. She just went to meet Tiffany for juicy rumors but she ended up preaching,

            “Well, I gotta go, girls.” She leans down and lands a peck on her friends’ cheeks, “Tiff, if I were you and Taeyeon, I’d stop this stupidity before one of you gets hurt and before the public learns about this fakeness.” She smiles one last time to her best friend and walks away.

            Hyuna and Tiffany watches as she enters her car and she drives off.

            “Wow, at least it’s a good thing that your best friend is working for Taeyeon. At least you get facts directly from someone in the company.” Hyuna shakes her head as she opens one of Tiffany’s fashion magazines.

            Tiffany on the other hand didn’t know what to feel. Mostly, she was angry because she feels that Taeyeon might have pitied her which is why she helped her with the pictures. She does not need pity, she can handle this by her own. She clenches her fists at the thought that Taeyeon helped her out of pity and she didn’t even notice it!

            “Hello, baby, are you ready for dinner?”

            She snaps out of her thought when she feels someone kiss the crown of her head. She looks up then fakes a smile at the guy who just walked in.

            “Nice to see you too, Hyuna.” He greets the other girl who faked a smile too. Hyuna never really liked him for her friend. She was on Taeyeon’s side and she was also sure that Jessica would choose Taeyeon over anyone. She puts the magazine back to the rack as she gathers her things, no longer in the mood to talk to Tiffany.

            “I’ll see you soonest, Tiff.” She smiles at her friend and pecks her on the check.

            “Be careful on your way.” Tiffany reminds her with a genuine smile,

            Hyuna nods her head then glances at the guy,

“Bye Siwon.” She says, coldly, but Siwon is too dense to even notice the coldness.

“Bye.”  They watch as she too gets in her car and drives off.

Siwon turns to Tiffany and kisses her on the lips, “I missed you. Are you ready for dinner?”

Tiffany smiles a little then nods her head, “I’ll just make a call.” She says, as she grabs the phone from the table. She presses the numbers and she bites her lip as she waits for the person to pick up,

“Yes? Did I forget something?”

“Jessi! Where are you eating dinner?” she asks, in a hurry.

“Uhm, why? Tiffany I swear just leave Taeyeon alone for tonight! This is an important meeting.”

“I just want to know where you’re eating dinner?”

She hears a sigh from the other line and she grins in triumph,

“UI Restaurant.”

“Who’s going?”

“Just a couple of boring people like members of the board. Of course, Taeyeon, her secretary, Sunmi, and then me.”

“Okay. Enjoy dinner then!”

After that, she ends the call. Tiffany knows that she mught have piqued Jessica’s curiosity after the weird call but that’s not her priority right now. Her priority is not set to turning their tables; a world where Taeyeon’s the culprit and she is the victim.

 “Are you ready babe?” Siwon asks when Tiffany went back inside the studio. She nods her head then grabs her bag. While walking, she fixes her hair and she gets ready for her plan.

“So where do you want to eat?” the guy asks, squeezing Tiffany’s hand and kissing it a couple of times. Tiffany feels like a princess and she’s not complaining.

“Can we eat at UI Restaurant? I heard food there is great!” she exclaims as she flashes her signature smile. That smile can get her anything she wanted and so she utilizes it whenever she can.

“Of course. Let’s go then.”





“Hello Sica, how are you?” Taeyeon smiles when she sees the familiar girl seated in their reserved table. She pecks her on the cheek, a greeting she learned from the Americans and she grins afterwards. It’s been a while since they’ve seen each other because even if Jessica worked in the company, Taeyeon would spend most of her time inside the office and just sending Sunmi to the meeting she’s supposed to be attending.

“I’m good, how ‘bout you, Tae?”

Taeyeon’s grin fades at the question. She wasn’t sure of what to answer but being the person that she is and not wanting to be a burden to other people’s feelings, she shrugs,

“I’m fine.”

Jessica smiled. She understood and she thought that maybe this was why Tiffany decided to leave. She craved for Taeyeon’s stories and feelings, something that the older woman couldn’t give, for now.

“That’s good to hear then.” She answers, “I’ll just go to the rest room, okay?”

“Sure!” Taeyeon smiles at her too then takes a seat. She sighs again, her being alone in the table was making her uncomfortable. She looks around, looking for Sunmi. The girl said she’d follow,

“Where is she?” Taeyeon asks herself. She glances at her watch then grumbles to herself. These days, the only support system she had is Sooyoung and Sunmi so imagine how uncomfortable she is now that both of them aren’t present, yet.

“Hey, sorry I’m late.” Sunmi pats her back and Taeyeon can’t help but heave a sigh of relief, she smiles at her secretary then grabs her wrist,

“Sit here, beside me.” Taeyeon instructs, and Sunmi was more than willing to follow but there was an eyelash near Taeyeon’s eye and she might turn blind if it goes inside her eye.

“Cool, but wait…” Sunmi removes Taeyeon’s hand from her wrist then leans down so she could take a better look at Taeyeon’s eyelash, she sandwiches Taeyeon’s face then blows on her eye,

“What the f—“

Sunmi puts her finger on Taeyeon’s lips to shut her up, “Cursing is bad for your image.” She warns

“Why the hell did you blow on my eye?!” Taeyeon hisses, rubbing her eye.

“There was an eyelash. Didn’t want you to go blind, you still need to fake a lot of dates with your ex-wife.”

Taeyeon rolls her eyes at the sarcasm. Yeah, she as stupid for helping Tiffany but what can she do? She loves the girl! They continued their chit-chat until Jessica and the board members started to arrive.

Little did Sunmi and Taeyeon knew, they were going to be caught up in a major scandal.




Well, hello! I am aware that Tiffany is becoming more and more y as the story progresses but that's the plan. We'll find out more in the next updates hehe.

ps. Sorry for the late updates. I've been very busy but thank you for staying!


As usual, enjoy, subscribe, and leave comments! Your comments motivate me ;) the more comments and suggestions, the faster I'll update because your suggestions refuel me! xoxo, mates!


pps. Sorry, haven't had the time to check grammar and spelling but will do so, the soonest!

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all will come in due time~


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Chapter 18: Dear author, I just wanna say I’m glad you’re getting better. Life is worth living, don’t give up cause good things gonna happen at the end of it. Everyone faces different difficulty in their life every day and it's gonna take a while to back in track again. It's okay to take it slow. You are a writer dear author, it's pretty understable. It's just that I hope that someday you'll come back and finish what have you're started. This is kind of different story plot I have been read. It's pretty interesting actually. So, I'm willing to wait for the updates even though it's gonna take ages but it's ok, really. Till then, author. ( :
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 17: I'm missing this story :'(
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Chapter 18: Update plssssss
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Chapter 18: Updateee pls
Chapter 17: Please try to update
Chapter 17: Please try to update
hanjaekyung #7
Chapter 17: omo pleasee uodatwnsoon auujoor
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Chapter 17: Thanks for the update author.. They should put charges on siwon and banned him on his work.. Time to show taengs influence..
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Chapter 17: Awwwieee taeyeon someone hurted your wife while your sick ... please get well now and kick siwons
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Chapter 17: Taeyeonnn!!! Get well soon~~~urghhh..