I spent the first day in London working all day. I was exhausted by the time the night ended. I left the shoot and head straight back to the hotel with my manager. I was really to fall asleep by the time I got to the hotel but the knock on the door stopped me. When I saw it was Jiyong I opened the door to let him in quickly before any one sees him.

“Hi.” He said

“Hey. How was your flight?” I asked

“It was alright.” He said walking straight to give me a tight hug.

“I’ve missed you.” He said

“It’s been less than 24 hours.” I replied

“Yes, but I also lost a lot of time with you.” That made me shut my mouth right away.

“Have you eaten?” I asked

“No, not yet. Are you hungry?” He asked and I nodded. I haven’t had anything since I landed this morning.

“Let’s go get something to eat.” He said as he put down his duffle bag on the bed and only put his phone, keys and wallet into his suit pocket. He’s wearing a suit jacket and black shirt with black jeans that doesn’t make him recognizable but with his charm and aura people would recognize him either way.

“You’re going to put a hat or sunglasses on?” I asked before we left the room


“People will recognize you!”

“We’re in London and it’s night time.” He said which made sense so I didn’t think much about it.


Instead of driving we decided to walk instead as the weather was really nice and we would get the chance to enjoy the city. We had dinner at a local restaurant which was amazing. Afterwards we decided to walk along the river Thames. I think it’s one of the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.

“You know the first time I was here. The boys and I spent the whole night walking around the city and exploring. It was amazing.” He said looking out to the river.

“Yes, it’s beautiful.” I said looking at him admire the city light and the river.

“Let’s take a picture.” He suggests then took out his phone. He pulled me closer to him with his arm around my shoulder. With the river as the background, the picture looked so romantic. I also had a chance to take a picture of the river and post it on my Instagram.

 “We probably should get back. You have to work in the morning. You must be tired from the travelling.” He suggested and took my hand. Life haven’t been this good in so long.

“Hey, Dara.” He stopped walking


“Promise me something.”


“Whatever happens you wouldn’t make a decision for me because you think it’s the best decision.”


“Please. Not anymore. Haven’t we been unhappy enough?” He asked

“Okay.” He smiled and gave me a peck on my lips.

“Alright, now lets get back.” And that was one of the best nights.


When we got back to the hotel and got ready for bed it was already almost 1am. We were both exhausted from the travelling. So when our head hit the pillow we were out. Jiyong had his arms around me all night and that made me feel safe and never want to leave.


In the morning, I woke up at around 9am with my phone buzzing nonstop. When I checked it that’s when I realized how bad it was. I tried to wake Jiyong up.

“Jiyong, wake up.” I shook him and he open his eyes. I showed him what was on my phone but he didn’t seem to pay much attention to.

“Are you seriously not worried?” I asked looking at the picture of me and him holding hands last night walking. You could clearly see it was me. The news headlines make it even easier to tell who Jiyong was within the picture.


‘G-Dragon and Sandara out on a date last night in London holding hands.’

‘YG has yet to make a comment about GD and Sandara.’

‘GD flies to London for Sandara Park.’

‘GD dating Sandara’


And many many more. I have multiple missed calls and texts from my manager about this situation. Jiyong who was now checking his phone made a call.




I knew exactly how Dara was feeling. She was scared and confused and lost. So I had to do something and the only thing I can do was to call our president.

“Hyung, yes its about the news. We are working things out between us.” I said to the phone trying to explain our situation.

“ Thankyou, hyung.” I said and ended the call.

“He said he will take care of it and he said for you not to worry.” I said to Dara who was at the verge of tearing up.

“Baby, come here.” I said and pull her into my arms and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

“It’s all going to be okay.” I said to reassure her.

“Should we order breakfast?” I asked her and she nodded. I then called room service for some breakfast.


After breakfast, Dara had to lead for work which I drove her to the studio. In the car, we just talked about what was happening and how’s work and recording going. We also decided that she was going to fly with me to Paris on Saturday for the fashion week as she was invited as well.



Friday Night


After my photoshoot, we headed straight to the airport to fly to Paris for the fashion week tomorrow. There were no on at the airport for us because this was not planned so the fans had no idea.



I attended the Chanel show which Jiyong was there too. However, we did not go together as it would have been a bad idea because the news that went out last night. However, we did talk once we were inside as we were sat next to each other.


During the night, there was a Gucci After Party which we were both invited too and there were supposed to be paparazzi free. Which meant it was okay for both of us to show up together as you need an invitation to get into the party. I wore a red dress that ended a few inches before my knees with red heels while GD was dressed in casual suit jacket with a Gucci shirt inside and jeans with Gucci trainers.


There were security guards outside the club when we got there who checked our invitation and let us in. However, we didn’t stay long as we both had to fly back to Korea in the morning to deal with all the tabloids.




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Frenz888 #1
Chapter 7: Update please
iammerz28 #2
Update plssss
Chapter 7: oh please dont make them seperate again!! i want them to be happy and dara to be strong!!
who's in his door?! hope it's not someone who will make a problem to them!!!
authornim i love this story!! thanks! hope you will update soon!
pepden #4
Chapter 5: Updatevupdatevplease.. im your new reader
namibia5th #5
Chapter 5: Tnx for updating
dadada #6
Chapter 3: Ooooooooo krung grabee
Chapter 5: Hmmm...I hope they work out in this story~ Watching M.O.T.T.E in Manila did give the vibe that of the two, Dara would be the most hesitant. Let's hope Ji is really stubborn and persistent
vr2782 #8
Chapter 5: They're happy with what happened in motte manila.
Js03092005 #9
Chapter 4: Love it! Please update more often!
Chapter 1: Loving this! Please update more authornim❤ Saranghae