Chapter 13 (Final)


Author's Note

Hey guys, I'm so sorry that this chapter is late. I've been feeling really overwhelmed the past few days so I couldn't post this chapter.

Sorry for making you all wait. I hope you enjoy the final chapter!

L xxx


One year later


Sam smiled at the customer in front of her, handing the pretty, young girl her change. “Your coffee will be ready in a couple of minutes. I’ll bring it over to you.” The girl thanked her and took a seat. She turned to Jimin who had already started on the coffee. “I swear the café just keeps on getting busier and busier!” she said, pointing at the long queue of customers. Taehyung rushed past her with a tray full of cakes. Sam shouted after him with a smile, telling him to be careful.


Jimin chuckled and handed her the coffee. “Well, ever since they found out that your boyfriend is an internationally famous idol, they all want to come here in case they can meet him or someone else famous.” He said with a grin as their new part-timer, Jin, came out of the kitchen with a tray of delicious looking deserts. “They look amazing.” Jimin said as he reached out for one, only to get his hand slapped by the older boy. “Don’t touch unless you're buying!” he scolded, making the previously orange haired boy pout. “Mean.” He mumbled, making Sam laugh as she took the coffee out to her waiting customer.



Once the rush died down, Sam checked her phone, noticing a notification about an update on Namjoon's fan cafe. She clicked on the link, patiently waiting for it to load. She was thankful to Jimin and the others for teaching her Korean so that it was easier for her to keep up with his interviews. Having to wait for English subtitles and translations had been incredibly frustrating for her. The video finally loaded, it was a teaser for the interview he had told her was coming up.


She smiled as the interviewer asked him about the inspiration for his latest album and he replied that there was a certain girl that he had met and she had become his muse before becoming his girlfriend. A proud smile covered her face as she listened to him talk about her, on national TV. Jimin poked his head around to the kitchen, “It’s getting kinda busy out here again!” he called. She quickly stuffed her phone back into her pocket and hurried back out to help.



That night, she waited patiently for Namjoon to answer her call on Skype. He grinned at her as soon as the video connected. “Hey! I saw the teaser for your interview.” She said as she stretched out on her bed, propping her head up in her hands. He smiled at her. “Really? Wait until you see the whole thing. There’s even an acoustic version of ‘I need U’.” he said with a smile. She gasped, ‘I need U’ was her favourite song from the album. “An acoustic version? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” she half shouted in excitement, making him laugh. “If I'd told you then it wouldn’t have been a surprise!”


They chatted for a while longer, catching up on what had been happening over the past few days. “Are you resting and eating enough?” she asked as he yawned. He chuckled, finding her concern endearing. “Yes, Jagi.” He said, using the Korean term of endearment for her which made her smile. “Are you sure? If not, I’m gonna fly out there and beat your manager up.” she threatened. He chuckled, “Please don’t, he's already terrified of you.” He said with a chuckle, remembering when she had flown out to visit him a few months after he had returned to Korea and she had scolded his manager when she found out that he had been letting Namjoon sleep in his studio instead of making sure he was resting properly.


“Besides, I’d much rather just fly out to you and leave my manager behind.” he said, making her grin at him. “Well, my spare room is still free.” She taunted, knowing that if he visited that he would not require her spare room. He gave her a grin, “You know what? I think I feel another escape plan brewing…”


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Chapter 13: My feels <3 another great story!
Chapter 6: I haven't finished reading yet but can I just say that all the Jason's I've known in my life had been jackasses so you gave the perfect name for her ex <3 lol and Namjoon is seriously perfect boyfriend material
Chapter 9: It's hard to find good Namjoon ff, but somehow I thought about you and checked this out! It's sooo good!!! ^^
Namjoon really fits this story well! I really liked how you showed that inspiration doesn't come just because we want to. But it hits us when we are patient with ourselves! :)
Chapter 13: ......I'm crying, again. Why do I cry at every end of the story lol help me.
This is so beautiful, and relatable (although am no idol nor someone famous).
And Namjun fits the story really well <3
Ugh I really want to see the boys date freely, but it's just a hopeful thought... who are we kidding, crazy fans everywhere XD
The most we can get is blurry photos and official statement.
Chapter 13: Yay I finished this and I love it!!!! You know what I find it is s amusing to read a namjoon fics which is rare to be found. Because to put my mind and soul in imagining namjoon character being like this and that is surrealll <3
whitetulip9765 #6
Chapter 13: Ahhh that's the cutest ending... :-)
Chapter 13: Awwwww these cuties :3 glad the place wasnt set on fire when the fans found out she was the girlfriend lol.
Chapter 13: Aww, this was the perfect ending for this story! I loved it so much! ^^
I was so happy when Jin also showed up and became a part of their little group. Of course, he bakes those yummy baked goods because what else would he do? :) It was really cute when Jimin talked about the café's popularity and we could finally learn that Namjoon and Sam are still together. This last conversation was also extremely cute, I love this couple so much! *-* Bonus point for the last sentence as it's connected to the title. ^^
Thank you for this lovely story! I had such a fun time reading it! I can't wait to read your other stories, too! <3
Chapter 13: Awwhhh~ its over :'). I've been so busy recently so I disappeared but ive been reading a long every update and it has been a journey <3 still, I love how steady your story line always flows, its so perfect.

I'm so glad they stayed together :D even though its long distance, they seem to be coping perfectly with it, ahhh your character is a perfect fit for him!! I can imagine Namjoon in this very situation. (Also, jin joined the crew!!! Yas!). I see the comments getting infired for an escape, you're starting a cafe revolution xD people gonna be lining up looking for namjoon xD she is a lucky girl~
Another amazing story finished :) I cant believe how neat you keep everything, so organised and clear. Can't wait for your next one!
Chapter 13: lmaoo. this is nice, knowing where u wanna go when u just want to escape from everything in ur life. another great story, pretty.

now, i'm gonna sit and be a potato, thinking where is the best place to escape if i am namjoon. maybe a cafe is a nice start