A florist and a programmer


Taehyung, the rich and careful worry-wort of a programmer, just wants for love.

Jennie, the carefree but reserved florist, couldn't care less about it.


Credit to Mr_Type for the cover picture.




Complex and unique were the two best words to describe Taehyung.

Sure, he was was rich,upper class,fluent in a foreign language, tech savvy and otherwise tremendously privileged, similar to pretty much everyone else at Don academy, but there was something that set him apart from the other kids.

His mind.
He was always thinking.
Whether he was cuddled up in bed, watching
some cheesy kdrama, or enduring the "perilous" journey to school on the train, he always had a thought, just picking away at it in the very background of his mind.

Of course, this came with a downside, Which in Taehyung's case, was overthinking.

His mind would blow little​ situations out of proportion, before proceeding to worry about them for the rest of the day.

He didn't have full blown anxiety attacks, nor did it effect his school work, but it was still somewhat counter productive and mentally draining.

He'd often set out to cast out, getting rid of his worries through meditation, or keeping a diary.

But there often came days when the thoughts felt too invasive, too overwhelming for him to deal with.

So he'd challenge them even more, putting an even more valiant effort to cast them out.

And often, it gave mixed results.

On a lighter note, he aspired to be a software designer, spending his extremely limited free time(mostly on weekends) learning programming languages like c++ and python, making endless amounts of test programs and debug builds of programming structures he had learned.

He wasn't exactly a math whizz, but his dedication seemed to get him where he wanted to be.

He had great friends to boot, harbouring the same amount of dedication to computer science and love of videogames that he did.

His parents where also uber rich.
He'd often show up, his school bags and equipment being plaid in nothing but designer.

Alexander McQueen, saint Laurent Paris, he had it all.

So all in all, Taehyung was having a somewhat decent real life. 

But as for a love life, it's hard to say...


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sans11 #1
Taehyung ^^
Chapter 1: Interesting
Chapter 6: This is good! I'm really liking it :)
Vtae84 #4
Keke..omg taehyung..haha
Keep Going! Can't wait XD
Vampielicious #6
Chapter 1: wow... cant wait for the next chapter..