Would you be surprised if I said I don’t remember a thing from last night? Well, because I don’t. I woke up in bed with Ji Yong’s arms wrapped around me. He looked so peaceful while he's asleep. I try my best not to make any sound but being my clumsy self I accidentally kicked his leg which woke him up.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked with his sleepy voice and rubbing his eyes with his fingers.

“Home?” I said continue to try to get out of his bed.

“I’ll take you after we have breakfast.”

“Uh, no thanks.”

“What makes you think you have a choice? I think you owe me anyway.”

“Meaning what?”

“Nothing.” He then got out of bed and into the bathroom without even looking back at me.

“I have to go to the studio today.” He shouted from the bathroom which he left open.

“You don't have to take me home. It on a different way. I don’t want to waste your time.” I look for an excuse.

“It’ll only take me a few minutes. No problem.” He said and I was too hung over to argue with him. I my phone to see messages from Chaelin asking if I was okay. I replied so she wouldn’t worry and said I would see her soon. I played around on my phone while Ji yong was in the shower. He came out of the bathroom finally after 20 minutes.

“I don’t have any clothes to wear.” I said to him when he got out of the shower.

“I have some of your clothes in my closet. Let me go grab it.” He said and walked to his dressing room. He then came back with a pair of leggings I left at his apartment when we were together. 

“That’s the only thing I can find. I think the maid might have tidied up my closet.” He said and handed me my nike leggings.

“Here, wear this for now.” He said and give me a T-shirt of his.

“Thanks.” I said and walked into the bathroom.

“Meet me in the living room when you’re done.” He said as he was drying his wet hair with a face towel and wearing only a towel around his waist. I walked to the bathroom without saying anything else.


I spent around 30 minutes getting really and everything. I then walk to his living room to see him watching the news while having a cup of coffee. 

“You ready?.” He asked and got up from the couch

“Yea. I can’t find my bag.” I said 

“Oh it’s on the kitchen counter.” He said and walked to the kitchen to grab it for me. He then grabbed his keys and wallet and head out to the garage.

“What do you want to have for breakfast?” He asked as we sat in his car in his garage.

“Are you out of your mind? It’s 10 in the morning. Fans and people are going to be taking pictures and people would recognize us and the tabloid.” I said looking at him like he was crazy.

“What? That I’m having breakfast with a friend?” 

“No, please.” I begged because the last thing I want for either of us is a scandal.

“Fine, your house.” He said and turned the car around.

“Thank you.”

“As long as you’re happy, Dara. As long as you’re happy.” He said and not once did he glance at me. At that moment, it felt like something cut me inside. He was referring to the situation we are in now. 

“Look, I’m not trying to make things difficult okay?” 

“Last I checked, you’re being difficult.”

“You know I did all this for you.”

“I never asked you to. I’d be happy just having you.” He parked in my apartment building as he said that.

“Please don’t do this.” I said 

“Please, let’s try this again. We’re not the same person we are and I know that I love you.” He said holding both of my hands in his.

“One date.” He said. I would love to spend time with him but I know if I do we’ll fall back to where we were and yes maybe it would be better and less toxic but if it’s not then it’d just ruin whatever it is we are now. However, I also don’t want to lose the love of my life just because I didn’t give it a chance.

“Fine.” He then pulled me into a hug so tight. We both got out of the car and head to the elevator.

I made us some scrambled eggs, toasts and bacon. We talked normally like 2 friends throughout breakfast even though he tries to flirt with me a few times.

“You should get going before you’re late.” I said after breakfast which was already almost 12.

“Alright, I have to go but I’ll pick you up at 8?” He said before leaving.

“Okay. See you.”

“Alright, have a nice day.” He said before he left my apartment.


I spent the day cleaning my apartment and little bit of shopping for the house. The rest of the day I spent watching TV which I don’t usually get to do if we’re not on hiatus. As much as I was trying to get ready for my date with Jiyong tonight I don’t know what to wear. But knowing Jiyong, we’d want to do something we don’t get to do because of who we are. So I settled for denim jeans and cropped black hoodie. 

At 8pm sharp, he rings the bell and I opened the door to let him in.

“Hi, you look beautiful.” He said to me

“Thank you.” I said not knowing how to react.

“Wasn’t sure what we’re doing so I went for something comfy.”

“You look adorable, come on let’s get going.” He said and he head to his car in the garage.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we got into his car.

“Dinner first.” He said and drove to a steakhouse that he loves. This place was our favorite because the food are amazing and the location is very private. During dinner we had few glasses of wine. 

“Excuse me, sir. There seems to be a few photographers outside should we prepare you the back exit?” The waitress asked Jiyong.

“That would be great, thanks.” Jiyong said to the waitress

“We’re so sorry for this inconvenience sir.”

“Don’t mention it.” He said and tipped the waitress. He pulled me close beside him and pulled the hoodie to cover my face as he has his hand on my head blocking any one from taking a photo of me. He knew how I would feel if the pictures got out.

“Thank you for that.” I said as we got into the car and he drove off. He then drove us to the Hanggang park which we used to go to. Jiyong loves doing normal things like watching a movie in the cinema, eating out, taking a walk by river han but because of his job, it’s very likely he ever get to do it.

“We used to come here all the time remember?” He asked looking at the river.

“Yea, it was good.”

“Let’s be good again. Be with me again, I promise I will never let you down ever again.” He said pressing his forehead on mine.

“Baby, please you’re breaking my heart. Every time I see you smile knowing it wasn’t me who caused it kills me. Knowing you’re perfectly fine without me hurts me more than you know. I know I wasn’t the best boyfriend in the past, I know I let frame get to me, I know we were toxic and you were unhappy. But give me one more chance to show you how I can make you forget all that. I’m better now, I know what matters in my life. I’m sorry I ruined us because I was stupid and if I could take it back I would.” He locked my face with his hands telling me his feelings which I understand all too well. 

“We can’t, Ji.” I said shaking my head as tears run down my face.

“Yes, we can. We don’t even have to tell any one if you don’t want to. It’s all up to you.”

“It’s not just about that.”

“Then?” He asked

“I don’t know?” 

“Then we’ll get through it together.” He said wiping tears off my face.

“Please, give me a chance to make us happy again.” He said and slowly pressed his lips on mine. That was when I gave into him. I missed his kisses and touches. 

“Is that a yes?” He asked as we part our lips and I nodded with a smile.

“Just let’s keep this quite between us for now okay? I don’t want everyone to know and we end up not working out.” I said

“Yes. We’ll enjoy each other for now.” He then pressed his lips on mine again.

“Come on, let’s get you home.” He said and lead us to the car.

“I’m flying to London tomorrow.” I said once we got into the car.

“For what?” He asked

“Photoshoot for a magazine.” I replied

“I have to fly to Paris some time this week too. Maybe, I’ll get to see you.” He said and smiled.



Next Day


‘G-Dragon out and about with a mysterious girl we have yet to identify.’

‘G-Dragon out with girlfriend.’

‘G-Dragon secretly dating.’

At least 5 articles I saw on my news feed had been about Jiyong going out on a date along with a picture of me and him hugging by the river and us leaving the restaurant. Luckily, the shot by the river my face was on his chest so the picture didn’t capture my face and the one leaving the restaurant I had my face covered with my hoodie. Eventhough, you can’t see my face I’m still worried people would know its me. It’s not that I don’t want to be linked to GD or anything but I don’t want people to know everything about my personal life and I don’t think I would be up for the hate I might get.

“I know you’re freaking our but I have it under control.” Jiyong said as I picked up his call.

“Do you really?” I asked

“Yes, don’t you worry.”

“Alright, I trust you.”

“Good, I’ll see you in London on Wednesday.” He said out of no where

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I don't have to be in Paris till Saturday so I might as well fly there before and spend some time with you.” He is so sweet. I mean tell me you’d not fall in the love with a guy who is willing to fly across the world to send a few days with you.

“You are?” I asked in awe

“Yes, have a safe flight this afternoon and I’ll see you very soon princess.” He said and ended the call.



Hey guys!

I'm back!!! Sorry I've been gone for so long but I'm back! I hope you enjoy! Pls comment, subscribe and upvote for more xxx

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Frenz888 #1
Chapter 7: Update please
iammerz28 #2
Update plssss
Chapter 7: oh please dont make them seperate again!! i want them to be happy and dara to be strong!!
who's in his door?! hope it's not someone who will make a problem to them!!!
authornim i love this story!! thanks! hope you will update soon!
pepden #4
Chapter 5: Updatevupdatevplease.. im your new reader
namibia5th #5
Chapter 5: Tnx for updating
dadada #6
Chapter 3: Ooooooooo krung grabee
Chapter 5: Hmmm...I hope they work out in this story~ Watching M.O.T.T.E in Manila did give the vibe that of the two, Dara would be the most hesitant. Let's hope Ji is really stubborn and persistent
vr2782 #8
Chapter 5: They're happy with what happened in motte manila.
Js03092005 #9
Chapter 4: Love it! Please update more often!
Chapter 1: Loving this! Please update more authornim❤ Saranghae