
Would you be mine?




"Baechu-ah!!!" someone suddenly shouted and barge in Irene's dorm room that really startled her causing her to accidentally drop the papers she's holding in her hand. 


"Yah! Solar!" She shouted annoyed as she give the latter a shooting glare


Seeing the papers scattered on the floor,Solar give her friend a apologetic smile.

Irene huff as she started to pick up the papers on the floor.


"What are you doing here?" she hissed but trying to control her temper as she continue with what she's doing


"I just heard that you're being transferred here in our school that's why. You know how I really miss you but looks like your not that happy to see me" Solar sulk as she crossed her arms on her chest


Heaving a deep sigh,Irene slowly stand from  her feet. Holding the bunch of papers in her hands.


"Of course I'm happy to see you again. But it just that you startled me that's why I'm annoyed,you almost give me an heart attack!" 


Realizing her fault, Solar left out an awkward chuckled

Irene just roll her eyes before walking to her bedroom,ignoring her friend's antic while Solar followed her behind


"Sorry Baechu,I forgot that you easily got startled especially of loud noises" Solar said before chuckling again


"Are you making fun of me again?" she said,gently placing the papers on her desk before facing her friend with a glare


Feeling the fear from her friends piercing glare,Solar take a few step backward and left out a nervous chuckled


"No I'm not. It just that I remember the first time I saw you got startled. You have a very ugly and funny expression on your face that time" and with that Solar burst out into a loud laughter


"Yah!" annoyed,Irene throw the two pillows unto her friends face but Solar was fast to nudge it away


"If you came her just to annoyed me,you can get out now!" she said sternly


"Baechu baechu baechu. I didn't came here to annoyed you ok. I just really miss you. Promise" she said before giving Irene a side hug


"Whatever" she said as she roll her eyes


"Wait a minute! Tommorrow is you first day right?" Solar said,changing the topic




"Great!" Solar said cheerfully


"Great?" Irene narrowed her eyes to her friend,feeling suspicious with the sudden cheerfulness


"Yeah,Great! That means I can always hang out with you from now on!" She added in glee


Again,Irene roll her eyes as she free herself from the hug


"Where are you going?" Solar ask in confusion as she saw her friend getting out of the room again


"Anywhere better than here. Before I lose my mind trying to understand what's running in that head of yours" Irene said before stepping out of the room leaving the dumbfounded Solar





After leaving Solar in her room,Irene decided to take a walked around the place to get some fresh air,it was a minute of wondering until she found herself standing infront of the school supplies store and that when she remember she need to buy something for her school stuff

Stepping inside,she was greeted by a middle-age woman who greeted her with a cheerful Welcome .Trying to be polite she then return the gesture before fully stepping inside the store.

Roaming her eyes around the place to find the remaining things she don't have

She was focus on finding for the remaining things that she didn't even realize that she was about to bump to someone. Because of the strong impact she accidentally push the items on the shelves causing it to land on the person's head.

A loud groaned escape from the person's mouth as it clutch unto it's head in too much pain.


"Oh my God! I'm sorry,I'm really really sorry. Are you ok?" Irene asked in panic as she try to reach for the person's head but the person suddenly lifted it's head and that was the moment Irene saw it face.


"You?!" Irene said in surprised pointing her index finger unto the person


The person look at her confused as it narrowed it's eyes


"What are you doing here?!" 


"What do you mean by what am I doing here?" The person asked in confusion


"Are you by chance...stalking me?" Irene accused


Again,the person narrowed it eyes unto Irene but still with the same expression on it's face


"And now your accusing me? Tch" the person scoff


"Hey,Wen! Did you already found it?" A slightly taller girl called out calling both their attention as she approached the two's direction


"Not yet because..."Wendy paused,giving Irene a glance before continuing her words"...because of this girl" she finished gesturing to Irene


The slightly taller girl followed Wendy's gaze as it landed unto Irene until both of them were now looking at the said girl.

Because of the two's look,Irene felt uncomfortable on her spot as she can't no longer manage to look at them directly

Irene wishes that the time passes fast so she can get away in this awkward and uncomfortable situation she is facing right now.


But the awkward situation were suddenly been disrupted when someone cleared their throat. The three turn their head on it's source as they saw the owner of the store standing a meter away from them.


"Is something wrong going on here?" She asked curiously as she give the three a look.


Realizing the mess she has done,Irene immediately took a stepped infront trying to hide the scattered items on the floor.


"Oh nonono ahjumma! Nothing wrong is going on here" she said as she fake a smile before chuckling nervously


Feeling weirded out,both Wendy and Seulgi exchange a look before fixing their gaze unto the store owner with the same expression on their faces.


The store owner doesn't look convinced,  feeling suspicious she took a step near the three. But before she could be able to see the mess on the floor,Irene immediately block her way trying to get her attention.


Chuckling nervously,she reasoned out again"I told you,there's nothing going on here,ahjumma"


Still feeling suspicious,the store owner shifted her gaze from Irene to the two other girls standing behind her. Realizing the gesture,Irene immediately block the store owners vision with her face that startled the woman. Flashing her sweetest eye and teeth smile to distract the store owner's attention.


Reatreating back,the woman heave a sigh.


"Ok,I believe you. Just don't mess with the items,ok,kids?"


"Yes ahjumma! I'll assured you that" Irene said,giving the woman an 'ok'sign.


"Alright,I'll go back to the counter now" the older woman said as she turn her back from the three


Irene heave a sigh of relief as she saw the older woman walked away but her expression suddenly replaced by horror when she heard a screech sound behind her. She immediately turn her face around only to saw that the girl named Wendy accidentally stepped unto one of the items that scattered on the floor. They made an eye contact with Irene's eyes was about to popped out from it's socket.


"What was that?" She heard the store owner's voice coming back to their direction and that when she felt a sudden shiver down to her spine.


Oh Crap!



But to her surprised,before she could be able to turn her head to face the store owner again she had been drag outside the store.


"Hey!" That was the last word she heard from the older woman before they fully left the store.





It was a minute of running until they finally stop from their trance with Irene catching her breath and feeling exhausted. 

Feeling her breathing became normal again that's the time she lifted her head to face the person who drag her away from the store.

There,she was greeted by the two familiar faces. One with a hamster-like-face who was looking at her with her boring facial expression and the other one has a bear-like-face who was looking at her with her cutest eye smile.

Irene felt speechless and frozen because of the stare she is receiving right now.

They remained on that position for almost half a minute but not until Irene recompose herself first again

Clearing to release the awkwardness she started to talked again"ahm,you know let go of my wrist now" she carefully said pointing to the two hands that still holding both of her wrist


The two both knitted their eyebrows and look down to followed Irene gaze and when they realize what Irene's pointing to,they immediately loosen their hold unto the latter's wrist.

Finding the gesture cute,Irene left out a soft giggle


"I don't really know why you drag me out of that school supply store but still thank you for saving me" Irene thanks as she flashes her sweetest eye smile to the two


Feeling mesmerized both Seulgi and Wendy slightly tilted their head on the other side,anywhere but Irene.

Seeing the gesture,Irene smile grew wider but she manage to hide it. Surely she's enjoying the moment seeing the two felt embarassed.


"I need to go now. Thank's again for saving me" Irene said bowing her head a little as she turn her heels to the other direction.


She was in a middle of walking when she remember something that make her stop.

Seeing this,both Wendy and Seulgi exchange looks and when they face infront,Irene was walking to their direction again.


"Sorry but I think I forgot something"she said,fishing her hand inside her sling bag"Ms.Son?I think this is your school I.D" she added,handling the I.D to the said girl


Wendy immediately get the thing from Irene


"How did you get it?"


"Oh. I think you drop it last time"


"Last time?" Seulgi asked curiously"You saw each other before?" she added


Wendy was about to answered Seulgi's question but Irene chimed in


"Yes. Ms. Son here,also save my life last time we saw each other" 


"Oh. I didn't know your a hero now?" Seulgi teased giving her friend a mischevious smirk


Wendy roll her eyes to her friend before fixing her gaze on the girl infront of them again.


"And one more thing..."Irene started" I have another thing to give you"


"What is it?"


Irene slowly take a step near Wendy,on the other hand,Seulgi and Wendy give her a puzzle look but not until Wendy felt a sudden pain on her lower body when Irene hit her hard on her foot.

Wendy yelp in pain as she clutch unto her right foot while hopping on her spot like a bunny.


"That's my revenge. Thank you" Irene said as she immediately walk away while wearing her sweetest smile of achievement


"Brave girl" Seulgi said to no one

Hearing this Wendy immediately commented

"You mean violent girl!" she hissed,still feeling the pain on her right foot.


But Seulgi ignored the comment as she followed her gaze unto the girl who was walking happily on the other side of the street with a smile plastered on her face.






"Irene,you can do this! Inhale...exhale.." Irene chanted to herself before stepping inside the school gate unto the hallway of the school building with her head slightly lowered feeling uncomfortable with the stare and whispering of the students around her. 

After more than a minute of uncomfortble feeling and tortured she receive from walking in the crowd of students,Irene heave a sigh of relief when she arrived on the quiet part of the school building,the second floor where her classroom located


"Ms. Bae!" she heard someone called her name so she immediately turn her head to follow the source.


Walking towards her direction is her class adviser Kim Heechul who was wearing a wide smile on his face


"Adviser Kim" Irene said as she slightly bowed her head


"Oh. You look nice and pretty with that uniform" Heechul commented


Feeling shy of the compliment,Irene slightly bowed her head again and thanks the man. Finding the gesture cute,Heechul left out a soft chuckled


"Are you still felt nervous?" Heechul said as they started walking to the classroom


"Yeah,I'm trying not to but I just really can't help it" Irene replied honestly


"Don't worry,My class was one of the best class in school so I'm sure they will take good care of you well. And surely you will be challenge this year because your classmate were not that ordinary as you think...because mostly of them are included on the top rank of best student in the school!" Heechul proudly announced with a big smile.


Irene find the gestured weird but she just shrug it off


"I think what you just said sir didn't really help my situation. I think you just make it worst" Irene said honestly before giving her adviser a side glance


Heechul chuckled in embarrassment when he realize Irene was right


"Yeah. Sorry,Bae" he said before scratching his nape


"It's ok sir. I understand,you only want to ease my nervousness"


Heechul slightly nod his head before they come to a stop when they reach the front of the classroom


"Were here. Are you ready?"


Irene nodded her head


" Wait here a minute. I'll be right back" Heechul said before stepping inside the room with Irene remained standing outside.


"Calm down your nerves,Irene. You know you can do this right? Yeah! You can do this!" Irene cheered to herself before heaving a deep sigh


"Ms. Bae? You may come in now" Heechul called out 


Nervous. Irene slowly take her step inside the room

It was a moment of deafening silence. Almost all of the student stared at Irene with the same expressions on their faces.They were all in awe to see the mesmerizing beauty of the newcomer standing infront of them. 

Among all of them,there is someone who was looking at the said girl with a warm smile on her face.


"Class. I'd like you to meet your new classmate. Ms. Irene Bae. She's a transferee from Daegu. She passed the scholarship exam that the school offered a month ago that's why she's here now. "Heechul announced" Ms. Bae,you can formally introduced yourself now" he added


"Ahm,Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Irene Bae from Daegu. I hope we can get along and Please take care of me" she said before bowing her head 90 degree




"When I saw here earlier she's really beautiful but she's prettier upclose"

"Yeah,truly she is"


"Does she already have a boyfriend?"


"I will surely court her"

"No way! Surely she will never have an interest on you"

"What did you just said?!"


Student started to murmured,some where starting to fight and hit each other until the room were filled with a louder noise that is hard to handle.


"Class?" Heechul said trying to get his class attention's but all of them just ignored him and continue their noise. The man started to feel annoyed and his blood boil in anger. Feeling his face heat up,he abruptly slam both his hand on the teacher's table that startled everyone in the room including Irene who was standing just beside him.


"I said! KEEP QUIET!!!" He shouted angrily while shooting a piercing glare to everyone inside the room


Feeling the fear,student started to take their proper seats.

Heechul heave a frustrated sigh as he tried to calm his nerves.


"Alright! Ms. Bae,you may take your seat now" Heechul said calmly


Irene roam her eyes again around the room to find a vacant seat for her to sit in but Heechul's voice get her attention again


"You can take the seat behind Ms. Kang" he said"Ms.Kang? Could you please raise your right hand for Ms. Bae to identify you" he added


It was a moment of silence until everyone's gaze including Irene landed on the person sitting on the second to the last seat on the right side of the room who raises her hand's up. 

Irene was a little bit surprise to see the familiar face of the person who was looking at her with a warm smile on her face.


"Oh there you are. Ms. Bae,you may go to your seat now"


 Irene slightly bowed her head before taking her step towards her respective seat. Feeling uncomfortable again because of the attention she's getting right now.


As she arrived on her seat,she gently place her bag on the side of her desk before opening her book trying to distract her attention from the eyes of her classmates who were still looking at her.


What's wrong with my face? Why they keep on staring at me?  She asked herself


She thought they were all just keep their eyes looking at her until the end of the class but to her relief they started to look away from her and focus on the lesson infront.


Irene heave a long deep sigh but her attention suddenly been shifted to her right side where she saw that one of her classmate was class...?


Irene raised her eyebrows,shifting her gaze from the sleeping person to their teacher who is busy doing his lecture infront then back to the sleeping person



Is it ok to sleep in class?Why does they didn't stop her? Irene asked to herself again



"Don't worry she's just always like that" 


Someone in that startled Irene as she swiftly turn her head to face the person.

She felt her breathing hitch when she find out how close her and the person's face was


"W-what?" she manage to ask in a whisper,leaning back a little bit to put enough distance between their faces


"It's a normal thing"


"A normal thing? Sleeping in the middle of class is a normal thing?" she blunted factly causing the latter to chuckled softly but making sure it didn't disturb the classes.


"What I mean is..the teachers were used to it. Her,sleeping during class hour"


Irene's face twist a little in distate hearing how irresponsible this student is. Wasting her parent's effort and money in just sleeping in class.


"How could she be able to learn something if she's just sleeping?" Irene muttered but enough for the latter to hear. A wide smile spread on the person's face,feeling amaze of Irene's straightforwadness.


"You will surely surprise if I tell you that she is one of the top ranker in the whole campus"


"WHAt?!" She said in a loud voice because of too much surprise resulting for her to get everyone's attention inside the room.

"Ahm,s-sorry"Feeling embarrassed, Irene immediately apologize with a bow as she sit on her chair again with a smiling bear looking at her in disbelief while shooking her head trying to control her laughter


"Are you joking?" Irene asked


"Why would I?"


"I don't know"


"I told you,you will surely got surprised"


"How did she even do that?"


"Self-study" the person simply said


"Self-study?" Irene asked curiously


The latter nodded her head


"Believe it or not. She knows everything"


"Yes. Everything that we don't know"



"Ms. Son! Ms. Wendy Son?!" their teacher called out roaming his eyes around the small room trying to spot the person he's looking for.


It was a moment of silence not until someone lazily stand from her seat wearing her not-so-interested look.


"Oh there you are" the teacher said as he walked near the said person


While Everyone's eyes followed him


"Ms. Son? Could you give us your idea of what is an kinematic equations?" their teacher suddenly asked


"Kinematic equation? But he haven't  discussed it in class right?" Irene asked the person infront of her after scanning her books


"Yeah" the person simply replied with a big smile on her face as both of them glance at Wendy's direction


Wendy didn't uttered any words for a minute,she just stared at the man with her usual boring look before yawning and stretching her arms a little.



"The kinematic equations are a set of four equations that can be utilized to predict unknown information about an object's motion if other information is known. The equations can be utilized for any motion that can be described as being either a constant velocity motion or a constant acceleration motion. They can never be used over any time period during which the acceleration is changing.

Each of the kinematic equations include four variables. If the values of three of the four variables are known, then the value of the fourth variable can be calculated. In this manner, the kinematic equations provide a useful means of predicting information about an object's motion if other information is known.

For example, if the acceleration value and the initial and final velocity values of a skidding car is known, then the displacement of the car and the time can be predicted using the kinematic equations" Wendy simply stated


"Where did she get those information?" Irene questioned to no one as she scan her books again.


"I told you,she knows everything that we don't" the person answered


"Very good, Ms.Son." the teacher said with a smile of contentment on his face before walking infront again. Everyone were still in awe with their mouth hung open while Wendy on the other hand slump herself on her chair again before continuing with her nap.


 Irene glance at her still with her surprised expression


Maybe,adviser Kim was right. I'll surely be challenge this year in this class Irene thought







Hearing someone called her,Irene swiftly turn her head and she was greeted by the same bear-like-face earlier


"Hi. Irene right?"




"I remember,I didn't personally introduced myself earlier..."she said"I'm Kang Seulgi but you can call me Seulgi" she added while flashing her sweetest smile to Irene as she offered her hand for a handshake


Hesitating a little,Irene soon accepted the handshake


"This is not our first meeting right?"


"Yeah,we meet at the school supply store last time"


"I knew it,that's why you looks really familiar"


Embarrased,as she remember the things she has done last time,Irene slightly lowered her head


"Are you going to your dorm room now?"Seulgi suddenly asked




"Do you want me to walk you there?"


"What? Oh nonono it's ok" Irene declined the offer politely 


"I saw that your carrying that heavy things so I thought that it's better if I help you and walked you to your room" Seulgi confess


Irene hesitated again but seeing the sincerity on the latter's eyes and avoiding not to hurt her feelings,Irene soon agreed.


Seulgi helped Irene carrying her things and walked her to her room with Irene telling about how tough and tiring her first school day was while Seulgi was lending her her ears and sometimes giving her an advice. Until they reach the front of Irene's room


"This is my room" Irene announced as they stand face to face with each other"Thank you for helping me carrying my things and walking me here" she sincerely thanks


"Don't mention it" Seulgi answered with a smile


"Ahm,you can give me my things now" Irene carefully said gesturing to her things that still on Seulgi's hand


Realizing it,Seulgi gently handed back Irene's things to her" Sorry" she said before scratching her nape


Finding the gesture cute again,Irene left out a soft giggle causing Seulgi's smile to grew wider


"I get inside now. Thank's again for your help,Seulgi"

 Seulgi slightly nod her head before Irene unlocked the door and step inside the room then closing it after, leaving Seulgi that was smiling from ear to ear.







"Oh hey Wen!"


"Where have you been?" Wendy asked before Seulgi took the seat across her on the couch of their apartment


"I just go somewhere else" she replied with a smile still plastered on her face when the memories earlier flashes on her head.


Wendy knitted her brows in curiousity but she just shrug it off and lay herself comfortably on the couch,holding a magazine in her hand


"By the way,I have something to tell you" Wendy talked again,snapping Seulgi's thought


"What is it?"


"She's coming back" 


Seulgi knitted her eyebrows in confusion" She? Who are you talking about?"


Wendy suddenly closed the magazine she's holding in her hand. Returning on her sitting position before fixing her gaze to her bestfriend again with her serious face.










To be continued...








 P.S sorry for some typos






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Chapter 19: Still here ❤💛💙💚💜
Lialac_ #2
Chapter 17: Author are you still there ? still waiting for the update and waiting to see the happiness Wenrene deserve
Chapter 19: it's so nice author-nim :) waiting for your update pretty please :(
Chapter 19: Amazing!!!! I love the flow of the story ^ω^
So so greattt and Wenrene is love kyaaa
(灬♥ω♥灬) I'll be looking forward to the next chapter~~ ≧∇≦ Keep it up author-nim!!
Chapter 19: Will joygi go on a date or smtg
Eririn #6
Chapter 18: Did Irene move in to take care of Wendy. Awesome I'm looking forward to what might happen.
Chapter 18: Oh my. Im... Imagining the thing they do in bedroom..... Ya know
Chapter 17: Does hyeri gonna make her move once again?
Chapter 17: im in love with this story author-nim
Eririn #10
Chapter 17: I'm glad with the Wenrene fluff. I'm just wondering if anything else will happen since Irene made Wendy promise not to be a superhero again. What sort of exercise will Wendy need?