If you thought that was how it ended between us, you’re so wrong. I mean it never really ended. How could it ever? He was my first and only love for more than 5 years. How could you ever forget about someone who was such a huge part of your life? 


Even though we have broken up we still talk from time to time even though its so painful having to fake a smile and pretend it was all good. We would see each other around the company or at studios but no matter how often that happen, I never got used to it. My heart still skips a beat when I hear his voice. He had so much power over me it was almost made me insane. I know that he’ll always have a special place in my heart no matter how hard I try to erase him out of my life.

“Dara!” My manager snapped his fingers in front of my face that pulled me out of my thoughts.

“What?” I asked

“Are you okay? I called you so many times.” 

“Yea, just tired.” I have been traveling a lot lately and at this point I’m just exhausted.

“We’re almost at the company.” My manager said

“Yea okay.” I put all my belongings into my bag getting ready to leave the bus.


I walked into the company but stopped when I saw him in the cafeteria. He was right there looking right back at me. I didn’t know what to do. Should I smile? or Should I just walk away? It’s been 6 years but I still don’t know how to act around him. We used to talk all night long but now we don’t even know how to say hi.

“Dara noona!” Seungri who turned around to see me called me over.

“Hey.” I said once I was close enough to the table. Seungri was next to Jiyong.

“Noona, come eat with me and hyung.” Seungri said while Jiyong just kept eating in silent.

“I can’t I have to go practice.” I said giving him an apologetic smile.

“Sit down, eat. You look like you’re about to fall to the ground.” Jiyong who kept silent for so long said as he continue eating. I was surprise about what he said, I didn’t expect that from him.

“Yea! You’re way too skinny, Noona.” Seungri continues and got up to get me food as I sat down opposite to Jiyong. He just kept eating without even looking at me. I miss him so much. Looking at his face right now I wanted to reach out my hands and hold him. 

“Here Noona.” Seungri put the tray of food in front of me with a bright smile as always.


“Anyway, hyung. I have to go because the staffs are waiting. See you later! Eat up Noona.” He said and left me and Jiyong. We were both eating in silent for a while until I decided I should say something.

“I heard your new song the other day. It was very good.” I said. All his songs were good.

“Thanks.” He said

“Ji” I said his name and he got up but before he could leave I reached out my hand and grabbed his that was about to lift up the tray.


“Dara, don’t. I can’t.” He said that and so I let him go. He wanted nothing to do with me. I get that. After all I broke his heart into pieces but did it ever occur to him that it hurts me twice as much to have to do it.


After eating with Jiyong at the cafeteria, I then went to meeting with the staffs which took over 4 hours deciding about my future projects and what I wanted to do. Now that 2NE1 disbanded and with Chaelin was focusing on her american debut I wanted to do something that I love which was acting. I have done a little bit of acting here and there along my music career but I really wanted to focus on it for the next few years. It would be interesting and new for me. But with 2NE1 final song coming up called “Goodbye” I was so behind. Both Park Bom and Chaelin was done recording their part last week when I was in the Philippines. After the meeting, I head to the studio to wait for the producer that would be helping me record. I still have no idea who it was but it’s usually Teddy oppa. I was waiting for him on the couch but was trying my best no to fall asleep but I just couldn’t help my self. He would wake me up when he got here.


The next thing I knew there was someone sleeping at recording table. It was a little bit past midnight which meant I was asleep for over 5 hours. I got up to go look who it was and to my surprise, it was Jiyong. He had his arms cross on the table and his head on them. He looks so peaceful. I slowly reach my hand out to touch his face. I miss this, I miss his scent, his touch, his face, his everything.

“I’m so sorry I hurt you.” I said softly as I was playing with his hair.

“If I could go back, I would do everything different.” I didn’t realize my tears was running down my face till he opened up his eyes and slowly wiped them away. I tried to back away but it was too late.

“I love you, Dara. I never stopped and it breaks my heart to see you and not being able to touch you or tell you how much I love you.” He said as he got down from the chair and was opposite me. Both his hands were holding my face trying to wipe away more of my tears.

“We can’t, Ji.” I shook my head but he hold me still.

“We can. Please. The past 6 years I have been dying inside. I love you and I want to be with you.” Him saying that made my tears fall even harder.

“We can’t do this okay? I love you but we both work here and we’re a public figure. We can’t just do what…” Before I could finish what I was going to say he pressed his lips on my. I miss his lips so much. The kiss was full of promises and relief. 

“Baby, please. You know that we belong together.” He said

“Maybe but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was the one who ruin your career. I love you too much.” I said wiping away my tears and got out of his hold.

“Right, you always knew what was good for me don't you?” He said. I know he was mad but that was better than having him me all sweet.

“I have to go.” I said

“Yea, you can record with Teddy hyung tomorrow.” He said and wiped his face with his hand.

“Goodnight, Ji.” I said before I left the room.

What happened with Jiyong last night made me stayed up all night. Remembering his touch all the memories I kept all came back. Around 10 am was when I got to the recording studio with Teddy oppa. It didn’t took as long because by noon I was done and for the rest of the day I was free.

“Unnie!!!!!!” I heard Chaelin’s voice was down the hall calling me

“Chaelin ah.” I said her name back.

“Are you free later tonight?” She asked

“Yea, why?”

“Well, Jiyong oppa is having a get together at his house with few of our friends. Can you please come?” she asked giving me the cutest face.

“I don’t know. I wasn’t invited.” I said trying to find an excuse not to see him.

“He wants you there.” She said


“No but unnie, you worked so hard and always traveling lately. We need to catch up. Please!” 

“Fine but I’m not going to stay for long.” I gave in. How the hell am I going to look at him in the face after last night.


Chaelin texted me the details about the party later the day and told me to meet her there since we live in opposite direction. I got to his apartment at around 7pm and pressed the bell. It was Yongbae who opened the door for me.

“Hey! I haven’t see much of your face lately. How have you been?” He asked after we hugged.

“I’m been okay, you?” 

“I’m great. Come in, we’re about to eat. Chaelin is not here yet but we’re all starving!” He said laughing. We walked further into the apartment. It looks exactly how I remembered it and it also smelt the same. French Vanilla Rose. I saw a few people who wasn’t from the company. There was Jun K from 2pm who I know was Jiyong’s close friend. There was also Kiko Mizuhara, an American Japanese model who Jiyong’s close with.

“Hello, Sandara Park! I’m a big fan of yours!” Kiko said to me as I walked into the living room. 

“Thank you!” I smiled.

“I’m Kiko.”

“Hi Kiko. Nice to meet you.” 

“Nice to meet you too. Please make yourself at home. Jiyong oppa went to get more wine he’ll be back soon. I didn’t know what to say so instead I just smiled.


Around 20 minutes later, there was a bell. It’s probably Chaelin so I told everyone I would get it.

“Chaelin, what took you so long?” I said before seeing who it was I opened the door to.

“Uh, sorry. I left without my keys and Chaelin can’t make it tonight. She had something came up.” What!?!?!?!? 

“Oh, I should leave then.” I said

“No, no. Please stay.” He said


The dinner were set on the table and we all started eating and making conversations. Jiyong was sitting at the end of the table with Kiko on his left and TOP on his right. I was next to Kiko and opposite of Yongbae. Jun K was next to me and opposite him was Seungri.

“Noona, you should try this.” Seungri said and put some food onto my plate.

“Thankyou!” I said. The dinner wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. We had a nice meal and wine to go with it.

“You should probably slow down, Dara.” Jiyong said as TOP was pouring me my third glass of wine and everyone went silent.

“Oppa, let her be. She’s having a great time. Aren’t you, unnie?” Kiko who was next to me asked

“Yea, I am.”

“.” Kiko said with shock and I turned back to her. She had wine all over her shirt that was white before.

“I’m sorry. It was an accident.” TOP said to her.

“It’s okay, oppa. Jiyong oppa, do you have something I can change into?” She turned to Jiyong to ask him.

“Yea, come on. I’ll find you something.” He said and led her into his bedroom.

“Ooops.” TOP said once they were out of sight causing everyone to laugh.

“TOP hyung, that was priceless!” Seungri said to TOP

“No, it really was an accident.” He explained causing everyone to laugh even more. It all stopped when they both came back to the dinning room. She was changed into a baby pink sweatshirt that looked very familar. She was wearing my shirt that he got me and I left it here when we were together. How dare him? He looked at me and he knew exactly what I was thinking. I stood up and walked towards him to go to the bathroom but as I was walking past him I intentionally hit him with my shoulder without even looking back. How dare him? It was mine. He could have threw it in the bin but no he had to put it on display for everyone else to see that he has replaced me. But it was still mine! Why does he have to punish me this way? I told him I was sorry but there’s nothing we can do. By the time I was in the bathroom, I could no longer hold my tears. I don’t no how long I was in there for but there was a knock on the door.

“Dara, are you okay?” It was Jiyong’s voice.

“I’m fine.” I said wiping my tears one last time before opening the door. He was waiting to talk to me but I walked past him without even looking back. When I got to the living room, everyone was drinking again.

“Can we please talk?” He said 


“Noona, come join us. We’re doing shots.” Seungri holding a bottle of tequila called out and I was ready to drown my sadness.

“Let’s do it!” I said and took down my first shot while keeping my eyes locked with Jiyong. I was light weight, in fact I was super light weight. So after the first shot kicked in, I was feeling extra brave and took down another. 

“This is so much fun.” I shouted.

“Dara. Stop.” Jiyong tried to stop me from taking another shot but it was quite blurry.

“Hi you. I think I’m kinda drunk.”

“Yea, I think so too. Let’s get you to bed.” 

“No, no. Have a drink with me.” I said

“No. You’re drunk.” 

“Drink or I’m going to kiss you in front of all these people.” I whispered and chuckled. He would drink. He will definitely drink. I know him. But I was wrong because he didn’t instead he pressed his lips on mine without any hesitation.

“Happy?” He asked 




Please comment, subscribe and upvote!!! Next chapter in 4 days! I'm going on a trip but will try to write if I have the time!


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Frenz888 #1
Chapter 7: Update please
iammerz28 #2
Update plssss
Chapter 7: oh please dont make them seperate again!! i want them to be happy and dara to be strong!!
who's in his door?! hope it's not someone who will make a problem to them!!!
authornim i love this story!! thanks! hope you will update soon!
pepden #4
Chapter 5: Updatevupdatevplease.. im your new reader
namibia5th #5
Chapter 5: Tnx for updating
dadada #6
Chapter 3: Ooooooooo krung grabee
Chapter 5: Hmmm...I hope they work out in this story~ Watching M.O.T.T.E in Manila did give the vibe that of the two, Dara would be the most hesitant. Let's hope Ji is really stubborn and persistent
vr2782 #8
Chapter 5: They're engage...so happy with what happened in motte manila.
Js03092005 #9
Chapter 4: Love it! Please update more often!
Chapter 1: Loving this! Please update more authornim❤ Saranghae